
Magical Burst: Session 37: Heartspawn Hunting

Sep 30th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, September 07, 2014
  3. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: soo let's see then
  4. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: so last time things happened
  5. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Eri was dropped off at the hospital with Tami as Ramona fucked off to fuck herself
  6. Eve: (( Eves just been crying in her room for like 3 weeks ))
  7. Eri Motai: (it's ok man, come hang with me)
  8. Eri Motai: (we can be, best fronds)
  9. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: probably went to try using her new explosive dildo or something then ask sarah to build her a clockwork vagina when hers blows up
  10. Sarah Salem: (y-you too)
  11. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Eve was
  12. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: uh
  13. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: what was she doing
  14. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: probably crying and sneezing into ally's chest because of val's texts
  15. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: val was home probably sodomizing the carrotgirl
  16. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: aaand sarah's probably home right now
  17. Sarah Salem: (that sounds good to me)
  18. Sarah Salem: (hanging out in my destroyed home)
  19. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: still never got that fixed
  20. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: gg anna
  21. Eri Motai: ((gg no re))
  22. Sarah Salem: ((all her fault))
  26. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Brinner~~
  28. 7:00 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: So I guess you've been dropped off in front of a hospital with Tami
  29. 7:00 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: you're not all that wounded as I recall though so you hardly need the visit
  30. 7:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: except maybe the wound you got
  31. 7:01 PM - Eri Motai: "U-uh, I guess I'll see ya later?" Eri waves to Ramona as she presumably flies away.
  32. 7:02 PM - Eri Motai: Eri checks out her surroundings, and pats herself down, "You know, I didn't think I /needed/ to go to the hospital... I mean, I'm a bit torn up, but, I'll survive I think."
  33. 7:04 PM - Eri Motai: "So... what now?"
  34. 7:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I, uh... I dunno."
  35. 7:09 PM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs, and sits down on a bench, "... This stinks. And you know what really sucks? Something's been bugging me. That girl, she mentioned a 'he'..."
  36. 7:11 PM - Eri Motai: "...someone who could refine souls... or something like that. And what's this about, a division between my body and soul? I don't quite remember that ever being brought up before."
  37. 7:12 PM - Eri Motai: Eri clenches at her hair, "Aaaugh! Why does everything have to be so wierd!?"
  38. 7:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I... don't know. This is a lot of stuff to keep track of. I mean - I'm just a high school girl. We both are! This is ridiculous."
  39. 7:14 PM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs, and lets go of her hair, "Yeah... I just want things to be normal, so we can just, do normal things, you know?"
  40. 7:15 PM - Eri Motai: "...I should bring some of this stuff up to the bird, but it's getting late... Wanna just go home?"
  41. 7:15 PM - Eri Motai: "...Or should we pick some stuff up from the store, since we're out?"
  42. 7:16 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "No carrots, please."
  43. 7:17 PM - Eri Motai: "Awww."
  44. 7:18 PM - Eri Motai: "Fiiiine."
  45. 7:19 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Why do you /want/ carrots? That girl was so... strange."
  46. 7:19 PM - Eri Motai: "But Tami, carrots are so.... useful!"
  47. 7:19 PM - Eri Motai: "...maybe not for combat, but still!"
  48. 7:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I - I... I don't think I want to know."
  49. 7:20 PM - Eri Motai: "They're good for your eyesight! That's gotta count for something!"
  50. 7:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Ooooh. Uh. Yeah. That's what you meant. Eh hehhehh..."
  51. 7:20 PM - Eri Motai: "I bet she's got like, laser vision.... what was that?"
  52. 7:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Nothing! Let's go get groceries or something, yeah, sure!"
  53. 7:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She gets behind you and begins pushing you. Anywhere.
  54. 7:22 PM - Eri Motai: A small "?" pops above Eri's head, but she moves along.
  55. 7:23 PM - Eri Motai: "Soo.... should we hit up that big grocery store, by the mall?"
  56. 7:23 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean, they don't have the best deals, but that's kinda closer to home..."
  57. 7:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Yeah, that sounds good. Let's go."
  58. 7:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "So... what are we making tonight?"
  59. 7:26 PM - Eri Motai: "Uh.... something without carrots I guess... not sure what you have against them, but I guess we'll avoid those..."
  60. 7:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You arrive at the grocery store soon after and begin shopping
  61. 7:30 PM - Eri Motai: Eri quickly gathers various things for breakfast, namely eggs, sausage links, potatoes, and whatever else is deemed necessary for this very important side quest.
  62. 7:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Breakfast? For dinner?"
  63. 7:31 PM - Eri Motai: "... It felt right."
  64. 7:31 PM - Eri Motai: "Don't blame me, blame my mom, she used to do this all the time."
  65. 7:32 PM - Eri Motai: "It should be pretty easy too, I don't actually know how to cook... Or, well, cook well at least..."
  66. 7:32 PM - Eri Motai: "That curry was a fluke..." Eri looks a bit shifty eyed.
  67. 7:34 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "But it was a /good/ fluke."
  68. 7:34 PM - Eri Motai: "I still don't remember what I put in it..." Eri leads the way back home.
  69. 7:35 PM - Eri Motai: (-10 monies for groceries?)
  70. 7:35 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: I dunno what kinda groceries you're buying
  71. 7:36 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: let's go with $20 and call it a day
  72. 7:36 PM - Eri Motai: aight, sounds good
  73. 7:36 PM - Eri Motai: made of money anyways
  74. 7:37 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh you know what I found earlier? These things."
  75. 7:37 PM - Eri Motai: Eri pulls out the 2 blank seeds.
  76. 7:37 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "What things?"
  77. 7:37 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She takes one and looks it over. "What is it? It's like, glass."
  78. 7:38 PM - Eri Motai: "I don't know, honestly. I found them after the concert."
  79. 7:38 PM - Eri Motai: "Speaking of which... we've gotta see how bad I sang."
  80. 7:38 PM - Eri Motai: Eri laughs sheepishly.
  81. 7:39 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I'm sure it was great. I STILL can't believe you sang with Super Shining Rising Star Kam-chan."
  82. 7:41 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh yeah, what've your mom and dad been doing since, well, ya know? I don't see them around the house all that much."
  83. 7:44 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Well, I think they're still fighting with the insurance company. Hoping for some kind of 'three strikes you're out' deal, so they can try and rebuild. Again."
  84. 7:44 PM - Eri Motai: "Well, I guess... if money's the issue, I could chip in."
  85. 7:45 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I'm sure they'd appreciate it, but I dunno if a couple thousand is going to make that much of a difference compared to the cost of... well, an entire building."
  86. 7:46 PM - Eri Motai: "Well, I mean, at least for living expenses..."
  87. 7:47 PM - Eri Motai: "I assume they'll give you guys the money for the building eventually, but it's still going to be a while..."
  88. 7:47 PM - Eri Motai: "... I wonder if there's any girls who specialize in construction...." Eri mutters to herself, contemplative.
  89. 7:48 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You think my parents would be okay with believing magic is real? This is too much to dump on them. They'll think we're crazy."
  90. 7:49 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, or that I'm a demon or something..." Eri shudders, remembering elevator 2; gravity boogaloo.
  91. 7:50 PM - Eri Motai: "...To be fair, my outfit /is/ kinda scary looking."
  92. 7:51 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami shudders. "I'll say."
  93. 7:51 PM - Eri Motai: "It didn't used to look like that, you know?"
  94. 7:51 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Yeah, I know. I think I saw it way back before that."
  95. 7:52 PM - Eri Motai: "It was a lot more.... anime ninja-y."
  96. 7:52 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Or did I? I dunno. It's all kinda fuzzy, with how much stuff keeps happening."
  97. 7:52 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "And I didn't get hit either, which is a good thing and all, but we never did try out that barrier thingy."
  98. 7:53 PM - Eri Motai: "And less gross and... oh yeah, we never did have to test that."
  99. 7:53 PM - Eri Motai: "...Good thing too, I was prepared to hide in that thing."
  100. 7:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "We'll have to try it out at home and see if it actually works before I go staking my life on the computer science project of a few highschool kids."
  101. 7:55 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
  102. 7:56 PM - Eri Motai: "...After we have brinner? Heh..."
  103. 7:56 PM - Eri Motai: "It's like, you know breakfast and dinner.... nevermind."
  104. 7:58 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She gives you a blank look at your terrible joke before breaking into snickers.
  105. 7:58 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You're so stupid sometimes, Eri. That's what I love abou-oof" she puts her hands to her mouth, blushing.
  106. 8:00 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey...!" Eri's face flares up, "I-I.... I'm not stupid..." Eri avoids eye contact.
  107. 8:00 PM - Eri Motai: "...I mean, brinner is totally a thing...." Eri states, face to the ground.
  108. 8:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami's snickers evolve into giggles.
  109. 8:03 PM - Eri Motai: "H-hey, I'm serious!" Eri light-heartedly punches Tami's shoulder. "It's like, what happens if you get your time mixed up!"
  110. 8:05 PM - Eri Motai: "...I bet Sarah has brinner all the time, she's like, a timelord vampire, last I saw her...!"
  111. 8:05 PM - Eri Motai: "You know... like that one show!"
  112. 8:06 PM - Eri Motai: "...Forget what it's called, comes in on that foreign channel all the time."
  113. 8:07 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Can we please not involve... timey wimey with all this magic? I'm already confused enough, I don't want this to turn into some webcomic about being stuck in your house or something."
  114. 8:08 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, that'd kinda suck! ...Albiet, I probably wouldn't mind it too much..."
  115. 8:08 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean, you'd be there."
  116. 8:08 PM - Eri Motai: "So it wouldn't be all that bad..."
  117. 8:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "..." she blushes.
  118. 8:09 PM - Eri Motai: "...Kinda wish things were about that simple... Just, being able to do stupid things like this, all the time..."
  119. 8:10 PM - Eri Motai: "...Why does the world have to be so serious?"
  120. 8:10 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Because if it wasn't serious sometimes, the fun parts would be less special."
  121. 8:11 PM - Eri Motai: "...Yeah, you're right..."
  122. 8:11 PM - Eri Motai: "... And here I thought that /I/ was the contemplative one." Eri states in a light hearted tone.
  123. 8:15 PM - Eri Motai: "I guess that means you'll have to be the brains of this operation." Eri gives Tami a quick hug as they walk along.
  124. 8:16 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You mean the cooking, right?"
  125. 8:17 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Because I don't think I could be the brains for anything else."
  126. 8:18 PM - Eri Motai: "...Nah..." Eri states sheepishly, "Kinda not what I meant..."
  127. 8:19 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Then...what?"
  128. 8:21 PM - Eri Motai: "It's... well... uhm... yeah... Well, you know... between us..."
  129. 8:21 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah..."
  130. 8:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "O-oh..."
  131. 8:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I - I think I can do that too. Probably..."
  132. 8:23 PM - Eri Motai: "I'm sure you can... I mean, you're pretty much, everything that I'm not... you're smart... popular.... rich, well, at least compared to me.... and all of your friends are cool too..."
  133. 8:23 PM - Eri Motai: "I'm just... me."
  134. 8:23 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "But, you're one of my friends."
  135. 8:23 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "In fact, you're... more than that."
  136. 8:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You're a part of our family now. You, and Jin, and even Yoki. And... and you're a part of me."
