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Jan 21st, 2020
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  1. #
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  4. #sisopack support しそ#1459
  5. command /skript:システム [<text>]:
  6. aliases: skript:sisopack
  7. trigger:
  8. if arg 1 is not set:
  9. if player is op:
  10. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  11. send "&b歩くスピードと飛ぶスピードを変更します。 &a&o/speed &e(player) &8(&dwalk&8/&cfly&8) &9(number(1~5)"
  12. send "&bフライができます。 &a&o/fly &e(player)"
  13. send "&bプレイヤーをミュートすることができます。 &a&o/mute &e(player)"
  14. send "&bミュートを解除することができます。 &a&o/unmute &e(player)"
  15. send "&bプレイヤーが違反したときに報告できます。 &a&o/report &e(player) &8(reson)"
  16. send "&b/reportのログを確認することができます。 &a&o/clogs"
  17. send "&b/clogsのログを消すことができます。 &a&o/resetlogs"
  18. send "&bプレイヤーの入力したコマンドが表示されます。 &a&o/cmd &8(&don&8/&coff)"
  19. send "&bプレイヤーのIPアドレスを確認することができます。 &a&o/aip &e(player)"
  20. send "&bプレイヤーを動きを封じます。 &a&o/freeze &e(player) &8(reson)"
  21. send "&b/freezeで動きを封じたプレイヤーを解除します。 &a&o/unfreeze &e(player) &8(reson)"
  22. send "&bプレイヤーを飛ばすことができます。 &a&o/push &8(&dx&8/&cy&8/&5z&8) &e(player) &9(number)"
  23. send "&bプレイヤーがハックを検知します。(落下ダメージの検知) &a&o/nofall &e(player)"
  24. send "&d2ページに進む。 &a&o/skript:システム &92"
  25. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  26. else:
  27. if player is an op:
  28. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  29. send "&bプレイヤーが違反したときに報告できます。 &a&o/report &e(player) &8(reson)"
  30. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  31. if arg 1 is "2":
  32. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  33. send "&b自分の場所に他のプレイヤーを全員TPさせます。 &a&o/tpall"
  34. send "&b手に持ってるアイテムを頭に装備します。 &a&o/hat"
  35. send "&bコマンドでプレイヤーが死ななくなります。 &a&o/nokill &e(player) &8(&don&8/&coff&8)"
  36. send "&b攻撃した後のディレイを設定できます。 &a&o/dd &8(&dreset&8/&c1.8&8/&5combo&8)"
  37. send "&bPvPの有無を設定します。 &a&o/pvp &8(&don&8/&coff&8)"
  38. send "&bOP以外ブロックを壊さないようにするか設定します。 &a&o/break &8(&don&8/&coff&8)"
  39. send "&b誰がOPなのかを確認できます。 &a&o/oplist"
  40. send "&bTabの上下のメッセージを設定できます。 &a&o/tc &5(text) &5(text)"
  41. send "&bPrefixを手軽に変更できます。 &a&o/pre &e(player) &5(text)"
  42. send "&d3ページに進む。 &a&o/skript:システム &93"
  43. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  44. if arg 1 is "3":
  45. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  46. send "&bTabキーを押した際に表示される架空のプレイヤーを作ります。 &a&o/tabcreate &5&8(text)"
  47. send "&b自分の場所に花火が打ち上げられます。 &a&o/fire"
  48. send "&b全員のプレイヤーに指定されたテキストをアクションバーの部分に表示します。 &a&o/actionbar &5(text)"
  49. send "&b全員のプレイヤーに指定されたテキストを画面に表示させます。 &a&o/title &5(text)"
  50. send "&bTabキーを押した際にプレイヤーの表示、非表示を切り替えれます。 &a&o/hidetab &8(&dShow&8/&cHide) &e(player) &e(player)"
  51. send "&6Tabキーを押した際のプレイヤーの名前を変更できます。 &a&o/tabnick &e(player) &5(text)"
  52. send "&6チャットの書式設定ができます。 &a&o/displayname &e(player) &5(text)"
  53. send "&6ネームタグの変更ができます。 &a&o/nametag &e(player) &5(text)"
  54. send "&6スキンを変更できます。 &a&o/changeskin &e(player) &8(&dalex&8/&9Steve&8/&fReset&8)"
  55. send "&d4ページに進む。 &a&o/skript:システム &94"
  56. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  57. if arg 1 is "4":
  58. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  59. send "&b参加時のスポーン地点を設定できます。 &a&o/joinspawn &8(&bnormal &8or &9default&8/&dfirst&8)"
  60. send "&b参加時、退室時のメッセージを設定できます。(コマンドが長いので省略) &a&o/joinmessage"
