

Jun 3rd, 2019
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  1. local TweenS = game:GetService("TweenService")
  2. local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
  3. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
  4. game.Lighting.ColorCorrection.Contrast = 0.1
  5. function AddCommas(str)
  6. return #str % 3 == 0 and str:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,"):reverse():sub(2) or str:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,"):reverse()
  7. end
  8. local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  9. local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  10. local PlayerName = Player.Name
  11. local Character = script.Parent
  12. local PlayerFolder = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerFolder")
  13. local HRP = Character.HumanoidRootPart
  14. local HRPPosition1 = HRP.Position
  15. HRPPosition1 = "\230\147\141\228\189\160\240\159\146\166\240\159\146\148\240\159\141\145\240\159\145\140\240\159\146\166\230\147\141\228\189\160\240\159\146\166\240\159\146\148\240\159\141\145\240\159\145\140\240\159\146\166\240\159\146\148\240\159\141\145\240\159\145\140\240\159\146\166\240\159\146\148\240\159\141\145\240\159\145\140\240\159\146\148\240\159\141\145\240\159\145\140\240\159\146\166\240\159\146\148\240\159\141\145\240\159\145\140"
  16. local CHumanoid = Character.Humanoid
  17. CHumanoid.DisplayDistanceType = 2
  18. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  19. Mouse.TargetFilter = workspace.Hitboxes
  20. Player.PlayerGui.FadeToBlack.Fade:TweenPosition(, 0, -3, 0), 1, 4, 0.5, true)
  21. if RunService:IsStudio() then
  22. Player.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 400
  23. end
  24. Camera.CameraType = "Custom"
  25. Camera.CameraSubject = CHumanoid
  26. local WS = 16
  27. local CanJump = true
  28. local CanDash = true
  29. local RunTransition = false
  30. local SpeedStat = 0
  31. local PhysStat = 0
  32. local DAToggle = false
  33. local CDFrame = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("HUD"):WaitForChild("MainFrame"):WaitForChild("CDBack")
  34. local Remotes = Character:WaitForChild("Remotes")
  35. if CHumanoid.HipHeight > 8 or CHumanoid.HipHeight < 0.25 or CHumanoid.WalkSpeed > 44 or 1 > CHumanoid.WalkSpeed or CHumanoid.JumpPower > 75 then
  36. while true do
  37. end
  38. end
  39. local function OperateCD(Desc, V1, V2)
  40. local Op = V1
  41. local CD = V2
  42. local OpGui = CDFrame:FindFirstChild(Op)
  43. local Indicator = OpGui.Indicator
  44. if Desc == "DownTime" then
  45. Indicator.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  46. Indicator.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  47. elseif Desc == "Recharge" then
  48. Indicator:TweenSize(, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, CD, true)
  49. Indicator:TweenPosition(, 0, 1, 0), 0, 0, CD, true)
  50. if CD ~= 0 then
  51. wait(CD)
  52. end
  53. if V1 == "S" then
  54. CanJump = true
  55. end
  56. elseif Desc == "Reset" then
  57. Indicator:TweenSize(, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0, true)
  58. Indicator:TweenPosition(, 0, 1, 0), 0, 0, 0, true)
  59. end
  60. end
  61. local CanAct = PlayerFolder.CanAct
  62. local CurrentWeapon = PlayerFolder.Customization.Weapon.Value
  63. local function WeaponUpdate()
  64. CurrentWeapon = PlayerFolder.Customization.Weapon.Value
  65. CDFrame.C.Visible = false
  66. if CurrentWeapon == "Touka Kirishima" or CurrentWeapon == "Clipped Wing" or CurrentWeapon == "13's Jason" or CurrentWeapon == "IXA" or CurrentWeapon == "Narukami" or CurrentWeapon == "Seidou Takizawa" or CurrentWeapon == "Kura" or CurrentWeapon == "Owl" or CurrentWeapon == "Kosshi" or CurrentWeapon == "Ginkui" then
  67. CDFrame.C.Visible = true
  68. end
  69. local EquippedWepStr = Character.ServerControl.CurrentWep.Value
  70. if EquippedWepStr == "Tatara2" or EquippedWepStr == "ReKura1" or EquippedWepStr == "Noro2" then
  71. CDFrame.C.Visible = true
  72. end
  73. local InfoNickname, InfoModes, InfoRCCells, InfoDescription = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes:WaitForChild("Evolutions"):WaitForChild("GetInfo"):InvokeServer()
  74. local EInfoScroll = Player.PlayerGui.HUD.StagesFrame.InfoScroll
  75. for i, v in pairs(EInfoScroll:GetChildren()) do
  76. if v:IsA("Frame") and v.Name ~= "Example" then
  77. v:Destroy()
  78. end
  79. end
  80. for i = 1, #InfoNickname do
  81. local InfoFrame = EInfoScroll.Example:Clone()
  82. InfoFrame.LayoutOrder = i
  83. InfoFrame.Name = CurrentWeapon .. i
  84. InfoFrame.NicknameLabel.Text = "NICKNAME: " .. InfoNickname[i]
  85. InfoFrame.StageLabel.Text = "STAGE: " .. i
  86. InfoFrame.ModesLabel.Text = "MODE(S): " .. InfoModes[i]
  87. InfoFrame.RCLabel.Text = "RC CELLS: " .. AddCommas(InfoRCCells[i])
