
Magical Burst: Session 55 - Miracles and Curses

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. Game starts at 6:07 PM.
  3. Never tell your password to anyone.
  4. Sunday, January 25, 2015
  5. 5:41 PM - Alice Renfold has been invited to chat.
  6. 5:41 PM - Data has been invited to chat.
  7. 5:41 PM - Schwankalicious has been invited to chat.
  8. 5:41 PM - Smas Ate An Alligator has been invited to chat.
  9. 5:41 PM - Smas Ate An Alligator entered chat.
  10. 5:41 PM - Schwankalicious entered chat.
  12. 5:42 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: yw
  13. 5:42 PM - Alice Renfold entered chat.
  14. 5:44 PM - Data entered chat.
  15. 5:46 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: anybody have any idea where nicole is?
  16. 5:47 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: no?
  17. 5:47 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: didn't think so
  18. 5:47 PM - Data: Nope
  19. 5:48 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I think I'll use this name I didn't get to use during christmas
  20. 5:48 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to Make a Contract, Check it Twice.
  21. 5:49 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Yeah I'm not sure where she is 10 minutes early either
  22. 5:49 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: she hasn't been on for 6 hours
  23. 5:50 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: there is no way she is going to come on in the next 10 minutes
  24. 5:50 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Okay?
  25. 5:51 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: I don't see how that's relevant, I do like your name though.
  26. 5:51 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: well then what were you talking about?
  27. 5:51 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: because it sounded like you were talking about Nicole not being here
  28. 5:51 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: I was, I'm not sure where she is
  29. 5:51 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: You asked :v
  30. 5:52 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: I just don't see how her not being on for 6 hours means she wont be here
  31. 5:52 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: I don't think she'll show either tho
  32. 6:06 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: everyone ready?
  33. 6:06 PM - Sarah Salem: Sure
  34. 6:06 PM - A Miracleri: Yup, I entirely am.
  35. 6:07 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: ye
  39. ~~Game start~~
  40. 6:07 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: So last time, Santa gave you all a lift to Val's house, where you probably continued the party. Or went home, because you're a bunch of nerds who don't like parties. Either way Val likely got drunk and is sleeping in a pile of shades right now.
  41. 6:08 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: To further streamline things, shall we skip straight to the Christmas healing miracle?
  42. 6:08 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Suresies
  43. 6:08 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Sounds good
  44. 6:08 PM - A Miracleri: Yeah, was gonna call everyone.
  45. 6:09 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Including Sarah?
  46. 6:09 PM - A Miracleri: Yup
  47. 6:09 PM - A Miracleri: It's also the Eri gift exchange.
  48. 6:10 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: In that case, a few calls later, and you're all neatly gathered inside Hiroe's room. Anyone bring any NPC friends, or are you riding solo?
  49. 6:10 PM - Sarah Salem: Solo, I guess.
  50. 6:10 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: We'll say I sent Ally home to take care of the Gmilfs
  51. 6:11 PM - A Miracleri: No NPCs on my end either.
  52. 6:11 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: In that case, the floor is yours. Fire away.
  53. 6:11 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Hiroe looks around at you all with his usual watery, pained, wide eyes.
  54. 6:11 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sitting besides Hiroe's bed, Satoya is smiling softly, holding his hand as the group walks in. "Merry Christmas."
  55. 6:12 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "M-merry Christmas, sis."
  56. 6:13 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Hello again H-hiroe." Eve gives the boy a small wave.
  57. 6:13 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: He lifts his IV-laced arm weakly at your entrance.
  58. 6:13 PM - A Miracleri: "H-hey, I brought stuff for everyone." Eri gets out, hefting a heavy looking bag on her back.
  59. 6:13 PM - A Miracleri: "D-Didn't think..." Eri drops the bag on the ground with a solid thud, " was fair that I didn't get anyone anything last night, so I made arrangements."
  60. 6:14 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "How'd the dance go? I dipped outta there so I could see my brave lil hero~" She says, patting Hiroe's head with a giggle.
  61. 6:14 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: He smiles, seeming to enjoy the patting. Must be genetic.
  62. 6:14 PM - A Miracleri: "It went..." Eri glances off into the distance, not making comment of it.
  63. 6:15 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "S-smoothly." Eve nods enthusiastically.
  64. 6:15 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Well that's good, nevfur were my kinda thing!" Sato says, still sitting in her fancy dress.
  65. 6:16 PM - Sarah Salem: sidles around the side of the room to the left of the entrance, standing around awkwardly and silently.
