
Daddy's funeral (Rp Ciel & Hinawa)

Nov 10th, 2019
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  2. Shurian27.10.2019
  3. Waiting for something to happen, hinawa's doing something UNBELIEVEABLE, she's laying in her book, snacking on a ration, not even looking at the door that's supposed to be opened soom because she is READING
  5. [With that there's some comedically set thundertone in the distance]
  7. but yes, the mouse is just chilling in her bed, reading the book of strength that she obtained today, enjoying her ration, in her new cozy cloak of displacement, waiting for ciel to get back to the room sooner or later
  9. Astra27.10.2019
  10. What was Ciel busy with again? Either helping that poor Bloomin get aquainted with the ship, or just... idk it's been too long to remember what happened! Give it a little bit, and the doll would return to the room. She seemed a bit exhausted from the day, but boy was she eager to start reading this cool new book Kazmina let her have!
  12. Shurian27.10.2019
  13. hearing the door open, hinawa perks her ears!
  14. She's a good girl, she never forgets to lock up that door, so could only be ciel and to nobody's surprise it is! Ciel!
  15. Enlighting the room a bit more, showing off the dragon head, hinawa with a book, a ration in her mouth, staring straight at the doll sister, blinking twice without saying a word at first
  17. Astra27.10.2019
  18. Even dolls can get tired after a while, so Ciel seemed a bit worn out as she entered the room. After a day full of killer globs of goo and a haunted ship full of spiders, she wanted to plop down in bed and read as much as of that book as she could before sleep took her. Yaaaawn... "Oh, hey sis. You're still awake?"
  20. Shurian27.10.2019
  21. gulping down the remaining ration without a problem, even packaging because..... hinawa, puts the book aside, sits immediatly up in cross-legged position and waves to ciel
  22. "Yo Sis! Yeah, was waiting for 'cha!"
  24. Astra27.10.2019
  25. "Waiting? You don't need to wait for me in order to sleep though..."
  27. Shurian27.10.2019
  28. "Oh no no no no, not for sleep!" with that the mouse stands up, standing right next to her sister to, dusting herself off
  29. "World's been too busy the last days, wanted to get 'cha for that already the entire time, I prepared something!"
  30. with that hinawa points her arm towards a little shrine she built at the table she wrote a lot at in recent times, also that shitlist ciel saw last time by accident, decorating it with 2 candles and a closed note in the middle
  32. Astra27.10.2019
  33. "Hm? If you needed me for something, you shoulda said so and I would've been here sooner..." The doll tiled their head with a bit of intrigue as she looked over the table. How she didn't notice the changes until now was a mystery, but Ciel was certainly curious about the new set up. "So uh... What is it you had in mind?"
  35. Shurian27.10.2019
  36. the mouse scratches her head for a moment before she continues talking looking at the doll
  37. "Well, you asked why dad never got a funeral...... well, I never knew about his passing and the concept of a funeral is kinda foreign to you so, we'll do it now!"
  39. Astra27.10.2019
  40. "We're doing a funeral here? But... We don't even have his body to bury like we did with the fish person..."
  42. Shurian27.10.2019
  43. "Thaaaat's because there's no way we can get the body now, and probably won't be able to, after 15 years it's probably.... gone...."
  44. it's kinda obvious talking about it somewhat hurt her, surprisingly also the talk about oceanus, she liked that fish a lot.... but after taking a deep breather, she continues talking
  45. "There's different sort of funerals for different sort of circumstances, for example, if a body is there, you help it return to the earth, if there's no body, you wish the spirit a save travel into the afterlife, we kind of lack earth.... and a body so we're gonna bother more helping the spirit into the afterlife."
  47. Astra27.10.2019
  48. Ciel just blinked a few times. This whole funeral concept was still an odd thing for her to grasp, but there was still a bit of relief knowing that their father would get the funeral he deserved in the end, even if it had to take 15 whole years for it to happen. "I... see...? So um... W-what do I do during a funeral again?"
  50. Shurian27.10.2019
  51. she raises her hand near instantly, showing 3 fingers up and counts them down slowly while she says what she's about to say!
  52. "FIRST! We're gonna place that amulet of yours between the candles, it is probably the best heirloom of his we have, my axe doesn't really fit"
  53. she lowers one finger
  54. "SECOND! I'd tell you to enlight the candles while we both kneel down in front of the shrine."
