
visit from a douhe frost

Mar 16th, 2015
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  1. Guest_Aviraptia has joined the chat
  2. HarperRayneCreed: welcome
  3. Guest_Aviraptia: Hi there. ^^
  4. HarperRayneCreed: hru
  5. Guest_Aviraptia: I'm doing pretty good, what about you? ^^
  6. HarperRayneCreed: yea im good ty just a lil tired
  7. Guest_Aviraptia: Tough day at school/work?
  8. HarperRayneCreed: just a long day on my feet at work
  9. Guest_Aviraptia: Ah, you should try doing what I used to do. I used to work on my aunt's goat farm. ^^
  10. HarperRayneCreed: aviraptia im gonna have to ask u to remove your blade please
  11. Guest_Aviraptia: One sec.
  12. Guest_Aviraptia: There you go. ^^
  13. HarperRayneCreed: ty only family are aloud weapons
  14. Guest_Aviraptia: I didn't see that rule on the chat info.
  15. Guest_Aviraptia: Otherwise I would have removed it before coming in.
  16. HarperRayneCreed: its on the room info but it not a problem
  17. Guest_Aviraptia: ...
  18. Guest_Aviraptia: I'm blind xD
  19. HarperRayneCreed: lol nps
  20. Guest_Aviraptia: Is there a reason for that rule?
  21. Guest_Aviraptia: Most rules have a reason. I mean, that's how rules make sense to me. XD
  22. Guest_Aviraptia: Someone did something stupid, so someone decided to say,-"Okay, we're gonna make a rule saying you can't do that."
  23. HarperRayneCreed: its always been that way in our family
  24. Guest_Aviraptia: I just talk a lot. XD
  25. HarperRayneCreed: it oks not many ppl read the info and we have had a few idiots
  26. Guest_Aviraptia: I try to read chat info.
  27. Guest_Aviraptia: *Reads your profile* You have a big family.
  28. HarperRayneCreed: yea but getting bigger everyday hehe
  29. Guest_Aviraptia: Mine seems to be getting bigger too.
  30. Guest_Aviraptia: Well, one of them.
  31. Guest_Aviraptia: One seems to be shrinking.
  32. HarperRayneCreed: mhmm mine is three familys in one
  33. EllysettaNightStarr has joined the chat
  34. HarperRayneCreed: hii ma
  35. EllysettaNightStarr: hey brat:)
  36. HarperRayneCreed: ,,i,,
  37. HarperRayneCreed: lol
  38. EllysettaNightStarr: ,,l,,.......,,l,,
  39. Guest_Aviraptia: Miss Harper, are you by any chance a roleplayer?
  40. HarperRayneCreed: nope we're just a family who do a lil play rp thats it
  41. HarperRayneCreed: light rp
  42. Guest_Aviraptia: Ah, so you wouldn't be interested in a spar? ^^
  43. HarperRayneCreed: na im not that serious about rp :)
  44. Guest_Aviraptia: Ah darn. I'm looking all over for a spar.
  45. HarperRayneCreed: awwws theres loads of rping rooms
  46. Guest_Aviraptia: Yes there is. But no one seems to be able to keep up with me.
  47. Guest_Aviraptia: Charr standing at 7’1, and 285 pounds stepped onto the field, dressed in full Salurian Combat Armor exclusive to a special unit, which didn’t look like much, as it looked like medieval armor with spikes, and a crest of a bat on it. But in reality, the helmet allowed advanced calculations, communications, and protection from attacks, and the armor itself allowed the wielder to be attacked by the heat of the sun, and explosive attacks equal to atomic bombs; though it couldn’t handle them for long. Charr was also a black belt in many martial arts, a trained killer almost. Also on Charr was what he deemed to be his side-arm, and combat knife in one sitting, which was a quarter-gun-staff; which had four long lances packed with explosives total, two on each end, and a highly explosive resistant barrel in between them; capable of withstanding the explosions from the lances. The quarterstaff could fire steel ball-bearings with nitrogen power, only it was pretty insane as it didn’t need heat to do it, in the middle of the handle were two triggers, which could fire one barrel at a time, or both at once. (C)
  48. Guest_Aviraptia: Secondly, and just as importantly, was his main weapon; which had 8 rotating Anti-Matter Salurian Battleship Cannon Barrels, which fired rounds capable of taking down pretty much anything in their way, from buildings, to starships. The same weapon could fold out into a twin-barreled machine gun that fired 9MM Valhallan Phoenix Incendiary and Explosive Frag Rounds at an alarming rate of 2000 rounds a minute, and given the powerhouse behind his reloading mechanism, his molecular ammo refresher, which pulled in molecules from the air, and transformed them into ammo, he was a dangerous force on the battlefield. Also in that same weapon was a shotgun, an underslung rocket launcher, and a flamethrower, which could reach up to 200 yards with a giant flame capable of burning into buildings. Finally, Charr came equipped with state of the art medical gear, everything from blood bags of O-Neg, to paddles, to sutures, scalpels, extractors, epi-pens, an omni-tool, and combat-stims, not to mention his wide array of matter-manipulator powers, if all his tools failed him. (C)
  49. Guest_Aviraptia: Finally, Charr had what was arguably, the most advanced and incredible rifle in existence. Hyperonia; an assault rifle that could identify any weakness in any target, from identifying a weak spot in its armor, to swapping over to an ammo that could decimate the target in one single round. She also had a lock-on ability, that took the aiming out of shooting, you merely pulled the trigger and she fired, and tried her best to hit the target.