  66. 6:16 PM - A Miracleri: Eri pipes up, "W-well, anyways, Time for gifts!"
  67. 6:16 PM - A Miracleri: Eri opens the bag and rummages around.
  68. 6:17 PM - A Miracleri: She then pulls out a round object, and hands it to Eve, "Here you go, figured I should give this one to you first."
  69. 6:18 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "O-oh! Th-thank you Eri." Eve takes the round object in shaking hands and examines it.
  70. 6:18 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Unless it was wrapped, in which case she unwraps it.
  71. 6:18 PM - A Miracleri: It's... the Mask of Concealment™!
  72. 6:18 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: That being, for the record, the mask that Princess used to cover her terminal nigger.
  73. 6:19 PM - A Miracleri: "I noticed before, that your... problem hasn't gone down yet, so I think you deserve this more than I do." Eri points to Eve's forehead.
  74. 6:19 PM - A Miracleri: "It should both protect it from random pokes /and/ make it look normal."
  75. 6:20 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve blushes and covers her forehead with her hand, "Th-thank you so much Eri!"
  76. 6:20 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: She rushes forward and gives Eri a large hug.
  77. 6:20 PM - A Miracleri: "...You have a mask for that now..." Eri returns said hug.
  78. 6:20 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Hiroe cocks his head. "I-is she sick, too?"
  79. 6:21 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "No lil buddy, it's just... A bit of a magical thing, hard to explain really."
  80. 6:21 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Ooh..."
  81. 6:21 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve breaks the hug and puts on the mask.
  82. 6:21 PM - A Miracleri: Eri then returns to digging in her bag, and hands Eve a heavy box. "This one was for Ally, but I guess she's not here..."
  83. 6:22 PM - A Miracleri: "I'll save you the suspense; it's the Knight's Lance that I stole from that giant familiar back during our raid."
  84. 6:22 PM - A Miracleri: "You guys didn't have a magical weapon, so I figured..."
  85. 6:22 PM - Make a Contract, ((Check it Twice: That's gotta be a big box :v))
  86. 6:22 PM - A Miracleri: ((I assumed I seperated it into 3 parts))
  87. 6:22 PM - Sarah Salem: ((How the shit did that go in a bag))
  88. 6:23 PM - A Miracleri: ((Some reassembly required))
  89. 6:22 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve takes the box, stumbling a little at the weight, "I-I'll make sure she gets it. T-thank you again Eri!"
  90. 6:23 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Th-this is too kind."
  91. 6:23 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I'll make sure she writes you a thank you note."
  92. 6:23 PM - A Miracleri: "Alright, that's your stuff then."
  93. 6:23 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve smiles before turning around suddenly to sneeze into her arm.
  94. 6:24 PM - A Miracleri: Eri continues to dig in her bag, and pulls out a small jewelery box.
  95. 6:25 PM - A Miracleri: She turns and hands it to Sarah, "Here you go."
  96. 6:25 PM - A Miracleri: "It's kind of a two-parter, that one."
  97. 6:25 PM - Sarah Salem: takes the box in her hand, nodding to Eri. "What is it?"
  98. 6:26 PM - A Miracleri: "It's a special kind of earring. Basically... if you wear it, you can contact me, like you could with Eno's feathers or Yarif's tortoise rings."
  99. 6:27 PM - A Miracleri: "You can keep it, or you could give it to Anna, if you think you don't need my help..."
  100. 6:28 PM - A Miracleri: "It works, regardless of distance."
  101. 6:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose it could be useful, for the distance. Thank you." Sarah jumps in position, and the box is gone, her hand now rubbing at her earlobe.
  102. 6:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "I would rather not break skin, though..."
  103. 6:30 PM - A Miracleri: "The other part of that gift would be... that you can ask me for any favor, which I'll try to do with the best of my abilities."
  104. 6:30 PM - A Miracleri: "It's not something that's actually /worth/ anything, really, but... my powers are fairly unique, I guess."
  105. 6:31 PM - A Miracleri: Eri sheepishly rubs the back of her head.
  106. 6:31 PM - Sarah Salem: raises an eyebrow. "I don't particularly need anything from you."
  107. 6:31 PM - A Miracleri: "Just... keep it in mind I guess."
  108. 6:31 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Val, having just read Eri's text message, stumbles into Satoya's brother Hiroe's hospital room, an empty bottle of vodka in one hand and a torn canvas sack of sunglasses in the other, leaking a trail of shades behind her.
  109. 6:32 PM - A Miracleri: Eri finally notices that Val has arrived, "Oh, hey!"
