
Just Neighbors

May 19th, 2020
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  1. >It started off pretty mundane
  2. >Your fox neighbor across the street looked like she could use a hand carrying in some groceries
  3. >Being the neighborly, friendly person you are, you offered to help
  4. >You could swear she was undressing you with her eyes right then and there, but, it was hard to tell. Foxes always have 'that look'
  5. >Casual conversation across the fence whenever you happen to run into each other outside
  6. >You learn a bit more about her. She's divorced and her kid has since moved out on his own
  7. >Her sardonic sense of humor and direct way of speaking, surprisingly, does not immediately put you off
  8. >You actually kind of like her
  9. >Invite her over to crack a cold one on the porch one Saturday evening
  10. >She takes a sip of her whiteclaw and gazes at you with piercing eyes. "So what's your deal, huh? Single guy, mid 30s, homeowner with no chick. Something I should know about you?"
  11. >You laugh and play along. "Witness protection. I've already said too much."
  12. >Tell her about yourself. High school sweetheart left you and you lost half of everything in the divorce.
  13. >Passionate about what you do for work, don't really find much time to get to know people
  14. >Your neighbor, who you now know to be Katja, takes another sip and stares you dead in the eyes with that coy look. "Sounds like a real bitch. Shoulda gone to school with me."
  15. >Your heart does a cartwheel. You've never really considered an anthro up until now, but this fox has you curious.
  16. >You jokingly dip and duck around subtle hints like this for the rest of the evening until she wraps it up
  17. >She places a hand on your knee, chuckles and shakes her head
  18. >She gets up, but before slipping into the night, calls over her shoulder, "Text me. It gets lonely out here in the suburbs."
  19. >Notice a little piece of paper with her number sitting on your knee
  20. >Damn, she's good
  22. ---------
  24. >Come home after a long day at work
  25. >Reach into the fridge for a cold one
  26. >Nothing there
  27. >Text Katja and ask if you can cop one of her drinks
  28. >Your phone buzzes
  29. >"Be here in 15. Hope your calendar is clear"
  30. >Looks like your book is going to have to wait
  31. >Show up at Katja's door in 15 as instructed
  32. >Knock
  33. >"Come in, door's unlocked. Show's starting."
  34. >You let yourself in and find Katja in the living room under a blanket
  35. >Stare like an idiot
  36. >She doesn't take her eyes from the TV "Well? You gonna come watch this with me or no?"
  37. >You already know where this is headed
  38. >Walk over to the couch and take a seat next to the vixen
  39. >She immediately includes you in the blanked cocoon and leans into your body
  40. >You can't tell for sure, but it doesn't feel like she's wearing much
  41. >But you do know that you're really into this fox, and her gentle embrace has you feeling something you haven't felt in a decade
  43. --------
  45. >All through the show you can feel her gently tracing a claw over your stomach
  46. >At one point she rests her head on your shoulder with a content sigh
  47. >Falls asleep just like that
  48. >Thank god. You're beyond aroused and don't want her to 'stumble' across it.
  49. >You take the time to appreciate her beauty
  50. >Those perky ears
  51. >Her long whiskers
  52. >Tiny little nose... That faint musk about her fur
  53. >You actually enjoy the awkward 7 minutes of not knowing what to do after the show ends
  54. >Finally you pretend to stretch, as if just waking up yourself
  55. >Katja stirrs and looks up at you with the tiniest of smile. "Did I miss it?"
  56. >You chuckle and give her a recap before sitting upright in the couch
  57. >Do that awkard sigh/stretch as you look towards the front door
  58. >Stand and muse while stretching, "Weeeelll, it looks like it's getting late. I guess I better get out of your fur, huh?"
  59. >As you stand, the blanket falls from Katja's shoulders to reveal the foxy figure wearing nothing but panties and a sports bra
  60. >She makes no attempt to cover herself back up
  61. >That look, there it is again.
  62. >You feel your stomach flutter as her paw lazily traces a line down to her waistband
  63. >"Leaving so soon, Anon...?"
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