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Aug 20th, 2017
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  2. ReverseFlash: i already told you from my old account, and hinted it to you
  3. Nephritho: he is a tumblr celeb
  4. Maci: <o< Oh well~
  5. ReverseFlash: i used to be LadyWolverine on my old account
  6. Maci: Those blogs are lame .o.
  7. ReverseFlash: @nero
  8. Nero: ohhh it's you man
  9. Nephritho: mr idiot
  10. Nero: fucking hell
  11. Nero: i should have realised
  12. Nero: this happens every time
  13. Nero: lol mr idiot
  14. ReverseFlash: yeah not an original name to give out
  15. Nephritho: that's what they call him on idiots of imvu.
  16. Nero: I wonder who was the first
  17. Nephritho: and yet I am not on the tumblr
  18. Nero: to put you on the tumblr
  19. Nero: i have been part of a screenshot that wasn't to do with me on that tumblr
  20. Nero: thats ittt. i think it was with teh koriandre drama
  21. Maci: I think that blog is dead now :o
  22. Nero: koriandr*
  23. Nephritho: let's check it out
  24. ReverseFlash: i have no idea, whoever did needs to kill themselves for making me popular
  25. Maci: There is a new blog around, mainly targetting badgers and artists.. it's called burningbadgers
  26. Nero: looks like they're still going
  27. ReverseFlash: @nero
  28. Nero: lol
  29. Maci: It's so childish.
  30. ReverseFlash: ^
  31. Nero: cuz i remember you kept getting mentioned on the blog man
  32. Nero: alll the timeeee
  33. KillerFrostBite: why badgers
  34. Nephritho: nope still active
  35. Maci: To talk smack about somebody behind "anon" is immature. To talk smack at all is immature itself.
  36. Nero: can't you guess who done it?
  37. Nero: someone must not like you
  38. Nephritho: smack
  39. ReverseFlash: or someone stalking me
  40. Nephritho: -immature now-
  41. Maci: SHUT UP NEPH
  42. Maci: Lmao
  43. Nephritho: xD
  44. Nero: LOL you're on the blog man
  45. Nero: who did you have drama with mr idiot
  46. Nero: someone screenshotted your text chats
  47. ReverseFlash: whoever has me on their blocked list and has old messages
  48. Nero: you married to an ex wot
  49. Maci: ...How many people is that? o.o
  50. ReverseFlash: and can you not call me mr. idiot, als they only assume i am married an ex
  51. ReverseFlash: also**
  52. Nero: okay lol
  53. Nero: what should be call you then
  54. Nero: wolverine
  55. Nero: logan?
  56. ReverseFlash: by my user
  57. Nero: too many names maaaan
  58. ReverseFlash: Reverse
  59. Nero: you need a nick name
  60. Maci: But, you change it so much ;_;
  61. Maci: Can't we call you fluffy or something?
  62. Nero: rofl
  63. ReverseFlash: this is my divorced name so again i am giving you the choice, reverse or thawne
  64. Nero: divoerced name zz
  65. ReverseFlash: litterally it is
  66. ReverseFlash: dc wise thawne is divorced
  67. Nero: mr idiot lmao
  68. ReverseFlash: i litterally found a name i like
  69. Nero: Ill call you Mr Driver
  70. ReverseFlash: why be so childish like the blog?
  71. ReverseFlash: you're better then them, you know better than them
  72. Nero: who me
  73. Nero: im just a kid
  74. ReverseFlash: you and maci
  75. ReverseFlash: don't lie, you're an adult
  76. Maci: Woah, Leave me out of this.
  77. Nero: is it
  78. Maci: I want nothing to do with that. I'm sorry.
  79. Nero: lol
  80. ReverseFlash: you asked if you could call me fluffy
  81. Nero: chilllllax
  82. ReverseFlash: .-.
  83. Maci: It's a geniune question, As I like giving nicknames- it's easier to keep up with
  84. Maci: Like, Neph's Nickname is Nipple.
  85. Nero: it's obvious all yoru ex's are the ones putting you on the blog
  86. Nero: your*
  87. Nero: nipple
  88. Maci: Well, that one is just a Joke one- because I'm a playful person
  89. Nero: unlucky there m8
  90. Nero: my nickname is faggot
  91. Nero: see
  92. Nero: nothign to get upset about
  93. Maci: But, Seriously keep me out of the drama. I dislike being dragged into the water. ^^;
  94. ReverseFlash: well i don't do nicknames like those