  61. send "&b監視モードに切り替えます。 &a&o/spy"
  62. send "&b監視モードを終了します。 &a&o/unspy"
  63. send "&bダメージを与えた際にホログラムでダメージ値を表示します。 &a&o/damagehologram"
  64. send "&b手持ちのアイテムの名前をチェックします。 &a&o/checkitem"
  65. send "&bスコアボートの行間を設定します。 &a&o/sidenumber &9(number)"
  66. send "&bスコアボートに文字を書けます。 &a&o/sidebar &5(text)"
  67. send "&bメンションができます。 &a&o/mention &e(player)"
  68. send "&bTab補完の可能、不可能を設定できます。 &a&o/tabcomplete"
  69. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  70. if arg 1 is "5":
  71. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  72. send "&bサーバーのバージョンなどを確認できます。 &a&o/check"
  73. send "&bプレイヤーの回線速度を確認できます。 &a&o/ping &e(player)"
  74. send "&bIPのログを確認します。 &a&o/iplog"
  75. send "&bプレイヤーのログインの結果を通知します。 &a&o/loginresult"
  76. send "&bOP以外のプレイヤーをKICKします。 &a&o/allkick"
  77. send "&bチャットホログラムの可視・不可視を設定します、初期設定では可視です。 &a&o/chathologram"
  78. send "&bTab補完のログの表示・非表示を設定します、初期設定では非表示です。 &a&o/tablog"
  79. send "&bNGワードを登録・削除します。 &a&o/ng &8(&dadd&8/&cremove) &5(text)"
  80. send "&bサーバーへの接続バージョンの制限を設定します。 &a&o/noversion &8(&dadd&8/&cremove) &5(text)"
  81. send "&8&m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  82. else:
  83. if arg 1 is "seisakusya":
  84. message "&e製作者:&9kama6012#7034 偽さん#9992 Malb#5603 Aoi0728#4886 あいどるさとちゃん#6308 たつや#4391 しそ#2508"
  85. command /gp [<player>] [<text>]:
  86. permission: admin.command.cmd
  87. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  88. trigger:
  89. if arg-1 is not set:
  90. message "&5================"
  91. message "&7/gp player Permission"
  92. message "&5================"
  93. message "&d↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓"
  94. message "&7Permission types"
  95. message "&bFly"
  96. message "&aworldedit"
  97. if arg 2 is "worldedit":
  98. execute console command "/pex user %arg 1% add worldedit.*"
  99. execute console command "/pex user %arg 1% remove worldedit.superpickaxe"
  100. message "&e%arg 1%にワールドエディットの権限を渡しました"
  101. message "&e%player%からワールドエディットの権限をもらいました"
  102. command /speed [<player>] [<text>] [<number>]:
  103. Executable by: players
  104. Permission:
  105. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  106. trigger:
  107. if arg 1 is not set:
  108. execute player command "/playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 0"
  109. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  110. send "&a&oPlease use &8(&aplayer) &7fly&8/&7walk &8(&enumber&8)"
  111. send "&7Available speed for fly and walk&8:"
  112. send "&e1/2 and 3 4 5"
  113. send "&8&m----------------------------"
  114. else:
  115. if arg 2 is "walk":
  116. if arg 3 is set:
  117. execute player command "/playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1"
  118. if arg 3 is not set:
  119. send "&a&oPlease use&8: &7/speed walk (number)"
  120. if arg 3 is 1:
  121. set the player's walk speed to 0.2
  122. message "&7Walking set back to normal."
  123. if arg 3 is 2:
  124. set the player's walk speed to 2
  125. message "&7Walking speed set to 2."
  126. if arg 3 is 3:
  127. set the player's walk speed to 3
  128. message "&7Walking speed set to 3."
  129. if arg 3 is 4:
  130. set the player's walk speed to 4
  131. message "&7Walking speed set to 4."
  132. if arg 3 is 5:
  133. set the player's walk speed to 5
  134. message "&7Walking speed set to 5."
