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Nov 22nd, 2019
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  1. Hello Mistress Lucy! slave is honored to be given the oppurtunity to taint Mistresses eyes with his words. slave is extremly nervous writing to Mistress but he hopes he can make it. slave had to write his message in a pastebin since it was far too long for discord to allow so if Mistress would be willing to not reply until all slaves messages are posted (about 4 or so) slave would be grateful. slave will tell Mistress when hes done. slave apologizes in advance for the dm bombardment. Should this irritate Mistress, slave will brace himself for whatever punishment Mistress deems appropriate. slave just feels its important to get all this info out at once in his personal opinion. Slave will outline his info in the next message...
  3. Name: Tom
  5. age: 23 and a half
  7. gender: male
  9. kinks: Anything that isnt my limits
  11. limits: (This may seem like alot but most slaves arent very detailed in this section so slave will be genuine, detailed, and an open book)- Limits are physical pain, physically unhealthy things/activities, leaking too much identity, giving away external valuables (money, giftcards, purchasable items, etc.) - slave doesnt come from a particularly rich family. More limits include actions that could get slave into legal trouble, and finally, actions that could put slave in potential physical danger, identity theft danger, as well as legal danger (as noted earlier), slave swears on his very life he will do literally ANY other command Mistress gives. slave prays Mistress deigns to shower him with these ever so grossly priveledged luxuries. he will make up for it. slave gaurantees it. slave will show Mistress his picture in the next message...
  14. thank you for responding, and yea, im not good at socializing so i prefer not talking in chats. Before you take slave in, and before he officially become Mistresses property/tool/puppet/pawn/entertainment/toy/pet/slave/doormat/etc. slave would like to explain to Mistress why he feels this is his niche, and how he views his position. slave feel it would build a good foundation for our relationship, and Mistress be able to see if hes the type of slave Mistress desires.
  17. slave has a hard time coping in the world and his lack of ability to really connect with anyone causes him to be targeted or socially isolated. slave found himself lost and having no purpose. This is where Mistress comes in. slave craves having a purpose, or something to devote his life to. slave chose a Mistress because he also desperately craved human interaction, and if human interaction is the cornerstone of his life (interacting with Mistress), this will cure his empty, starving feelings. slave in the past has constantly been going around sharing his 90 minute manifesto read to people in the hopes of people pitying him or caring for him, but this slave found that didnt ever work. slave is not helped by his therapists. Because nobody really shares the absurd deformities in ways of socializing, or his absurd beliefs. slave has found, however (via intuition and imagining) that serving a Mistress, and being dominated, controlled, degraded, looked down on, ordered, etc. would give him these same feelings of closure, and security. slave has tried countless things via trial and error for far too long. This is the only way, and unlike most other "slaves" (on the internet at least), slave will be sure that he makes his experience with Mistress more than just a roleplay session, or just a kinky time. Don't get slave wrong, those things will probably be involved in my quest to please Mistress, but slave wants this to be more of a lifestyle. In other words, slave hopes to devote his life to Mistress, and worship Mistress as the number one thing in his life in every sense of the word.
  20. This is a VERY REAL scenario slave brings up with Mistress, and he just wanted to get Mistresses "OK" on this unique online lifestyle.
  21. slave hopes to treat this as close as a 24/7 servitude as possible, and slave is not trying to brag, but Mistress will have a very, VERY hard time finding a slave such as myself that is this devoted to being your property. That is how slave views his position as a slave and Mistresses position as his puppeteer.
  22. slave will now explain his backstory as a slave (or wannabe slave). It is not essential knowledge but slave feels its important to further build the base of our relationship (which you will absolutely dominate). slave hopped from discord to discord trying to find mistresses but kept getting attacked for being too needy, desperate, creepy, etc. and slave was forced to try and form friendships naturally to gradually get a mistress. slave has aspergers (and a very unique case of it, meaning this slave is both more competant than low functioning autists, but also much less competant...) slave kept getting banned and it hurts TERRIBLY. slave is used to having to be up against an army in each discord... slave isnt trying to throw a pity part, slave just feels he absolutely needs to build a solid base for our endeavors. Mistress is 100% in charge of our interactions. slave is trying so hard but he just not cut out for this world...its like he destroys the vases but misses the target. his effort is in he hopes to just run away and hide being property. slave needs to take a break due to stress/anxiety but as he does, he will return to be Mistresses bitch. Thank you, Mistress Lucy for reading all of this putrid writings from a dastardly subhuman dud.
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