

Dec 31st, 2019
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  2. /arkg/ - ARK: Survival Evolved vs. /dcg/ - Destiny Child
  3. /r6g/ - Rainbow Six vs. /ptg/ - Pokken Tournament
  4. /gerg/ - Giant Extreme Robots vs. /dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress
  5. /slg/ - Second Life vs. /CRT/ - CRTs (/vr/)
  6. /bdog/ - Black Desert Online vs. /ink/ - Splatoon
  7. /3dsg/ - Nintendo 3DS vs. /tesog/ - The Elder Scrolls Online
  8. /pubg/ - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds vs. /rwg/ - Rimworld
  9. /doom/ - Doom vs. /dbhg/ - Detroit: Become Human
  10. /nepgen/ - Neptunia vs. /dbg/ - Dragon Ball
  11. /hig/ - Honkai Impact vs. /dfog/ - Dungeon Fighter
  12. /edg/ - Elite Dangerous vs. /foxg/ - Foxhole
  13. /v2g/ - Victoria II vs. /ssg/ - Soccer Spirits
  14. /ccg/ - Cookie Clicker vs. /xgg/ - Xenogames
  15. /hotsg/ - Heroes of the Storm vs. /sg/ - S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  16. /xcg/ - XCOM vs. /gigg/ - Gigantic
  17. /neog/ - SNK & NeoGeo vs. /リリフレ/ - Lily Friends
  18. /hsg/ - Hearthstone vs. /ng/ - Nioh
  19. /pdg/ - Payday: The Heist vs. /ceg/ - Conan Exiles
  20. /nintyg/ - Nintendo vs. /boig/ - Binding of Isaac
  21. /acg/ - Armored Core vs. /scv/ - StarCraft 2
  22. /krg/ - King's Raid vs. /mggg/ - Monster Girl Games
  23. /nosg/ - Nostalrius vs. /acg/ - Animal Crossing
  24. /sog/ - Steel Ocean Admiral vs. /srg/ - Speedrunning
  25. /mgqg/ - Monster Girl Quest vs. /vn/ - Visual Novel
  26. /wpsg/ - World of Warcraft Private Servers vs. /lolg/ - League of Legends
  27. /mbg/ - Mount & Blade vs. /wtg/ - War Thunder
  28. /xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV vs. /smtg/ - Shin Megami Tensei
  29. /svg/ - Shadowverse vs. /sage/ - Pokemon Sage (/vp/)
  30. /mii/ - Miitomo vs. /cmg/ - Custom Maid
  31. /eog/ - Eve Online vs. /hkg/ - Hollow Knight
  32. /sword/ - Touken Ranbu vs. /vitagen/ - Playstation Vita
  33. /aa2g/ - Artificial Academy 2 vs. /padg/ - Puzzles & Dragons
  34. /rfhmg/ - Rune Factory & Harvest Moon vs. /bsg/ - Bioshock
  35. /5N@F/ - Five Nights at Freddy's vs. /mk8g/ - Mario Kart 8
  36. /awg/ - Armored Warfare vs. /dyg/ - Duelyst
  37. /sfg/ - Skyforge vs. /wotg/ - World of Tanks
  38. /rhg/ - ROM Hacking (/vr/) vs. /ms2g/ - Maplestory 2
  39. /aag/ - Ace Attorney vs. /poclo/ - Pokemon Clover (/vp/)
  40. /cgg/ - Cuhrayzee Games vs. /rog/ - Ragnarok Online
  41. /ps2g/ - Planetside 2 vs. /emugen/ - Emulation
  42. /hgg2d/ - 2D Hentai Games vs. /drg/ - Danganronpa
  43. /tnm/ - Toji no Miko: Kizamishi Issen no Tomoshibi vs. /sub/ - Subnautica
  44. /palg/ - Paladins vs. /tswg/ - The Secret World
  45. /gw2g/ - Guild Wars 2 vs. /indie/ - Indie and Misc. Games
  46. /xbcxg/ - Xenoblade Chronicles X vs. /vindig/ - Vindictus
  47. /wowcg/ - World of Warcraft Classic vs. /aceg/ - Ace Combat
  48. /revue/ - Revue Starlight Re LIVE vs. /smgen/ - SMITE
  49. /tog/ - Tales of… vs. /drag/ - Dragalia Lost
  50. /pg/ - Persona vs. /rpgmg/ - RPG Maker
  51. /hgg/ - Hentai Games vs. /msg/ - Maplestory
  52. /scg/ - Star Citizen vs. /wfg/ - Warframe
  53. /pcrg/ - Princess Connect vs. /asg/ - Absolver
  54. /simg/ - Simulation Games vs. /reg/ - Roblox Empire
  55. /bowgen/ - Bowsette/Super Crown ROM Hacks and Games vs. /coxg/ - City of Heroes
  56. /tosg/ - Tree of Savior vs. /ssbg/ - Super Smash Bros.
  57. /e7g/ - Epic Seven vs. /civ4xg/ - Strategy/4x
  58. /fg/ - Falcom vs. /ps4g/ - PlayStation 4
  59. /twg/ - Total War vs. /soul/ - SoulCalibur
  60. /utg/ - Undertale vs. /digi/ - Digimon
  61. /mgg/ - Metal Gear vs. /reg/ - Resident Evil
  62. /blaz/ - BlazBlue vs. /@/ - iDOLM@STER
  63. /fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order vs. /feg/ - Fire Emblem
  64. /ndg/ - NieR/Drakengard vs. /sing/ - SINoALICE
  65. /dag/ - Dragon Age vs. /pmmm/ - Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record
  66. /assg/ - Assymetrical Slasher Series vs. /igg/ - Idle Games
  67. /pgg/ - Pokemon Go (/vp/) vs. /mhaug/ - Mordhau
  68. /ggg/ - Guilty Gear vs. /dlg/ - Duel Links (formerly /dng/)
  69. /osg/ - Oldschool Runescape vs. /cbg/ - City Building Games
  70. /poeg/ - Path of Exile vs. /fhg/ - For Honor
  71. /eagg/ - East Asian Genocide vs. /lhg/ - Light's Hope
  72. /hg/ - Halo vs. /swgg/ - Star Wars Games
  73. /rlg/ - Roguelike vs. /d3g/ - Diablo III
  74. /lang/ - Langrisser vs. /mmg/ - Mega Man
  75. /a3g/ - Arma 3 vs. /hpgg/ - Harry Potter Games
  76. /tbg/ - Terra Battle 1 & 2 vs. /wkg/ - Wakfu
  77. /yyy/ - Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Hanayui no Kirameki vs. /2hug/ - Touhou Project
  78. /nisg/ - Nippon Ichi Software vs. /hanny/ - Alicesoft/Rance
  79. /terag/ - Tera vs. /blg/ - BL + Otome
  80. /ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club vs. /bfg/ - Battlefield
  81. /csgog/ - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive vs. /optcg/ - One Piece Treasure Cruise
  82. /hlg/ - Half-Life vs. /mtgag/ - Magic: The Gathering Area
  83. /sd/ - Showderp (/vp/) vs. /eog/ - Etrian Odyssey
  84. /elg/ - Elsword vs. /mkg/ - Mobile Kanojos
  85. /codg/ - Call of Duty vs. /kfg/ - Killing Floor
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