

Apr 3rd, 2013
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  1. Essentials vPre2.10.1.5
  2. PlayerJoinEvent Time: 152755964 Count: 13822 Avg: 11051 Violations: 0
  3. EntityDeathEvent (and others) Time: 608802067 Count: 1086087 Avg: 560 Violations: 0
  4. EntityDeathEvent (and others) Time: 121645868 Count: 1086087 Avg: 112 Violations: 0
  5. PlayerFishEvent Time: 3720424 Count: 783 Avg: 4751 Violations: 0
  6. PlayerInteractEvent Time: 15495525309 Count: 9302088 Avg: 1665 Violations: 1
  7. PlayerInteractEvent Time: 12787037145 Count: 9302088 Avg: 1374 Violations: 1
  8. PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent Time: 777810921 Count: 73943 Avg: 10519 Violations: 0
  9. PlayerQuitEvent Time: 3673804978 Count: 13740 Avg: 267380 Violations: 2
  10. PlayerRespawnEvent Time: 2546916 Count: 60 Avg: 42448 Violations: 0
  11. PlayerPickupItemEvent Time: 329139362 Count: 139172 Avg: 2364 Violations: 0
  12. PlayerLoginEvent Time: 1348056582 Count: 15006 Avg: 89834 Violations: 1
  13. BlockPlaceEvent Time: 664894966 Count: 63843 Avg: 10414 Violations: 0
  14. BlockPlaceEvent Time: 372900631 Count: 63843 Avg: 5840 Violations: 0
  15. BlockBreakEvent (and others) Time: 98361845 Count: 137433 Avg: 715 Violations: 0
  16. EntityChangeBlockEvent (and others) Time: 1109453579 Count: 167387 Avg: 6628 Violations: 0
  17. EntityDamageByEntityEvent (and others) Time: 18889398207 Count: 38105805 Avg: 495 Violations: 1
  18. EntityDamageByEntityEvent (and others) Time: 10568250659 Count: 38105805 Avg: 277 Violations: 0
  19. EntityExplodeEvent Time: 3115562442 Count: 105930 Avg: 29411 Violations: 1
  20. EntityExplodeEvent Time: 140969821 Count: 105930 Avg: 1330 Violations: 0
  21. FoodLevelChangeEvent Time: 1514544332 Count: 472364 Avg: 3206 Violations: 0
  22. InventoryClickEvent (and others) Time: 795829409 Count: 386550 Avg: 2058 Violations: 0
  23. InventoryCloseEvent Time: 776274998 Count: 216528 Avg: 3585 Violations: 0
  24. PlayerMoveEvent Time: 65918533716 Count: 136416434 Avg: 483 Violations: 0
  25. PlayerTeleportEvent Time: 2389458341 Count: 306038 Avg: 7807 Violations: 0
  26. EntityRegainHealthEvent Time: 1960031996 Count: 1557198 Avg: 1258 Violations: 0
  27. SignChangeEvent Time: 98071 Count: 1 Avg: 98071 Violations: 0
  28. SignChangeEvent Time: 29363 Count: 1 Avg: 29363 Violations: 0
  29. PlayerBucketEmptyEvent Time: 45276 Count: 1 Avg: 45276 Violations: 0
  30. BlockBurnEvent Time: 16002512718 Count: 6342924 Avg: 2522 Violations: 0
  31. BlockIgniteEvent Time: 7114180096 Count: 3230618 Avg: 2202 Violations: 0
  32. PotionSplashEvent Time: 1050853181 Count: 139352 Avg: 7540 Violations: 0
  33. EntityCombustEvent (and others) Time: 3553109077 Count: 3901115 Avg: 910 Violations: 0
  34. PlayerEggThrowEvent Time: 169619138 Count: 18158 Avg: 9341 Violations: 0
  35. Total time 171505757398 (171s)
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