  50. Guest_Aviraptia: (That would be the entrance for my character Charr.)
  51. EllysettaNightStarr: good entrance
  52. HarperRayneCreed: mhmm
  53. DanyalAngelWarrior has joined the chat
  54. HarperRayneCreed: hey uncle
  55. Guest_Aviraptia: Hi ^^
  56. DanyalAngelWarrior: LunaFrost alliance is not welcome here
  57. EllysettaNightStarr: hey dany
  58. HarperRayneCreed > DanyalAngelWarrior: i think he looking for eden
  59. DanyalAngelWarrior: hey niece
  60. DanyalAngelWarrior: hey sis
  61. Guest_Aviraptia: ...I will politely take my leave then.
  62. EllysettaNightStarr: byeeee
  63. DanyalAngelWarrior: poof
  64. Guest_Aviraptia: I was just hoping to clear up some things.
  65. Guest_Aviraptia: And get some answers.
  66. HarperRayneCreed: like wot
  67. EllysettaNightStarr: mhmm
  68. EllysettaNightStarr: ask what you want to know
  69. HarperRayneCreed: that u still got the hit out on my daughter
  70. DanyalAngelWarrior: I am head Enforcer here the rules will not bend they apply to all
  71. Guest_Aviraptia: I was wondering what exactly happened to create such...Distain between the two parties.
  72. DanyalAngelWarrior: there was never an alliance
  73. HarperRayneCreed: well ur in with luna now so ask her
  74. Guest_Aviraptia: I heard one side, Ma'am.
  75. DanyalAngelWarrior: Lunas no doubt
  76. Guest_Aviraptia: I'd like to get both sides.
  77. HarperRayneCreed: and wot has she told you
  78. DanyalAngelWarrior: my grand daughter is 16 years old in rl
  79. DanyalAngelWarrior: and she has been encourged to have sex
  80. DanyalAngelWarrior: and now has a hit on her head
  81. Guest_Aviraptia: I just wanted to hear both sides of the story. I like to know everyone's take on what happens.
  82. Guest_Aviraptia: Perspective is a powerful thing.
  83. HarperRayneCreed: why
  84. HarperRayneCreed: why do u need to know
  85. Guest_Aviraptia: It helps me deliver a verdict, Ma'am.
  86. DanyalAngelWarrior: take is the irresponsability of your alliance allowing and encouraging minors to have sex
  87. DanyalAngelWarrior: that is a crime a real life crime
  88. HarperRayneCreed: luna is the one in the wrong here
  89. DanyalAngelWarrior: also my issue is cyber bullying which is also a crime
  90. HarperRayneCreed: not heart
  91. DanyalAngelWarrior: to threaten her on facebook and skype
  92. DanyalAngelWarrior: that is a real crime
  93. DanyalAngelWarrior: for wut cause Frostwas caught in another mans bed with her pants down?
  94. DanyalAngelWarrior: please
  95. Guest_Aviraptia: I just wanted to know both sides of the story. But, I forgot why I came here. Because I started having fun.