  137. 8:25 PM - Eri Motai: "I-I.... I guess... yeah..." Eri looks down, blushing.
  138. 8:26 PM - Eri Motai: "D-darn it, now you got me doing it too...!" Eri half attempts to cover her face.
  139. 8:34 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "L-let's just get home and cook before we cook /ourselves/ blushing so hard."
  140. 8:38 PM - Eri Motai: "Y-yeah, my blood boils enough as it is..."
  141. 8:38 PM - Eri Motai: "And that was before I even acquired strange light powers."
  142. 8:39 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I say this too much, but... magic is so /weird/. And spooky."
  143. 8:40 PM - Eri Motai: "Y-yeah...."
  144. 8:41 PM - Eri Motai: "... I really, /really/ want to be normal again..."
  145. 8:42 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Didn't you say you found someone who can help with that?"
  146. 8:43 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah... but it sounds expensive..."
  147. 8:43 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Can you put a price on normality? Especially with all this going on?
  148. 8:43 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "
  149. 8:44 PM - Eri Motai: "The bartender girl... the girl we just went out and saved, er, at least got her soul back..." Eri realizes how loony this all sounds, and cuts to the chase, "well, she told me that I could get some of these things fixed, but it'd require getting those seeds to do so, or shovelling out boatloads of money."
  150. 8:45 PM - Eri Motai: "And.... call me stupid I guess..."
  151. 8:45 PM - Eri Motai: Eri pulls out the 'Ire' seed, "I don't want to give this one up."
  152. 8:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: ire?
  153. 8:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: the eri youma?
  154. 8:46 PM - Eri Motai: yup
  155. 8:47 PM - Eri Motai: (eri backwards, doubles as "anger", seems fitting)
  156. 8:47 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: gg
  157. 8:47 PM - Eri Motai: "It's... a reminder of who I once was, just this pent up ball, of anger, and hate."
  158. 8:48 PM - Eri Motai: "And... how destructive and pointless it is..."
  159. 8:50 PM - Eri Motai: "It's kinda funny, really. You came and saved me, from the anger and hate I had let out."
  160. 8:51 PM - Eri Motai: "I... I don't think I ever said it, or if I did, I don't remember... but thanks. Thanks for saving me."
  161. 8:51 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Well... I'm glad I did."
  162. 8:51 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "And thank you, for always being with me."
  163. 8:52 PM - Eri Motai: "Hehe... yeah, I guess I kinda follow you everywhere like a lost dog..."
  164. 8:53 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You arrive at your house by this point.
  165. 8:53 PM - Eri Motai: Eri quickly thought bubbles a chibi Tami, and an eerily Eri-like dog following her around, before scrambling it."
  166. 8:53 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You and your illusion thingies... really should try and stop doing that in public, someone might see."
  167. 8:53 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I guess we should get cooking though, right? Shouldn't take too long, since it's just breakfast."
  168. 8:54 PM - Eri Motai: "O-oh... woops. And yeah, it shouldn't take all that long."
  169. 8:54 PM - Eri Motai: "... I don't mean to do it, they've just been kinda happening..."
  170. 8:58 PM - Eri Motai: So yeah, anything out of the ordinary when we arrive? Hopefully not :v
  171. 8:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: oh yeah no
  172. 8:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You enter the kitchen, unload, and begin cooking.
  173. 8:59 PM - Eri Motai: oh god, better not have to roll
  174. 8:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "So let's see then, we need me, you, Jin, mom, dad... do we make one for Yoki?"
  175. 9:00 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Y: "Bark," comes a voice from outside the kitchen.
  176. 9:00 PM - Eri Motai: "Uh, why /wouldn't/ you make one for Yoki? He practically talks...! Er... does he?"
  177. 9:00 PM - Eri Motai: "You've mentioned saying that he's been, chatting it up?"
  178. 9:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Mostly saying 'bark.' A lot."
  179. 9:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Y: "Bark."
  180. 9:01 PM - Eri Motai: "Er, she. Sorry Yoki..."
  181. 9:01 PM - Eri Motai: "I thought she said my name once, but that was like, forever ago."
  182. 9:02 PM - Eri Motai: "And to be fair, that was the day after, well, everything happened."
  183. 9:02 PM - Eri Motai: "...Wasn't quite all there, you know?"
  184. 9:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Yeah, I hear you. Well, let's get started."
  185. 9:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Roll Finesse! C:
  186. 9:03 PM - Eri Motai: ... 18
  187. 9:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You whip up the best damned breakfast you've ever made
  188. 9:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I guess we're good at cooking after all."
  189. 9:04 PM - Eri Motai: "... How does this keep happening...."
  190. 9:05 PM - Eri Motai: "Like, we started with like, eggs, and now it's like, the mona lisa of breakfasts."
  191. 9:06 PM - Eri Motai: "Er, brinners."
  192. 9:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Magic?"
  193. 9:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "That word isn't very magical, though."
  194. 9:06 PM - Eri Motai: "Shh, it's magic to me."
  195. 9:07 PM - Eri Motai: "It's ok brinner... I still love you." Eri hugs the carton of eggs.
  196. 9:09 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami "hmph"s and turns away, crossing her arms and looking indignant as she mumbles something.
  197. 9:11 PM - Eri Motai: Eri glomps on Tami, "Hey...! Don't be mad..."
  198. 9:11 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You better not like your dumb brinner more than me."
  199. 9:13 PM - Eri Motai: "Of course not...! I just... I'm not sure if I'm allowed to, well... express it I guess..."
  200. 9:14 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean... I'm almost 100% sure that Ko and Suzu are like... or at least Suzu wants it to be... but still!"
  201. 9:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You mean the way Ko seems to act around us now?"
  202. 9:15 PM - Eri Motai: "Well, kinda...?"
  203. 9:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I'm sure she'd be alright with it if we just... explained it. Maybe she's, uh, jealous...?"
  204. 9:16 PM - Eri Motai: "J-jealous....? Are we... the center of a harem...?"
  205. 9:17 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Wha? No! No no no! Well, we'd better not be, or that'd be totally weird."
  206. 9:17 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I mean like, jealous that she can't find anyone for herself because she's so shy? Maybe..."
  207. 9:17 PM - Eri Motai: "...Yeah, I can see that."
  208. 9:18 PM - Eri Motai: "Also, should I stop hugging you now?"
  209. 9:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Probably?"
  210. 9:18 PM - Eri Motai: "I'ma stop hugging you from behind now."
  211. 9:19 PM - Eri Motai: "It'd probably make this conversation a little easier..."
  212. 9:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Yeah... so, we should call everyone down then."
  213. 9:20 PM - Eri Motai: "Probably. Should I do the honors...?"
  214. 9:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "By all means."
  215. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: Eri grabs one of the slightly dirty skillets and one of the flat laddles, and starts, well, beating them together to create a loud din, "HEEEEY EVERYONE, DINNER'S DOOOOOONE!"
  216. 9:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami cringes. "Wow, you've got a... big mouth."
  217. 9:25 PM - Eri Motai: "WHAT!?" Eri yells over herself, "THIS IS WHAT WE WOULD ALWAYS DO!"
  218. 9:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "aaaaa make it stooooop" Tami puts her hands over her ears, as Yoki pokes her head in with her ears flattened as she whines.
  219. 9:27 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Her collar interprets her whining as "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
  221. 9:27 PM - Eri Motai: Eri stops being the center of a natural disaster at this point.
  222. 9:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami and Yoki: "aaaaaa"
  223. 9:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: and then you stop
  224. 9:29 PM - Eri Motai: "S-sorry, it's been a while since I got to do that."
  225. 9:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Try to do it a little quieter next time, alright?"
  226. 9:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Bark."
  227. 9:29 PM - Eri Motai: "...Kinda makes this feel more like home..." Eri mutters to herself.
  228. 9:37 PM - Eri Motai: "So, time to eat? I think that's what comes next."
  229. 9:38 PM - Eri Motai: "Unless this is some kind of wierd alternate future I jumped into."
  230. 9:38 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Everyone files into the kitchen and takes their seats. You all chant "itadakimas" and begin eating.
  231. 9:39 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Jojo speaks up, "I was going to be making dinner a little later, but this is delicious."
  232. 9:39 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami's mother, Jun, nods, "It is. You girls cooked this?"
  233. 9:40 PM - Eri Motai: "O-oh, sorry. I was just out, so I figured that I could, well, help out."
  234. 9:41 PM - Eri Motai: "...Somehow I managed to make it not terrible. That was probably because Tami was supervising."
  235. 9:41 PM - Eri Motai: "I... don't actually know how to cook, I kinda just wing it and it just, appears."
  236. 9:42 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: T: "It wasn't all me... couldn't have been."
  237. 9:42 PM - Eri Motai: "Well, at least everything turned out well, right Yoki?"
  238. 9:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Bark."
  239. 9:46 PM - Eri Motai: "I know right? Good thing I didn't do /that/."
  240. 9:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: T: "Is... that a yes?"
  241. 9:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Jo: "Where /did/ you get that collar, anyway?"
  242. 9:46 PM - Eri Motai: "... Internet?"
  243. 9:48 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He takes another bite. "Fair enough."
  244. 9:49 PM - Eri Motai: "It's kinda crazy the stuff they've got nowa-days..."
  245. 9:49 PM - Eri Motai: "Kinda not very useful though, seeing as it doesn't seem to really work."
  246. 9:49 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami laughs nerviously. "Heh heh, yeah, I'll say. It's almost like, magic."
  247. 9:50 PM - Eri Motai: Eri gives a slight nudge to Tami.
  248. 9:51 PM - Eri Motai: She shoots her a look that says "please don't say the 'm' word"
  249. 9:51 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami smiles in a sheepish "I know I didn't mean it I'm sorry" manner
  250. 9:53 PM - Eri Motai: "W-well yeah, it doesn't really seem to work, I might try and get a refund. Maybe I just don't have it on the right settings, I don't know..."
  251. 9:53 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Bark."
  252. 9:54 PM - Eri Motai: "Well maybe if you would say more than that I wouldn't be so cold!"
  253. 9:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Bark?"
  254. 9:56 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh don't give me that, you know I still like you...!"
  255. 9:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Jin: "Onee-chan is silly. You can't understand Yoki!"
  256. 10:08 PM - Eri Motai: "Well... maybe I don't /quite/ know what she's saying, but she's got her ways of getting the message across."
  257. 10:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ji: "Wow, you must be good, onee-chan."
  258. 10:13 PM - Eri Motai: "It's not all that hard... You just gotta know how to listen."
  259. 10:14 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Bark."
  260. 10:14 PM - Eri Motai: "See? She agrees."
  261. 10:15 PM - Eri Motai: "I think."
  262. 10:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Jun: "You sure are a talented girl, Eri. So helpful around the house! I wouldn't mind if you were my own flesh and blood!"
  263. 10:16 PM - Eri Motai: "O-oh, thank you...!"
  264. 10:16 PM - Eri Motai: "I-I wouldn't mind it either."
  265. 10:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Brinner is concluded shortly afterwards with some smalltalk present throughout, the dishes are cleared and everyone is dismissed.
  266. 10:23 PM - Eri Motai: Eri does everything she needs to do for the next day, such as getting washed up, doing homework, and the like.
  267. 10:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: ...
  268. 10:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: ......
  269. 10:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: .....................