  110. 6:32 PM - A Miracleri: "I've got something for you too."
  111. 6:32 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val sets down her bottle "You do?"
  112. 6:32 PM - A Miracleri: Eri quickly searches through her bag, and pulls out... the Glockulele-47!
  113. 6:33 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: That being Jack the Akechi guard's magically fucked up gun that looks like a guitar.
  114. 6:33 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: It's a pistol-sized guitar.
  115. 6:33 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: That shoots bullets when played.
  116. 6:33 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val stares at the gun.
  117. 6:33 PM - A Miracleri: "I'm not really big into guns, and you kinda dazed out before, but earlier, I got to keep this!"
  118. 6:34 PM - A Miracleri: "... It's not loaded, if that's what you're wondering."
  119. 6:34 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val sighs in relief.
  120. 6:34 PM - A Miracleri: "I figured that you'd want it more than I did, so..."
  121. 6:35 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: "I love guns. I have one of my very own!"
  122. 6:36 PM - A Miracleri: "Well, that's good." Eri smiles, "Guess you can add it to your collection."
  123. 6:36 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: "Now I have /two/ demon killers..." Val says, full of glee.
  124. 6:36 PM - A Miracleri: Eri hands the Glockulele over.
  125. 6:37 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val accepts it like a little girl accepts free candy.
  126. 6:37 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: ((hopefully that free candy isn't from an unmarked white van))
  127. 6:37 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val cocks the gun.
  128. 6:37 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: It's a guitar, Val. To that extent, you wail on the whammy bar. The incredibly tiny whammy bar.
  129. 6:40 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val plucks some strings, sounding awful and out of tune.
  130. 6:40 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Val's new toy:
  131. 6:37 PM - A Miracleri: "Alright, second to last person..." Eri looks to Satoya.
  132. 6:37 PM - A Miracleri: Eri digs in the bag once more, and hands out a small crystal gem to her.
  133. 6:37 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato raises an eyebrow, confused as she walked over to Eri, taking the item.
  134. 6:38 PM - A Miracleri: "I'm not allowed to bring familiars home I guess, so... here!"
  135. 6:38 PM - A Miracleri: It's... the Sheet-Ghost-That's-Not-Totally-Mami seed~!
  136. 6:40 PM - A Miracleri: "I figured that perhaps you'd like a companion, since you always seem to slink off by yourself... She's a cutie, I guess, but Tami doesn't think so..." Eri puffs her cheeks out.
  137. 6:41 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "...You think its safe to release in here? I wanna see what it's like right meow!"
  138. 6:41 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "W-well, the doctors aren't supposed to show up for a while to check in, so... I think it should be okay."
  139. 6:42 PM - A Miracleri: "Sure, in fact, I was gonna ask if you wanted me to give her a new body, since she's basically a head underneath a sheet..."
  140. 6:42 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Nodding in agreement, she lets the thing out of the seed.
  141. 6:42 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Out pops...! A floating bedsheet, with two eyeholes cut in it. There are no legs beneath the sheet, but it is draped down as though hanging over a person's head.
  142. 6:43 PM - A Miracleri: "You can check underneath if you want. Just... don't let Hiroe see."
  143. 6:43 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Curious, Satoya sticks her head under the sheet, as not to let him see.
  144. 6:44 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Huh...?"
  145. 6:44 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Beneath the sheet, you spot a floating head! It has two twintails in the shape of short drills, and a flower-shaped clip in her hair. She smiles gently.
  146. 6:44 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Hello there lil miss head!"
  147. 6:46 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Thank mew Eri! She seems nice, digging the hair!" She says, her own ridiculous hair-do flashing various colours as she says so.
  148. 6:48 PM - A Miracleri: "Heh, no problem. If you can think of anything you'd like to see her in, I can probably oblige." She mutters to nobody in particular, "Just please don't try and get us in copyright trouble."
  149. 6:49 PM - A Miracleri: "Alright, last, but not least... Hiroe." Eri looks up, and smiles.
  150. 6:49 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato thinks for a moment, before getting a brilliant idea, but stays quiet so that Eri can do whatever she's about to do.
  151. 6:50 PM - A Miracleri: Eri walks up and sits on Hiroe's bedside. "Sato's told me about the trouble you've been in, and since me and Eve are her friends, we figured out a way to make you better again."
  152. 6:51 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato's face grows into a massive smile as she hears this, her tail slapping about happily.
  153. 6:51 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: " make...?"
  154. 6:52 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Y-you're not just l-lying to make me feel better, are you?"
