
Nialla (Mom) Character Sheet

Sep 19th, 2014
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  1. Character Sheet
  2. Name: Nialla (Mom)
  3. Age: ~30 Years
  4. Species: Arachne Half-Lord
  5. Standing a little taller than a Widow Arachne, Nialla's hair comes down past her waist. At least until she cuts it, anyway. A pair of horns curls from her forehead, then straightens upwards. She now has a sphere gemstone embedded in each hand, on the back of each.
  7. Family:
  8. Husband: Erics
  9. Daughters: Sara, Elle, Aria, Lyra
  10. Sons: Ephram, Zach
  12. Level 1: Baby Spider
  13. Level 14: A little too rambunctious
  14. Level 27: You're not allowed to hunt in the swamp anymore. No, I don't care.
  16. Level 78: All grown up- A real explorer
  17. Level 89: Elves are idiots. Does it look like I live in ruins?
  18. Level 100: Magic is useful. And he likes research....
  20. Level 1: HAHA! YES! FINALLY!
  21. Level 16: I'm still the same person, you idiot.
  22. Level 28: Holding hands is warm. Really warm.
  23. Level 43: The world is a wide, wide place
  24. Level 52: None of your business.
  25. Level 64: First a wife, now a mother.
  26. Level 71: LYRA YOU CAN'T JUST- Oh Gods I'm turning into my mother
  27. Level 78: Just try and pass me.
  28. Level 86: This is our forest.
  29. Level 89: Practice, practice, practice.
  30. Level 97: Bears don't get to threaten my family.
  31. Level 100: You need more training!
  33. Level 1: AhahahahahahahahahhAhhHAHAHHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAH!
  34. Level 7: GODSDAMMIT LYRA
  35. Level 8: She's a baby! IT ISN'T FAIR
  36. Level 9: I can fit into the ruins again?
  37. Level 13: If she doesn't come home safely I'll kill her!
  38. Level 38: Binge fighting giant monsters to deal with stress
  39. Level 40: Cried for 3 days after her babies left the nest.
  40. Level 41: Stopped crying. Tracked down and hugged every one in the area.
  41. Level 42: Left the forest with Erics.
  42. Level 43: Cried a little bit more.
  43. Level 48: Stopped crying. Met up with old party members.
  44. Level 49: Dungeon Diving!
  45. Level 50: Killed a bear. Started crying again. Unnerved the paladin.
  46. Level 56: Sat and told the group stories about her children. Took approximately 3 days. Nia is inordinately proud.
  47. Level 57: Paladin has realized the stories were real and Nialla has children.
  48. Level 57: Dungeon delving is put on hold while paladin struggles with his faith.
  49. Level 60: Nialla has been informed of a crown of fire wearing arachne summoning earthquakes.
  50. Level 61: Somewhere, across the dimensions dividing dungeons and the continent, Lyra trembles.
  52. Abilities:
  53. Arachne Combat: Rank 13
  54. Mom has travelled the globe, exploring ruins and fighting monsters. She knows just how much strength she has, and the best way to use it.
  55. Her evolution threw her off a bit, and she used her daughter's resilience to test her strength. Though she'd never admit it.
  57. Web Weaving: Rank 10
  58. The nest wasn't in the best condition when she returned- It only took her a few days to fix it. Simple webs she could do with her eyes closed.
  60. Web Crafting: Rank 8
  61. She never really pushed herself when it came to weaving- Just enough to clothe herself and her husband. And now her children, too.
  63. Hunting: Rank 14
  64. Her tremorsense is near supernatural- If something is touching the ground, or anything attached to the ground, it can't sneak up on her... And her long standing friendship with Lia has made it so things in the air don't have much chance either.
  66. Sneaking: Rank 8
  67. She can hide, she can sneak- She just opts to wearing armour and smashing her opponents into the ground.
  69. Teamwork: Rank 15
  70. Extensive experience working with adventuring parties- and with a mage by her side, almost unstoppable.
  72. Strong Silk: Rank MAX
  73. What it says on the tin.
  75. Spearfighting: Rank 18 Offense/Rank 19 Defense
  76. Trained across the continent, anywhere she could find willing victi- sparring partners.
  77. Her own defensive techniques got a boost from her daughters- Though their spear-wielding isn't up to par, their physical abilities are. It's enough to push Nia.
  79. Knifefighting/Hand to Hand: Rank 10 Offense/Rank 8 Defense
  80. Less knife-fighting, more dirty fighting. She relies a bit on her natural toughness and armour to make up for her defense.
  82. Motherly Concern: Rank 35
  83. Able to detect changes in wind pressure regarding her children. Extremely dangerous when provoked.
  85. Specials:
  87. Arachne Language
  88. Sharp Armoured Limbs
  89. Spiderwalk: Nearly any surface is climbable.
  90. Venomous Fangs
  91. Webs & Silk: Capable of producing fantastically strong materials.
  92. Inhuman Strength: Getting even stronger...
  93. Enhanced Vision
  94. Tremorsense
  95. Nightvision/ Lowlight vision
  96. Forest Language
  97. Plainspeech: A standard human language. A bit of a heavy accent.
  98. Literate
  99. Lord Abilities: Her spear is sharper than ever, and she rarely has to sharpen it. She can even call a weapon all her own from her gems...
  101. Property:
  102. More loot than she could carry. Which is a lot of loot.
  103. Woven tunic: Day to day wear.
  104. Wedding dress: Still embarrassed about this. Stashed in her armoury at the bottom of a box- but immaculately kept.
  105. Feather: An oath of friendship from Lia, long held.
  106. Spear: Gaofar Brod: A rare level artifact- surprisingly powerful, calling a blast of bladelike wind, but only usable 3 times before it needs to charge. Without its powers though, it is still magically sharp and strong.
  107. Armour: A mishmash of plate and leather designed for arachne. Made in Oakring originally, but enchanted all over the world. Lyra has a nearly identical set, and it brings her a great deal of pride.
  108. Barrels of Currency: Gems, gold- Nialla is rich. But she lives in the woods, makes her own clothes and catches her on food.
  109. More Loot: Magical items, weapons, armour- Dungeon diving and ruin raiding have left her with a wealth of magical goods.
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