  95. ReverseFlash: i am above that
  96. Nero: ooooo
  97. Maci: Seriously, Don't give me that tone. I'd rather not be in drama.
  98. Maci: I'm asking you nicely. ^^;
  99. ReverseFlash: i know but it was nero who brought up the drama , not me
  100. ReverseFlash: :/
  101. Nero: chilllax
  102. Nero: zzz
  103. KillerFrostBite: ?
  104. KillerFrostBite: did i miss something
  105. ReverseFlash: if you're also going to boot me thinking i am drama and because that blog, then you're no better than the blog itself
  106. Nero: no one said that lol
  107. Maci: You, Seriously, Need to stop.
  108. Nero: you sound like you feel bad about it man
  109. Nero: it's ok
  110. Nero: we dont' care about your drama
  111. ReverseFlash: only gives bulla more thinking of giving me an immunity again
  112. Maci: There is only so much, somebody can take.
  113. CapsuleCorporation: The fact that bringing something so silly as a.. blog.. is rather.. trivial. It really means nothing. just my two cents.
  114. ReverseFlash: you know who else was on the blog? selene was too
  115. Maci: ^^; Please, Don't make me message Bulla an apology for future actions.
  116. Nephritho: what I missed?
  117. ReverseFlash: so was breck too just saying
  118. Nero: lmao
  119. Nero: all of u guys on the blog
  120. ReverseFlash: yet you're not down his ass about it or on selene's
  121. Nero: the blog is causing problems
  122. Nero: rofl
  123. Nephritho: what about mt ass?
  124. Nephritho: my*
  125. Maci: You haven't been mentioned on the fucking Blog in a long while, Fucking Drop it.
  126. Nephritho: v3v
  127. Nero: runing lives
  128. ReverseFlash: i know it was nero who brought it up
  129. Nephritho: -sit in a dark corner making circles with his finger
  130. Nero: and you got upset
  131. Nero: zz
  132. Maci: I don't give a flying fucking sausage, End it.
  133. Nero: if selene was here she would say
  134. Nero: the one talking about it most is the one that is troubled by it
  135. CapsuleCorporation: sausage
  136. CapsuleCorporation: lol
  137. ReverseFlash: she's multi-tasking right now
  138. Maci: Lol Baroeda, you nut ♥ >u<
  139. Maci: Is it over? Are we done now?
  140. CapsuleCorporation: Hang on.. Let me put it in my blog
  141. CapsuleCorporation: (doesnt have one)
  142. ReverseFlash: i was done after/before nero started
  143. Nephritho: -blinks-
  144. ReverseFlash: :I
  145. Maci: Than shuddup about it. ^^♥
  146. ReverseFlash: why?
  147. CapsuleCorporation: -yawns-
  148. Nephritho: -bites maci's face-
  149. Nero: now blaming me
  150. ReverseFlash: well it kind of is your fault for bring it up
  151. Nero: rofl
  152. KillerFrostBite: ............
  153. Nero: it's okay you can blame me
  154. Maci: ;_; why my face? Nephy?
  155. ReverseFlash: glad you admit nero
  156. Nephritho: -while biting her face he licks her-
  157. Nero: yeah cuz you getting so upset by it
  158. Nephritho: because you would bitch if it was your tit
  159. Maci: LOL
  160. Maci: True, True.
  161. ReverseFlash: it's also causing drama when it's being mention, so drop it please nero? no more?
  162. Nephritho: -was pretty sure I was the one that said anything about the blog-
  163. Nero: you're still going
  164. Nero: LOL
  165. Nephritho: :T
  166. Nero: you need that last word in don't you
  167. Nero: zz
  168. Nephritho: yup
  169. ReverseFlash: just agree, we're all human here
  170. Nephritho: c-c
  171. Nero: and dropping the key word drama
  172. Nero: like people care
  173. Nero: yikes buddie
  174. ReverseFlash: it's the main thing people do not like
  175. Nephritho: frosty, calm your tits
  176. KillerFrostBite: scans neph-
  177. CapsuleCorporation: -picks a bullet from his cheek- meeeeeh
  178. Nephritho: -flips her off-
  179. ReverseFlash: brb
  180. Nephritho: tyt
  181. Nero: this guy man rofl
  182. MeyRinn: I am doing chores so
  183. MeyRinn: Sorry if im not talking
  184. MeyRinn: just came out of a painful shower e.e;;
  185. MeyRinn: LOL.
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