  270. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: obvs
  271. 10:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: roll to do homework
  272. 10:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: social seems reasonable
  273. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: shit
  274. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: ... 11
  275. 10:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: T: "Uh, Eri, you know you can't divide by zero, right?"
  276. 10:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She points to your math homework.
  277. 10:25 PM - Eri Motai: ".... I'll slice through improbability with my pencil."
  278. 10:26 PM - Eri Motai: "To reach out to the hidden truths."
  279. 10:26 PM - Eri Motai: "Or something like that."
  280. 10:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: T: "Do those hidden truths involve losing points on your assignment?"
  281. 10:28 PM - Eri Motai: Eri pauses for a moment, looks at her work, and begins to erase, "Maybe I'll find the hidden truthes one day."
  282. 10:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Roll Social to work again!
  283. 10:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: gotta give you /some/ conflict
  284. 10:29 PM - Eri Motai: 11
  285. 10:29 PM - Eri Motai: :v
  286. 10:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You do not divide by zero this time. Instead, you divide by negative zero.
  287. 10:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "...Eri. That's even worse."
  288. 10:29 PM - Eri Motai: "Shh, I got this."
  289. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: Eri erases, and tries again.
  290. 10:30 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: roll it
  291. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: (roll 8 roll 8 roll 8)
  292. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: (damn)
  293. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: 15
  294. 10:32 PM - Eri Motai: "Obviously I had to divide by negative zero to see the opposite of nothingness, also known as, the /answer/."
  295. 10:32 PM - Eri Motai: "Man I'm good."
  296. 10:35 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Pretty sure that's still not how math works, but if you say so."
  297. 10:36 PM - Eri Motai: "Where there's a will, there's a way, or something like that."
  298. 10:40 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Stiiiill not sure that applies to math."
  299. 10:42 PM - Eri Motai: "If there's a will, there's a way to apply it to anything, /obviously/. I mean, how else do you explain me flinging giant snakes and crabs and other creepy crawlies through the air?"
  300. 10:42 PM - Eri Motai: "/Still/ haven't figured out where that crab came from though."
  301. 10:43 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "The ocean?"
  302. 10:43 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Well, I guess it's an artifical ocean."
  303. 10:44 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "More like an oversized swimming pool."
  304. 10:44 PM - Eri Motai: "It was so biiig though."
  305. 10:44 PM - Eri Motai: "Like, where do you even get a crab that large."
  306. 10:44 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "And what about that ice cream guy? Those magic scoops..."
  307. 10:44 PM - Eri Motai: "... We need more giant crabs in our lives."
  308. 10:45 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh yeah, that guy! Wasn't he working the counter that one day? The day that we, went to that super expensive place and I bought the 20 dollar drink?"
  309. 10:46 PM - Eri Motai: "Man, he screams all kinds of bad juju."
  310. 10:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I swear, this entire /city/ is weird."
  311. 10:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You think it's like this in other places?"
  312. 10:47 PM - Eri Motai: "I-I.... I don't know... I never gave it much thought."
  313. 10:47 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean, obviously there's other magical girls, outside of this city, because Cele's from.... Germany? No, France."
  314. 10:49 PM - Eri Motai: "Well, I'm pretty sure the government knows about magic, because a lot of this stuff seems to get swept under the rug."
  315. 10:52 PM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs, and slumps forward, sprawling out over the table.
  316. 10:55 PM - Eri Motai: "It's like I tripped on top of this giant bundle of mysteries, and I'm the only one around who wants to untangle it."
  317. 11:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Nobody else is trying to help figure this... nonsense out?"
  318. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shakes her head no, "Well, nobody else really. Only one else would be... that Taya person I met once, but I don't know. I've only talked to her once."
  319. 11:05 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: you know, you have her number :v
  320. 11:05 PM - Eri Motai: (Yeah, I know :v)
  321. 11:06 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh yeah! I still have her number; guess I should call her up. Probably tomorrow, probably."
  322. 11:07 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "So, who is this Taya? You're not cheating on me, are you?" She glances suspiciously at you.
  323. 11:09 PM - Eri Motai: "She's twice my age and we've been hangin' out and-I'm just kidding." Eri pokes Tami. "Geez, why would you think that."
  324. 11:10 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Shhh, I can't trust anything at this point. Not even Yoki."
  325. 11:10 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Bark?"
  326. 11:12 PM - Eri Motai: "...But why? Not like I'm one of those, crazy ones..."
  327. 11:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Shhhshshshshhhh" she puts a finger to your lips.
  328. 11:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Magic is weird."
  329. 11:13 PM - Eri Motai: "You're being wierd..." Eri states, defeated.
  330. 11:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She flops onto her back. "I... guess I'm still kinda shaken up. About earlier. It's a lot to take in. I'm coping, I guess?"
  331. 11:17 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah.... honestly, with all of this magic stuff going on, you kinda keep getting the short end of the stick." Eri scoots her way over to Tami, and plops onto the floor beside her.
  332. 11:18 PM - Eri Motai: "Bra stealing crabs, evil roller coaster clowns, super scary shadow puppets... you don't even remember that one, I think."
  333. 11:19 PM - Eri Motai: "And now... going up against crazy necromancer murderer people..."
  334. 11:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Well, at least she won't be able to do anything else bad now... right?"
  335. 11:20 PM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs, "I'm sick of most of it."
  336. 11:21 PM - Eri Motai: "Y-yeah, I guess... It's still, not right though."
  337. 11:22 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean.... I kinda put on this mask of being this, stone cold warrior demon thing when I'm out there fighting, but... I don't want anyone to die..."
  338. 11:22 PM - Eri Motai: "Something about it.... it just feels /wrong/."
  339. 11:23 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I don't blame you for feeling that way. I dunno how I'd feel if I was in your place."
  340. 11:24 PM - Eri Motai: "And, when I got torn up, and I couldn't do anything to stop Saiko.... I just, a part of me just hurts."
  341. 11:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Tami crawls over to you and holds you.
  342. 11:26 PM - Eri Motai: "M-maybe, if things were different.... why can't we all be friends... I don't want to hurt people..." Eri starts sniffling.
  343. 11:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "We don't have to worry about any of that at the moment. Not here, not now. Nothing's going on, and we don't need to think about anything but each other."
  344. 11:29 PM - Eri Motai: "Y-yeah..." Eri returns the hug. "I'm just, scared."
  345. 11:30 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She lets go of the hug, gets to her knees and hovers over you, face to face. She blushes, then leans in, closing her eyes.
  346. 11:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Before she can get very far, Yoki jumps onto and lays on her, clonking her forehead with yours.
  347. 11:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Well... each other and... the dog," she wheezes from under Yoki.
  348. 11:32 PM - Eri Motai: "Y-yoki! You really /are/ a third wheel! I can't believe it!"
  349. 11:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Bark."
  350. 11:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: And I think we'll end here because I keep zoning out
  352. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Brinner~~
  359. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - We're Hunting Dragons~~
  361. 7:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: So, you're in your home
  362. 7:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Still kinda destroyed
  363. 7:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: But at least Anna managed to semi-repair the couch with gratuitious amounts of Sticky Heathen Binding Paper (SHBP [duct tape])
  364. 7:04 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ill have to remember that))
  365. 7:04 PM - Sarah Salem: Is my sister here?
  366. 7:05 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Aye, she is
  367. 7:08 PM - Sarah Salem: ((shit im not sure what i should do))
  368. 7:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: gg
  369. 7:09 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Anna walks in, and as she sees you sitting on the partially repaired couch, she rubs the back of her head and gives a self-depreciating laugh. "Yeaah, I... tried, to fix it."
  370. 7:10 PM - Sarah Salem: I look down at it on either side. "At least it hasn't collapsed."
  371. 7:11 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: At this point, the couch caves in from the center and splits in half.
  372. 7:13 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "...guess it needed more tape."
  373. 7:13 PM - Sarah Salem: I slide down sideways to the ground and shrug.
  374. 7:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "So, how have you been, Anna? We haven't spoken in a while."
  375. 7:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I've been alright, I suppose. When the little eye isn't spooking me out by jumping out of nowhere."
  376. 7:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "How could Gekko ever be scary?" I snap my fingers to summon him.
  377. 7:19 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He jumps up from behind the now v-shaped couch and lands on your lap.
  378. 7:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He blinks at Anna, then you.
  379. 7:20 PM - Sarah Salem: "See? Adorable."
  380. 7:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Unsettling, if you ask me."
  381. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I shake my head. "Not in any way."
  382. 7:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I guess you're used to all this magic stuff."
  383. 7:27 PM - Sarah Salem: "It's been quite a few months, you have to, after a while."
  384. 7:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Fair enough. I've been trying to mix together a few more potion things, at least."
  385. 7:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "But so far all I've managed to do is turn Gekko into a chicken... and back, of course."
  386. 7:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "So, what do you plan on doing today? You and that bird girl seemed close, what was her name? Ramona?"
  387. 7:33 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ramona, yes. I think she's still mad at me, actually."
  388. 7:33 PM - Sarah Salem: "I do have a youma to hunt, I might get working on that."
  389. 7:39 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "A youma to hunt? What happened?"
  390. 7:41 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Should... should I come? I think I need to start at some point."
  391. 7:41 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um... I may or may not have made one, accidentally."
  392. 7:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'd rather you not, really. But I cannot really do anything about it, now that you've made a contract. "
  393. 7:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "It's your choice."
  394. 7:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I think it'd be safest for me to start fighting these things when someone's with me. Especially you. Have to start somewhere."
  395. 7:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I smile, fangs poking out a little. "You're going to have to be very careful. I do not know how strong it is."
  396. 7:48 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You just tell me what to do."
  397. 7:49 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "So uh... how do you usually go look for these things anyway?"
  398. 7:51 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Do you just like... walk around, until they show up?"
  399. 7:52 PM - Sarah Salem: I pull my watch out of my pocket, moving to Anna's side and holding it up for her to see.
  400. 7:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "Just use your activator."
  401. 7:53 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She pulls out her little globe thing and spins it.
  402. 7:53 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She looks up at you, confused.
  403. 7:53 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Am I doing it right?"
  404. 7:53 PM - Sarah Salem: "Focus on it, and it will act as a signal of sorts."
  405. 7:53 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Oh, uh, alright."
  406. 7:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "Do you feel anything?"
  407. 7:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Not really, no."
  408. 7:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um..."
  409. 7:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "Try harder."
  410. 7:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She focuses harder, looking almost constipated.
  411. 8:00 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I got nothin'."
  412. 8:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You sure this thing is on?"
  413. 8:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "Try mine, maybe?"
  414. 8:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Do you really just like, focus on it, and pick one up immediately? Seems a little too easy. Wouldn't that mean there's one close by if it starts going off?"
  415. 8:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "It tells you if a youma is nearby, yes."
  416. 8:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "...That is probably why it isn't working."
  417. 8:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "That would make sense."
  418. 8:05 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "So we go... wander, until we find one?"
  419. 8:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "That's... basically all we can do."
  420. 8:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "There's gotta be a way to simplify this a bit, narrow the area."
  421. 8:09 PM - Sarah Salem: "We could go back to where I first saw it, that might help."
  422. 8:10 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "That's a start. Where did you see it last?"
  423. 8:11 PM - Sarah Salem: I try to remember.
  424. 8:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((it was an alley somewhere i think))
  425. 8:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((when the hell was this?))