  88. InfoFrame.DescriptionLabel.Text = InfoDescription[i]
  89. InfoFrame.Visible = true
  90. InfoFrame.Parent = EInfoScroll
  91. end
  92. EInfoScroll.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, #InfoNickname * 125)
  93. end
  94. WeaponUpdate()
  95. PlayerFolder.Customization.Weapon.Changed:connect(function()
  96. WeaponUpdate()
  97. end)
  98. coroutine.wrap(function()
  99. Character:WaitForChild("ServerControl"):WaitForChild("CurrentWep").Changed:connect(function()
  100. WeaponUpdate()
  101. end)
  102. end)()
  103. coroutine.wrap(function()
  104. Character:WaitForChild("ServerControl"):WaitForChild("CameraOffset").Changed:connect(function()
  105. CHumanoid.CameraOffset = Character.ServerControl.CameraOffset.Value
  106. end)
  107. end)()
  108. local ClickCD = PlayerFolder.ClickCD
  109. ClickCD.Changed:connect(function(p)
  110. OperateCD(ClickCD.Value, "Click", ClickCD.CD.Value)
  111. end)
  112. local Special1CD = PlayerFolder.Special1CD
  113. Special1CD.Changed:connect(function(p)
  114. OperateCD(Special1CD.Value, "E", Special1CD.CD.Value)
  115. end)
  116. local Special2CD = PlayerFolder.Special2CD
  117. Special2CD.Changed:connect(function(p)
  118. OperateCD(Special2CD.Value, "R", Special2CD.CD.Value)
  119. end)
  120. local Special3CD = PlayerFolder.Special3CD
  121. Special3CD.Changed:connect(function(p)
  122. OperateCD(Special3CD.Value, "F", Special3CD.CD.Value)
  123. end)
  124. local SpecialBonusCD = PlayerFolder.SpecialBonusCD
  125. SpecialBonusCD.Changed:connect(function(p)
  126. OperateCD(SpecialBonusCD.Value, "C", SpecialBonusCD.CD.Value)
  127. end)
  128. AnimFolder ="Folder")
  129. AnimFolder.Name = math.random(10000, 99999)
  130. local RunAnimToUse = "Run"
  131. local JumpAnimToUse = "Jump"
  132. local FallingAnimToUse = "Falling"
  133. local FDashAnimToUse = "ForwardDash"
  134. local LDashAnimToUse = "LeftDash"
  135. local BDashAnimToUse = "BackwardDash"
  136. local RDashAnimToUse = "RightDash"
  137. local AnimIds = {
  138. Idle = "rbxassetid://1470575511",
  139. Run = "rbxassetid://1470523115",
  140. Jump = "rbxassetid://1470577614",
  141. Falling = "rbxassetid://1470579701",
  142. Climb = "rbxassetid://1701465618",
  143. ForwardDash = "rbxassetid://1477689589",
  144. LeftDash = "rbxassetid://1478060554",
  145. BackwardDash = "rbxassetid://1477973731",
  146. RightDash = "rbxassetid://1478092550",
  147. HForwardDash = "rbxassetid://1899909382",
  148. HLeftDash = "rbxassetid://1899942860",
  149. HBackwardDash = "rbxassetid://1899933749",
  150. HRightDash = "rbxassetid://1899938804",
  151. SuperJump = "rbxassetid://1478349414",
  152. Eat = "rbxassetid://1488553212",
  153. Attack1 = "rbxassetid://1614139328",
  154. Attack2 = "rbxassetid://1614216233",
  155. Attack3 = "rbxassetid://1614402297",
  156. IdleKakuja = "rbxassetid://1721110508",
  157. RunKakuja = "rbxassetid://1721055773",
  158. JumpKakuja = "rbxassetid://1721210372",
  159. FallingKakuja = "rbxassetid://1721231025",
  160. RunEtoK3 = "rbxassetid://1832237879",
  161. JumpEtoK3 = "rbxassetid://1832324940",
  162. FallingEtoK3 = "rbxassetid://1832331426",
  163. ForwardDashEtoK3 = "rbxassetid://1832402544",
  164. LeftDashEtoK3 = "rbxassetid://1832476593",
  165. BackwardDashEtoK3 = "rbxassetid://1832549584",
  166. RightDashEtoK3 = "rbxassetid://1832447005",
  167. IdleYamoK1 = "rbxassetid://1954822799",
  168. RunYamoK1 = "rbxassetid://1963637151",
  169. JumpYamoK1 = "rbxassetid://1963836201",
  170. FallingYamoK1 = "rbxassetid://1963858971",
  171. ForwardDashYamoK1 = "rbxassetid://1963935952",
  172. LeftDashYamoK1 = "rbxassetid://1964083432",
  173. BackwardDashYamoK1 = "rbxassetid://1964426755",
  174. RightDashYamoK1 = "rbxassetid://1964254767",
  175. IdleTaki1 = "rbxassetid://1954822799",
  176. RunTaki1 = "rbxassetid://1992834276",
  177. JumpTaki1 = "rbxassetid://1992872654",
  178. FallingTaki1 = "rbxassetid://1992885870",
  179. ForwardDashTsu1 = "rbxassetid://2045857668",
  180. LeftDashTsu1 = "rbxassetid://2045884783",
  181. BackwardDashTsu1 = "rbxassetid://2045894636",
  182. RightDashTsu1 = "rbxassetid://2045966233",
  183. IdleOwl1 = "rbxassetid://2157828504",
  184. RunOwl1 = "rbxassetid://2160348024",
  185. JumpOwl1 = "rbxassetid://2160595432",
  186. FallingOwl1 = "rbxassetid://2160606136",
  187. ForwardDashOwl1 = "rbxassetid://2160942450",
  188. LeftDashOwl1 = "rbxassetid://2161087473",
  189. BackwardDashOwl1 = "rbxassetid://2161106514",
  190. RightDashOwl1 = "rbxassetid://2161142497",
  191. IdlePKKen1 = "rbxassetid://2198275340",
  192. RunPKKen1 = "rbxassetid://2203430331",
  193. JumpPKKen1 = "rbxassetid://2203561327",
  194. FallingPKKen1 = "rbxassetid://2203564491",
  195. ForwardDashPKKen1 = "rbxassetid://2206535651",
  196. LeftDashPKKen1 = "rbxassetid://2206701733",