  155. 6:52 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve nods smiling, "W-we think we can d-do it."
  156. 6:52 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Will it... make the pain stop?"
  157. 6:53 PM - A Miracleri: Eri shakes her head no, "It wasn't until recently, but me and Eve, if we work together, we can probably do something amazing." Eri pauses to think for a moment, "I... think so. At the very least, it should help the underlying problem."
  158. 6:55 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "...can you... t-tell me, something?"
  159. 6:56 PM - A Miracleri: Eri nods.
  160. 6:56 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "S-sure Hiroe, what is it?"
  161. 6:56 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Is it... worth it? Is everything outside this... dumb room, worth t-the pain...?
  162. 6:57 PM - A Miracleri: Eri sighs, "I... I'd like to think so. Me and Eve, everyone here... we all face terrible things every day, fighting monsters, solving mysteries. Heck, we just saved the world /and/ Christmas."
  163. 6:58 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve rushes forward and grabs Hiroe's hand, "I-I know it is! E-everything out there is magical in it's own way. A-and y-you deserve t-to see it Hiroe."
  164. 6:58 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Hiroe... You've got a whole life ahead of mew, so much to do, to see... I purromise, I will make it worth it!" She says, running over to the bed and hugging him carefully, tearing up slightly.
  165. 7:01 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "A-alright... I, you..." he sighs. "W-whenever you're ready."
  166. 7:02 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato backs up, giving the girls their room.
  167. 7:02 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "R-right, ready Eri?"
  168. 7:02 PM - A Miracleri: Eri smiles, "The things that make it worth it, are the joys that come along with the sorrows. Friends, love, happiness... they're worth it, if you can fight for it." Eri holds out her hands in front of Hiroe, "So please, fight with us, you've got everyone waiting for you." Eri nods to Eve.
  169. 7:03 PM - A Miracleri: "On my lead, Eve."
  170. 7:03 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve stretches her hands out as well and nods to Eri.
  171. 7:04 PM - A Miracleri: Eri transforms, "S-sorry if I look a little scary. Alright, I'm about to start..."
  172. 7:04 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "I don't think anything can be scarier than living forever with this pain..."
  173. 7:04 PM - A Miracleri: Aaaaaand begin magic cancer treatment. Spending a Deus Ex on here.
  174. 7:05 PM - A Miracleri: Do we have to roll for this?
  175. 7:05 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Mmmmmm
  176. 7:05 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Let's just see what happens. Roll Sorcery you two.
  177. 7:06 PM - A Miracleri: +2 bonus, since we're not under a clock?
  178. 7:06 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: yeah sure why not
  179. 7:06 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: 19
  180. 7:06 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: 21
  181. 7:06 PM - A Miracleri: 22
  182. 7:07 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: spending 2 luck fo maximum over heal
  183. 7:08 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: 25
  184. 7:09 PM - RUN C.A.T.: ((He gets out of bed with 12 pack abs and is now 7'8" due to how well Eve healed him))
  185. 7:09 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: (( c; ))
  186. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((20 years older, adonis figure, cleft chin, Greek god face))
  187. 7:09 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: ((he'll also biologically become a senpai))
  188. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Hiroe aka Narcissus))
  189. 7:11 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The room grows increasingly magical. Eri and Eve, working in tandem and with a little help from god to boot, glow with a gentle light as they work their magic. Parts of Hiroe seem to fade from existence before being immediately replaced, the process repeating across his entire body. The magic levels in the room grow so high that you all can't help but twitch involuntarily as your hair stands on end.
  190. 7:12 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato, even thougn she's about non-religious as one can be, utters a quiet prayer, hoping all goes well.
  191. 7:12 PM - Sarah Salem: winces, shielding her face and body with her arm as best as she can from the light as she turns away.
  192. 7:12 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Eri and Eve finish at last, panting and sweating. Hiroe slowly pats himself, a little more steady in his motions.
  193. 7:13 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "I-it still hurts... b-but, less..."
  194. 7:14 PM - A Miracleri: "I-It'l take a while for you to feel completely better... Eventually though, you'll be free from that pain."
  195. 7:14 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "R-really? You mean it?"
  196. 7:14 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve holds her arm panting, "I-I hope so. W-we should probably ask a doctor t-though."
  197. 7:14 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya immediently throws her arms out, and attempts to tacklehug Eri, and Eve, purring like a motorboat in overdrive
  198. 7:15 PM - A Miracleri: Eri collapses under the cat, "O-ow..."
