
Vinyl Cuddle

Mar 29th, 2017
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  1. >Tap tap.
  2. "Mmreh..."
  3. >Tap tap tap.
  4. "Mmehp! Leave me alone..."
  5. >Tap tap.
  6. >"Come on dude, wake up."
  7. >Your eyes slowly creak open, crusted with a nights worth of shallow sleep.
  8. >Suddenly forced to adjust to the thin beams of light poking into the room, your entire body aches and moans as you sit up in bed, throwing your covers to the side.
  9. >A sudden rush of cold air against your shirtless body immediately makes you regret that decision.
  10. >Resisting the urge to dive back into the safety of your covers and shut out the outside world, you stretch out each of your limbs and look towards the source of the tapping.
  11. >A pure white pony leans on the edge of your bed, both forehooves resting against the mattress.
  12. >She stares at you with piercing red eyes through a violently blue mane draped over her face.
  13. >She bounces excitedly on her back hooves, tapping your bed in a hurried manner.
  14. >"Hurry up dude, I've almost got everything all set up!"
  15. "Hmmm? Wazzat? Whatrewedoing?"
  16. >"Ha! Good one. Wake up a little then come downstairs, this is gonna be rad."
  17. "Sure sure Vinyl, I'll be right down..."
  18. >A yawn accentuates your point as your roommate hops off the bed, quickly trotting out the door.
  19. >'What's up with her? Vinyl's never up this early, it's surprising to see her awake past one in the afternoon.'
  20. >You made a habit of always waking up before your roommate, she definitely wasn't a morning person.
  21. >You liked having her live with you, but she really had to get better at how she woke you up.
  22. >You throw your legs over the side of the cushion, planting your tired feet on the floor.
  23. "What was she talking about? It's too early to remember things."
  24. >The cheerful chirping of birds sounds off in your room while you gather your things, eventually deciding to put on a pair of pants and a shirt today.
  25. >While dressing, a delicious sweet smell invades your room, coaxing you through the open door.
  26. >It pulls you down the stairs, gently waking you up completely as you wander down to the source.
  27. >Reaching the bottom of the wooden steps and rounding the corner, you poke your head into the kitchen, eager to find anything to fill your very grumpy stomach.
  28. >A humming pony bobs her head to a permanent invisible beat as she carefully pulls a tray out of the open oven, gently resting it on the counter.
  29. >A sudden burst of wonderful smells fills the house, peaking your curiosity as to what's in the box while you watch her work.
  30. >Taking a side ways glance at the wall clock and frowning, she hastily lifts the hot tray into a cardboard box laid out on the counter.
  31. >A smile splits across her face when you enter the room, leaving the box for a moment to stare at you.
  32. >"You all ready to go? This is gonna be so rad, thanks for coming with me Anon.
  33. "Uuhh, yeah. No problem!"
  34. >You still have no idea what she's talking about, but it'd be rude to ask now.
  35. >Apparently you agreed to go somewhere with her, and you didn't want to disappoint her, of all ponies.
  36. >Pausing for a moment, she cocks her head at you, furrowing her brow in tight creases.
  37. >Her eyes run up and down your body, looking you all over.
  38. >"You're gonna go like that?"
  39. >Fuck.
  40. "What's wrong with it?"
  42. >"Nothing, nothing. You're just gonna look a little... interesting."
  43. "Oh yeah, because the green alien monkey thing doesn't have that effect already."
  44. >"Fair point."
  45. >Vinyl shrugs nonchalantly and returns to her box, levitating it off the counter and trotting past you to the living room.
  46. >Blindly following behind her to your mystery appointment, the two of you head to the already propped open door.
  47. >A warm breeze flies through the entrance, beckoning the perfect spring day into your house.
  48. >Before either one of you can leave, Vinyl suddenly freezes in her tracks, spinning around to face you.
  49. >"Anon, we almost forgot! Go grab that sheet from the closet, we'll definitely need it."
  50. "Y-Yeah, how could we forget that?"
  51. >Even more puzzled than before, you wander back to the hallway closet, grabbing out the thin, flat, rolled up extra sheet and tucking it under your arm.
  52. >Returning to the smiling pony, she adjusts her trademark shades and heads out the door, one strange looking creature with a small white sheet in hand behind her.
  53. >The two of you walk down the front steps and down the "shortcut" (read: sketchy) alleyway to the town square.
