
Handyman in Equestria CH 5

Jul 26th, 2013
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  1. >You stir in your recliner, ripped away from the bliss of sleep's sweet embrace by more knocking at your door.
  2. >What you wouldn't give for 5 more minutes...
  3. >Seems this was becoming a recurring theme in your life, being woken up by loud knocking at your door.
  4. “CLOSED!”
  5. >You pray it's enough to send them off. After the morning you had, today was a day off.
  6. >”Slacking off, Anon? When did you go soft on me?”
  7. >You painfully open your eyes to the raspy, tomboyish voice.
  8. “Door's open. Dash.”
  9. >The door swings open, Dash stands staring at your lifeless corpse.
  10. >”Wow, Anon. You look terrible.”
  11. >She smirks as you take a look at the clock.
  12. >Late afternoon already? Even for you, this was a late start.
  13. >You pull your recliner upright looking back to Dash.
  14. “Nice to see you too. What's up”
  15. >You stretch yourself into a yawn, mustering the strength to come to your feet.
  16. >”I thought I'd come by to pick up that book before heading back home. My bad for waking you up.”
  17. “No worries. Bout time I got to it anyway. Wait, weren't you guys supposed to leave a few hours ago?”
  18. >”Yeah, the rest of the girls took the train home already. Soarin and me decided to get lunch before I left, though.”
  19. “Oh. Right on...”
  20. >Another yawn.
  21. >”Yeah. So, about that book.”
  22. >You pull one of the drawers under your workbench open, pulling the book out and holding it up.
  23. >Her smile grows wider at the sight of it, flinging herself in your direction, hooves reached out to collect her prize.
  24. >Quickly, you swing the book back around and behind your back, giving her a deadly stare, recalling the 'other' thing she left behind.
  25. >She winces a little, scratching one of her forelegs with a hoof. She took the hint.
  26. >”I.. promise to use the bucket next time...”
  27. >You close your eyes and sigh. You don't know what it is about these confounded ponies, but you just can't stay mad at them for some reason.
  28. >You bring the book back to her as she smiles meekly, taking it close to her chest.
  29. >”Thanks, Anon...”
  30. “No worries Dash. So Soarin wasn't mad you spent the night?”
  31. >It takes her a second to see where you were going. A smirk soon follows.
  32. >”Nah. He was cool. As soon as I told him I spent the night at your place, he seemed to calm down.”
  33. “Oh?”
  34. >”Well, yeah. He said something about you being the only one in Canterlot he didn't have to worry about, or something. 'Busy playing with your wood'.”
  35. >Your eye twitches at the comment. Et tu, Soarin?
  36. >She giggles at your reaction to the jab.
  37. >”Don't take it so hard, Anon. He was just kidding.”
  38. >She pats the side of your shoulder with a hoof before making her way to the door.
  39. >”Well thanks for taking care of my book, Anon. I'll see you...”
  40. >Seems something caught her attention. She stops mid aid and turn to your counter.
  41. >”Hey! Is that Gentle Jack?!”
  42. >You notice you failed to put Barley's little present away last night.
  43. “Yeah, a gift from that bartender I introduced you too.”
  44. >She turns to you with a devilish grin.
  45. >”Well?”
  46. “Well what?”
  47. >”You're not going to offer a mare a drink? Jeez, Anon. I thought you were the well mannered type.”
  48. >She turns her nose into the air in playful annoyance.
  49. >You decide that one more dig wouldn't hurt.
  50. “Aw, come on, Dash. I just got my floor cleaned up!”
  51. >You smile in superiority.
  52. >Seems the sarcasm wasn't lost on her. She scrunches her nose in frustration while blushing slightly in embarrassment.
  53. >”Get over it will ya? We're having a drink!”
  54. >She tosses her book on the counter with a loud thud and makes for the kitchen.
  55. >She returns shortly with 2 rocks glasses, ice included.
  56. >What the hell? It was almost evening, anyway.
  57. “One drink.”
  58. >”That's the Anon I know!”
  59. >You grab the bottle and pour a glass for you and dash, taking a seat at your work bench, Dash claiming the recliner.
  60. >”You know, Applejack's family makes this stuff. You should come to Ponyville when you have some time to check out her farm.”
  61. >That's right... You always loved Applejack Daniels whiskey. You're surprised you didn't put two and two together when you met her at breakfast.
  62. “No shit? Maybe I will.”
  63. >”Cool. They all seemed to like you. I'm sure they'd love to have you around. Just let me know. Pinkie will probably want to throw you a party.”
  64. >You swill a little of the whiskey. This stuff really was good...
  65. “Right, Miss 20 Questions...”
  66. >Dash chuckles at your jab.
  67. >”Yeah, that's just Pinkie. She's a lot of fun though.”
  68. “What about that Fluttershy, character? I didn't hear a peep out of her the entire time we were at breakfast.”
  69. >Seems you caught her with a tough question mid swig. She coughs a little before wiping her foreleg.