  197. BackwardDashPKKen1 = "rbxassetid://2207081710",
  198. RightDashPKKen1 = "rbxassetid://2206983786",
  199. IdleKosshi1 = "rbxassetid://2497037355",
  200. RunKosshi1 = "rbxassetid://2497061759",
  201. JumpKosshi1 = "rbxassetid://2497083745",
  202. FallingKosshi1 = "rbxassetid://2497086128",
  203. IdleGinkui1 = "rbxassetid://2552711688",
  204. RunGinkui1 = "rbxassetid://2552742355",
  205. JumpGinkui1 = "rbxassetid://2160595432",
  206. FallingGinkui1 = "rbxassetid://2160606136",
  207. ForwardDashGinkui1 = "rbxassetid://2160942450",
  208. LeftDashGinkui1 = "rbxassetid://2161087473",
  209. BackwardDashGinkui1 = "rbxassetid://2161106514",
  210. RightDashGinkui1 = "rbxassetid://2161142497",
  211. IdleTataraK1 = "rbxassetid://2625316903",
  212. RunTataraK1 = "rbxassetid://2625650452",
  213. JumpTataraK1 = "rbxassetid://2626305214",
  214. FallingTataraK1 = "rbxassetid://2626320135",
  215. ForwardDashTataraK1 = "rbxassetid://2629801747",
  216. LeftDashTataraK1 = "rbxassetid://2630196584",
  217. BackwardDashTataraK1 = "rbxassetid://2630524431",
  218. RightDashTataraK1 = "rbxassetid://2630198075",
  219. IdleTakiK1 = "rbxassetid://2804942479",
  220. RunTakiK1 = "rbxassetid://2805044368",
  221. JumpTakiK1 = "rbxassetid://2805051725",
  222. FallingTakiK1 = "rbxassetid://2805055450",
  223. ForwardDashTakiK1 = "rbxassetid://2805382055",
  224. LeftDashTakiK1 = "rbxassetid://2805439157",
  225. BackwardDashTakiK1 = "rbxassetid://2805537565",
  226. RightDashTakiK1 = "rbxassetid://2805539497",
  227. IdleTakiK2 = "rbxassetid://2878127504",
  228. RunTakiK2 = "rbxassetid://2878349631",
  229. JumpTakiK2 = "rbxassetid://2878411805",
  230. FallingTakiK2 = "rbxassetid://2878420066",
  231. ForwardDashTakiK2 = "rbxassetid://2881558870",
  232. LeftDashTakiK2 = "rbxassetid://2882420923",
  233. BackwardDashTakiK2 = "rbxassetid://2882567085",
  234. RightDashTakiK2 = "rbxassetid://2882490734",
  235. IdleNoroK1 = "rbxassetid://3074711698",
  236. RunNoroK1 = "rbxassetid://3075322559",
  237. IdleIXA1 = "rbxassetid://3149941164",
  238. IdleReEto1 = "rbxassetid://3242795494"
  239. }
  240. local AnimInstances = {}
  241. local function AnimationInstancer(Anim, Saved)
  242. if AnimIds[Anim] then
  243. local AnimInstance ="Animation")
  244. AnimInstance.AnimationId = AnimIds[Anim]
  245. AnimInstance.Name = Anim
  246. if not Saved then
  247. game.Debris:AddItem(AnimInstance, 0.25)
  248. end
  249. return AnimInstance
  250. else
  251. return nil
  252. end
  253. end
  254. for i, v in pairs(AnimIds) do
  255. table.insert(AnimInstances, AnimationInstancer(i, true))
  256. end
  257. game:GetService("ContentProvider"):PreloadAsync(AnimInstances)
  258. local IdleAnimation = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimationInstancer("Idle"))
  259. IdleAnimation:Play(0)
  260. local ClimbAnim
  261. CHumanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.FallingDown, false)
  262. CHumanoid:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Ragdoll, false)
  263. local CHumanoidStateChange = CHumanoid.StateChanged:connect(function(Old, New)
  264. if New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.StrafingNoPhysics then
  265. while true do
  266. end
  267. end
  268. if Old == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing and ClimbAnim then
  269. ClimbAnim:Stop()
  270. ClimbAnim = nil
  271. end
  272. if New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping and JumpAnimToUse ~= "JumpNo" then
  273. Airborne = true
  274. CanJump = false
  275. do
  276. local JumpAnimationInstance = AnimationInstancer(JumpAnimToUse, true)
  277. JumpAnimation = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(JumpAnimationInstance)
  278. JumpAnimation:Play(0.1)
  279. JumpAnimation.Stopped:connect(function()
  280. JumpAnimation = nil
  281. JumpAnimationInstance:Destroy()
  282. end)
  283. OperateCD("DownTime", "S")
  284. end
  285. elseif New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running then
  286. Airborne = false
  287. elseif New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
  288. if FallAnimation == nil and CHumanoid:FindFirstChild("NoFallAnim") == nil then
  289. do
  290. local FallAnimationInstance = AnimationInstancer(FallingAnimToUse, true)
  291. FallAnimation = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(FallAnimationInstance)
  292. FallAnimation:Play(0.5)
  293. FallAnimation.Stopped:connect(function()
  294. FallAnimation = nil
  295. FallAnimationInstance:Destroy()
  296. end)
  297. if RunAnimation then
  298. RunAnimation:Stop(RunAnimation.Length / 4)
  299. RunAnimation = nil
  300. end
  301. end
  302. end
  303. Airborne = true
  304. elseif New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then
  305. for i, v in pairs(CHumanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