  55. she lowers another finger, now only having her index finger out
  56. "And last! Usually you'd place some good smelling sticks into a vase to make the travel pleasing, sadly we lack that so I just ripped some wood out of that old ship and put some juice from an orange that I was able to find in the provisions on top of it, we're gonna hold our hands together with the stick in the middle of the hands, give our prayer and when done with the prayer, place down the stick in a little glass that I got behind the medaillon"
  57. with that she lowers her last finger and takes a breather
  58. "Other questions?"
  60. Astra27.10.2019
  61. Oh dear there was a whole procedure to doing this funeral stuff. Ciel was not prepared for this! She did her best to commit everything to memory, but her sister's long-winded explanation was beginning to drag on and trying to remember the first step felt like a test of mental strength. Sheesh, if she can remember complex spells, then she certain could remember this, right? Once it was over, she started to fiddle with the amulet she had chained around her. Ciel couldn't remember how long it has been since she last took it off, but it came undone without much trouble. "O-okay... Um... I guess I'm ready when you are...?"
  63. Shurian27.10.2019
  64. the mouse's surprisingly decent at this, she definitly dealt with a fair share of funerals while her years as a mercenary and other related things, going a bit closer to the shrine in this cramped up room, lifting up the note that just has the name "Geodus Sylivan" with a mouse doodle on it, in the nicest looking font the mouse could manage [shuri rolls a dice to see how good it looks] (17) it looks... really good! Placing said note down between the candles, the mouse points behind the note
  65. "Just put the amulet behind the note and lean it against this glass so we can see it"
  66. saying such, she places a glass with some water in it behind the note, leaving enough space for the amulet, kneeling down after she's finished with that
  68. Astra27.10.2019
  69. No need to be anxious, Ciel. It was just a funeral... Her first actual funeral, but still! The previous one she could just sit to the side and act like she wasn't there, but now she had an active role in this one. Even if the task was nothing difficult, she still worried about messing up somehow. Sheesh, all she had to do was put the amulet down like Hinawa told her, so that is what she would do!
  71. Shurian27.10.2019
  72. "Good~" having a surprisingly soft voice the mouse just says what to do now
  73. "Now just light up the two candles, and kneel down next to me." with that she just pats the ground right next to her, looking up to her small sister while waiting for her
  75. Astra27.10.2019
  76. LIght the two candles, right. That should be more than easy enough for her. A simple Prestidigitation would have those candles lit in no time! Well huh... this wasn't as bad as she thought. Now all she had to do was kneel down with her big sis.
  78. Shurian27.10.2019
  79. looking at those purple flames in the dark, hinawa reaches one of the wooden sticks with the orange stench on it towards astra, not really giving off too much of a sound, just holding it over for the doll to take
  81. Astra27.10.2019
  82. Now here's where Ciel got a bit anxious again. She had... never really prayed before! What sort of prayers was she supposed to give for a funeral? Something... something about praying for the peaceful rest of the spirit, right? Trying to push aside her insecurities, the doll took a stick into her hands and held them together without a word.
  84. Shurian27.10.2019
  85. getting back into her praying position, having the stick between the two hands, looking at the shrine, taking a breather for a moment and continuing to talk in the soft voice while the purple light ignites the front of her face and shines back from her red eyes
  86. "I'll go first. Just think of what last words you want to give with dad before he completly moves on. Okay?"
  88. Astra27.10.2019
  89. Last thing she wanted to say to her father, huh? That... didn't make things too much easier. She was hardly alive for very long before his death, so Ciel didn't have the chance to get to know him... But he was their father, so it felt wrong not to offer a personal prayer. Hmmm... At least Hinawa was going to go first so Ciel had more time to think.
  91. Shurian27.10.2019
  92. while ciel was thinking, hinawa held the tip of the stick she had into the flames, igniting it and getting a weird orange stench from it.
  93. Worked better than she imagined, beginning to close her eyes while holding the match right in front of her, beginning her prayer
  94. "Dad..... I miss you.
  95. You've thought me everything magic related and combat related I know nowadays.
  96. The things that keep me alive, the things that bring food on my table.
  97. Without you, I would be nothing.....
  98. Secretly I always knew that you would never come back, getting to hear that 15 years later though kind of.... shocked me, I needed to get over it, thought about being reckless, going on a murder spree but.