  426. 8:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((before or after i removed catbab?))
  427. 8:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: before iirc
  428. 8:13 PM - Sarah Salem: ((okay, just wondering))
  429. 8:14 PM - Sarah Salem: ((wasnt it near the hospital or something?))
  430. 8:14 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Probably
  431. 8:14 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "So you said you... accidentally made this one? How?"
  432. 8:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "I think it's a part of the same process as all of this." I wave my hand over my chest and point to the fangs.
  433. 8:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Just another way for it to manifest, I suppose."
  434. 8:17 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She shudders.
  435. 8:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "Alright, follow me." I head out the door and start heading to the alley I bursted in.
  436. 8:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Anna follows suit, and some time later, you arrive.
  437. 8:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "So... this is the place?"
  438. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "I'm certain. Check your activator."
  439. 8:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She does so, before shaking her head. "Still nothing."
  440. 8:33 PM - Sarah Salem: I check my own trinket.
  441. 8:33 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Still nothing. Then, a voice speaks from above you.
  442. 8:34 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "If you're looking for the dragon, it's been far too long to trace it from here," says Hakurobe, sitting on a windowsill and looking down.
  443. 8:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, it's the cat. Lovely."
  444. 8:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Where is it, then?"
  445. 8:37 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He shrugs. "I can't be expected to track every youma you magical girls pop off like so many firecrackers. If you're looking for a youma you made, you'll likely find it hovering around near someone you care about."
  446. 8:38 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "But don't take my word for it. I'm just a cat."
  447. 8:40 PM - Sarah Salem: "That was much less cryptic than usual. You're losing your touch, Haku."
  448. 8:41 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Call it a temporary lapse of judgement."
  449. 8:41 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He leaps from the window, onto your head with a thump, then onto the ground. He sits and licks his paw.
  450. 8:41 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "You girls have certainly been making yourselves busy."
  451. 8:41 PM - Sarah Salem: I rub my head and give him an unamused look.
  452. 8:41 PM - Sarah Salem: "What makes you say that?"
  453. 8:42 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Oh, a youma here, a magical burst there, a little sprinkle or riots into the mix, and walking it off with a shrug. Plenty of fights going on."
  454. 8:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "Those things seem to be business as usual, from what I've heard."
  455. 8:45 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Haku turns around and looks at Anna. "So, who's this now? Striking resemblance, I'm guessing she's your sister? So, did the bird get her too?"
  456. 8:45 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "I - uh..."
  457. 8:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "Turtle, actually. Against my advice and better judgement."
  458. 8:46 PM - Sarah Salem: I give Anna a look from the side.
  459. 8:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Uh, he's a tortoise, actually..."
  460. 8:47 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: H: "So the turtle got you, eh? Good luck with that, he's a stickler for rules. If you're smart, you'll use your sister as the perfect example of what /not/ to do."
  461. 8:49 PM - Sarah Salem: I frown. "I would be offended, but he's right."
  462. 8:50 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He snickers, holding a paw to his face. "See? She gets it."
  463. 8:52 PM - Sarah Salem: I swipe at the cat with my hand.
  464. 8:53 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is that all the info you've got to offer? I'd prefer to spend as little time speaking to you as possible."
  465. 8:54 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He dodges your hand by jumping onto your arm and landing behind you. "Well, now, no need to be so hostile. You must not be a cat person."
  466. 8:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "In fact, you definitely aren't, after what happened to Satoya."
  467. 8:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He grins.
  468. 8:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: like a cheeky little cunt
  469. 8:55 PM - Sarah Salem: I stop time and boot him across the alley.
  470. 8:56 PM - Sarah Salem: And then start it afterwards.
  471. 8:56 PM - Sarah Salem: ((almost forgot about the trigger))
  472. 8:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: eehehehehhh
  473. 8:57 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You zoom forwards and plant a boot into his cocky little face. The second your foot connects, he explodes into a cloud of white fur, with no cat remaining.
  474. 8:58 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "S-Sarah!"
  475. 8:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: The fur settles to the street.
  476. 8:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, damn it, not again."
  477. 9:00 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "D-does he usually... explode?"
  478. 9:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, um, I have no idea. I haven't kicked him before."
  479. 9:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: H: "You'll have to try harder than that."
  480. 9:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You look up and see Haku, sitting on the same windowsill as before.
  481. 9:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, he isn't dead. That's... good."
  482. 9:05 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: H: "I think I'll be going. I've said my piece."
  483. 9:05 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: He leaps off the window, onto your head, then to the open window across the alley. He turns around and waves, "Tata for now!" then enters the window and disappears into the house.
  484. 9:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "Thank god. I despise that cat."
  485. 9:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "He seemed... like he kind of wanted to help?"
  486. 9:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "A little roundabout, but..."
  487. 9:09 PM - Sarah Salem: I withdraw Satoya's phone from one of my pockets and sigh, "He is helpful in his own way, sometimes. Usually he's just trouble."
  488. 9:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Most of his contracts are on the unstable side as well, although I suppose I can't really talk in that regard."
  489. 9:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Anna says nothing in response. After a moment, she changes the subject. "So, he said to search places near where people you loved would be. So like, our own house, I guess? But we didn't get anything there."
  490. 9:13 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "Since it's nowhere near you, I think I know who it might be after."
  491. 9:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "Keep an eye on the activator while I talk to them, okay?"
  492. 9:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Right."
  493. 9:16 PM - Sarah Salem: I shoot off a mind-message to Ramona.
  494. 9:17 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: so what's the message :v
  495. 9:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, Ramona, could you check your activator, please?"
  496. 9:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 9:25 PM - Ramona Boone: To sarah: "We're on our way, right now"
  497. 9:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, well that was fast. Do you know where I am?"
  498. 9:27 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 9:26 PM - Ramona Boone: To sarah again: "Yeah, we picked it up easily."
  499. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "The youma or my location? You've lost me."
  500. 9:31 PM - Sarah Salem: As I mind-talk, a gash appears on my side, and I wince and hold a hand to it.
  501. 9:31 PM - Sarah Salem: ((fury vent~))
  502. 9:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "S-Sarah, are you alright?"
  503. 9:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 9:31 PM - Ramona Boone: Back to sarah: "The youma I mean, I assumed you'd be there."
  504. 9:32 PM - Sarah Salem: I wave my blood-covered hand at Anna dismissively.
  505. 9:32 PM - Sarah Salem: "I couldn't find it, that is why I was contacting you. Just wait for me when you get there, I am bringing my sister."
  506. 9:36 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Sarah, you're bleeding! What's happening? We need to get you to a hospital or something."
  507. 9:36 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 9:36 PM - Ramona Boone: "...We should be there soon then."
  508. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: I look at the wound and poke a finger in experimentally, flinching.
  509. 9:37 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: let's just assume you can figure out where he is because Ryan's a fucking retard who doesn't help
  510. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: I can though, I can mind-track people, remember?
  511. 9:37 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: yeah but he's an entire tier up from you
  512. 9:37 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: and x distance left or right
  513. 9:38 PM - Sarah Salem: *shrug* it happens
  514. 9:38 PM - Sarah Salem: I end the conversation with Ramona and turn back to my sister.
  515. 9:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "Okay, we need to go up a tier."
  516. 9:40 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "That's where this youma is? That's going to take a while, isn't it?"
  517. 9:41 PM - Sarah Salem: "Less than a second, actually."
  518. 9:41 PM - Sarah Salem: I lick my hand clean and wipe it off on the non-bloodstained part of my hoodie.
  519. 9:42 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Eww."
  520. 9:42 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: so, flashzoom there?
  521. 9:42 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: while grabbing anna
  522. 9:43 PM - Sarah Salem: Yup.
  523. 9:43 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" she cries as you sprint there.
  525. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - We're Hunting Dragons~~
  532. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Bunnies~~
  534. 7:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Eve's at home
  535. 7:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: having just cried herself silly after reading Val's texts
  536. 7:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You're in your own house I guess?
  537. 7:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally's totally there too
  538. 7:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: As are the 14 rabbits, which she brought here in a Santa sack
  539. 7:07 PM - Eve: (( what time and day is it? :o )0
  540. 7:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: EVEning
  541. 7:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: about 6pm
  542. 7:08 PM - Eve: (( omg ))
  543. 7:09 PM - Eve: *Eve takes out her phone and calls fatty*
  544. 7:10 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Fatty answers
  545. 7:10 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Oh, hello Eve. Something up? Last I heard, everyone ran off to chase a... murderer, I think? It sounded pretty scary. I hope they're alright."
  546. 7:11 PM - Eve: "Th-they did? I-I-I didn't hear anything about that! B-but I guess th-they don't really need me an-anymore...Anyways I h-have a favor to ask."
  547. 7:12 PM - Eve: "If I gave you that encrypted hardrive from earlier long do you think it would take to get in to it?"
  548. 7:13 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Hmm... there's no saying. I'd have to have Ayano take a crack at it. She's the expert hacker around here."
  549. 7:14 PM - Eve: "Ah well..I'm sorry I just can't risk it right now. I'll talk to you later."
  550. 7:14 PM - Eve: *Eve hangs up and sighs*
  551. 7:15 PM - Eve: *Eve calls Val instead*
  552. 7:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Val answers
  553. 7:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: but sits there
  554. 7:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: quietly
  555. 7:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: not saying anything
  556. 7:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: not even saying hello
  557. 7:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: just quietly waiting for a response
  558. 7:19 PM - Eve: "Uhm...Valentine?"
  559. 7:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 7:20 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Yes, Eevee?"
  560. 7:23 PM - Eve: "Uhm..w-well it's j-just I heard uhm, you were uhm...well going after a m-murderer? I was uhm..well are you okay? Why didn't you come get me to help?"
  561. 7:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 7:24 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I tried, but you we not at your school"
  562. 7:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: ok so you two are on the phone
  563. 7:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: talk
  564. 7:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: to each other
  565. 7:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: using your phones
  566. 7:27 PM - Eve: "O-oh! R-right, sorry. Is everything o-" *sneeze* "okay?"
  567. 7:29 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Why dont you come over, I found this carrot gurl we can interrogate together"
  568. 7:29 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "You know, good cop bad cop"
  569. 7:29 PM - Eve: "W-what? Carrot girl? That's ab-abusrd!"
  570. 7:30 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Crazy right? We have cute matching outfits"
  571. 7:31 PM - Eve: "W-what? Why? I thought you were interrogating her?"
  572. 7:35 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I will"
  573. 7:35 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val gets handcuffs
  574. 7:35 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: and cuffs passed out rin
  575. 7:36 PM - Eve: *Eve sighs* "I'll be right there."
  576. 7:37 PM - Eve: *Eve hangs up*
  577. 7:38 PM - Eve: *Eve turns to Ally who she's been ignoring because she's a great girlfriend* "H-hey, do you want to go to Valentines house to investigate a mystery?"
  578. 7:40 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Yes! Can I take my bunnies?"
  579. 7:41 PM - Eve: "Of course! Just be sure Val doesn't steal any okay?"
  580. 7:42 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Pshaw, as if she could. My bunnies love me! Come, Bugs, Fluffy, Flufficus, Fluffzar, Skippy, Peppy, Sir Hopsalot, Bonbuns, Cottonball, Fred, Bunneary, Lopunny, Bunbons and Bootybunbun! We're leaving!"