  199. 7:16 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve follows, "S-sato, y-you're hurting us..."
  200. 7:16 PM - RUN C.A.T.: She nuzzles her face into the two of them, refusing to get up. "I WILL NEVFUR LET MEW GUYS FURGET HOW GRATEFUL I AM FUR THIS! NEVFUR!"
  201. 7:17 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: (( then give us our seeds back you gay cat ))
  202. 7:17 PM - A Miracleri: (( :v ))
  203. 7:17 PM - RUN C.A.T.: ((Shh))
  204. 7:18 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I-it was o-our pleasure S-sato."
  205. 7:18 PM - Sarah Salem: rubs her eyes, recovering from the flash of light with a shuddering exhale.
  206. 7:18 PM - A Miracleri: Eri looks up to Sarah, "H-hey, you want in on the tacklehug pile?"
  207. 7:19 PM - A Miracleri: Eri looks to Val as well, "You're free to be in on it too, just try and not crush everyone." She smirks.
  208. 7:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "No thank you. Could I ask that you give some advance notice next time you plan to make things /that/ bright?"
  209. 7:19 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya purrs agressively, as she showers the two in licks, her tail flailing about at this point. "This is the best Christmast evfur!"
  210. 7:20 PM - A Miracleri: Eri shudders.
  211. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: ((showers the two in licks))
  212. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: ((not even ODST dragon eggs are this magical realm))
  213. 7:21 PM - A Miracleri: (( Save me data ))
  214. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: (( No. ))
  215. 7:21 PM - A Miracleri: (( I didn't ask for this ))
  216. 7:21 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val jumps into the hug pile.
  217. 7:21 PM - A Miracleri: "N-no problem, just stop doing that, I think I can feel Tami's rage boili-ooph! V-val, I said to not kill us!"
  218. 7:22 PM - RUN C.A.T.: ((Im picturing Val like, elbow dropping onto the pile))
  219. 7:22 PM - RUN C.A.T.: (("OH YEAH!"))
  220. 7:22 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The bedsheet ghost floats its spectral body atop the pile.
  221. 7:22 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "S-someone...h-help..."
  222. 7:22 PM - A Miracleri: Eri holds a hand out to Sarah, "P-please... save us..."
  223. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah retracts her arm, grimacing at the thought of having to /touch/ something covered in Satoya's saliva.
  224. 7:23 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Giggling, realizing that Eve and Eri /might/ not be able to breath, she rolls off the two, sitting happily on the floor. "I still can't believe this is happening right meow!"
  225. 7:23 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Hiroe giggles at the spectacle.
  226. 7:24 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val steps off th pile of females completely unharmed.
  227. 7:25 PM - A Miracleri: Eri picks herself up and washes herself off. "A-alright, That... was something."
  228. 7:26 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve drags herself up, using the bed as a crutch, "T-thank goodness..."
  229. 7:26 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato looks up at Eve with her best attempt at puppy eyes "Eeeeveeeee... Can mew make room for Hiroe too? Once he gets out of the hospital, well... We don't really have anywhere else to go."
  230. 7:27 PM - A Miracleri: "Sounds like you'll have a full house."
  231. 7:28 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "U-uh well..." Eve turns her head away from Sato but lands her gaze on Hiroe, "O-o-of course!"
  232. 7:30 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "You mean, I'll be able to sleep in a bed that isn't in a hospital?"
  233. 7:30 PM - A Miracleri: Eri ponders aloud, "Oh, I guess Hiroe'll have some extra sisters as well..."
  234. 7:31 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "..It, it'll be like having a big, new family!" She says with a smile
  235. 7:31 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Y-yeah! I-I can't wait to have you." Eve gives Hiroe a small smile.
  236. 7:32 PM - Sarah Salem: "That sounds like too many people for one house..."
  237. 7:33 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Oh, oh, Eri! Meow that the complicated stuff has been done, I have an idea for my new floating furriend!" She says, giving the head a pat.
  238. 7:33 PM - A Miracleri: "I would say that Shosuke's place might have been a better option bu-oh, what's up?"
  239. 7:34 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Well, I love this dress! But, I'm nyot a big fan of being frilly and fancy most of the time... I think it'd be purrfect for her though~"
  240. 7:35 PM - A Miracleri: "I can work that." Eri nods.
  241. 7:36 PM - A Miracleri: She swipes her hands over to the side, pushing the illusionary dress that's on Satoya to override the Not-Mami.