  70. >”Yeah... Fluttershy isn't really the talkative type...”
  71. “That much I could tell. What's with the staring though?”
  72. >She scratches the back of her head a little, turning her head away from you for a second.
  73. >”How should I put this... She has a... Thing for animals.”
  74. “I don't follow.”
  75. >”I mean she has a THING for animals...”
  76. >Her inflection is all the hint you need.
  77. “Oh. Oooh!”
  78. “Wait, are you calling me an animal?”
  79. >Dash giggles. Returning to her drink.
  80. >”Well you're not exactly a pony, Anon. I'm sure she was just curious.”
  81. >Well, you weren't expecting that. You make a mental note for future reference.
  82. >”Yeah. My advice, try not to be caught alone with her. She's super nice. Just a little...”
  83. “It's always the quiet ones right?”
  84. >She chuckles again, a little more nervously.
  85. >”You could say that.”
  86. “Thanks for the heads up.”
  87. >The two of you continue to enjoy the drink before Rainbow Dash takes on a more curious look.
  88. >”Hey, Anon. Mind if I ask you something?”
  89. “Shoot.”
  90. >”Earlier at breakfast. It looked like Princess Luna was a little ticked off at you. What was that all about?”
  91. >You almost spit whiskey all over your friend. It would serve her right for the stunt she pulled the other night at the tavern, but you hold back to a loud snort.
  92. “Uhh. Yeah. She was just a little pissed about something. Every thing's fine, though. No big deal.”
  93. >You pray to the powers that be that she gets bored of the subject and moves on.
  94. >”Anon...”
  95. >You curse the powers that be.
  96. “Yeah?”
  97. >She looks at you with the look of a mother who knows when her son done goofed and wants the full story.
  98. >She picks up her glass and holds it firm, slowly beginning to tilt it to the side.
  99. “Dash...”
  100. >She tilts the glass more and more. She's made it abundantly clear that she's willing to empty the glass all over your prized chair.
  101. >You're favorite chair.
  102. >The alcohol would ruin the cloth. You'd have to have it reupholstered! It was perfectly broken in, too!
  103. >You curse this land of Laffy Taffy ponies for ignoring the clear superiority of leather.
  104. >You slowly get up from the bench. Taking light strides towards dash, hands out in front, negotiating for the life of you precious recliner.
  105. “Dash, let's just talk about this...”
  106. >The action causes Dash's hoof to jerk a little, almost sending a drop over the edge of the glass.
  107. >This stops you dead.
  108. >”Yes. Lets.”
  109. >Her eyes are cold as ice. She means business.
  110. >You throw your hands up in defeat while sitting back on the bench.
  111. >”You were saying?”
  112. >...
  113. “She was jermmph.”
  114. >”I didn't catch that.”
  115. “She was jealous that I scrrmfrehrmm.”
  116. >Dash's expression becomes even more stern.
  117. >”Anon. Celestia as my witness, I will do it.”
  118. >She tilts the glass even further, only stopping once the liquid was as the sbolute edge of the glass.
  119. >In a fit of panic, you allow the cat out of the bag.
  120. ”She was jealous that I scratched your head at breakfast!"
  121. >You wince heavily at the outburst. Only turning back to make sure that Dash hadn't done the unthinkable.
  122. >She hadn't. She slowly places the glass onto the small table at the side of your recliner and continues to stare at you with wide open eyes.
  123. >A brief pause continues before you see the bottom of her eyes start to raise a little. The corners of her mouth follow suit.
  124. >Here it fucking comes.
  125. >”BAAHAHAHA!”
  126. >Dash is now rolling around on your, albeit, dry chair.
  127. >You move to refill your glass. You start to wonder if the chair would have looked better in another color.
  128. >One laugh tantrum later, Dash finally remembers how to form a sentence.
  129. >”...Oh man, Anon! …That's rich.”
  130. >You you drown your frustration in another swig.
  131. >With friends like this, you're glad you didn't have any enemies.
  132. >”I mean. I knew you two were chummy, but I didn't know you actually went for it!”
  133. >You do your best to initiate some damage control.
  134. “Whoah! It's not like that. We're just friends.”
  135. >”Haha! Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, Anon...”
  136. “Seriously Dash. It's not like that.”
  137. >She's almost at tears by now.
  138. >”Totally... So is she still mad?”
  139. >You lean back on the bench, your back pressing against the table as you down the rest of your drink.
  140. “I don't think so.”
  141. >You pull out a cigarette and light it on the nearby lamp.
  142. >The smoke does little to unrustle your jimmies at this point.
  143. >”What'd you do to get back on her good side?”
  144. “I invited her to a show at the amphitheater tomorrow.”
  145. >You expect something from Dash, but she's oddly quiet.
  146. >You turn to look at her. She's staring at you wide eyed and slack jawed.
  147. >”You're going on a date? You... Anon... Are going on a date?! With Princess Luna?!?!”
  148. “It's not a date, Dash.”
  149. >And she's back to dead pan.