  306. if string.sub(v.Name, 1, 7) == "Falling" then
  307. v:Stop(0.25)
  308. FallAnimation = nil
  309. elseif string.sub(v.Name, 1, 4) == "Jump" then
  310. v:Stop()
  311. JumpAnimation = nil
  312. end
  313. end
  314. if RunAnimation then
  315. RunAnimation:Stop(RunAnimation.Length / 4)
  316. RunAnimation = nil
  317. end
  318. Airborne = false
  319. local JumpCDReduce = SpeedStat / 100
  320. if JumpCDReduce > 1 then
  321. JumpCDReduce = 1
  322. end
  323. if DAToggle == true then
  324. JumpCDReduce = 1
  325. end
  326. if CDFrame.S.Indicator.Size ==, 0, 1, 0) then
  327. OperateCD("Recharge", "S", 0.5 - 0.25 * JumpCDReduce)
  328. end
  329. elseif New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing and ClimbAnim == nil then
  330. ClimbAnim = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimationInstancer("Climb"))
  331. ClimbAnim:Play(ClimbAnim.Length / 4)
  332. ClimbAnim:AdjustSpeed(WS / 16)
  333. end
  334. end)
  335. local RunningAnimation = CHumanoid.Running:connect(function(Speed)
  336. for i, v in pairs(CHumanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
  337. if string.sub(v.Name, 1, 7) == "Falling" then
  338. v:Stop(0.25)
  339. FallAnimation = nil
  340. elseif string.sub(v.Name, 1, 4) == "Jump" then
  341. v:Stop()
  342. JumpAnimation = nil
  343. end
  344. end
  345. Airborne = false
  346. local JumpCDReduce = SpeedStat / 100
  347. if JumpCDReduce > 1 then
  348. JumpCDReduce = 1
  349. end
  350. if DAToggle == true then
  351. JumpCDReduce = 1
  352. end
  353. if CDFrame.S.Indicator.Size ==, 0, 1, 0) then
  354. OperateCD("Recharge", "S", 0.5 - 0.25 * JumpCDReduce)
  355. end
  356. Airborne = false
  357. if Speed > WS / 5 then
  358. local SpeedAlter = 0.8
  359. local WeightAlter = 1
  360. if PlayerFolder.IsSprinting.Value == false then
  361. SpeedAlter = 1.5
  362. WeightAlter = 0.7
  363. end
  364. if RunAnimation then
  365. if 1 * (Speed / WS) < 4 then
  366. RunAnimation:AdjustSpeed(1 * (Speed * 0.8 / WS))
  367. if RunTransition == false then
  368. RunAnimation:AdjustWeight(WeightAlter)
  369. end
  370. end
  371. elseif RunAnimation == nil and HRP.Velocity ~=, 0, 0) then
  372. RunAnimation = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimationInstancer(RunAnimToUse))
  373. RunAnimation:Play(RunAnimation.Length / 4)
  374. if 1 * (Speed / WS) < 4 then
  375. RunAnimation:AdjustSpeed(1 * (Speed * 0.8 / WS))
  376. if RunTransition == false then
  377. RunAnimation:AdjustWeight(WeightAlter)
  378. end
  379. end
  380. end
  381. elseif (Speed < WS / 5 or 1 * (Speed / WS) >= 2.5) and RunAnimation then
  382. RunAnimation:Stop(RunAnimation.Length / 4)
  383. RunAnimation = nil
  384. end
  385. end)
  386. CHumanoid.Climbing:connect(function(Speed)
  387. if ClimbAnim then
  388. ClimbAnim:AdjustSpeed(Speed / 16)
  389. end
  390. end)
  391. CHumanoid.AncestryChanged:connect(function(Child, Parent)
  392. if Parent ~= Character then
  393. while true do
  394. end
  395. end
  396. end)
  397. CHumanoid.Changed:connect(function(Property)
  398. if CHumanoid.Jump == true and CanJump == false or CHumanoid.Jump == true and CanAct.Value == false or JumpAnimToUse == "JumpNo" then
  399. CHumanoid.Jump = false
  400. elseif Property == "HipHeight" then
  401. if CHumanoid.HipHeight > 8 or CHumanoid.HipHeight < 0.25 then
  402. while true do
  403. end
  404. end
  405. elseif Property == "WalkSpeed" then
  406. if CHumanoid.WalkSpeed > 44 then
  407. while true do
  408. end
  409. end
  410. elseif Property == "JumpPower" and CHumanoid.JumpPower ~= 50 then
  411. while true do
  412. end
  413. end
  414. end)
  415. CHumanoid.Died:connect(function()
  416. wait(3)
  417. Player.PlayerGui.FadeToBlack.Fade.Position =, 0, 1, 0)
  418. Player.PlayerGui.FadeToBlack.Fade:TweenPosition(, 0, -1, 0), 1, 4, 1.5, true)
  419. end)
  420. local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  421. local LastKey
  422. local LastTick = tick()
  423. UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GameProcessed)
  424. if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and Mouse.Target and Mouse.Target.Name == "ClickPart" then
  425. if (HRP.Position - Mouse.Target.Position).magnitude < 6 then
  426. GameProcessed = true
  427. elseif (HRP.Position - Mouse.Target.Position).magnitude >= 6 then
  428. CHumanoid:MoveTo(Mouse.Target.Position +,, HRP.Position.Y, Mouse.Target.Position.Z)).lookVector * -3)
  429. GameProcessed = false
  430. end
  431. elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and Mouse.Target and Mouse.Target:FindFirstChildOfClass("ClickDetector") then
  432. GameProcessed = true
  433. end
  434. if not GameProcessed then
  435. local InputSend, IsDouble
  436. if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
