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a guest
Jul 23rd, 2016
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  1. Корни в том числе и у доты в классических рпг, там это устроено примерно так :
  2. * AOE Area of Effect. The area affected by an attack/spell/etc which affects more than one creature or object. (Воздействие по области)
  3. * AoO (Attack of Opportunity) Special attacks that a character can make as a reaction to some game event or Character / NPC action. (Атака непосредственного противника)
  4. * Called Shot An attack made by a character which targets a particular area on an opponent or object. Depending on the system a called shot will trade off increased difficulty for increased damage and/or an additional effect.
  5. * DOT (Damage Over Time) (Урон за время)
  6. * Buff (Enforce, усиление, дар, орбы)
  7. * Debuff (Обратное buff)
  9. ## И на все это влияют:
  10. * LoE - Line of Effect. (Зона воздействия)
  11. * LoS - Line of Sight. (Зона видимости)
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