  242. 7:38 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Satoya is now clothed in her usual track suit
  243. 7:40 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Man, I'm glad I wore this under that thing. Then you'd see my pantsu~!"
  244. 7:40 PM - A Miracleri: "I feel like I somehow have to agree. I was worried for some reason for a moment..."
  245. 7:41 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Pantsu shots are free, they're all you talk about that isn't boobs))
  246. 7:41 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: ((Do you want me to start talking about pantsu and boobs, right now?))
  247. 7:41 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: ((I can.))
  248. 7:41 PM - Sarah Salem: ((I'm surprised you haven't))
  249. 7:42 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Eve sneezes hard, hard enough to cause herself to trip. This causes her skirt to flip up, revealing striped pantsu. Seems Eve accidentally wore Ally's magical pantsu!
  250. 7:43 PM - RUN C.A.T.: ((How do you accidentally wear a pair of panties)
  251. 7:43 PM - RUN C.A.T.: ((Someone else's panties))
  252. 7:43 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Eve then falls, face first, into Sarah's less than ample chest.
  253. 7:44 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Eve's nose hurts slightly from the impact lacking in cushioning.
  254. 7:44 PM - Sarah Salem: ((What are you doing))
  255. 7:44 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: ((giving you wanted, Data C:))
  256. 7:44 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val's nose drips a bit of blood.
  257. 7:44 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve holds her hands over the rear of her skirt, still in Sarah's chest. "S-s-s-sorry Sarah!"
  258. 7:44 PM - Sarah Salem: stumbles back, hits the wall, then grabs Eve's head and lifts her up a few inches. She then steps to the side, and releases it, allowing Eve to continue forward and hit the wall.
  259. 7:44 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Now Eve's face /really/ hurts.
  260. 7:44 PM - A Miracleri: "And there you go, all done!" Eri says to Satoya, looking at the familiar and not at the scene behind her.
  261. 7:44 PM - RUN C.A.T.: So, floating head is now in a dress, with a body, and without a sheet, right? :v
  262. 7:45 PM - A Miracleri: I'd say yeah, more or less what I intended.
  263. 7:46 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve stands up and rubs her face, small tears forming in her eyes, "S-s-sorry..."
  264. 7:47 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah crosses her arm over her chest, frowning. "Let's not."
  265. 7:47 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato runs over with a frown, helping Eve up.
  266. 7:48 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val glares at Sarah and helps sato with Eve.
  267. 7:51 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve accepts the help, "T-thanks guys."
  268. 7:51 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The door opens, and in walks a tall man in a white coat holding a clipboard, a stethoscope draped over his neck.
  269. 7:52 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "My my, it seems there's a party in here. I didn't know young Hiroe knew so many pretty young ladies."
  270. 7:54 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: He totally looks like one of those nice young handsome doctors with slick black hair and sparkly white teeth.
  271. 7:54 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: He smiles, "I need to give Hiroe here a checkup, so if you girls could step aside a moment?"
  272. 7:55 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve blushes, "Y-yes Sir."
  273. 7:55 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Oh, uh sure thing!" She says, doing as told.
  274. 7:56 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah nods and steps closer to the door, without a word.
  275. 7:55 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: H: "I-I'm feeling b-better, actually, doctor!"
  276. 7:57 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: ?: "Better? That's good to hear, kiddo. Now hold still for the scans, please?" Hiroe nods.
  277. 7:58 PM - A Miracleri: Eri watches on, not saying a word.
  278. 7:59 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The doctor wheels a machine over from the corner and unfurls several arms with dish-shaped cups at the end. They begin waving across Hiroe, who is sitting up in bed.
  279. 7:59 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: ?: "Sitting up? You really /must/ be... better...? Well now, this can't be right..."
  280. 8:00 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: He walks over to the machine and begins poking the screen. "Mm, it seems to be functioning properly..."
  281. 8:00 PM - A Miracleri: "Something wrong?"
  282. 8:01 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "What's it saying doc? How's my brother doing?"
  283. 8:02 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: ?: "I can only assume the scanner isn't functioning properly. It's giving odd readings." He pokes a band on his wrist and speaks into it. "Nurse? Wheel in another scanner please, bring this one down for repair."
  284. 8:02 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "What, is it giving a bad reading or something?"
  285. 8:03 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: A short while later, a nurse does just that, and the doctor repeats the process. "...this, this is miraculous. It's... well, his cancer seems to have, for all intents and purposes, vanished."
  286. 8:04 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "..." Sato does her best not to burst into a squee.
  287. 8:04 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Hiroe, for his part, looks surprised, but entirely gleeful.
