
lang-en (ZeroMoneyKill)

Jun 14th, 2016
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  1. prefix: '&3[&9&lZero&3&lMoney&2&lKill&3]'
  2. help-setdeathcost: 'Set the cost when you are dead'
  3. help-setkillreward: 'Set the reward when you kill someone'
  4. help-setbonus: 'Set the bonus percentage or amount'
  5. help-reload: 'Reload the Language and Main Configuration'
  6. usage: '&cUsage: %e'
  7. error-reloading-configuration: '&cThere was an error reloading the configuration!'
  8. invalid-configuration: '&cYour configuration is incorrect! Please use http://www.yamllint.com/ to verify.'
  9. reloaded-configuration: '&aReloaded the Language and Main Configuration'
  10. set-deathcost: '&eYou have set the death cost to %e'
  11. set-killreward: '&eYou have set the kill reward to %e'
  12. set-bonuspercent: '&eYou have set the bonus percent to %e'
  13. set-bonusamount: '&eYou have set the bonus amount to %e'
  14. killed-player: '&eYou earned $%e for killing a player!'
  15. recieved-bonus: '&aBonus! You have earned $e more!'
  16. lost-money: '&cYou lost $%e for being killed!'
  17. percent-over-100: '&cPercent over 100! Has to be less or equal to'
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