  437. local Key = string.sub(tostring(Input.KeyCode), 14, string.len(tostring(Input.KeyCode)))
  438. InputSend = Key
  439. if LastKey == Key and tick() - LastTick <= 0.2 then
  440. IsDouble = true
  441. end
  442. LastKey, LastTick = Key, tick()
  443. elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  444. InputSend = "Mouse1"
  445. elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
  446. InputSend = "Mouse2"
  447. end
  448. local CamSpot = Camera.CFrame
  449. if InputSend then
  450. if InputSend == "V" then
  451. local HUD = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("HUD")
  452. local MainFrame = HUD:WaitForChild("MainFrame")
  453. local ShowMore = MainFrame:WaitForChild("ShowMoreButton")
  454. MainFrame:TweenPosition(, -271, 1, -230), 2, 4, 0.1, true)
  455. ShowMore.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
  456. elseif InputSend == "W" or InputSend == "A" or InputSend == "S" or InputSend == "D" then
  457. local NoDashBool = false
  458. if InputSend == "W" then
  459. if string.sub(FDashAnimToUse, string.len(FDashAnimToUse) - 1) == "No" then
  460. NoDashBool = true
  461. end
  462. elseif InputSend == "A" then
  463. if string.sub(LDashAnimToUse, string.len(LDashAnimToUse) - 1) == "No" then
  464. NoDashBool = true
  465. end
  466. elseif InputSend == "S" then
  467. if string.sub(BDashAnimToUse, string.len(BDashAnimToUse) - 1) == "No" then
  468. NoDashBool = true
  469. end
  470. elseif InputSend == "D" and string.sub(RDashAnimToUse, string.len(RDashAnimToUse) - 1) == "No" then
  471. NoDashBool = true
  472. end
  473. if IsDouble == true and CanDash == true and CanAct.Value == true and CHumanoid:FindFirstChild("DisabledByCC") == nil and NoDashBool == false then
  474. CanDash = false
  475. CHumanoid.AutoRotate = false
  476. do
  477. local LookDirection = Camera.CFrame
  478. LookDirection = HRP.CFrame + LookDirection.lookVector * 10000
  479. HRP.CFrame =,, HRP.Position.Y, LookDirection.Z))
  480. local Dir = HRP.CFrame
  481. local AnimToPlay = FDashAnimToUse
  482. if InputSend == "A" then
  483. Dir = Dir * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(90), 0)
  484. AnimToPlay = LDashAnimToUse
  485. elseif InputSend == "S" then
  486. Dir = Dir * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0)
  487. AnimToPlay = BDashAnimToUse
  488. elseif InputSend == "D" then
  489. Dir = Dir * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(-90), 0)
  490. AnimToPlay = RDashAnimToUse
  491. end
  492. local FollowCamera = RunService.RenderStepped:connect(function()
  493. local LookDirection = Camera.CFrame
  494. LookDirection = HRP.CFrame + LookDirection.lookVector * 10000
  495. HRP.CFrame =,, HRP.Position.Y, LookDirection.Z))
  496. end)
  497. local DashAnim = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimationInstancer(AnimToPlay))
  498. DashAnim:Play()
  499. DashAnim.Stopped:connect(function()
  500. FollowCamera:Disconnect()
  501. if CHumanoid.WalkSpeed ~= 0 then
  502. CHumanoid.AutoRotate = true
  503. end
  504. local DashCD = SpeedStat / 100
  505. if DAToggle == true then
  506. DashCD = 2
  507. end
  508. wait(2 - DashCD)
  509. CanDash = true
  510. end)
  511. local DashDistance = PhysStat / 4
  512. if DashDistance > 25 then
  513. DashDistance = 25
  514. end
  515. local DashSpeed = SpeedStat / 0.1
  516. if DashSpeed > 2000 then
  517. DashSpeed = 2000
  518. end
  519. if DAToggle == true then
  520. DashDistance = 25
  521. DashSpeed = 2000
  522. end
  523. local MF =, 0, 500000)
  524. if string.sub(AnimToPlay, string.len(AnimToPlay) - 4, string.len(AnimToPlay)) == "EtoK3" then
  525. DashDistance = DashDistance * 1.5
  526. elseif string.sub(AnimToPlay, string.len(AnimToPlay) - 5, string.len(AnimToPlay)) == "PKKen1" then
  527. DashDistance = DashDistance * 1.4
  528. DashSpeed = DashSpeed * 1.25
  529. elseif string.sub(AnimToPlay, string.len(AnimToPlay) - 7, string.len(AnimToPlay)) == "TataraK1" then
  530. DashDistance = DashDistance * 1.66
  531. elseif string.sub(AnimToPlay, string.len(AnimToPlay) - 5, string.len(AnimToPlay)) == "TakiK1" then
  532. DashDistance = DashDistance * 1.4
  533. DashSpeed = DashSpeed * 1.25
  534. elseif string.sub(AnimToPlay, string.len(AnimToPlay) - 5, string.len(AnimToPlay)) == "TakiK2" then
  535. DashDistance = DashDistance * 1.5
  536. DashSpeed = DashSpeed * 1.33
  537. end
  538. local BP ="BodyPosition")
  539. game.Debris:AddItem(BP, 0.4)
  540. BP.Position = HRP.Position + Dir.lookVector * (25 + DashDistance)
  541. BP.D = 500
  542. BP.P = 1750 + DashSpeed
  543. BP.MaxForce = MF
  544. BP.Name = "Dash"
  545. BP.Parent = HRP
  546. wait(0.4)
  547. DashAnim:Stop(0.2)
  548. end
  549. end
  550. end
  551. local MouseHit = Mouse.Hit
  552. if UserInputService.MouseBehavior == Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter then
