
Cliche cheerleader and nerd

Dec 16th, 2019
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  1. *Disclaimer: I am a consenting adult over the age of 18 looking for other consenting adults over the age of 18 for the purpose of roleplaying an erotic scene/story together. All characters in this prompt are also over the age of 18.*
  3. “I’m sorry, Victoria, but I can’t make an exception for you, even as captain of the squad,” Coach Dunn explained.
  5. Victoria couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was about to get kicked off the cheerleading squad because of a single grade.
  7. “But Coach! I’ll lose my scholarship if you kick me off the squad,” she pleaded.
  9. College was much harder than Victoria anticipated. She had flourished in high school, making grades easily and succeeding mostly because of her looks. She was voted prom queen, dated the star quarterback, and had been the most popular girl in school. She had gotten a full ride scholarship to university to be a cheerleader, and in just two years had managed to work her way to the top becoming the captain of the squad as a sophomore, which was practically unheard of. Her life was going perfectly, but it was all about to come crashing down because she was failing physics.
  11. “I know, but there’s nothing I can do for you, Victoria,” Coach Dunn said in a consoling voice. “The rules clearly say that varsity athletics requires at least a C in every class. Maybe you can try getting a tutor?”
  13. Victoria was at a loss. She couldn’t afford a tutor. Her family was poor, and the only reason she was at college was because of her scholarship. If she lost that, she’d have to drop out. She was desperate and felt like she just wanted to cry.
  15. “Coach, I can’t pay for a tutor,” she said in a shaky voice, tears starting to well up in her eyes.
  17. “I don’t know what to tell you, I’m sorry,” Coach replied, a certain finality in his voice. “Find a way to get your grade up to a C, and you can stay on the squad. I don’t care how you do it.”
  19. Victoria left her coach’s office in tears, sobbing and wondering how she was going to salvage her career. She made her way over to the campus library, using the long walk to collect herself. She would either have to buckle down and study hard, or rely on the help of a Good Samaritan if she could find one. Maybe there would be some smarter kids at the library willing to help her.
  21. She walked in feeling out of place. The campus library was not a place she frequented, and if any of the other cheerleaders knew she was there, she’d get teased into oblivion. Most of the students looked up from their books and stared at her as she sat down alone at an empty table, wiped the tears from her cheeks, and pulled her books out of her backpack. She opened up her physics book and held her head in her hands for a moment, sniffling and looking forlorn. Hopefully a kind hearted student might see that she was struggling and needed help.
  23. * * *
  25. Thank you for reading my prompt. As you might be able to tell, this is basically the start of a cliché cheerleader and nerd scenario, except both characters are female. I’m open to playing this out in a number of different ways, but the main idea is that Victoria would be exchanging sexual favors for tutoring lessons. One possibility is that Victoria is a known lesbian, and the nerd wants to experience her first time with another girl. There could be romance involved if you want. Perhaps Victoria is actually straight, and is coerced into having lesbian sex in order for the nerd to teach her. There are a bunch of different options and I’m open to all, especially anything involving dub-con or forced lesbianism. We can discuss more details before we begin.
  27. Please be literate and detail oriented. I’m looking for something long term, with quality over quantity in mind. I would much rather prefer a handful of medium-long, well thought out responses in a day over a rapid fire exchange of short responses. I like a slow burn. I need to feel some sort of connection between our characters even if it’s dub-con. Also, as a forewarning, I am not able to write every single day, and I don’t expect you to be available all the time either. I understand real life happens. I write when I can, and I’ll try to keep you informed if I’ll be unavailable for more than a day. If you are interested, and would like to discuss this in further detail, please send me a PM!
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