  581. 7:43 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally puts her Santa sack onto the floor, and all the rabbits hop into it.
  582. 7:43 PM - Eve: *Eve giggles and starts heading towards Vals house* "Lets go silly."
  583. 7:44 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally skips along with her sack of rabbits and links arms with you as you walk to Val's house
  585. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eve - Bunnies~~
  589. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Eve approaches the vast mansion with Ally and rings the doorbell.
  590. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Winston answers the door.
  591. Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Miss Ishi, welcome." Winston bows.
  592. Valentine the stewcanator: Val hops up and greets her
  593. Eve: "H-hi!" *Eve bows quickly*
  594. Valentine the stewcanator: Val leads her to the captive Rin
  595. Valentine the stewcanator: Val moves the sea of cats so they can walk
  596. Eve: "Wh-who is this?!"
  597. 7:54 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I don't know, she must be aweful at fighting. She could be a murderer!"
  598. 7:55 PM - Eve: "Th-that's scarry! W-wh-what if she trys to kill us! Oh dear..." *Eve sneezes and curls up into a ball*
  599. 7:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally walks up to Rin's unconscious body and begins poking her cheek.
  600. 7:56 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "That's why i put hand cuffs on her and took away her cloths and weapons"
  601. 7:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally then reaches into her Santa sack of rabbits and puts Flufficus onto Rin's face
  602. 7:57 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Flufficus says she's totally cool."
  603. 7:57 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Maybe she needs to go to a doctor.... nahhh"
  604. 7:57 PM - Eve: (( I'll use R: for when rin's talking ))
  605. 7:57 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Flufficus knows this stuff. He's got a good nose."
  606. 7:58 PM - Eve: *Rin's eyes open slowly* R: "Wh-where am I? What the heck is this bunny doing on me?"
  607. 7:59 PM - Eve: "Ahh! She's awake!" *Eve rolls behind the nearest piece of furniture*
  608. 7:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Val here said you were a murderer but Flufficus there says you aren't and to be honest I totally trust Flufficus more no offense Val but Flufficus has a sharper nose."
  609. 8:00 PM - Eve: R: "Murderer?! I'm a s- uhm...normal girl just like you! Why am I tied up? Who are you people?"
  610. 8:01 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val takes out her clipboard from her pack,"Subject is playing stupid"
  611. 8:01 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val scribbles a picture of a bunny
  612. 8:02 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: but pretends like she is writing important notes
  613. 8:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally peaks over Val's shoulder, nodding intently and cupping her chin in thought.
  614. 8:03 PM - Eve: *Rin whispers to the handcuffs restraining her* "Psst, hey pal! Any idea on how to get you off me?"
  615. 8:03 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: H: "Got a key, honey? Just stick it right in me, mmm... I'll open right up."
  616. 8:04 PM - Eve: *Eve pokes her head up over the couch* " y-you're not a murderer?"
  617. 8:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A muffled voice comes from Eve's pocket. "You can shtick me in you any day. I'm shure I'll open you right up."
  618. 8:04 PM - Eve: Rin and Eve say "Gosh, don't be so creepy!" at the same time.
  619. 8:05 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val digs in Eve's pocket, taking her time
  620. 8:05 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally looks at Eve and Rin, confused.
  621. 8:06 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: 16
  622. 8:06 PM - Eve: R: "No I ain't no murderer! Now let me go!"
  623. 8:07 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Val thrusts her hand deeply and vigoriously into Eve's pants pocket.
  624. 8:08 PM - Eve: "H-hey! I have a girlfriend!" *Eve trys to push Val away from her*
  625. 8:09 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Val withdraws her hand, clutching a penny.
  626. 8:09 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I just want whats talking in your pocket, calm down"
  627. 8:09 PM - Eve: "But that's my uhm...friend."
  628. 8:09 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Lincoln looks at you. "Well hello, shweetie. I've shkinned many rabbits in my youth, but I wouldn't mind getting under your shkin if you know what I mean."
  629. 8:10 PM - Eve: *Eve sighs* "Men these days are so unloyal..."
  630. 8:10 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val throws the penny against a wall
  631. 8:10 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "MURDERER"
  632. 8:11 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally pipes up. "Don't worry Eevee, we got it!"
  633. 8:11 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally throws Fred after the penny.
  634. 8:11 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Fred bounces off a wall, catches the penny in his mouth, and lands neatly.
  635. 8:11 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val kneels to the bunny
  636. 8:12 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Gimmie it back and i can spawn u a lady bunny"
  637. 8:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: P: "Not exashtly the mouth I'd like to be inshide."
  638. 8:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Fred hops away from Val and over to Eve.
  639. 8:13 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Good boy, Fred!"
  640. 8:13 PM - Eve: "Thanks cutie!" *Eve takes the penny back*
  641. 8:14 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Jakes hops up to Fred
  642. 8:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: gg
  643. 8:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Fred sniffs Jake.
  644. 8:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Flufficus is still on Rin's face.
  645. 8:15 PM - Eve: "Anyways...uhm maybe we sh-should let this girl go."
  646. 8:15 PM - Eve: R: "You're dang right you should!"
  647. 8:17 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val sighs "If only I could have a giant carrot to help me decide what to do"
  648. 8:17 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: She looks at Rin
  649. 8:17 PM - Eve: R: "W-what? I can't conjure carrots! That's crazy!"
  650. 8:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Eevee, you can make vines of clovers. Maybe carrots are next?"
  651. 8:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Do carrots grow on vines?"
  652. 8:18 PM - Eve: *Rin tries to call Jake over to her* "Hey little guy! Is your owner always this insane?"
  653. 8:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Or was it trees?"
  654. 8:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Jakes does not respond. He merely sniffles.
  655. 8:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You interpret this vague gesture as a definite yes.
  656. 8:19 PM - Eve: *Eve rubs Ally's head* "N-no silly. They come up from the ground."
  657. 8:19 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val picks up Jake "Don't talk to this liar, I have seen her make carrots"
  658. 8:20 PM - Eve: R: "I do not! I'm just a normal farm girl! Now let me go so I can get home!"
  659. 8:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "From the ground? But why would carrots hide from the sun?"
  660. 8:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Flufficus curls up on Rin's head and goes to sleep.
  661. 8:21 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "AWWW" Val snaps a picture of the bunny napping on the country girls head
  662. 8:21 PM - Eve: "Uhm, well...because they don't want to get burned. But really the sun just wants to give them some food."
  663. 8:22 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: She puts Jake in her lap
  664. 8:22 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: and takes more pictures
  665. 8:22 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally nods. "I see. That explains everything."
  666. 8:23 PM - Eve: R: "Ugh! This is weird an perverted and creepy!" *Rin turns to Ally* "Hey kid, you seem nice! Wanna let me outta here so I can scram?"
  667. 8:24 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val tosses Ally the key
  668. 8:24 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "You can let her out"
  669. 8:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally grabs the key and unlocks Rin's cuffs.
  670. 8:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I'm like, a super secret police helper lady!"
  671. 8:25 PM - Eve: *Rin pushes Ally and bolts out the door*
  672. 8:25 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val tries to catch her
  673. 8:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Wait! Flufficus is still with you!"
  674. 8:26 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Stop it you BUNNY-NAPPER"
  675. 8:26 PM - Eve: *Eve runs after Rin* "Give her the bunny back!"
  676. 8:26 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: 14
  677. 8:27 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Rin, roll Physical
  678. 8:28 PM - Eve: 12
  682. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Rin - Flufficus~~
  684. 8:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Flufficus speaks up, in the deepest, most baritone voice you've ever heard. This bunny can sing blues well enough to make Charlie Parker cry if he wanted to.
  685. 8:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Ay yo. Where we goin?"
  686. 5:29 PM - Eve: " house I guess? You okay with that?"
  687. 8:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "The crazy chick's pretty cool yo. Not the crazy one chasin' us right now, the one I came in with. Dig?"
  688. 8:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "She a homegirl."
  689. 5:31 PM - Eve: "Oh yeah. She did free me. Maybe I shouldn't have pushed her..."
  690. 8:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: At this point you're tackled and Flufficus is sent flying.
  691. 5:31 PM - Eve: rip
  693. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Rin - Flufficus~~
  697. 8:30 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Val begins to catch up to Rin.
  698. 8:30 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Val tackles Rin, and Flufficus is dislodged from her head, sliding across the floor.
  699. 8:31 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val handcuffs Rin and grabs Flufficus
  700. 8:31 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val then pets FLufficus as she sits on Rins back
  701. 8:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Eve catches up to Val and tackles Val off Rin.
  702. 8:32 PM - Eve: 14 (( for eve ))
  703. 8:33 PM - Eve: "Oops! S-sorry..."
  704. 8:33 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Flufficus lands on the floor in front of Rin without an issue as Val and Eve go flying.
  705. 8:35 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val tries to use her landing skill
  706. 8:35 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: 13
  707. 8:35 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Val does a pretty aight roll and skids to a halt facing everyone while crouched.
  708. 8:37 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val goes to help Eve up
  709. 8:37 PM - Eve: "Th-thankyou."
  713. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona~~
  715. 8:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: so then
  716. 8:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: you dropped off Eri and Tami
  717. 5:33 PM - Ramona Boone: Ye c:
  718. 8:35 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Then flew off without another word because reason
  719. 8:35 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: So now you're flapping around on Tier 4, got anything you want to do?
  720. 5:36 PM - Ramona Boone: Well, I figured they'd seen some shit, most likely wanted to be alone
  721. 5:36 PM - Ramona Boone: Hmm, I'll text Eve then, see what's going on with her
  722. 8:36 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: so, what are you texting her?
  723. 5:37 PM - Ramona Boone: "Hey, I gave Eri and Tami a lift, how are you guys holding together?"
  725. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona~~
  729. 8:38 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Eve gets a text!
  730. 8:38 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: answer? y/n
  731. 8:38 PM - Eve: *Eve answers*
  732. 8:38 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 5:37 PM - Ramona Boone: "Hey, I gave Eri and Tami a lift, how are you guys holding together?"
  733. 8:40 PM - Eve: *Eve texts back* "Uhm, well Valentine found some random carrot girl who we just re-captured. But...she doesn't seem to be magical. You wanna come help check it out?"
  734. 8:42 PM - Ramona Boone: "Carrot girl? Whatever, where you guys at, I'll be there quickly"
  735. 8:43 PM - Eve: "Near Val's house. C u soon."
  736. 8:45 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: With that done, you put your phone away
  737. 8:45 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally collects Flufficus and Fred and puts them back in her bag of bunnies
  738. 8:45 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Who'd ya text, Eevee?"
  739. 8:46 PM - Eve: "Ramona, she's on her way."
  740. 8:46 PM - Eve: "Anyways we should get her back." *Eve points at Rin*
  741. 8:47 PM - Eve: R: "Aw c'mon kid just let me go, I won't tell the cops or nothing."
  742. 8:47 PM - Eve: *Eve turns to Val* "Are you SURE she's not just some girl?"
  743. 8:47 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Oooh, Ramona?! She's totally cool! I hung at her place once, she's got like, this biiiig basement with all these movies and stuff."
  744. 8:48 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "We watched a movie on a big projector!"
  745. 8:48 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I didn't understand a single word of it since it was in English and I failed that 7 times, but it was about giant robots beating up giant monsters so it was totally cool."
