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Aug 23rd, 2016
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  1. [9:31 PM] de: Maxx
  2. [9:31 PM] Maxx: hi
  3. [9:31 PM] de: how does it feel getting banned twice in one month
  4. [9:31 PM] de: cant even keep your sperg under control
  5. [9:32 PM] Maxx: meh, i dont really care tbh
  6. [9:32 PM] de: was it a perma
  7. [9:32 PM] Maxx: yea, shame you have to go under an alternate account to throw insults at me
  8. [9:32 PM] Maxx: i dont really take anyone seriously on the internet, so you aren't getting anywhere with calling me a sperg
  9. [9:32 PM] de: this is my main account
  10. [9:32 PM] Maxx: no its not
  11. [9:32 PM] Maxx: who are you on the forums anyway?
  12. [9:33 PM] de: de
  13. [9:33 PM] Maxx: link
  14. [9:33 PM] Maxx: to your profile i guess
  15. [9:34 PM] de:;u=145592
  16. View the profile of Maxx°
  17. [9:34 PM] Maxx: lmao
  18. [9:34 PM] Maxx: anyway, nice talking to you
  19. [9:34 PM] de: i'm not done
  20. [9:35 PM] Maxx: well i kinda am
  21. [9:35 PM] Maxx: get a little bit better at insulting people, because text on the internet doesnt really matter
  22. [9:35 PM] de: im exposing our steam convos tomorrow
  23. [9:35 PM] de: all the shit you admitted to me
  24. [9:35 PM] de: you thought you could trust me haha
  25. [9:35 PM] Maxx: yet i have no idea who you are?
  26. [9:35 PM] de: oh you will
  27. [9:35 PM] de: buckle up browder
  28. [9:35 PM] Maxx: oh man you're using my last name how insidious
  29. [9:36 PM] Maxx: did you get that from the pastebin? was it me saying it? no really i want to know
  30. [9:36 PM] de: when im done you'll never be able to step foot in a BL server with out a five foot ban hammer up your ass
  31. [9:36 PM] Maxx: hahaha
  32. ok
  33. [9:37 PM] de:
  34. [9:38 PM] de: MOMS GONNA FREEK
  35. [9:38 PM] Maxx: wat
  37. [9:39 PM] de: MOMS GONNA FREEK
  38. [9:47 PM] Maxx: i mean did mommy and daddy abuse you as a child?
  39. [9:47 PM] Maxx: did you grow up thinking that like
  40. [9:47 PM] Maxx: trying to be a tough guy on the internet would get you somewhere
  41. [9:47 PM] Maxx: i mean i sorta have an idea of who you are
  42. [9:47 PM] de: were you raised thinking its ok to plaster random peoples faces all over the forum and make fun of them
  43. [9:47 PM] Maxx: since you're acting like who i think you are
  44. [9:48 PM] Maxx: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  45. [9:48 PM] de: you will pay for what you did to him and me
  46. [9:48 PM] Maxx: OH MY GOD
  48. [9:48 PM] Maxx: LOL
  49. [9:48 PM] de: you fuck with one furry you fuck with all the furries motherfucker
  50. [9:48 PM] Maxx: dude get gassed fam
  51. [9:48 PM] Maxx: seriously, my goy
  52. [9:49 PM] de: show your closetfur face on the forum again and i swear you will pay
  53. [9:49 PM] Maxx: trust me i hate furries with a strong passion
  54. [9:49 PM] Maxx: i would probably slit my neck if i ever thought about being one
  55. [9:49 PM] de: we can tell a closetfur when we see one honey
  56. [9:50 PM] Maxx: brouzouf this is hilarious man
  57. [9:50 PM] Maxx: seriously
  58. [9:50 PM] de: the way you talk about how its bad to be a furry is the most telling
  59. [9:50 PM] de: it just shows your insecure
  60. [9:50 PM] de: we will forgive you if you join us furfriend
  61. [9:50 PM] Maxx: i am a 13 year old child who hates the idea of anthromorphic animals on the internet
  62. [9:51 PM] de: do know how many 13 year olds that bullied me for being bisexual later came out of the closet
  63. [9:51 PM] de: trust me its natural
  64. [9:51 PM] de: embrace your furaffinity
  65. [9:53 PM] de: for not responding you will be exposed for your furfootlover ways
  66. [9:53 PM] Maxx: sorry dad, typing on my keyboard
  67. [9:53 PM] de: trust me we can fake messages photoshop blockland texts and everything
  68. [9:53 PM] de: you will pay
  69. [10:01 PM] Maxx: OH YEA i remember you now
  70. [10:01 PM] Maxx: you were that one dude during the debate who was editing my video to make it look like i was visiting e621
  71. [10:01 PM] Maxx: i'll be serious, i actually applause you those are really believeable edits
  72. [10:09 PM] de: thats an affiliate but we are not directly working together in this operation
  73. [10:09 PM] de: trust me maxx there are multiple groups that want you taken down
  74. [10:09 PM] Maxx: yes i am a 13 year old kid who shitposts on the internet
  75. [10:10 PM] de: you have caused enough trouble and bullied enough people to become more than a blip on peoples radars
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