  553. MouseHit = "ShiftLock"
  554. end
  555. Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(HRPPosition1, InputSend, "Down", MouseHit, IsDouble, CamSpot)
  556. end
  557. end
  558. end)
  559. UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(Input, GameProcessed)
  560. local InputSend
  561. if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
  562. local Key = string.sub(tostring(Input.KeyCode), 14, string.len(tostring(Input.KeyCode)))
  563. InputSend = Key
  564. elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  565. InputSend = "Mouse1"
  566. elseif Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
  567. InputSend = "Mouse2"
  568. end
  569. local CamSpot = Camera.CFrame
  570. if InputSend then
  571. if InputSend == "V" then
  572. local HUD = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("HUD")
  573. local MainFrame = HUD:WaitForChild("MainFrame")
  574. local ShowMore = MainFrame:WaitForChild("ShowMoreButton")
  575. MainFrame:TweenPosition(, -271, 1, -134), 2, 4, 0.1, true)
  576. ShowMore.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
  577. end
  578. Remotes.KeyEvent:FireServer(HRPPosition1, InputSend, "Up", Mouse.Hit, nil, CamSpot)
  579. end
  580. end)
  581. if Remotes:FindFirstChild("GetPos") and Remotes.GetPos:IsA("RemoteFunction") then
  582. function Remotes.GetPos.OnClientInvoke(LocalPart)
  583. return LocalPart.CFrame
  584. end
  585. else
  586. while true do
  587. end
  588. end
  589. if Remotes:FindFirstChild("RemDash") and Remotes.RemDash:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  590. Remotes.RemDash.OnClientEvent:connect(function()
  591. if HRP:FindFirstChild("Dash") then
  592. HRP.Dash:Destroy()
  593. end
  594. end)
  595. else
  596. while true do
  597. end
  598. end
  599. if Remotes:FindFirstChild("StatUpdate") and Remotes.RemDash:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  600. Remotes.StatUpdate.OnClientEvent:connect(function(V1, V2, V3)
  601. SpeedStat = V1
  602. PhysStat = V2
  603. DAToggle = V3
  604. end)
  605. else
  606. while true do
  607. end
  608. end
  609. if game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes:FindFirstChild("Notif") and game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Notif:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  610. game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Notif.OnClientEvent:connect(function(T, Txt, Dur)
  611. game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
  612. Title = T,
  613. Text = Txt,
  614. Icon = "",
  615. Duration = Dur,
  616. Callback = nil,
  617. Button1 = nil,
  618. Button2 = nil
  619. })
  620. end)
  621. else
  622. while true do
  623. end
  624. end
  625. if game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes:FindFirstChild("ServerMessages") and game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.ServerMessages:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  626. game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.ServerMessages.OnClientEvent:connect(function(T)
  627. game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", T)
  628. end)
  629. else
  630. while true do
  631. end
  632. end
  633. local CamShakeToggle = false
  634. if Remotes:FindFirstChild("CamShake") and Remotes.CamShake:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  635. Remotes.CamShake.OnClientEvent:connect(function(Type, ShakeTime, ShakeLimit, FilterTime, FilterMin, FilterMax, Intensity)
  636. if Intensity == nil then
  637. Intensity = 1
  638. end
  639. if Type == "None" then
  640. CamShakeToggle = false
  641. coroutine.wrap(function()
  642. local SL = ShakeLimit
  643. for i = 1, 4 do
  644. local CO = Character.ServerControl.CameraOffset.Value
  645. local SL1 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 * Intensity
  646. local SL2 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 * Intensity
  647. local SL3 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 * Intensity
  648. SL1 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 - SL1 / 5 * i
  649. SL2 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 - SL2 / 5 * i
  650. SL3 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 - SL3 / 5 * i
  651. TweenS:Create(CHumanoid, / 5, 0, 1), {
  652. CameraOffset = + SL1, CO.Y + SL2, CO.Z + SL3)
  653. }):Play()
  654. wait(ShakeTime / 5)
  655. end
  656. TweenS:Create(CHumanoid, / 5, 0, 1), {
  657. CameraOffset =, -1, 0)
  658. }):Play()
  659. end)()
  660. coroutine.wrap(function()
  661. wait(FilterTime + 0.1)
  662. TweenS:Create(game.Lighting.ColorCorrection,, 0, 1), {Contrast = 0.1}):Play()
  663. end)()
  664. elseif Type == "Kakuja1" then
  665. CamShakeToggle = true
  666. coroutine.wrap(function()
  667. repeat