  746. 8:48 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Speak of the devil, Ramona begins knocking at a nearby window.
  747. 8:49 PM - Ramona Boone: "Yo, let me in!"
  748. 8:49 PM - Eve: "Just be careful around her Ally, she can be dangerous."
  749. 8:50 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val shrugs at Rin "What should we do about you"
  750. 8:50 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Dangerous? But she was totally worried about Sarah!":
  751. 8:50 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally opens the window because nobody else will.
  752. 8:51 PM - Ramona Boone: I plop on in, and fold my wings up. "Right, so what's been going?"
  753. 8:51 PM - Eve: "We probably kidnapped that girl." *Eve points to Rin*
  754. 8:52 PM - Eve: R: "Tell me you're not another nut-job like the rest of these guys."
  755. 8:52 PM - Ramona Boone: "...You call me dangerous, and you go off and kidnap someone?"
  756. 8:52 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally, for her part, continues to hold her red santa sack full of all her rabbits.
  757. 8:52 PM - Eve: (( you were outside how'd you hear that? :v ))
  758. 8:52 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: ally just let her in dummy
  759. 8:52 PM - Ramona Boone: ((That, and glass isn't sound proof :v))
  760. 8:52 PM - Eve: (( after I said that tho ))
  761. 8:53 PM - Eve: (( It's not like I was screaming it ))
  762. 8:53 PM - Eve: (( ah well forget it ))
  763. 8:53 PM - Eve: "I didn't do it, it was Val!"
  764. 8:54 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "She refused to make carrots"
  765. 8:54 PM - Ramona Boone: "I'm sorry, say that like, three more times"
  766. 8:54 PM - Ramona Boone: "Because that may be the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
  767. 8:54 PM - Ramona Boone: "You kidnapped her over that?"
  768. 8:54 PM - Eve: R: "Please help me."
  769. 8:55 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "No,I just wanted some information, but she started running when i uncuffed her"
  770. 8:55 PM - Eve: "I uhm...think we should just let her go home maybe?"
  771. 8:55 PM - Ramona Boone: I look over at carrot girl and sigh. "I'm trying, alright, sorry the idiots did this to you."
  772. 8:56 PM - Eve: R: "Of course I did! You kidnapped me! And where's my clothes?" *Rin blushes at that realization the she's not wearing what she was when she passed out*
  773. 8:56 PM - Ramona Boone: "Wait what, you stripped her too?"
  774. 8:56 PM - Eve: R: "Perverts!"
  775. 8:57 PM - Eve: "Wh-what?! I didn't hear about this!"
  776. 8:57 PM - Ramona Boone: "Jesus Christ do you guys know how illegal this is!"
  777. 8:57 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Fred is very confused. I'm very confused, too."
  778. 8:57 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I used magic i swear"
  779. 8:58 PM - Eve: R: "Magic? That's silly...there's no such thing!"
  780. 8:58 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "So much magic! There's too much magic. Everyone is magic. I want magic! Where's that silly kitty you guys always talk to? I want him to make me magic."
  781. 8:58 PM - Ramona Boone: "Val... Just let her go before we get arrested, alright?"
  782. 8:59 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val sighs, "She will just run again"
  783. 8:59 PM - Eve: "No, Ally." *Eve holds Ally's hand tight*
  784. 8:59 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: She takes the key and unlocks it
  785. 9:00 PM - Ramona Boone: "She has every right to fucking run, why would she stay with the girls who fucking kidnapped her?"
  786. 9:00 PM - Eve: *Rin runs behind Ramona* "Hey can you tell me what these weirdos want?"
  787. 9:00 PM - Ramona Boone: I sigh and turn to face her. "I have no idea, I have half a mind to get you out of here before they can do something stupid."
  788. 9:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Although, she /did/ steal one of my bunnies. That wasn't very nice."
  789. 9:01 PM - Eve: "Thanks lady! I owe you one." *Rin sticks her tounge out at Val*
  790. 9:02 PM - Eve: *Eve turns to Ramona* "Well...s-she did steal that bunny..."
  791. 9:02 PM - Ramona Boone: "...You kidnapped her because she stole a bunny? When you have a fucking infinite supply of them? Yknow what, fuck it, hop on, I'm getting you away from these morons and I'm going to text Sarah, maybe she can talk some sense into them."
  792. 9:02 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I saved her from that building, it was going to crush her"
  793. 9:03 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "And it wasn't my bunny, It was Ally's"
  794. 9:03 PM - Ramona Boone: "Well, give her the bunny back, and we're all good, right?"
  795. 9:03 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Nooo, that lady stole my bunny /after/ she tried to run away from being kidnapped."
  796. 9:03 PM - Eve: *Rin jumps on Ramonas back and blushes* "I-I can walk you know..." Rin then turns to Val "While I'm sure whoever you saved is very wasn't ME!"
  797. 9:03 PM - Ramona Boone: "Did she return the bunny?"
  798. 9:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "I already got the bunny back though. After Val tackled her and Eve tackled Val."
  799. 9:04 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "That was cool. It was like, american football!"
  800. 9:04 PM - Eve: R: "Sorry kid, I didn't mean to take him. Your bunny really likes you by the way."
  801. 9:05 PM - Ramona Boone: "Well then, it's all even, and I'm going to take her somewhere where we can talk without fear of kidnapping." I sigh before taking off through the window with Rin.
  802. 9:05 PM - Eve: *Rin starts screaming as she takes off*
  803. 9:06 PM - Eve: "Well...that could have gone better..."
  804. 9:06 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val looks at her hands and tears up
  805. 9:06 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I tried to be nice..."
  806. 9:07 PM - Eve: "H-hey...d-don't cry..."
  807. 9:07 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: She puts on her shades
  808. 9:07 PM - Eve: "Uh-uhm..."
  809. 9:07 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I-I'm to cool to cry" She says with sniffles
  810. 9:07 PM - Eve: "Well I were fine."
  811. 9:07 PM - Eve: "It was just a misunderstanding."
  812. 9:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "You should get nicer handcuffs next time. Pretty pink fuzzy ones!"
  813. 9:08 PM - Eve: "Like the ones we u- uhm...yeah you should. Good idea Ally."
  814. 9:09 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val sits on the floor
  815. 9:09 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Criss-cross-apples-sauce
  816. 9:10 PM - Eve: *Eve goes up to Val and pats her head*
  817. 9:12 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Why do people think I'm super lame"
  818. 9:12 PM - Eve: "We don't! R-right Ally?"
  819. 9:13 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "How can a bunnygirl be lame?"
  820. 9:13 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally begins flopping Val's ears back and forth.
  821. 9:14 PM - Eve: "See? You're fine, really."
  822. 9:14 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Vals ears are limp
  823. 9:15 PM - Eve: "Here, lets cheer you up! Want to go on an adventure?"
  824. 9:15 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Satoya never thought I was lame"
  825. 9:16 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val nods her head a bit at Eve
  826. 9:16 PM - Eve: "Satoya was a raging psychopath."
  827. 9:18 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "But we had good memories, like the time we drove a car together"
  828. 9:19 PM - Eve: "You nearly broke all your bones."
  829. 9:19 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "We became eye patch buddies that day"
  830. 9:21 PM - Eve: "Look, I'm sorry Satoya's gone. But this job is dangerous, you know?" *Eve turns to Ally* "Which is why I can't have you becoming any more involved than you are."
  831. 9:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Awwwwww... :,c"
  832. 9:22 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val sighs "How about adventure then?"
  833. 9:23 PM - Eve: "Sorry, but if you became magic you might start fighting. And then...well bad things would happen."
  834. 9:23 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Val gets a text.
  835. 9:23 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: It's a number she doesn't recognize.
  836. 9:23 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val looks at her phone
  837. 9:24 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "It's done! Want me to swing by your place? Where do you live?"
  838. 9:28 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val texts back ":O OMFG YUSSS! Can u meet me at the bar tomrrow?"
  839. 9:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Sure thing, see you then. Bring $300, it was a little harder than I was expecting to make, but it'll work."
  840. 9:30 PM - Eve: "Who're you texting?"
  841. 9:30 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I got the moniez, dun wurry bout dat"
  842. 9:30 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: ^^text
  843. 9:30 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val looks up "No one."
  844. 9:31 PM - Eve: "O-okay. So how about we go youma hunting? Pick up some oblivion seeds?"
  845. 9:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Oooh are we hunting demons? Can I come?"
  846. 9:33 PM - Eve: "Y-yes. Just stay close okay?"
  847. 9:33 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Yaaay!"
  848. 9:34 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Okay" Val smiles and feels a bit less lame
  849. 9:35 PM - Eve: *Eve checks her activator to see if she can sense a Youma nearby*
  850. 9:41 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Eve senses... a youma! And it's close!
  851. 9:41 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Not only that, it has a magical energy that feels suspiciously close to Val's.
  852. 9:42 PM - Eve: "H-hey! There's one nearby! It feels kinda...weird though. Let's check it out." *Eve grabs Ally's hand and heads towards the youma*
  853. 9:45 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val follows, feeling like a lame 3rd wheel
  854. 9:54 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You all head through the house, following your activators
  855. 9:54 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: This leads you to... the basement.
  856. 9:55 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val is shocked "Why did we not see this sooner?"
  857. 9:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Maaaaagic?"
  858. 9:56 PM - Eve (Rin too): *Eve sighs and carries on*
  859. 9:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You enter the spooky scary skeletonimean basement
  860. 9:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Despite the fact that you're rich, the only thing down here is the wine cellar, a bunch of furniture in storage, and cobwebs
  861. 10:00 PM - Eve: "Where is it?"
  862. 10:00 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You may have tried to summon Satan once or twice down here with your book of "spellz" but nothing ever came of it, you recall, as you spot pentagrams and chalk marks on the floor
  863. 10:03 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I have good memories of getting drunnk and hailing satin" Val says jokingly
  864. 10:03 PM - Eve: "R-right."
  865. 10:03 PM - Eve: "Aynyways let's look around...Ally stay close."
  866. 10:04 PM - Eve: *Eve starts to search the wine cellar for the youma*
  867. 10:06 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Fall tries to use emotion magic to track it
  868. 10:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: >hail satin
  869. 10:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: gotta hail those smooth bedsheets
  870. 10:11 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: 18 to track youma
  871. 10:14 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You tail the youma's trail to your wine cellar, and find the nightmare has taken up residence in the middle of it.
  872. 10:15 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: enter y/n
  873. 10:16 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: yes
  874. 10:16 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val walks right in
  875. 10:16 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: no fear
  876. 10:16 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You three enter the nightmare
  877. 10:19 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: And emerge into... the foyer of the mansion.
  878. 10:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: It's similar in appearance, but something is definitely off about it.
  879. 10:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: For instance, all the cat paraphernalia is replaced with rabbit paraphernalia.
  880. 10:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: And everything has a slightly gray tint to it.
  881. 10:20 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val transforms into her cool outfit
  882. 10:21 PM - Eve: *Eve megucas*
  883. 10:22 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally does some super sentai poses while still holding her sack of rabbits.
  884. 10:22 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: She does not transform.
  885. 10:22 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Awww."
  886. 10:23 PM - Eve: *Eve giggles* "Trust me, it's for the best. After this fight I'm sure you'll agree."
  887. 10:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "If you say so Eevee!"