  96. DanyalAngelWarrior: she needs to grow up
  97. Guest_Aviraptia: It was nice to meet all of you. ^^
  98. DanyalAngelWarrior: own her sin and move on
  99. HarperRayneCreed: but u came on false pertences
  100. DanyalAngelWarrior: luna can block heart
  101. Guest_Aviraptia: I'm sure it seems that way. Everyone has their own pespective.
  102. EllysettaNightStarr: if she keeps threatning my grand daughter there will be trouble
  103. DanyalAngelWarrior: and command her alliance to do so but they choose not to be adults
  104. DanyalAngelWarrior: but act like children
  105. HarperRayneCreed: tell frost to take the hit of heart
  106. DanyalAngelWarrior: heart is 16 yrs old
  107. Guest_Aviraptia: If it was up to me, nobody in this whole thing would be fighting.
  108. DanyalAngelWarrior: and luna has broken real life laws on that
  109. HarperRayneCreed: and to leave us the hell alone or i will fight fire with fire
  110. HarperRayneCreed: in rp frost cant touch a minor
  111. DanyalAngelWarrior: to manipulate minors
  112. DanyalAngelWarrior: allow them to falsly hold ap in her group
  113. DanyalAngelWarrior: like demon...hes 14 and has ap cause he used his dad credit card
  114. DanyalAngelWarrior: and hes married
  115. DanyalAngelWarrior: rofl
  116. DanyalAngelWarrior: false ap
  117. EllysettaNightStarr: smh
  118. DanyalAngelWarrior: thats a crime
  119. Guest_Aviraptia: I know many people with false AP.
  120. DanyalAngelWarrior: and its a crime
  121. SassyAnnaWarrior has joined the chat
  122. Guest_Aviraptia: It is a crime, yes.
  123. DanyalAngelWarrior: meant to be reported to imvu
  124. DanyalAngelWarrior: not housed
  125. DanyalAngelWarrior: and allowed and encouraged
  126. HarperRayneCreed > DanyalAngelWarrior: aviraptia is frost loyal pet of sorts
  127. Guest_Aviraptia: Thank you for clearing things up. ^^
  128. DanyalAngelWarrior: its her group and she is in full knowing of minors having sex and does nothing to stop it
  129. DanyalAngelWarrior: and thats a responsable 25 yr old to you?
  130. HarperRayneCreed: smdfh
  131. EllysettaNightStarr: hello sassy
  132. SassyAnnaWarrior: hello elly
  133. DanyalAngelWarrior: hey kitten
  135. Guest_Aviraptia: I will take my leave now. It was nice to hear the other side of the story.
  136. SassyAnnaWarrior: hey daddy
  137. EllysettaNightStarr: mhmm
  138. DanyalAngelWarrior: yw
  139. HarperRayneCreed: TELL HER IT STOPS NOW
  140. Guest_Aviraptia has left the chat
  141. DanyalAngelWarrior: smfh
  142. SassyAnnaWarrior: wut going on
  143. HarperRayneCreed: IVE HAD A FUCKING NOUGHT
  144. DanyalAngelWarrior: ik haha
  145. DanyalAngelWarrior: heart needs to stop and block them all
  146. DanyalAngelWarrior: its too much
  147. DanyalAngelWarrior: luna frost needs to grow the fuck up
  148. HarperRayneCreed: eden has them all blocked ive just asked her on kik
  149. DanyalAngelWarrior: k
  150. DanyalAngelWarrior: on facebook and skype as well
  151. DanyalAngelWarrior: from now one she better make an alt fb and skype for rp shit
  152. DanyalAngelWarrior: this is to much
  153. HarperRayneCreed: ikim getting sick of it too
  154. DanyalAngelWarrior: that one i had to use my enforcer app to get a search on
  155. DanyalAngelWarrior: hes hidden good and its an alt
  156. HarperRayneCreed: i should of looked in frosts room as soon as he did the rp thing
  157. HarperRayneCreed: ive got it saved in m faves
  158. DanyalAngelWarrior: nods
  159. HarperRayneCreed: eden got them blocked on fb and skype
  160. DanyalAngelWarrior: k good
  161. DanyalAngelWarrior: youll need to scan pple good for a while haha..untill you have them all blocked yourself
  162. HarperRayneCreed: hehe i just said that to lulu in real
  163. DanyalAngelWarrior: hehe
  164. DanyalAngelWarrior: well happy i could help
  165. LunaLuxEverLight has joined the chat
  166. HarperRayneCreed: yea ty uncle
  167. EllysettaNightStarr: hey lulu
  168. LunaLuxEverLight: hii ma
  169. HarperRayneCreed: hii sis
  170. SassyAnnaWarrior: brb
  171. HarperRayneCreed: tyt
  172. EllysettaNightStarr: tyt
  173. LunaLuxEverLight: tyt
  174. DanyalAngelWarrior: yw
  175. DanyalAngelWarrior: so far they never expect me comming
  176. HarperRayneCreed: uncle wanna read wot he showed us as his entrance peice
  177. DanyalAngelWarrior: yes please
  178. SassyAnnaWarrior: back
  179. LunaLuxEverLight: wbs
  180. DanyalAngelWarrior: wb kitten
  181. SassyAnnaWarrior: ty
  182. EllysettaNightStarr: wb