  99. My friends, my sister and everything help me to push on, you've left me in a wonderful world that I can use your knowledge in...."
  100. the mouse bites her lips for a moment while talking, kind of hard to get that out of herself
  101. "....Even with you gone, I won't just give up.
  102. I will become stronger, I will get rid of this racist system and I will achieve great things, things that not even you'd be able to believe.....
  103. So please look at me from up there, guide me on my path and I hope I'll make you proud, thank you for everything. Have a good rest~"
  104. and with that the mouse would put the stick into the glass behind the amulet, letting the flame from it still go on, looking towards her sister for her prayer
  106. Astra27.10.2019
  107. With most of her impressions of Hinawa being about how tough and optimistic she was, it was a bit saddening to see her older sister so somber now. In fact, Ciel almost envied that Hinawa had such strong thoughts and feelings for their father, while the doll here struggled to feel the same. However, it was her turn now, so she took in a deep breath...
  108. "I... didn't know you for long, but even then you were the one who gave me the life I have now. I wish I could have had the chance to get to know you more... to spend the time with you as a family... but now I have Hinawa to look after me. I can only hope your soul has found peace, and that... that when my time comes too, we'll see each other again... Until then, I'll use the gift you've given me to make the world a better place, for Hinawa and my new friends... Just you watch..."
  109. That... took quite a bit out of the doll to say. Every time she spoke, she could feel her throat want to lock up, and even after she was done the feeling wouldn't leave. She followed her sister's example and placed the burning stick along with theirs, doing her best to keep her breathing steady.
  111. Shurian27.10.2019
  112. with that hinawa gave one final bow to the shrine, leaning her hands on her hips, lowering her head and just sitting there for a moment
  114. Astra27.10.2019
  115. Ciel just remained silent. Was there anything else she needed to say or do? The silence in the room was so unnerving with the current mood...
  117. Shurian27.10.2019
  118. the mouse raises her head with a deep breather, staring intot he purple flames, not really bothered by the amount of heat in this room by now
  119. "Ya know despite this being a funeral for someone I really care about, I am shit at those things, being so silent doesn't fit me"
  121. Astra27.10.2019
  122. "And I've... well... never done a funeral before. I... don't think I like it, though... Is that bad?"
  124. Shurian27.10.2019
  125. taking a short breather while the flickering of the flames are kind of the loudest thing in the room right now... continuing her soft tone with a response
  126. "Well it is not a happy occassion, but it is a good, final moment of giving someone a final moment of spotlight, give your last words and just.... closure, it just kind of sucks when someone dies and everyone ignores it wouldn't you say?"
  128. Astra27.10.2019
  129. "I guess you have a point..." Ciel's voice trailed off, lost in her thoughts over the whole funeral. If she thought the funeral itself was awkward, then the rest of the night after it was going to be a lot worse for her. What was there for her to even say or do at this point?
  131. Shurian27.10.2019
  132. the mouse licks her thumb and index finger putting out the flames on the candle, to end the funeral, final prayers have been given and seems like both of them were done "Yeah, I would also hold one for you in case of your passing and people would also hold one for me quite likel"
  133. she just continues talking in the somber voice while working on putting the candles and other shrine things besides the amulet away
  135. Astra27.10.2019
  136. Ciel remained silent. This talk of funerals and passing just didn't sit well with her right now. The doll could only nod and hum as she went towards the bunk bed, pulling herself up onto her bunk with less trouble than last time.
  138. Shurian27.10.2019
  139. the mouse would stand up herself, looking after her a bit down sister, grabing the amulet right after and just... reaches it up to ciel
  140. "Cha forgot your heirloom sis"
  142. Astra27.10.2019
  143. "Oh... Sorry. Thanks, sis." Ciel reached over to grab her amulet back. Hinawa could hear the chains rattling again while the doll affixed their belonging. Then there was a small sigh, and soon the flipping of pages as the younger sibling tried to take their mind off the funeral.
  145. Shurian27.10.2019
  146. she sighs herself as she crawls into her own bunk of the bed
  147. "Sorry for dragging the mood down like this, especially after your guys successful heist of the ship"
  148. she grabs her own book again and flips through the pages to read while she talks
  150. Astra28.10.2019
  151. "It's okay, sis. I'm just... really tired right now is all. Don't worry about it."
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