  888. 10:27 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You wander through the eerily familiar mansion, feeling completely uneasy all throughout
  889. 10:27 PM - Eve: *Eve smiles and nods* "Alright, lets go."
  890. 10:27 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You see a few rabbits hop past here or there, similar to the way that the real house is absolutely covered in felines.
  891. 10:29 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "This is my dream house"
  892. 10:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Ooh. Bunnies."
  893. 10:30 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Can I take them home Eevee, huh can I?"
  894. 10:30 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "I wanna live here forever"
  895. 10:31 PM - Eve: "Uhm, I-I'm not sure that's such a good idea. But here, you can have this!" *Eve hands Ally the animated origami bunny*
  896. 10:32 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val pick up a bunny
  897. 10:33 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "It's sooooo coot" She hugs it
  898. 10:33 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Are you hugging a bunny in the mansion?
  899. 10:35 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: The origami hops in Ally's hand and she squees. "I'll call you... Jacqueline Bartholomew Rajapaske Squidbun Tortellini the Thirty-Second."
  900. 10:36 PM - Eve: *Eve giggles and hugs Ally like a lesbian*
  901. 10:36 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: As Val lifts a bunny that hops past, it looks at her with solid-red eyes.
  902. 10:37 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: It opens its mouth, revealing rows and rows of needle-like teeth, as well as an eyeball on a long stalk where its tongue should be.
  903. 10:38 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val lightly puts is back down and backs away
  904. 10:38 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: "Get away from the bunnies"
  905. 10:38 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: The bunny leaps at Val!
  906. 10:38 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val slaps it to the side
  907. 10:38 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: defend against 10
  908. 10:39 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: It fails to hit you through your base defense.
  909. 10:39 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You beat the bunny away.
  910. 10:40 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val feels a little hurt from harming her own kind
  911. 10:42 PM - Eve: "Ally stay close, the bunnies are dangerous. Let's keep moving and find the youma." *Eve heads towards where the basement should be in this version of the mansion*
  912. 10:44 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val follows
  913. 10:45 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You ignore the bunny and walk on by. It watches you as you walk past, tracking your movement.
  914. 10:48 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val doesn't have the heart to curb stomp the bunny
  915. 10:50 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You continue to wander through the mansion, passing more and more bunnies.
  916. 10:51 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: The paintings and pictures on the walls seem to get more and more distorted and creepy the further in you go.
  917. 10:56 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val takes all the paintings off the walls and lay them face down
  918. 11:00 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: As you put the paintings down and walk past, you hear a noise. Turning around, you see the paintings seem to rise up off the floor, as though something is under them
  919. 11:00 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: As below the paintings, or rather, crawling /out of/ the paintings, are more rabbits
  920. 11:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 4 bunnies crawl out of the paintings and proceed to attack!
  921. 11:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Roll physical for initiative
  922. 11:02 PM - Eve: 11
  923. 11:03 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 14, 14, 12, 10
  924. 11:05 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: 16
  925. 11:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Well, Val's go
  926. 11:06 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Whatcha gonna do
  927. 11:07 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val punts it
  928. 11:08 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: roll attack
  929. 11:10 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: 22
  930. 11:10 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Roll damage
  931. 11:11 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: 9
  932. 11:11 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: 11
  933. 11:11 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: The bunny explodes.
  934. 11:11 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val is horrified
  935. 11:11 PM - Eve: "Th-that was cold, Val."
  936. 11:11 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: and screams
  937. 11:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Its weird tongue eyeball plops onto the floor.
  938. 11:12 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally seems to have missed this, as she was looking inside her own sack of bunnies.
  939. 11:14 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: Val nearly faints
  940. 11:14 PM - Valentine the stewcanator: but catches herself and ends up just stumbling back
  941. 11:17 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Bunnies 2, 3 and 4 go now!
  942. 11:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: no wait just 2 and 3
  943. 11:19 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Bunnies 2 and 3 jump at Val for exploding their comrade!
  944. 11:19 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Val, defend against 13
  945. 11:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Nevermind, your base defense covers that
  946. 11:21 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: you beat these bunnies back, as well
  947. 11:23 PM - Eve: Eve's going to use razor leaf on the 3 remaining bunnies
  948. 11:23 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: gogo
  949. 11:24 PM - Eve: 17
  950. 11:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: hit
  951. 11:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: roll dmgs
  952. 11:26 PM - Eve: 8 dmg bby
  953. 11:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You cut the bunbuns to ribbons
  954. 11:27 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally seems to have missed this as she's waist-deep in her sack of rabbits.
  955. 11:27 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: by that I mean from her head down
  956. 11:27 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: or up? depending on your perspective
  957. 11:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ally pops out of the sack. "Hey, where'd the bunnies go?"
  958. 11:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: she seems to miss the fact that there is now gore painting the walls
  959. 11:29 PM - Eve: "Uhm..."
  960. 11:29 PM - Eve: "They hopped away."
  961. 11:29 PM - Eve: "Let's keep going."
  962. 11:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: "Bunnies sure are silly."
  963. 11:31 PM - Eve: "Heh-heh, yeah."
  964. 11:31 PM - Eve: *Eve kisses Ally on the head and keeps walking*
  965. 11:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: And I think we'll end here because I keep zoning out
  969. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah, Ramona and Rin - Here Be Dragons~~
  971. 9:08 PM - Rin: "WHY DO YOU HAVE WINGS?!"
  972. 9:08 PM - Ramona Boone: Right, I'll just fly us back to my house, considering the flight there wasn't too long
  973. 9:08 PM - Ramona Boone: "Because you have no idea how useful this is! Never have to pay bus fare to get places!"
  974. 9:09 PM - Rin: "BUT, HOW?"
  975. 9:10 PM - Ramona Boone: "Magic! It's fantastic, fourth best thing in the world, behind monster movies, America, and guns!"
  976. 9:10 PM - Rin: "But! Magic isn't real!"
  977. 9:11 PM - Ramona Boone: "Then how do you explain the flying?"
  978. 9:11 PM - Rin: "You uhm...I'm hallucinating? Or're a monster?"
  979. 9:12 PM - Rin: "On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your evilness?"
  980. 9:12 PM - Ramona Boone: "Nah, monsters aren't this cute, and trust me, this is no hallucination. And a solid one missy, I'm a hero, not a villain!"
  981. 9:13 PM - Rin: "W-wait you're a hero? Really? Me too! Oh man this is so great! You can be like, my sidekick!"
  982. 9:13 PM - Rin: "Well, maybe Misty's sidekick, since Misty is already my sidekick."
  983. 9:15 PM - Ramona Boone: "...I've been doing this for a while, I don't work alone, but I'm nobody's sidekick"
  984. 9:16 PM - Rin: *Rin humphs* "Fine, but don't tell anyone about my secret identity okay?"
  985. 9:16 PM - Ramona Boone: "Yeah yeah, you got it"
  986. 9:17 PM - Rin: "So whats your super-hero name? Mine is The Maksed Hero: Carrot! Pretty cool right? I'm still thinking of a catch phrase though..."
  987. 9:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Ramona gets a mindping, and hears in her head, 9:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, Ramona, could you check your activator, please?"
  988. 9:18 PM - Ramona Boone: "...I don't really have a name, I just do good things for the sake of protecting others... Fame would be nice, but I don't have it"
  989. 9:18 PM - Ramona Boone: I do as asked, and check the activator
  990. 9:20 PM - Rin: "Oh man that's suuuuuuuuuuuuper heroic! You'll make a great sidekick miss hero!"
  991. 9:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: It seems like... something's nearby.
  992. 9:20 PM - Ramona Boone: "...I told you, I'm not doing the sidekick business"
  993. 9:20 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Looks like it might be a youma. And from these magic readings you're feeling, it's startlingly similar to Sarah's magic.
  994. 9:21 PM - Rin: "Yeah yeah, you'll come around."
  995. 9:22 PM - Ramona Boone: "Oh shit, that's not good... Uh, we're gonna make a detour, alright?"
  996. 9:22 PM - Rin: "Sure, what's wrong?"
  997. 9:23 PM - Ramona Boone: "It's a youma, you'll see what real heros do."
  998. 9:24 PM - Ramona Boone: With that, I change directions, flying towards the signal the youma was giving off
  999. 9:24 PM - Rin: "Okaaaaaaay! I'll show you what I got! I killed a pretty big spider earlier so just follow my lead." *Rin transforms on top of Ramona*
  1000. 9:25 PM - Ramona Boone: I grin, looking back at her. "Right, what do you fight with? Swords, bows, guns, explosives, something really fun?"
  1001. 9:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Not gonna tell Sarah about this? :v
  1002. 9:25 PM - Ramona Boone: Shh
  1003. 9:25 PM - Ramona Boone: To sarah: "We're on our way, right now"
  1004. 9:25 PM - Rin: "Carrot knives!"
  1005. 9:25 PM - Rin: "What about you?"
  1006. 9:26 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 9:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, well that was fast. Do you know where I am?"
  1007. 9:26 PM - Ramona Boone: "Carrot knives... Well, I carry a mini arsenal on me at all times, guns of all shapes and sizes, and some fun pyrotechnics!"
  1008. 9:26 PM - Ramona Boone: To sarah again: "Yeah, we picked it up easily."
  1009. 9:27 PM - Rin: "Oh cool! Like Kamen Rider Birth? You'll be such a cooooooooooooool sidekick!"
  1010. 9:28 PM - Rin: "...You don't have a bullet in your brain that will cause you to get replaced by your sidekick halfway through the series, do you?"
  1011. 9:28 PM - Ramona Boone: "...I'm /nobody's/ sidekick, okay, not yours, not anyones, no offense to you, but I've been doing this for a while, if anything, you should be my sidekick."
  1012. 9:29 PM - Rin: "But, I'm the main character silly! Besides all secondary riders start off as more experienced tough guys like you. You'll come around when you learn the meaning of friendship."
  1013. 9:29 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "The youma or my location? You've lost me."
  1014. 9:30 PM - Ramona Boone: "One, I don't watch whatever the hell this 'Common rider' stuff is, two, just, stop, alright?"
  1015. 9:30 PM - Rin: "You'lllll seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."
  1016. 9:31 PM - Ramona Boone: Back to sarah: "The youma I mean, I assumed you'd be there."
  1017. 9:34 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: 9:32 PM - Sarah Salem: "I couldn't find it, that is why I was contacting you. Just wait for me when you get there, I am bringing my sister."
  1018. 9:36 PM - Ramona Boone: "...We should be there soon then."
  1019. 9:37 PM - Rin: "Weeeeeeee!"
  1020. 9:44 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You look below you and see none other than Sarah, carrying her sister over her shoulder and superspeed running
  1021. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: Also with one side of her covered in blood~
  1022. 9:44 PM - Ramona Boone: I follow them, assuming she knows what to do
  1023. 9:45 PM - Rin: "Hey! Are they okay?"
  1024. 9:46 PM - Ramona Boone: "It's Sarah, she can handle herself."
  1025. 9:46 PM - Rin: "If you say so..."
  1026. 9:47 PM - Sarah Salem: ((sarah and ramona are the only ones not concerned with sarah being covered in blood))
  1027. 9:47 PM - Sarah Salem: ((business as usual))
  1028. 9:47 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You find yourselves running across Ramona's lawn and into her large backyard which doubles as a shooting range.
