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a guest
Aug 4th, 2017
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  2. hostname: localhost
  3. port: 3306
  4. database: netycraft
  5. username: root
  6. password: ''
  7. login-loc:
  8. world: boneyard-login
  9. x: -57.5
  10. y: 78
  11. z: 181.5
  12. yaw: 180.0
  13. pith: 0.0
  14. lobby-loc:
  15. world: newlobby
  16. x: -60.5
  17. y: 63
  18. z: 184.5
  19. yaw: 0
  20. pith: 0
  21. welcome-title: '&3Bienvenido a &eNety&aCraft'
  22. lobby-hotbar:
  23. Games:
  24. item: COMPASS
  25. name: '&6Modalidades'
  26. slot: 0
  27. PVP-on:
  28. item: STAINED_CLAY:5
  29. name: '&7PVP: &aActivado'
  30. slot: 1
  31. PVP-off:
  32. item: STAINED_CLAY:14
  33. name: '&7PVP: &cDesactivado'
  34. slot: 1
  35. Gadgets:
  36. item: CHEST
  37. name: '&eGadgets'
  38. slot: 7
  39. Settings:
  40. item: WATCH
  41. name: '&3Configuración'
  42. slot: 8
  43. Sword: {}
  44. Bow: {}
  45. Arrow: {}
  46. games:
  47. SkyBlock:
  48. item:
  49. type: GRASS
  50. slot: 11
  51. name: '&9&lSkyBlock'
  52. lore:
  53. - '&c¿Podrás sobrevivir en una pequeña'
  54. - '&cisla voladora?'
  55. gamemode: SURVIVAL
  56. allow-build-in-spawn: false
  57. worlds:
  58. no-generate:
  59. - ASkyBlock
  60. - ASkyBlock_nether
  61. spawn-loc:
  62. world: skyblock-spawn
  63. x: 131.5
  64. y: 65
  65. z: 1.5
  66. yaw: 0
  67. pith: 0
  68. allowed-cmds:
  69. - is
  70. - asadmin
  71. - c
  72. - island
  73. permission: netycraft.skyblock
  74. Survival:
  75. item:
  76. type: APPLE
  77. slot: 13
  78. name: '&9&lSurvival'
  79. lore:
  80. - '&cSimplemente sobrevive.'
  81. gamemode: SURVIVAL
  82. allow-build-in-spawn: false
  83. spawn-loc:
  84. world: survival-spawn
  85. x: 0.5
  86. y: 7
  87. z: 0.5
  88. yaw: 0
  89. pith: 0
  90. permission: netycraft.survival
  91. worlds:
  92. generate:
  93. - plotworld
  94. allowed-cmds:
  95. - plotme
  96. Construcciones:
  97. item:
  98. type: STONE
  99. slot: 26
  100. name: '&9&lConstrucciones'
  101. lore:
  102. - '&cA construir se ha dicho.'
  103. gamemode: CREATIVE
  104. allow-build-in-spawn: true
  105. spawn-loc:
  106. world: Construcciones
  107. x: 8
  108. y: 4
  109. z: 8
  110. yaw: 0
  111. pith: 0
  112. permission: netycraft.construcciones
  113. Proximamente:
  114. item:
  115. type: BEDROCK
  116. slot: 15
  117. name: '&9&lProximamente...'
  118. lore:
  119. - '&c&kjkgdasfhgkjkjhsdf'
  120. - '&c&kjkgdasfhgkjkjhsdf'
  121. - '&c&kjkgdasfhgkjkjhsdf'
  122. gamemode: SURVIVAL
  123. allow-build-in-spawn: true
  124. spawn-loc:
  125. world: world
  126. x: 0
  127. y: 0
  128. z: 0
  129. yaw: 0
  130. pith: 0
  131. permission: netycraft.proximamente
  132. always-visible: true
  133. allowed-cmds-in-all-games-or-lobby:
  134. - balance
  135. - imagemap
  136. - afhelp
  137. - god
  138. - changepass
  139. - essentials
  140. - minecraft
  141. - lvl
  142. - redo
  143. - armorinv
  144. - enderinv
  145. - inv
  146. - whitelist
  147. - sethome
  148. - lock
  149. - delhome
  150. - xp
  151. - holo
  152. - warps
  153. - warp
  154. - delwarp
  155. - setwarp
  156. - pay
  157. - wand
  158. - lagg
  159. - chat
  160. - silla
  161. - home
  162. - difficulty
  163. - netyrl
  164. - br
  165. - tool
  166. - copy
  167. - replace
  168. - up
  169. - paste
  170. - undo
  171. - rotate
  172. - set
  173. - hcyl
  174. - cyl
  175. - hub
  176. - lobby
  177. - help
  178. - worldedit
  179. - worldguard
  180. - region
  181. - fly
  182. - gamemode
  183. - time
  184. - weather
  185. - give
  186. - tp
  187. - invsee
  188. - ban
  189. - kick
  190. - warn
  191. - mute
  192. - tempban
  193. - tempmute
  194. - kill
  195. - msg
  196. - rl
  197. - list
  198. - plugins
  199. - pl
  200. - pex
  201. - netycraft
  202. - heal
  203. - feed
  204. - afk
  205. - npc
  206. - tps
  207. - gm
  208. - tpa
  209. - tphere
  210. - day
  211. - night
  212. - afternoon
  213. - unban
  214. - unmute
  215. - fireball
  216. - seen
  217. - ci
  218. - top
  219. - jump
  220. - back
  221. - spawn
  222. - tpaccept
  223. - tpdeny
  224. - clear
  225. - timings
  226. - nick
  227. - skin
  228. - op
  229. - deop
  230. - pardon
  231. - sphere
  232. - fix
  233. - gamerule
  234. - spawnpoint
  235. - setwarp
  236. - speed
  237. - vanish
  238. - mv
  239. - tpall
  240. - toggledownfall
  241. - warp
  242. - mask
  243. - none
  244. - changeskin.command.skinupdate
  245. - changeskin.command.setskin
  246. sillas:
  247. silla1: construcciones, 8, 4, 22
  248. tab-header: '&6Bienvenido a &eNetyCraft&6!'
  249. tab-footer: '&'
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