  135. if arg 2 is "fly":
  136. if arg 3 is not set:
  137. send "&a&oPlease use&8: &7/speed fly (number)"
  138. if arg 3 is 1:
  139. set the player's fly speed to 0.1
  140. message "&7Fly speed set back to normal."
  141. if arg 3 is 2:
  142. set the player's fly speed to 2
  143. message "&7Fly speed set to 2"
  144. if arg 3 is 3:
  145. set the player's fly speed to 3
  146. message "&7Fly speed set to 3"
  147. if arg 3 is 4:
  148. set the player's fly speed to 4
  149. message "&7Fly speed set to 4"
  150. if arg 3 is 5:
  151. set the player's fly speed to 5
  152. message "&7Fly speed set to 5"
  153. command /fly [<player>]:
  154. aliases: /f
  155. permission: skript.admin
  156. permission message: &cYour must be helper or higher to use this command!
  157. trigger:
  158. if arg 1 is not set:
  159. if {fly.%player%} is not set:
  160. set {fly.%player%} to true
  161. message "&7Fly to &aEnable&7"
  162. play sound "block.note.pling" at player
  163. set player's flight mode to true
  164. stop
  165. if {fly.%player%} is false:
  166. set {fly.%player%} to true
  167. message "&7Fly to &aEnable&7"
  168. play sound "block.note.pling" at player
  169. set player's flight mode to true
  170. stop
  171. else:
  172. if arg 1 is not set:
  173. if {fly.%player%} is true:
  174. message "&7Fly to &cDisble&7"
  175. play sound "block.piston.contract" at player
  176. set {fly.%player%} to false
  177. set player's flight mode to false
  178. if arg 1 is set:
  179. if {fly.%arg 1%} is not set:
  180. set {fly.%arg 1%} to true
  181. message "&7Fly to &aEnable&7"
  182. play sound "block.note.pling" at arg 1
  183. set arg 1's flight mode to true
  184. stop
  185. if {fly.%arg 1%} is false:
  186. set {fly.%arg 1%} to true
  187. message "&7Fly to &aEnable&7"
  188. play sound "block.note.pling" at arg 1
  189. set arg 1's flight mode to true
  190. stop
  191. else:
  192. if {fly.%arg 1%} is true:
  193. set {fly.%arg 1%} to false
  194. message "&7Fly to &cDisble&7"
  195. play sound "block.piston.contract" at arg 1
  196. set arg 1's flight mode to false
  197. command /help mute:
  198. permission:skript.admin
  199. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  200. trigger:
  201. execute player command "/playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1"
  202. send "&a-----Mute Skript Version 1.0-----"
  203. send "&e/mute [Player] &4指定したプレイヤーをミュートにすることができます。"
  204. send "&e/unmute [Player] &4指定したプレイヤーのミュートを解除することができます。"
  205. send "&a--------------------------------"
  206. command /mute <player>:
  207. permission: skript.admin
  208. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  209. trigger:
  210. set {mute.%arg-1%} to true
  211. broadcast "&9&e%player%&9により、&c%arg-1%&9がMuteになりました。"
  212. play sound "entity.enderdragon.ambient" at player
  213. command /unmute <player>:
  214. permission: skript.admin
  215. permission message: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  216. trigger:
  217. set {mute.%arg-1%} to false
  218. broadcast "&e%player%&9により、&c%arg-1%&9のMuteが解除されました。"
  219. play sound "entity.wither.spawn" at player
  220. on chat:
  221. if {mute.%player%} is true:
  222. send "&0You are muted"
  223. play sound "entity.elder_guardian.death_land" at player
  224. cancel event
  225. command /report [<player>] [<text>]:
  226. aliases: /rp
  227. trigger:
  228. if arg 1 is not set:
  229. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  230. message "/rp &c(player) &9(reson)"
  231. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  232. if arg 2 is not set:
  233. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  234. message "/rp &c(player) &9(reson)"
  235. message "&8&m----------------------------"
  236. add 1 to {log.hensuu}
  237. set {log::%{log.hensuu}%} to "%player%が報告 &c%arg 1% &9%arg 2%"
  238. play sound "entity.villager.ambient" at player
  239. loop all players:
  240. if loop-player is op:
  241. message "%player%が報告 &c%arg 1% &9%arg 2%"
  242. command /clogs:
  243. permission: skript.admin
  244. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  245. trigger:
  246. set {c.logs} to 1
  247. loop {log.hensuu} times:
  248. message "%{log::%{c.logs}%}%"
  249. add 1 to {c.logs}
  250. play sound "" at player
  251. command /resetlogs:
  252. permission: skript.admin
  253. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  254. trigger:
  255. message "&cリセットしました。"
  256. set {log.hensuu} to 0
  257. play sound "" at player
  258. on death of player:
  259. force respawn player
  260. options:
  261. prefix: &a* &7[CMD]#CommandLOGのPrefixの変更#default: &a* &7[CMD]#
  262. on command:
  263. loop all players:
  264. if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
  265. if {logs.%loop-player%} is not set:
  266. set {logs.%loop-player%} to true
  267. if {logs.%loop-player%} is true:
  268. if player is not set:
  269. stop
  270. message " {@prefix} &7%player%: /%full command%" to loop-player
  271. command /cmd [<text>]:#Logの表示のON/OFFの切り替え#
  272. permission: skript.admin
  273. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  274. trigger:
  275. if arg-1 is set:
  276. if arg-1 is "on":
  277. set {logs.%player%} to true
  278. message " {@prefix}&7Log表示を&aon&7にしました。"
  279. stop
  280. if arg-1 is "off":
  281. set {logs.%player%} to false
  282. message " {@prefix}&7Log表示を&coff&7にしました。"
  283. stop
  284. else:
  285. message "{@prefix}&7/cmd <on,off>"
  286. options:
  287. spm: &7[&dfreeze system!!&7]&r
  288. command /freeze [<player>] [<text>]:
  289. permission: skript.spmfreeze
  290. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  291. trigger:
  292. if arg 1 is not set:
  293. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &cプレイヤー名などが記入されていません。"
  294. send "{@spm} Usage: /sfreeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  295. if arg 1 is set:
  296. broadcast "{@spm} &c%arg 1% は %arg 2% という理由で動きを止められた。"
  297. set {spm.freeze.%arg 1%} to true
  298. play sound "entity.wither.ambient" at arg 1
  299. command /unfreeze [<player>] [<text>]:
  300. permission: skript.spmunfreeze
  301. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  302. trigger:
  303. if arg 1 is not set:
  304. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &cプレイヤー名などが記入されていません。"
  305. send "{@spm} Usage: /sunfreeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  306. if arg 2 is not set:
  307. send "{@spm} &bエラー: &c理由などが記入されていません。"
  308. send "{@spm} Usage: /sunfreeze <プレイヤー> <理由>"
  309. if arg 1 is set:
  310. if arg 2 is set:
  311. broadcast " &a%arg 1% は %arg 2% という理由で Freeze を解除された!"
  312. set {spm.freeze.%arg 1%} to false
  313. play sound "entity.wither.death" at arg 1
  315. on any movement:
  316. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  317. cancel event
  318. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  320. on break:
  321. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  322. cancel event
  323. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  325. on place:
  326. if {spm.freeze.%player%} is true:
  327. cancel event
  328. message " &cあなたはfreezeされています!"