  54. >A usually peaceful place, the entire area is bustling with excitement for some reason, smiling ponies trotting this way and that in a huge mess of legs and hooves.
  55. >All of them seemed to have a purpose, like they were there for a specific reason.
  56. >Maybe noticing the confused look etched into your face, a familiar pink pony bounces over to the two of you, leaving a trail of energy behind her.
  57. >"Hiya Scratchy! What are you two up to?"
  58. >"We're headed out to the event, same place everypony else is."
  59. >"Really? I'll be there too! I'm super duper extra busy right now, I'll see you guys there, okay?"
  60. >"Rad, we'll be looking for you!"
  61. >With a quick, jerky wave Pinkie Pie hops away, bounding through the crowd seamlessly.
  62. >Turning back to you, Vinyl flashes a grin and a shrug, continuing on her path through the ponies.
  63. >By this point your head is filled with so many questions you were getting tired of asking them.
  65. >All you knew is that whatever this "event" was, it was at the park, considering that's where Vinyl was apparently leading you.
  66. >Somehow the park seems even more packed than the town, and you couldn't help but wonder where all these ponies even came from.
  67. >The only thing you can even think of in this section of the park is the....
  68. >"Theater stage!"
  69. >If you hadnt stopped yourself, you would've vocalized your "ah-ha!" moment and blown the whole thing.
  70. >Suddenly memories flood into your brain, bringing back everything.
  71. >At least a month ago Vinyl had come to you and asked if you wanted to go to a show with her.
  72. >Octavia was visiting from Canterlot and decided to put on a little show for her friends.
  73. >She had offered a personal invitation to the two of you, and you were excited about going, for a while.
  74. >Then you forgot about it, like usual.
  75. >Word had gotten out apparently, as the whole town was packed in to this little field.
  76. >Despite the mess of ponies, a modest square area was clearly sectioned off from the rest, marked with a sign.
  77. >"Reserved for: Vinyl Scratch and Anon Y Mous."
  78. >"Hey, I found it! Come on dude, let's get set up."
  79. >It took no time at all to lay out your meager provisions, a simple sheet to lay on and a box of muffins Vinyl had baked herself.
  80. >It wasn't but ten minutes after you finish setting up that a light grey pony crosses the stage with an usual solemn, professional look to a large wooden instrument in the center.
  81. >A dead silence hangs in the air, all eyes fixated on the lonely pony and her cello.
  82. >Suddenly, after an expectant pause, the show begins.
  83. >Hooves gently stroke across the strings, coaxing the most wonderful sounds from the instrument.
  84. >Slow moan leaks from the wood, pulling all ponies to the edge of their seats.
  85. >You however, were focused on something else.
  86. >A pony, no more than half your size, leaning against your arm, idly rubbing the soft fur of her cheek against your bicep.
  87. >You couldn't help but breathe a little quicker when she wraps her forelegs around your arm, mumbling and excuse about "being cold" while she watches the stage, starstruck.
  88. >Within the next five minutes minutes she had moved from next to you to under your arm, sharing her warmth with you.
  89. >You offered no hesitation in wrapping your arm around her shoulders, letting her huddle against the heat generator that was your chest.
  90. >You weren't sure if she was doing it on purpose or not, but you could hear soft purring noises around the sweet music from the stage.
  91. >The pillows of fluffy fur embraced you, even through your shirt.
  92. >She had a strangely sweet scent about her, and the way she held your hand between her hooves made you want more.
  93. >The two of you sat like this for the duration of the show, both enjoying the warmth of each other.
  94. >As the final cord is silenced, a roar of applause erupts through the small park, followed by cheering ponies.
  95. >The grey covered musician stands up, takes a small bow and trots off stage.
  96. >Another pony with a microphone comes on stage, announcing a shorticulture intermission.
  97. >The mass under your arm wriggles constantly until its laying across your lap, staring up at you from behind those thick shades.
  98. >"So, what do you think so far?"
  99. "She plays beautifully, I'm very impressed. You always talk about her skils, but this is the first time I've seen them up close."
  100. >"Yeah, she's always been good on that thing. I keep telling her to switch over to something more digital, but she isn't interested."
  101. >"I'm glad you're here though, I can just tell everyone I went to some classical music show for you, save some of my cred."
  102. "But I'll have to remember the time Vinyl Scratch, "Ponyville's most electric DJ", went to a classical concert."
  103. >"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever."
  104. >With a slight nudge and a nuzzle, the two of you settle in for the rest of the show.
  105. >Fin
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