  288. 8:04 PM - A Miracleri: "Mmm... " Eri nods, trying to look uninvolved.
  289. 8:04 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "I'm afriad I'll have to ask you girls to leave, we'll need to run a few more in-depth tests."
  290. 8:04 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve's face grows a wide smile and holds her hands to her chest, "T-that's s-strange huh?"
  291. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah watches on impassively, arm still held across her torso.
  292. 8:05 PM - A Miracleri: Eri winks to Hiroe, "I suppose it is Eve."
  293. 8:06 PM - A Miracleri: "Alright, we should do what he said and clear out; we shouldn't leave them waiting."
  294. 8:07 PM - A Miracleri: Eri goes for the door, "Coming out, Sarah?"
  295. 8:07 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Aww, well we'll come back tomorrow, to see his results, right guys?"
  296. 8:08 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "O-of course!" Eve moves to follow Eri.
  297. 8:08 PM - A Miracleri: Eri nods. "I pray it's good news."
  298. 8:08 PM - RUN C.A.T.: With that, Satoya grabs the familiar and follows the others out
  299. 8:08 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: He shoos you out, leaving Val with a lolipop, as his doctorly instincts indicated he should.
  300. 8:08 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah walks out last, with a final glance backward at the strange machine.
  301. 8:10 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val enjoys her lolipop.
  302. 8:10 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The door closes behind you as a stream of other docs and nurses enter. You're free to go.
  306. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  308. 8:12 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: You arrive at home and enter your room (still on Christmas). There is a large, wrapped item in the middle of your room.
  309. 8:12 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: It appears to be mumbling quietly.
  310. 8:12 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: It's taller than you, too.
  311. 8:13 PM - Sarah Salem: sidles around the large package, wary of it's height and strange sounds.
  312. 8:13 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: It is wrapped in colorful Christmas paper.
  313. 8:14 PM - Sarah Salem: moves carefully forward to the package and takes an experimental swipe at the paper.
  314. 8:15 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The paper tears easily.
  315. 8:16 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: You see something wooden beneath it.
  316. 8:16 PM - Sarah Salem: She removes the rest, curious as to what was left for her.
  317. 8:16 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: It is... a grandfather clock!
  318. 8:17 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: It... speaks? "Eh? Wuzzat? Turn off them lights, yew young whippersnapper."
  319. 8:17 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "What's yer name, kid?"
  320. 8:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "Excuse me?" Sarah looks up and down at the large clock, mouth forming a small 'o'.
  321. 8:18 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Ain't ya gots some ears, girly? Yer name, what is it?"
  322. 8:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sarah. Sarah Salem."
  323. 8:20 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Mmm. I see, I see. Well, Harry, turn off them lights."
  324. 8:21 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah follows instructions, switching the lights off for Mr. Clock.
  325. 8:21 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: He mumbles, then proceeds to snore.
  326. 8:21 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: This is a very grandfatherly clock indeed. It's almost comforting how elderly this clock sounds.
  327. 8:27 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah shrugs and exits her room, resolving to deal with the clock itself in the morning.
  328. 8:28 PM - Sarah Salem: For now, she heads to Anna's room.
  329. 8:28 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: You find Anna, browsing the internet, on Christmas, like a nerd. Nerdlyness runs in the family apparently.
  330. 8:28 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Oh, hello Sarah. I take it you found my gift?" She smiles.
  331. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: nods, beginning to smile as well. "I did. Thank you, Anna."
  332. 8:30 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Anna stands and extends her arms for a hug.
  333. 8:30 PM - Sarah Salem: accepts, stepping forward and hugging Anna tightly.
  334. 8:31 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Anna hugs back, saying "Merry Christmas, Sarah."
  335. 8:32 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah nods into the hug. "I'm still conflicted on that."
  336. 8:35 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "I don't understand why, but you'll get over it I expect."
  337. 8:36 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "...and in case you were wondering, that clock is what I needed to talk to that woman at the item shop about. I wanted it delievered here in secret."
  338. 8:37 PM - Sarah Salem: "That explains it. Thank you again, although he cannot hear very well."
  339. 8:38 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah snuggles into the hug. "I may need help moving it."
  340. 8:38 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "I can take care of that for you."
  341. 8:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "Please do."
  343. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  347. 8:10 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Anyone have any plans? Or should we get back on track with school?
