
excuse me what

Jul 23rd, 2013
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  1. Kelliara tells you, "Has there been anymore trouble from the rifts?"
  2. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Not that I've been notified of."
  3. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "What's this about the kelki, by the by?"
  4. Kelliara tells you, "Oh. Had a visit from an unhappy cousin of Katia's."
  5. Kelliara tells you, "Thought they might come for you, too. Figured a warning would do
  6. well."
  7. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Right. And how did that meeting go for you?"
  8. Kelliara tells you, "Poorly. I tend not to fair well against magic."
  9. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "What did they do, precisely?"
  10. Kelliara tells you, "Made some noise about my being a murderer, and justice and the like.
  11. Katia paid for the crimes of another, and I would pay for mine, and so on."
  12. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Don't suppose they let on whose crimes she was paying for?"
  13. Kelliara tells you, "No. They did not."
  14. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Hmm... this could be something important to try and discover."
  15. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Getting to the bottom of this will likely help in our efforts
  16. to unravel the whole thing."
  17. Kiershu tells you, "((How long they usually take, just wondering, I know there are prolly
  18. people before me.))"
  19. You tell Princess Kiershu Ve'kahi, Tainted Knight, "//no estimate sorry, it hinges on how
  20. much time I have and whether I score work or not."
  21. Kelliara tells you, "In part, I suspect a Dreikathi manipulation. They equal Delve in
  22. their understanding of science, no? And they wish ill on sapience. I do not think it too
  23. much of a stretch to envision them scheming to have holes torn to the elemental planes
  24. for some reason or another."
  25. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Hmm... it's possible, but I don't know if they came across as
  26. that clever, to me."
  27. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "They tended to be fairly... straightforward. Mean, yes, clever,
  28. not particularly."
  29. Kelliara tells you, "A thought, is all. The timing seems...convenient, is all. Maghak
  30. returns from his devastation of them, and not long later these holes begin appearing to
  31. the Air plane."
  32. Kiershu tells you, "((awesome. Looking forward to seeing it! I really like youhr other
  33. ones!))"
  34. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Nobody ever said the boss was off fighting Dreikathi."
  35. Kelliara tells you, "No? I am sure He made mention of such...hrm...perhaps I misheard..."
  36. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "He never said exactly what he was going North for."
  37. Kelliara tells you, "No. But He did speak of the damage he had wrought when he returned.
  38. Something He said...I do not recall what, I had thought it to do with the Dreikathi. Mmph.
  39. No matter. Thisall still strikes me as a counter blow of some sort."
  40. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Well, you may yet be correct."
  41. Kelliara tells you, "Mmm. I have a minor observation regarding the jelly which may
  42. interest you a little, also."
  43. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "Oh?"
  44. Kelliara tells you, "Mmm. It has some understanding of things."
  45. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "How do you mean?"
  46. Kelliara tells you, "It began to chew on my finger. I instructed it to stop, or else I
  47. would bury it in the snow, and it did as it was told."
  48. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "...that is curious indeed. Has it shown any other evidence of
  49. understanding?"
  50. Kelliara tells you, "Not to my recollection. But I have only spent a small amount of time
  51. with it since then."
  52. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "And it seems to be surviving well enough on our plane of
  53. existence?"
  54. Kelliara tells you, "It appears so. It is in my haven currently, though, I do not know if
  55. that counts as our plane of existence."
  56. You tell Doyen Kelliara, "More or less."
  57. Kelliara tells you, "Then the answer would be yes, more or less. It does not appear to be
  58. suffering any ill effects."
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