  329. command /push <text> <player> [<number>] [<number>]:
  330. permission: skript.admin
  331. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  332. trigger:
  333. if arg 1 is not set:
  334. message "&0Please used /push &ax&7/&ey&7/&5z &bplayer &9number"
  335. if arg 3 is not set:
  336. set {_pushPowerLow} to 0.3
  337. else:
  338. set {_pushPowerLow} to arg 3
  339. if arg 4 is not set:
  340. set {_pushPowerHigh} to 1.5
  341. else:
  342. set {_pushPowerHigh} to arg 4
  343. set {_pushPower} to random number between {_pushPowerLow} to {_pushPowerHigh}
  344. if arg 1 is "x":
  345. push arg-2 east at speed {_pushPower}
  346. if arg 1 is "y":
  347. push arg-2 upwards at speed {_pushPower}
  348. if arg 1 is "z":
  349. push arg-2 south at speed {_pushPower}
  350. command /hat:
  351. aliases: head
  352. trigger:
  353. if player is holding air:
  354. send "&c手にアイテムを持っていません"
  355. stop
  356. if player is not holding air:
  357. set {_hat1} to player's helmet
  358. wait 1 tick
  359. set {_hat2} to 1 of player's tool
  360. remove {_hat2} from player's inventory
  361. equip player with {_hat2}
  362. give {_hat1} to player
  363. message "&6帽子を装備しました"
  364. command /nokill [<player>] [<text>]:
  365. permission: skript.admin
  366. trigger:
  367. if arg 2 is "on":
  368. set {nokill.%arg 1%} to true
  369. message "&6プレイヤーが死ななくなりました"
  370. if arg 2 is "off":
  371. set {nokill.%arg 1%} to false
  372. message "&6プレイヤーが死ぬようになりました"
  373. on damage of player:
  374. if {nokill.%victim%} is true:
  375. increase the damage by damage*50
  376. if {nokill.%victim%} is false:
  377. increase the damage by damage*1
  378. command /damagedelay [<text>]:
  379. aliases: /dd
  380. permission: skript.admin
  381. trigger:
  382. if arg 1 is "combo":
  383. set {combo} to true
  384. set {default} to false
  385. set {1.8} to false
  386. message "&6PvP mode combo"
  387. play sound "entity.player.attack.crit" at player
  388. if arg 1 is "1.8":
  389. set {combo} to false
  390. set {default} to false
  391. set {1.8} to true
  392. message "&9PvP mode 1.8"
  393. play sound "entity.player.attack.crit" at player
  394. if arg 1 is "reset":
  395. set {combo} to false
  396. set {default} to true
  397. set {1.8} to false
  398. message "&aPvP mode default"
  399. play sound "entity.player.attack.crit" at player
  400. on damage:
  401. if {combo} is true:
  402. set maximum damage delay of victim to 0.1 ticks
  403. if {1.8} is true:
  404. set maximum damage delay of victim to 16 ticks
  405. if {default} is true:
  406. set maximum damage delay of victim to 23 ticks
  407. command /pvp [<text>]:
  408. permission: skript.admin
  409. trigger:
  410. if arg 1 is "off":
  411. disable PvP in all worlds
  412. message "&cPvP is disable"
  413. else:
  414. if arg 1 is "on":
  415. enable PvP in all worlds
  416. message "&aPvP is enable"
  417. command /break [<text>]:
  418. permission: skript.admin
  419. trigger:
  420. if arg 1 is "off":
  421. set {nobreak} to true
  422. disable PvP in all worlds
  423. message "&cBreak and place disable"
  424. else:
  425. if arg 1 is "on":
  426. set {nobreak} to false
  427. enable PvP in all worlds
  428. message "&aBreak and place enable"
  429. on break:
  430. if {nobreak} is true:
  431. if player is an op:
  432. cancel event
  433. on place:
  434. if {nobreak} is true:
  435. if player is an op:
  436. cancel event
  437. on command:
  438. loop all players:
  439. if {spy.%loop-player%} is true:
  440. if {'s UUID%} is true:
  441. send "&7Spy &a%player% &7/%full command%" to loop-player
  442. stop
  443. else:
  444. stop
  445. command /oplist:
  446. permission: skript.admin
  447. aliases: /opcheck
  448. trigger:
  449. loop all offline players:
  450. loop-offline player is op
  451. set {_ops::*} to loop-offline player
  452. message "&6OPの人物 &a%{_ops::*}%"
  453. command /tabchange [<text>] [<text>]:
  454. aliases: /tc
  455. permission: skript.admin
  456. trigger:
  457. play sound "" at player
  458. if arg 1 is not set:
  459. message "&8使い方"