  150. >”How is this not a date?”
  151. >You open your mouth to respond, stopping before words have a chance to come.
  152. >The little shit had a point.
  153. >”That's what I thought. Man, Anon, you're like a colt sometimes, you know that.”
  154. “At least I can make it to the sink.”
  155. >She shoots you an annoyed glare, softening it only to continue her interrogation.
  156. >”So what are you going to see?”
  157. “A musician friend of mine. She's doing a midnight show, so I thought Luna would be be able to come along.”
  158. >Dash raises an eyebrow.
  159. >”She?”
  160. “Lyra. You met her once a while back, didn't you?”
  161. >Dash sighs heavily, rubbing her face with a hoof.
  162. >She finishes the rest of her glass, her face growing stern again.
  163. >She picks herself up and drops off the chair, making her way to the door after grabbing her book.
  164. “Hey. where are you going?”
  165. >”This is about all I can handle for one day, Anon. Have fun tomorrow...”
  166. >You're curious what brought this about.
  167. “Alright, I guess. Tell Soarin I said hello.”
  168. >”Sure thing, Anon. Let me know if you ever want to come hang out in Ponyville.”
  169. >She shoots you a quick grin before exiting the workshop and flying off out of sight.
  170. >That blue cunt is going to be the death of you...
  171. >You finish the last drag the cigarette would allow before turning your attention back to the pile of wood spread across the workshop floor.
  172. >You figure you've had enough of this subject.
  173. >It's about time you got started on the dining room set. You'd slacked off enough as it is and the night is still young.
  174. >You mull over the sketches and measurements before beginning to pencil out the cuts.
  175. >As you start to make the rough cuts, bringing boards and blocks to more manageable sizes, something pulls your attention away.
  176. >What Dash had said seems to be weighing on your mind.
  177. >You hadn't intended it to be a date, but the everything seemed to point to that being the case.
  178. >You wonder what Luna thought of all this.
  179. >It's doubtful someone like her would take the gesture so seriously.
  180. >But then why did she take the thing with Dash so seriously?
  181. “Aurgh...”
  182. >You shake your head, as if the to somehow jostle the thoughts loose.
  183. >With no success, you bring yourself away from your work and make your way to the record player.
  184. >Music was always good for helping you get into the rhythm.
  185. >You pick out an album that Dash lent you a while ago. You hope she's forgotten about it by now.
  186. >Some DJ from Manehattan is on the cover.
  187. >As you drop the needle, the workshop becomes flooded with the heavy beat of house music.
  188. >You let the music replace any thoughts you might have about what you and Dash chatted about.
  189. >As the music takes hold, you start to find your groove. Continuing where you had left off.
  190. >The music is accented with the pounding, sawing and scraping of tool on wood.
  191. >You're finally making some head way.
  192. >Hours seem to fly by as you continue your progress.
  193. >The sun continues it's decent as you work.
  194. >It's close to 10pm by now. You're satisfied enough with your progress that you feel you've earned your dinner.
  195. >You dust yourself off and kill the record player, pulling out another cigarette as you make your way to the kitchen.
  196. >Just before you're hand reaches the refrigerator, another series of loud knocks pulls your attention.
  197. “You've got to be fucking kidding me...”
  198. >Since when did you become Mr. Popular?
  199. >You pocket the cigarette and answer the door. Annoyance is coursing through you by now.
  200. >One day of uninterrupted work. That's all you were asking for...
  201. >You open the door to see who it was, being greeted with a set of beaming, golden eyes.
  202. “Lyra?
  203. >She smiles ear to ear.
  204. >”Hey, Anon!”
  205. >You turn back to the clock. Sure enough. 10 motherfucking o'clock.
  206. “What brings you hear so late?”
  207. >Her smile becomes a little more sheepish, a faint blush appears, but is barely noticeable in the night.
  208. >”Well. I was working on a song for tomorrow night and wondered if you wouldn't mind giving me your opinions on it.”
  209. >Why now? Why you?
  210. >”I promise it won't take long.”
  211. >Her eyes grow a little desperate. No way you were getting out of this one.
  212. “Sure, what the hell. I was about to take a second to get some dinner.”
  213. >She squees in excitement as she rushes past you and into the workshop, her saddlebag emitting dead plonks and plinks, probably from her lyre.
  214. >It was still mad cute, though.
  215. >This fucking mare always did manage to put you in a better mood. You warm up to the idea of taking a little break.
  216. >The door closes behind you as you walk back into the workshop.
  217. >You think back to what Barley has said.
  218. >Something about having someone around not being so bad, or some sappy silliness.
  219. >Come to think of it, Dash was the only pony who ever hung out while you worked.
  220. >You pause for a second and look over to Lyra, who is now sitting on your chair, tuning her lyre.
  221. >She returns your look with a smile.
  222. >"Something wrong, Anon?"
  223. >You smile a little.
  224. "Nothing."
  225. >Maybe you could do with the company tonight. Besides, what could one song hurt?
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