
The Way of Guderian

Mar 18th, 2014
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  1. Hi, my name is Yukari Akiyama, and there are three things I love most in the world! The first thing I love most in the world is the tank! I've loved them ever since I was small, and I watched a Sensha-do match on TV. I haave many models and books about tanks, and I very much enjoy being the loader in my team's Pz.kpfw IV ausf. C!
  2. The second thing I love most in the world is my best friend, Miho Nishizumi! She is the commander for my tank, and she's possibly the best tank commander in our sport! She can always react to new situations on the battlefield, a d with her in charge I'm sure we'll win the tournament for our school! I have the utmost trust and devotion in my friend and my commander, and I'll make sure to be by her side for the rest of my life.
  3. The third thing I love most in the world is my other best friend... James Russells. He showed me kindness from the first moment I met him, when I knocked him out with a helmet on the transport ship. He would watch movies with me, and he took me home when I couldn't do it on my own. Even though I didn't know how to show it, and even though I know he could never love a silly tank nerd like me, I still love him. Even if he's happy with Nishizumi-dono and I'll never get a chance to be with him, I still love him. Their happiness is my happiness, so even though I love them both as more than just friends, I know that's what they'll always think of me as, so I'll strive to stay by their sides and be the very best friend either of them will ever have, until the day I die. Even if it hurts sometimes, that is what I'll do. Even if hurts so bad, I swear that's what I'll do.
  5. Those were the thoughts in my head that night, as I clutched my 122mm shell plush pillow in the darkness. They say that you love someone if you spend more than 20 minutes each day thinking about them. I would often spend all night thinking of nothing else, and every night I dreamt of their embraces. It was the same that night as well, the night where I swore that I would never leave their sides. Their happiness was my happiness, and they were happy with each other, so why did I hurt so much inside? I hugged my pillow tighter at the thought. The answer was simple, of course: I was jealous of them. They had each other, and all I had were my tanks. Tanks that sometimes made me feel as loved by them as I loved them, but tanks were still tanks, and a tank could never hold me tight in a lover's embrace, nor kiss me on the lips, nor fulfill me in the deepest of ways. A tank could do none of those things, but neither would Russels or Miho. Not when they had each other. Maybe I would find someone for me in the future, and my love for them would fade to that of good friends, but here and now, the two people I loved were unreachable.
  7. What a crushing thought.
  9. That night I dreamt the same thing I always dreamt: sharing a heated embrace with two other people. Russells' hard muscles pinning me down, his chest pressing against my own, a leg rubbing me between my thighs and a kiss on my lips that was fuzzy and indistinct since I had never experienced one. Against my back, contrasting to the hardness against me, was the softness of Nishizumi Miho. Her bare breasts were pushed into my back, warmth and softness cushioning me to the assault on my front. A pair of hands circling my waist, rubbing at spots that drove me crazy, and a voice whispering and giggling into my ear.
  11. The embrace of bodies, the feeling of flesh against flesh, would continue throughout the night. The pair would rub and tease me until I couldn't take it anymore, and I would wake in the throes of orgasm, moaning into my pillow, humping my 122mm dakimakura and arching my back off of the bed. My body was soaked, in sweat and in other things between my legs. I peeled off my panties, making myself completely nude, then finished myself off before falling into a deep sleep.
  13. I woke up smelling of my own juices. The window was opened first, to air out the room, then my sheets were gathered up along with my sleepwear, and I would wash myself discreetly. It's a good thing I do my own laundry.
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