  460. message "&a&0/tabchange &5(text) &5(text) &7※/tc"
  461. loop all players:
  462. set tab header to "%colored arg-1%" and footer to "%colored arg-2%" for loop-player
  463. stop
  464. command /prefix [<player>] [<text>]:
  465. aliases: /pre
  466. permission: skript.admin
  467. trigger:
  468. if arg 1 is not set:
  469. message "&8使い方"
  470. message "&a&o/prefix &e(player) &5(text) &7※/pre"
  471. message "&8prefixを消したいときは/prefix reset"
  472. if arg 2 is "reset":
  473. delete {prefix.%arg 1%}
  474. message "&6prefixを削除しました"
  475. set {reset} to true
  476. if arg 1 is set:
  477. if arg 2 is set:
  478. if {reset} is true:
  479. delete {reset}
  480. stop
  481. else:
  482. play sound "block.metal_pressureplate.click_on" at player
  483. set {prefix.%arg 1%} to colored arg 2
  484. message "%arg 2%に設定しました"
  485. stop
  486. command /check:
  487. trigger:
  488. send "&6Java version is &a%java version of server%"
  489. send "&6Your MC version is &a%minecraft version%"
  490. send "&6bukkit version is &a%bukkit version%"
  491. send "&6Skript version is &a%skript version%"
  492. send "&6Server port is &a%port of server%"
  493. send "&6world is &a%world%"
  494. send "&6World Seed is &a%seed of player's world%"
  495. command /ping [<player>]:
  496. trigger:
  497. if arg 1 is not set:
  498. set {_ping} to player's ping
  499. message "&6Your Ping &a%{_ping}%ms" to player
  500. stop
  501. if arg 1 is set:
  502. set {_ping} to arg-player's ping
  503. message "&6Your Ping &a%{_ping}%ms" to player
  504. stop
  505. command /tabcreate [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  506. permission: skript.admin
  507. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  508. trigger:
  509. if arg 1 is "delete":
  510. if arg 2 and arg 3 is not set:
  511. delete all simple tabs for all players
  512. send "&6すべてのTabを消しました"
  513. if arg 1 and arg 2 is set:
  514. if arg 3 is "alex":
  515. create tab id "%arg 1%" for player with name "%colored arg 2%" icon alex
  516. if arg 3 is "steve":
  517. create tab id "%arg 1%" for player with name "%colored arg 2%" icon steve
  519. command /hidetab [<text>] [<player>] [<player>]:
  520. permission: skript.admin
  521. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  522. trigger:
  523. if arg 1 is not set:
  524. message "&a&o/hidetab &8(&dShow&8/&cHide) &e(player) &e(player)"
  525. stop
  526. if arg 1 is "hide":
  527. if arg 2 and arg 3 is set:
  528. hide arg 2 in tablist of arg 3
  529. if arg 1 is "show":
  530. if arg 2 and arg 3 is set:
  531. show arg 2 in tablist of arg 3
  532. if arg 1 is "allhide":
  533. if arg 2 or arg 3 is not set:
  534. hide player in tablist of all players
  535. if arg 1 is "allshow":
  536. if arg 2 or arg 3 is not set:
  537. show all players in tablist of all players
  538. command /tabnick [<player>] [<text>]:
  539. permission: skript.admin
  540. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  541. trigger:
  542. if arg 1 or arg 2 is not set:
  543. message "&a&o/tabnick &e(player) &5(text)"
  544. stop
  545. if arg 1 is set:
  546. if arg 2 is "reset" or "delete" or "remove":
  547. set arg 1's tab list name to "%arg 1%"
  548. message "&e%player%のTabのニックネームをリセットしました"
  549. stop
  550. if arg 1 is set:
  551. if arg 2 is set:
  552. set arg 1's tab list name to "%colored arg-2%"
  553. message "&e%player%&6のtabnickを%arg 2%&6に変更しました"
  554. command /displayname [<player>] [<text>]:
  555. permission: skript.admin
  556. trigger:
  557. if arg 1 is not set:
  558. message "&a&o/displayname &e(player) &5(text)"
  559. stop
  560. if arg 1 is set:
  561. if arg 2 is "reset" or "delete" or "remove":
  562. set the arg 1's display name to "%arg 1%"
  563. message "&e%arg 1%のチャットの書式をリセットしました"
  564. stop
  565. if arg 1 is set:
  566. if arg 2 is set:
  567. set the arg 1's display name to "%colored arg 2%"
  568. message "&e%arg 1%&6のチャットの書式を%arg 2%&6に変更しました"
  569. stop
  570. command /nametag [<player>] [<text>]:
  571. permission: skript.admin
  572. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  573. trigger:
