

Jul 17th, 2014
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  1. I'm not one to call people out on Facebook but I felt this was necessary since no one has said anything yet.
  3. You are honestly one of the biggest fags on here i've ever encountered. When it comes to getting girls you're willing to sacrifice anything including dignity, lying and other people just to get with girls that aren't even attractive.
  5. Examples of hypocrisy: Telling girls they're the "most beautiful girl ever" or acting like you love the same bands even though you dont etc. The funny thing is you yelled at me for talking to your ex girlfriend, even though your dumbass tried to hit on mine while we were going out and you still try to, and I know i'm not the only person that's happened to.
  7. You post the gayest statuses ever as well as an attempt to get sympathy OR you post overused shitty jokes as a tryhard attempt to be funny, yet the second someone calls you out on anything remotely offensive you say you delete it and pussy out. And don't even get me started on the gay ass edited photos you post...anyway, this all gets back to you being a hypocrite. You make fun of scene girls, yet try to get with them. You make fun of swagfags yet act like one (even though most of your clothes are from kmart).
  9. You always told me you disliked Suicide Silence, yet the day Mitch Lucker dies you tell people how amazing you think they are? What the fuck is that shit? You also impose yourselves on situations you don't belong in which basically goes back to you trying too hard to fit in, fucking cut that shit out.
  11. Anyway, point is you're a huge liar and hypocrite and whenever anyone calls you out you make bullshit excuses or delete the post (which i'm sure you'll do with this.) But you were wondering why I don't like you, and this is why, and I wanted to post this so you and anyone else doesn't fucking think we're friends and so every girl you try to get with (since you add every girl on facebook) doesn't fall for your bullshit.
  13. Try changing this shit and maybe people won't dislike you. Until then, stop bringing me into your shit and fuck off.
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