  183. HarperRayneCreed: Guest_Aviraptia: Charr standing at 7’1, and 285 pounds stepped onto the field, dressed in full Salurian Combat Armor exclusive to a special unit, which didn’t look like much, as it looked like medieval armor with spikes, and a crest of a bat on it. But in reality, the helmet allowed advanced calculations, communications, and protection from attacks, and the armor itself allowed the wielder to be attacked by the heat of the sun, and explosive attacks equal to atomic bombs; though it couldn’t handle them for long. Charr was also a black belt in many martial arts, a trained killer almost. Also on Charr was what he deemed to be his side-arm, and combat knife in one sitting, which was a quarter-gun-staff; which had four long lances packed with explosives total, two on each end, and a highly explosive resistant barrel in between them; capable of withstanding the explosions from the lances. The quarterstaff could fire steel ball-bearings with nitrogen power, only it was pretty insane as it didn’t need heat to do it, in the middle of the handle were two triggers, which could fire one barrel at a time, or both at once. (C)
  184. SassyAnnaWarrior: ty
  185. EllysettaNightStarr: yw
  186. HarperRayneCreed: : Secondly, and just as importantly, was his main weapon; which had 8 rotating Anti-Matter Salurian Battleship Cannon Barrels, which fired rounds capable of taking down pretty much anything in their way, from buildings, to starships. The same weapon could fold out into a twin-barreled machine gun that fired 9MM Valhallan Phoenix Incendiary and Explosive Frag Rounds at an alarming rate of 2000 rounds a minute, and given the powerhouse behind his reloading mechanism, his molecular ammo refresher, which pulled in molecules from the air, and transformed them into ammo, he was a dangerous force on the battlefield. Also in that same weapon was a shotgun, an underslung rocket launcher, and a flamethrower, which could reach up to 200 yards with a giant flame capable of burning into buildings. Finally, Charr came equipped with state of the art medical gear, everything from blood bags of O-Neg, to paddles, to sutures, scalpels, extractors, epi-pens, an omni-tool, and combat-stims, not to mention his wide array of matter-manipulator powers, if all his tools failed him. (C)
  187. HarperRayneCreed: Guest_Aviraptia: Finally, Charr had what was arguably, the most advanced and incredible rifle in existence. Hyperonia; an assault rifle that could identify any weakness in any target, from identifying a weak spot in its armor, to swapping over to an ammo that could decimate the target in one single round. She also had a lock-on ability, that took the aiming out of shooting, you merely pulled the trigger and she fired, and tried her best to hit the target.
  188. HarperRayneCreed: Guest_Aviraptia: (That would be the entrance for my character Charr.)
  189. DanyalAngelWarrior: theres no way anyone can carry that much shit
  190. DanyalAngelWarrior: not even feesable
  191. DanyalAngelWarrior: all that would weigh over 300 lbs
  192. SassyAnnaWarrior: may i come dance daddy
  193. DanyalAngelWarrior: yes kitten you may
  194. LunaLuxEverLight: way too much stuff
  195. DanyalAngelWarrior: uhuh close to god modding
  196. DanyalAngelWarrior: no way possible
  197. LunaLuxEverLight: mhmm
  198. DanyalAngelWarriorDanyalAngelWarrior Whisper: i dont think at this rate haha that it wise heart goes around without a family memeber
  199. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: i nearly said that i had rp connections but thought better of it
  200. HarperRayneCreed: i agree
  201. HarperRayneCreed: she needs to stick to fam rooms only
  202. DanyalAngelWarrior: and she not done that a few times
  203. DanyalAngelWarrior: and unfortunatly with my lappy issue i am unable to enforce her doing so
  204. HarperRayneCreed: im gonna tell her that she stay with us and that her friends can come to fam rooms to see her
  205. DanyalAngelWarrior: its when you not here haha that we seen her in non family rooms
  206. DanyalAngelWarrior: and untill i get a new lappy i cant enforce her like i normally can
  207. HarperRayneCreed: oks -.-
  208. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: tell her to come to me iam always on
  209. DanyalAngelWarrior: this old lappy cant handel the high kbs and is slow
  210. DanyalAngelWarrior: doing besti can
  211. HarperRayneCreed: ik uncle and im glad ur watching her when im sleeping or not here
  212. DanyalAngelWarrior: :)
  213. DanyalAngelWarrior: lulu does most of it cause i cant
  214. LunaLuxEverLight: :3
  215. HarperRayneCreed: yea ik
  216. DanyalAngelWarrior: but she tells me if im really needed
  217. LunaLuxEverLight: watching over people something i cant stop doing
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