  574. if arg 1 is not set:
  575. message "&a&o/nametag &e(player) &5(text)"
  576. stop
  577. if arg 1 is set:
  578. if arg 2 is "reset" or "delete" or "remove":
  579. set arg 1's nametag to "%arg 1%"
  580. message "&e%player%&6のネームタグをリセットしました"
  581. stop
  582. if arg 1 is set:
  583. if arg 2 is set:
  584. set arg 1's nametag to "%colored arg 2%"
  585. message "&e%arg 1%のネームタグを%arg 2%&6に変更しました"
  586. command /changeskin [<player>] [<text>]:
  587. permission: skript.admin
  588. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  589. trigger:
  590. if arg 1 or arg 2 is not set:
  591. message "&a&o/changeskin &e(player) &8(&dalex&8/&9Steve&8/&fReset&8)"
  592. stop
  593. if arg 2 is "alex":
  594. set arg 1's displayed skin to alex
  595. if arg 2 is "steve":
  596. set arg 1's displayed skin to steve
  597. if arg 2 is "reset" or "detele" or "remove":
  598. reset arg 1's displayed skin
  599. command /loginresult:
  600. permission: skript.admin
  601. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  602. trigger:
  603. if {login} is not set:
  604. set {login} to true
  605. message "&6ログインの結果通知を&aON&6にしました"
  606. stop
  607. if {login} is false:
  608. set {login} to true
  609. message "&6ログインの結果通知を&aON&6にしました"
  610. stop
  611. if {login} is true:
  612. set {login} to false
  613. message "&6ログインの結果通知を&cOFF&6にしました"
  614. stop
  615. on connect:
  616. if {login} is true:
  617. if login result is allowed:
  618. send "&e%player%&6のログインは&a&l成功&f&6しました。 &a(Allowed)" to ops
  619. if login result is kick_banned:
  620. send "&e%player%&6のログインは&c&l失敗&f&6しました。 &c(Banned)" to ops
  621. if login result is kick_whitelist:
  622. send "&e%player%&6のログインは&c&l失敗&f&6しました。 &3(whitlist)" to ops
  623. if login result is kick_other:
  624. send "&e%player%&6のログインは&c&l失敗&f&6しました。 &3(Other)" to ops
  625. command /spy:
  626. permission: skript.admin
  627. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  628. trigger:
  629. hide player to all players
  630. hide player in tablist of all players
  631. broadcast "&e%player% left the game"
  632. message "&6Spy mode &aON"
  633. stop
  634. command /unspy:
  635. permission: skript.admin
  636. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  637. trigger:
  638. reveal player to all players
  639. reveal all players to player
  640. reveal player to players
  641. show player in tablist of all players
  642. message "&6Spy mode &cOFF"
  643. stop
  644. command /alex3:
  645. permission: skript.admin
  646. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  647. trigger:
  648. set amount of rows in player's tablist to 5
  649. delete "world"
  650. command /allkick:
  651. permission: skript.admin
  652. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  653. trigger:
  654. loop all players:
  655. loop-player is not an op
  656. kick the loop-player
  657. command /checkitem:
  658. permission: skript.admin
  659. permission message: &cYour must be admin or higher to use this command!
  660. trigger:
  661. message "&a%held item%"
  662. stop
  663. on first join:
  664. add 1 to {ipslog.hensuu}
  665. set {ipslog::%{ipslog.hensuu}%} to "&a%player% &6IP &e%ip of player%"
  666. command /tabcomplete:
  667. permission: admin.command.cmd
  668. trigger:
  669. if {tabcomplete} is not set:
  670. set {tabcomplete} to true
  671. send "&6Tab補完ができなくなりました"
  672. stop
  673. if {tabcomplete} is true:
  674. set {tabcomplete} to false
  675. send "&6Tab補完ができるようになりました"
  676. stop
  677. if {tabcomplete} is false:
  678. set {tabcomplete} to true
  679. send "&6Tab補完ができなくなりました"
  680. stop
  681. on tab complete:
  682. if player is not op:
  683. if {tabcomplete} is true:
  684. send "&6Tab補完が禁止されています"
  685. cancel event
  686. command /chathologram:
  687. permission: admin.chatbind
  688. trigger:
  689. if {nochatbind.%player%} is not set:
  690. set {nochatbind.%player%} to true
  691. message "&cチャットのホログラムを表示しないようにしました。"
  692. stop
  693. if {nochatbind.%player%} is true:
  694. set {nochatbind.%player%} to false
  695. message "&aチャットのホログラムを表示するようにしました。"