  668. wait(ShakeTime)
  669. if CamShakeToggle == true then
  670. local SL = ShakeLimit
  671. local CO = Character.ServerControl.CameraOffset.Value
  672. local SL1 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 * Intensity
  673. local SL2 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 * Intensity
  674. local SL3 = math.random(-SL, SL) / 20 * Intensity
  675. TweenS:Create(CHumanoid,, 0, 1), {
  676. CameraOffset = + SL1, CO.Y + SL2, CO.Z + SL3)
  677. }):Play()
  678. end
  679. until CamShakeToggle == false
  680. end)()
  681. coroutine.wrap(function()
  682. repeat
  683. wait(FilterTime)
  684. if CamShakeToggle == true then
  685. local ChosenContrast = math.random(FilterMin, FilterMax) / 100
  686. TweenS:Create(game.Lighting.ColorCorrection,, 4, 0), {
  687. Contrast = ChosenContrast * Intensity
  688. }):Play()
  689. end
  690. until CamShakeToggle == false
  691. end)()
  692. end
  693. end)
  694. else
  695. while true do
  696. end
  697. end
  698. InsanityGUI = nil
  699. if Remotes:FindFirstChild("InsanityText") and Remotes.InsanityText:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  700. Remotes.InsanityText.OnClientEvent:connect(function(Type, Intensity)
  701. if Intensity == nil then
  702. Intensity = 1
  703. end
  704. if Type == "None" then
  705. if InsanityGUI then
  706. game.Debris:AddItem(InsanityGUI, 1)
  707. InsanityGUI = nil
  708. end
  709. elseif Type == "KenK2" or Type == "NishK1" or Type == "TakiK1" then
  710. InsanityGUI ="ScreenGui")
  711. InsanityGUI.DisplayOrder = 100
  712. InsanityGUI.Name = ""
  713. do
  714. local InsanityFrame ="Frame")
  715. InsanityFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  716. InsanityFrame.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  717. InsanityFrame.Parent = InsanityGUI
  718. coroutine.wrap(function()
  719. local Texts
  720. if Type == "KenK2" then
  721. Texts = {
  722. "FINGERS",
  723. "BENCH",
  724. "CENTIPEDES",
  725. "CRAWLING",
  726. "INSIDE",
  727. "MY HEAD",
  728. "1000 MINUS 7",
  730. "YAMORI",
  731. "JASON",
  732. "KILL",
  733. "DEATH",
  734. "EATING",
  735. "ANTEIKU",
  736. "PROTECT",
  737. "MYNAMEJEFF",
  738. "ZTQIDJZCM",
  739. "EYEPATCH",
  740. "TOUKA",
  741. "HIDE",
  742. "NISHIO",
  743. "RUNRUNRUN",
  744. "HUNGER",
  745. "STARVATION",
  746. "WHY",
  747. "BLOOD",
  748. "BIG GREEN",
  749. "SALAZAR",
  750. "ARROGANCE"
  751. }
  752. elseif Type == "NishK1" then
  753. Texts = {
  754. "LOSS",
  755. "HURT",
  756. "AHAHAHAHAH",
  757. "INSANE",
  758. "I'M DYING",
  759. "OROCHI",
  760. "SISTER",
  761. "KIMI",
  763. "KILL",
  764. "DEATH",
  765. "EATING",
  766. "ANTEIKU",
  767. "SERPENT",
  768. "ZTQIDJZCM",
  769. "KICKING",
  770. "HUNGER",
  771. "STARVATION",
  772. "WHY",
  773. "BLOOD",
  774. "SERIOUS",
  775. "WATCHING",
  776. "SCARS",
  777. "WEAKENED",
  779. "RIZE",
  781. }
  782. elseif Type == "TakiK1" then
  783. Texts = {
  784. "AKIRA",
  785. "HURT",
  786. "AHAHAHAHAH",
  787. "INSANE",
  788. "ABANDONED",
  789. "MASSACRE",
  790. "CCG",
  791. "MADO",
  793. "KILL",
  794. "DEATH",
  795. "EATING",
  796. "TASTY",
  797. "MONSTER",
  798. "ZTQIDJZCM",
  800. "HUNGER",
  801. "STARVATION",
  802. "WHY AM I ALIVE",
  803. "BLOOD",
  804. "MOM",
  805. "DAD",
  806. "DIDN'T EAT YET",
  807. "ROCKY",
  808. "WEAK",
  809. "WEAKENED",
  810. "TATARA",
  811. "NORO",
  812. "I AM HUMAN",
  813. "I AM A GHOUL",
  814. "AOGIRI"
  815. }
  816. end
  817. while wait(0.15 / Intensity) and InsanityGUI do
  818. for i = 1, 2 do
  819. local Time = 0.6 + math.random(-2, 2) * 0.1
  820. local TextChosen = Texts[math.random(1, #Texts)]
  821. local TextLength = string.len(TextChosen)
  822. local InsanityTextFrame ="Frame")
  823. game.Debris:AddItem(InsanityTextFrame, Time)
  824. InsanityTextFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  825. InsanityTextFrame.Position = - TextLength * 0.025 + math.random(-14, 14) * 0.025, 0, 0.4 + math.random(-14, 14) * 0.025, 0)
  826. InsanityTextFrame.Rotation = math.random(-30, 30)
  827. InsanityTextFrame.Size = * 0.05, 0, math.random(2, 4) * 0.035, 0)
  828. InsanityTextFrame.Parent = InsanityFrame
  829. TweenS:Create(InsanityTextFrame,, 4, 1), {
  830. Rotation = math.random(-15 * Intensity, 15 * Intensity)
  831. }):Play()
  832. for i = 1, TextLength do
  833. local TextLabelWidth = 1 / TextLength
  834. local InsanityTextLabel ="TextLabel")
  835. InsanityTextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  836. InsanityTextLabel.Position = * (i - 1), 0, math.random(-6, 6) / 80, 0)
  837. InsanityTextLabel.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  838. InsanityTextLabel.Text = string.sub(TextChosen, i, i)
  839. InsanityTextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
  840. InsanityTextLabel.TextTransparency = 1