  1029. 9:47 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Your destination seems to be a rusty, unkempt storage shed.
  1030. 9:48 PM - Ramona Boone: "Wait... Why are they going to my house?"
  1031. 9:48 PM - Sarah Salem: I skid to a halt in front of the shed, kicking up dirt along the way.
  1032. 9:48 PM - Ramona Boone: I land beside sarah, letting carrot girl off
  1033. 9:48 PM - Sarah Salem: I set my sister down carefully.
  1034. 9:49 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Anna seems petrified of the timepaused superspeed run
  1035. 9:50 PM - Sarah Salem: I pat her arm and head. "Um, are you okay?"
  1036. 9:50 PM - Rin: *Rin walks up to the shed* "Hey pal, what's inside you?"
  1038. 9:54 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: the shed does not seem to give you a proper response, and instead shouts.
  1039. 9:55 PM - Ramona Boone: "Jesus christ, how long has this been here?"
  1040. 9:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: before you say anything because I know you're going to
  1041. 9:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: ryan
  1042. 9:55 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: only rin can hear it
  1043. 9:55 PM - Ramona Boone: Ah
  1044. 9:55 PM - Rin: "Oh no! The shed's in trouble! Let's go!" *Rin rushes inside*
  1045. 9:55 PM - Ramona Boone: I thought it was like a magical shed :v
  1046. 9:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: no
  1047. 9:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: it's a normal, rusty shed
  1048. 9:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: where you keep rusty tools
  1049. 9:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: for some reason
  1050. 9:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: despite the fact that you're rich
  1051. 9:56 PM - Sarah Salem: "So... hi, Ramona. Who's that girl?"
  1052. 9:56 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: maybe sheds like this remind you of home
  1053. 9:56 PM - Ramona Boone: Maybe Ramona just forgot the shed existed :v
  1054. 9:56 PM - Sarah Salem: ((they're old fashioned))
  1055. 9:56 PM - Sarah Salem: ((werent we just in it))
  1056. 9:56 PM - Sarah Salem: ((building an arm))
  1057. 9:56 PM - Ramona Boone: ((That was the garage workshop :v))
  1058. 9:58 PM - Sarah Salem: ((how many workshops does ramona have))
  1059. 10:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: not enough
  1060. 10:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: you need a workshop to work in when you want to get away from your workshop
  1061. 10:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: and then a workshop to get away from that workshop
  1062. 10:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: it's like crop rotation
  1063. 10:01 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: but with workshops
  1064. 10:02 PM - Sarah Salem: i see
  1065. 10:02 PM - Sarah Salem: okay lets move on
  1066. 10:02 PM - Rin: (( Rins currently rushing in ))
  1067. 10:02 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You rush into the shack
  1068. 10:03 PM - Ramona Boone: I follow, because why not :u
  1069. 10:03 PM - Sarah Salem: I lead Anna in by the hand.
  1070. 10:09 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You enter the shack, and emerge into... a medieval village.
  1071. 10:09 PM - Ramona Boone: "...HOW LONG HAS THIS SHED BEEN HERE?"
  1072. 10:09 PM - Rin: "Aw cool! It's like narnia!"
  1073. 10:09 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: The wooden and stone structures are all destroyed and on fire, while an oppressive, dry heat radiates throughout the place.
  1074. 10:10 PM - Ramona Boone: "Sweet christ, I've been missing out on Narnia all these years."
  1075. 10:10 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Hard-packed dirt makes up the floor, while the sky is starless, with nothing but a blood-red moon to illuminate it.
  1076. 10:10 PM - Sarah Salem: I look around with a stunned expression.
  1077. 10:11 PM - Rin: "This is..."
  1078. 10:11 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Turning around, you spot that the "entrance" to this nightmare is actually a large, stone church, untouched by the havoc. Smoke reaches high into the sky from the buildings.
  1079. 10:11 PM - Rin: "Super evil!"
  1080. 10:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "This seems... familiar."
  1081. 10:14 PM - Ramona Boone: "I think it's from a movie or something, has to be."
  1082. 10:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "The only movie I've seen is half of that one with the big lizard." I point out.
  1083. 10:16 PM - Ramona Boone: "That was a fantastic movie though."
  1084. 10:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "I enjoyed what I saw."
  1085. 10:17 PM - Ramona Boone: "We gotta have more movie nights then!"
  1086. 10:18 PM - Rin: "Right, so lets go get the bad guy okay?" *Rin heads into the destruction*
  1087. 10:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "Definitely."
  1088. 10:18 PM - Ramona Boone: "Yeah yeah, lead the way." I follow carrot girl
  1089. 10:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "Who is the new girl?"
  1090. 10:19 PM - Sarah Salem: I wave Anna along behind us, since she's apparently shocked into mute-ness.
  1091. 10:20 PM - Rin: "I'm the Masked Hero: Carrot! Bird girl's my new sidekick."
  1092. 10:20 PM - Ramona Boone: "I am not your side kick!"
  1093. 10:20 PM - Sarah Salem: "I cannot see Ramona being anyone's 'sidekick'."
  1094. 10:21 PM - Ramona Boone: "Exactly!"
  1095. 10:21 PM - Rin: "Hehe, you guys'll see."
  1096. 10:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I tighten my hand around my activator and transform into magical garb.
  1097. 10:24 PM - Ramona Boone: I transform as well, taking out the LFG I made last session :v
  1098. 10:24 PM - Rin: "Who are you anyways?" *Rin turns to Sarah*
  1099. 10:25 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sarah Salem. You?"
  1100. 10:26 PM - Rin: "I told you, the masked hero: Carrot!"
  1101. 10:27 PM - Rin: "You guys shouldn't give your secret identities away so easily."
  1102. 10:27 PM - Sarah Salem: I give her a solid "is this bitch serious" look.
  1103. 10:28 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Anna whispers to Sarah, "Now Sarah, be nice. It's... probably a coping method. I read about those before."
  1104. 10:28 PM - Rin: "Anyways, onwards. We have to vanquish the evil right?"
  1105. 10:29 PM - Sarah Salem: I whisper back, "I am being nice. I did not say anything out loud."
  1106. 10:29 PM - Ramona Boone: "Yeah yeah, where is the evil? I see the mess it made, but not the evil itself"
  1107. 10:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Maybe we should... look for it. Do they usually just... pop out once you enter?"
  1108. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: I check my activator again.
  1109. 10:32 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sometimes. Usually you have to track it down."
  1110. 10:32 PM - Ramona Boone: "Tricky little buggers like to hide sometimes"
  1111. 10:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "There are only so many places a giant shadowy dragon can hide."
  1112. 10:38 PM - Ramona Boone: "You make a fair point.”
  1113. 10:41 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You wander through the village, examining your surroundings.
  1114. 10:41 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Eventually, you enter what appears to be a residential area. Or... what /was/. Small piles of rubble which were once hovels dot the land.
  1115. 10:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "Do you think anyone lived in these?"
  1116. 10:45 PM - Ramona Boone: "Yeah... The youma fucked things up here, badly."
  1117. 10:46 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You walk past one building in particular. It doesn't seem much different from the others, but Sarah seems to stop at it for some reason. Sarah, roll Fortitude.
  1118. 10:47 PM - Sarah Salem: Snake eyes c:
  1119. 10:49 PM - Rin: ((( rip ))
  1120. 10:49 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Sarah remembers something. A giant, scaly claw smashing through the roof. An older woman being flattened beneath it, and blood dripping as the claw is raised. An eye looks into the new hole in the roof. A bloodshot yellowish eye. It blinks, before a wave of fire is blasted into the hole.
  1121. 10:51 PM - Sarah Salem: I gasp and hold a hand to my mouth. "Did anyone else see that?"
  1122. 10:51 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "See what?"
  1123. 10:51 PM - Rin: "W-what? Are you okay citizen, you seem confused."
  1124. 10:52 PM - Ramona Boone: I look over at Sarah, confused "Are you okay over there?"
  1125. 10:53 PM - Sarah Salem: I shake my head and rub my eyes. "Um, yeah. It must have been nothing."
  1126. 10:57 PM - Rin: "Onwards!" *Rin moves on past the house*
  1127. 10:57 PM - Ramona Boone: I nod, following
  1128. 10:58 PM - Sarah Salem: I follow a little shakily behind the group.
  1129. 10:59 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You continue past, Sarah glancing at the house for a moment longer before looking ahead again.
  1130. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hopefully this is over soon."
  1131. 11:15 PM - Rin: "Yeah, pretty soon you guys wont have to worry about anything! I'm the girl who's going to destroy all evil."
  1132. 11:15 PM - Ramona Boone: "Listen, don't try to do it alone, we're a team, all of us, alright?"
  1133. 11:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "You're going to destroy all evil?"
  1134. 11:16 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You walk past, and Eventually come across the town's center. There, you see a large, flaming pile of wood. Stuck in the middle of this pile is a wooden cross, with ropes hanging from its arms, as though waiting for someone to be tied to it.
  1135. 11:17 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: Roll Fortitude again, Sarah
  1136. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: i got a 14 c:
  1137. 11:17 PM - Rin: "Of course, I'd be glad to have my sidekick help. But I'm going to strike the final blow."
  1138. 11:18 PM - Ramona Boone: "...We're equal, not sidekicks, get it right."
  1139. 11:18 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You recall countless people and faces, tied to this cross, begging for mercy. It doesn't have as much of an impact as the house did, but the memory still eats at your mind.
  1140. 11:19 PM - Rin: "Of course we're equals! It just so happens I'm the main character."
  1141. 11:20 PM - Ramona Boone: "...Okay, you're getting this wrong. You're acting like we're batman and robin, and DC comics are terrible. Think of like, the Avengers, or if you reaaaally wanna stick to the style of DC, the Justice League, got it?"
  1142. 11:20 PM - Sarah Salem: I stop and stare at the cross, frozen.
  1143. 11:21 PM - Ramona Boone: "Something wrong Sarah?"
  1144. 11:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "N-No, it's nothing. I'm fine."
  1145. 11:22 PM - Sarah Salem: I watch it over my shoulder as I rejoin the group.
  1146. 11:24 PM - Ramona Boone: I put my hand on Sarah's shoulder, frowning lightly. "It's not fine, I can tell something's up. If you don't want to talk about this now, it's fine, but, I'm here for you, alright?"
  1147. 11:25 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: A: "Sarah, please, I'm your sister. If something's wrong..."
  1148. 11:26 PM - Sarah Salem: I sidehug Ramona. "Let's just, um, get rid of the youma, and get out of here."
  1149. 11:27 PM - Ramona Boone: I nod, bear hugging her with a grin. "Yeah yeah, we can talk about this over a movie and some popcorn tonight teddie, but let's get the job done here."
  1150. 11:28 PM - Rin: "Yeah c'mon guys. We got evil to kill!"
  1151. 11:28 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod and give Ramona and Anna a weak smile.
  1152. 11:29 PM - Ramona Boone: I let Sarah go, before checking my own activator once again
  1153. 11:31 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You all hear shifting stones. Looking around, you notice a few odd, dragon-like creatures emerging from the rubble.
  1154. 11:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: You count 4 of them.
  1155. 11:32 PM - Be Happy I'm Not A Drunken Pole: And I think we'll end here because I keep zoning out
  1157. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah, Ramona and Rin - Here Be Dragons~~
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