  696. stop
  697. if {nochatbind.%player%} is false:
  698. set {nochatbind.%player%} to true
  699. message "&cチャットのホログラムを表示しないようにしました。"
  700. stop
  701. on chat:
  702. if {nochatbind.%player%} is true:
  703. stop
  704. bind hologram "%message%" to player for 3 seconds offset by 0, 2.5, 0
  705. command /ng [<text>] [<text>]:
  706. permission: skript.admin
  707. trigger:
  708. if arg 1 is "add":
  709. if arg 2 is set:
  710. if {ngward::*} contain arg 2:
  711. send "&c既にその言葉は登録されています"
  712. stop
  713. add arg 2 to {ngward::*}
  714. send """%arg 2%""&6をNGワードとして登録しました"
  715. stop
  716. else:
  717. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  718. stop
  719. else:
  720. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  721. stop
  722. if arg 1 is "remove":
  723. if arg 2 is set:
  724. loop {ng::*}:
  725. if loop-value contain arg 2:
  726. remove loop-value from {ng::*}
  727. send "&cremoved %arg 2%"
  728. stop
  729. else:
  730. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  731. stop
  732. else:
  733. send "&6/ng (add/remove) (text)"
  734. stop
  735. on chat:
  736. if message contain "%{ng::*}%":
  737. cancel event
  738. send "&cNGワードです" to player
  739. stop
  740. command /tablog:
  741. permission: admin.tablog
  742. trigger:
  743. if {tabcomplete.%player%} is not set:
  744. set {tabcomplete.%player%} to true
  745. message "&aTab補完のログを表示するように設定しました。"
  746. stop
  747. if {tabcomplete.%player%} is true:
  748. set {tabcomplete.%player%} to false
  749. message "&cTab補完のログを表示しないように設定しました。"
  750. stop
  751. if {tabcomplete.%player%} is false:
  752. set {tabcomplete.%player%} to true
  753. message "&aTab補完のログを表示するように設定しました。"
  754. stop
  755. on packet:
  756. if event-string is "PacketPlayOutTabComplete":
  757. set {_a} to packet field "a"
  758. loop all players:
  759. if {tabcomplete.%player%} is true:
  760. send "&7[TabLog] &e%player% &c%{_a}%" to ops
  761. command /noversion [<text>] [<text>]:
  762. permission: skript.admin
  763. trigger:
  764. if arg 1 is "add":
  765. if arg 2 is set:
  766. if arg 2 contain "1.":
  767. if {nojoinversion::*} contain arg 2:
  768. send "&c既にそのバージョンは登録されています"
  769. stop
  770. add arg 2 to {nojoinversion::*}
  771. send "%arg 2%のバージョンをサーバーに接続できないようにしました"
  772. stop
  773. else:
  774. send "&6/noversion (add/remove) (version)"
  775. stop
  776. else:
  777. send "&6/noversion (add/remove) (version)"
  778. stop
  779. else:
  780. send "&6/noversion (add/remove) (version)"
  781. stop
  782. if arg 1 is "remove":
  783. if arg 2 is set:
  784. loop {ng::*}:
  785. if loop-value contain arg 2:
  786. remove loop-value from {nojoinversion::*}
  787. send "&cremoved %arg 2%"
  788. stop
  789. else:
  790. send "&cそのバージョンは登録されていません"
  791. stop
  792. else:
  793. send "&6/noversion (add/remove) (version)"
  794. stop
  795. else:
  796. send "&6/noversion (add/remove) (version)"
  797. stop
  798. on join:
  799. if minecraft version contain "%{nojoinver}%":
  800. send "&cそのバージョンでは入れません"
  801. kick the player
  803. command /playerinfo <offline player>:
  804. permission: skript.admin
  805. permission massage: &c権限を所有していないためコマンドを実行できません。
  806. trigger:
  807. message "━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"
  808. message "Name:%arg%"
  809. if arg's ip is "":
  810. message "IP:&clocalhost"
  811. else if arg's ip is set:
  812. message "IP:&a%arg's ip%"
  813. else:
  814. message "IP:&9Couldn't get"
  815. message "UUID:%arg's uuid%"
  816. if player is op:
  817. message "OP:&atrue"
  818. else:
  819. message "OP:&cfalse"
  820. if arg is online:
  821. message "Status:&aOnline"
  822. else:
  823. message "Status:&cOffline"
  824. if arg's world is set:
  825. message "World:%arg's world%"
  826. else:
  827. message "World:&9Couldn't get"
  828. if arg's position is set:
  829. message "Position:%arg's position%"
  830. else:
  831. message "Position:&9Couldn't get"
  832. message "━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━"
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