  841. InsanityTextLabel.TextStrokeColor3 =
  842. InsanityTextLabel.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  843. InsanityTextLabel.TextScaled = true
  844. InsanityTextLabel.Parent = InsanityTextFrame
  845. if math.random(1, 4) == 1 then
  846. InsanityTextLabel.Text = string.lower(string.sub(TextChosen, i, i))
  847. end
  848. TweenS:Create(InsanityTextLabel, / 2, 1, 0, 0, true), {
  849. Position = * (i - 1), 0, math.random(-6, 6) / 80, 0),
  850. TextTransparency = 0.3 + math.random(-3, 3) * 0.05,
  851. TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5 + math.random(-4, 4) * 0.05
  852. }):Play()
  853. end
  854. end
  855. repeat
  856. do break end
  857. break
  858. until true
  859. end
  860. end)()
  861. InsanityGUI.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
  862. end
  863. end
  864. end)
  865. else
  866. while true do
  867. end
  868. end
  869. if Remotes:FindFirstChild("AnimUpdate") and Remotes.AnimUpdate:IsA("RemoteEvent") then
  870. Remotes.AnimUpdate.OnClientEvent:connect(function(Transition, IdleType, RunType, JumpType, FallType, FDashType, LDashType, BDashType, RDashType)
  871. IdleAnimation:Stop(Transition)
  872. IdleAnimation = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimationInstancer(IdleType))
  873. IdleAnimation:Play(Transition)
  874. local function AnimTransfer(A1, A2)
  875. if A1 ~= RunAnimation then
  876. local SaveTimePos = A1.TimePosition
  877. local SaveSpeed = A1.Speed
  878. A1:Stop(Transition)
  879. local NewAnim = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimationInstancer(A2))
  880. NewAnim:Play(Transition)
  881. NewAnim.TimePosition = SaveTimePos
  882. NewAnim:AdjustSpeed(SaveSpeed)
  883. return NewAnim
  884. elseif A1 == RunAnimation and FallAnimation == nil then
  885. local SaveTimePos = A1.TimePosition
  886. local SaveSpeed = A1.Speed
  887. A1:Stop(Transition)
  888. local NewAnim = CHumanoid:LoadAnimation(AnimationInstancer(A2))
  889. NewAnim:Play(Transition)
  890. NewAnim.TimePosition = SaveTimePos
  891. NewAnim:AdjustSpeed(SaveSpeed)
  892. coroutine.wrap(function()
  893. RunTransition = true
  894. wait(Transition)
  895. RunTransition = false
  896. end)()
  897. return NewAnim
  898. elseif A1 == RunningAnimation and FallAnimation then
  899. RunAnimation:Stop(0.25)
  900. RunAnimation = nil
  901. end
  902. end
  903. RunAnimToUse = RunType
  904. if RunAnimation then
  905. RunAnimation = AnimTransfer(RunAnimation, RunAnimToUse)
  906. end
  907. JumpAnimToUse = JumpType
  908. if JumpAnimation and JumpAnimToUse ~= "JumpNo" then
  909. JumpAnimation = AnimTransfer(JumpAnimation, JumpAnimToUse)
  910. end
  911. FallingAnimToUse = FallType
  912. if FallAnimation then
  913. FallAnimation = AnimTransfer(FallAnimation, FallingAnimToUse)
  914. end
  915. if FDashType then
  916. FDashAnimToUse = FDashType
  917. end
  918. if LDashType then
  919. LDashAnimToUse = LDashType
  920. end
  921. if BDashType then
  922. BDashAnimToUse = BDashType
  923. end
  924. if RDashType then
  925. RDashAnimToUse = RDashType
  926. end
  927. end)
  928. else
  929. while true do
  930. end
  931. end
  932. coroutine.wrap(function()
  933. if workspace:FindFirstChild("Buildings") then
  934. local BuildingParts = workspace.Buildings:GetChildren()
  935. while true do
  936. for i, v in pairs(BuildingParts) do
  937. if v and v.CanCollide == true and v.CollisionGroupId == 0 and v.Parent ~= nil then
  938. else
  939. while true do
  940. end
  941. end
  942. wait(5)
  943. end
  944. end
  945. else
  946. while true do
  947. end
  948. end
  949. end)()
  950. repeat
  951. wait()
  952. until HRP.Anchored == false
  953. local LAM = PlayerFolder:FindFirstChild("LookAtMouse")
  954. local TerminalVelocityRenderStepped
  955. TerminalVelocityRenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped:connect(function()
  956. if HRP.Velocity.Y < -125 then
  957. HRP.Velocity =, -125, HRP.Velocity.Z)
  958. end
  959. if LAM and LAM.Parent == PlayerFolder and LAM.Value ~=, 0, 0) then
  960. HRP.CFrame =,, HRP.Position.Y, LAM.Value.Z))
  961. end
  962. end)
  963. local plsscript = Character:FindFirstChild("hakai")
  964. if plsscript == nil or plsscript and not plsscript:IsA("LocalScript") then
  965. while true do
  966. end
  967. else
  968. local SavedParent
  969. plsscript.Disabled = false
  970. wait(0.1)
  971. if plsscript.Parent == nil then
  972. while true do
  973. end
  974. end
  975. plsscript.Parent = nil
  976. plsscript.AncestryChanged:connect(function()
  977. if plsscript.Parent == nil then
  978. while true do
  979. end
  980. end
  981. end)
  982. plsscript.Changed:connect(function()
  983. while true do
  984. end
  985. end)
  986. end
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