
Just a little story

Dec 8th, 2016
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  1. 'What a day, eh Carrots?'
  2. 'Yep.'
  3. 'That riot in Pack Street... we were lucky Rhinowitz and Francine were there.'
  4. 'Exactly. I almost lost a tooth because of that damn bear. But your mother was happy to see us, wasn't she?'
  5. 'Right. I'm more surprised that your parents got along so well with a vixen. I thought they would have already tasered her by the time we arrived.'
  6. Judy jokingly punched the fox.
  7. 'Come on Nick, you know that's not true!'
  8. 'Ouch! You're gonna make me crash the car with punches like this! I hope I didn't catch anyone by going through that puddle...'
  9. 'Hey, Nick, look! It's Finnick! Hey Finnick!'
  10. 'It seems he didn't heard you. Strange, with ears like his. Oh! The snow is getting worse again. I... don't know if I can reach your home in these conditions. My place?'
  11. 'You bet, sly fox.'
  14. They quickly arrived at destination, the car easily moving on the now white roads.
  15. 'Aaah, warm! Nothing beats the warmth of one's own home!'
  16. After changing into more comfortable clothes the fox and bunny duo moved toward the bedroom, a bowl under Nick's arm.
  17. 'Remind me... mmm... to thank your parents again for these.'
  18. 'Hey, leave some for me!'
  19. Laughing, they fell on the bed, Nick trying to save the fruits from the grasps of the doe.
  20. Quickly, taking advantage of the tangle of bodies, Judy pulled Nick in a hug, nuzzling the fur of his neck.
  21. 'I love this new coat you've got! It is so warm and fuzzy!'
  22. 'Yeah, maybe a little too warm.'
  23. 'Don't be like that, you are like a big plushie!'
  24. After a while she pulled her muzzle out from his fur.
  25. 'So, what are we doing tonight?'
  26. 'Well, winter is fox mating season...'
  27. 'Nick!'
  28. 'Okay, okay, I am kidding! How about a film?'
  29. 'Yes!' said Judy.
  30. Nick began rummaging in an old cardboard box.
  31. 'Let's see... I have Howlander, Giraffic World, Hook... Carrots which do you want?'
  32. No answer.
  33. 'Carrots? Judy?'
  34. He looked at the bed.
  35. The bunny was lying on it, quietly sleeping.
  36. With utmost carefulness Nick laid down the disks and approached the sleeping doe.
  37. He embraced her, feeling her weight resting on his arms and torso.
  38. Judy.
  39. So much had happened since he met her.
  40. Not even a year had passed and his life had seen more changes than in the previous twenty.
  41. He hugged her tighter.
  43. The snow outside continued falling, covering in a soft coat the whole Zootopia, connecting everything and everyone together in its uniform whiteness.
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