  348. 8:10 PM - A Miracleri: (I'm fine with whatever)
  349. 8:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((School sounds good))
  350. 8:11 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: (( school school ))
  351. 8:11 PM - RUN C.A.T.: ((Schoooool))
  352. 8:12 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: You all head home and spend time killing the entirely mundane days until school, hanging out and snowball fights or fuckin I dunno whatever the hell you'd do to kill time.
  353. 8:15 PM - A Miracleri: (Enjoyed it for like, a week probably)
  354. 8:15 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: It is now January 8th. You file slowly into class, seeing kids in their winter outfits, most girls clad in leggings. Some aren't, though, and they seem to be magically resistant to the cold and wind despite their short school uniform skirts.
  355. 8:16 PM - RUN C.A.T.: ((I like to imagine Satoya dragged her familiar with her :3))
  356. 8:17 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: With some help, Satoya and Val managed to get officially enrolled!
  357. 8:18 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: And not only that, they're in your class! You may owe a certain hacker girl for editing some records.
  358. 8:19 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: (( Ayano you fiend ))
  359. 8:19 PM - A Miracleri: (( fufufu ))
  360. 8:19 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: let's boot Celestine and put Satoya there instead
  361. 8:20 PM - A Miracleri: (poor celestine, it's like she's being replaced by the same person)
  362. 8:20 PM - RUN C.A.T.: ((Celestine dropped school to focus on her career path of professional alcoholic))
  363. 8:20 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: an admirable carrer path
  364. 8:20 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya takes her seat on the first day, immediatly placing Potato on her desk, dressed proudly in her uniform, the first new clothes she's worn in ages
  365. 8:22 PM - A Miracleri: "Ah, the joys of being warm blooded..." Eri sits down, being one of the few without leggings.
  366. 8:22 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "No fair."
  367. 8:22 PM - Sarah Salem: sits at her anime window seat, head resting on her only arm. Her empty sleeve is tied into a little knot, hanging loosely at her side.
  368. 8:22 PM - Sarah Salem: She is once again in only a hoodie, no scarf in sight.
  369. 8:22 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Curiously enough, in Sarah's case, she notices that... Remi is absent.
  370. 8:22 PM - Sarah Salem: grimaces at Remi's empty seat.
  371. 8:22 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve sits down at her own seat, eyeing Satoya nervously.
  372. 8:23 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya smiles and gives a little wave.
  373. 8:23 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve jumps in surprise and waves back.
  374. 8:23 PM - A Miracleri: "Sarah, I'm surprised that you didn't get mummy wrapped."
  375. 8:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "I managed to dodge my sister today. I will probably not survive unwrapped until lunch."
  376. 8:26 PM - A Miracleri: "Well, Sarah... did you work things over with Remi?" Eri notes the empty seat as well.
  377. 8:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "That depends what you mean by 'work things out'."
  378. 8:29 PM - A Miracleri: Eri blinks, "I don't like the sound of that."
  379. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "Well, I have not seen her since the tea shop."
  380. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah avoids eye contact. "So that would be a 'no'."
  381. 8:30 PM - A Miracleri: Eri sighs, "... Lets figure that one out later."
  382. 8:30 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val passes a note with a cute bunny drawing to Ally.
  383. 8:30 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally squees at the note, before flipping it over and drawing another bunny on the back and passing it to Val again.
  384. 8:30 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally leans over to whisper loudly to Eve, "Isn't this /so cool/?! Vally /and/ Sato are here!"
  385. 8:31 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val draws a slightly depressed bunny and hands it back.
  386. 8:31 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally draws a party hat on the bunny. The party hat depicts a bunny. She passes it back.
  387. 8:32 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve sighs and whispers back to Ally, "I-I suppose. B-but won't the teacher recognize S-sato?"
  388. 8:33 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The teacher walks in, closing the door behind her. She stands behind her desk, as the giant touchscreen blackboard turns on, displaying the school's logo and such in a startup sequence.
  389. 8:34 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Welcome back, class. As you may have noticed, we have new two new students!"
  390. 8:34 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Two very, very... /unique/ students."
  391. 8:35 PM - A Miracleri: Eri mutters, "She can say that again."
  392. 8:35 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Miss Taji, Miss Utagawa, if would would please stand and introduce yourselves to the class?"
  393. 8:36 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya stands up, smiling. "Hiya! I'm a mew student here, obviously! Just uh, moved here from Mexico, yeah!" She says, hoping not to be recognized with her different (ridculous) haircut, lack of an eye, and actually being in a uniform for once.
  394. 8:37 PM - A Miracleri: Eri asks, "Where from in Mexico?"
  395. 8:37 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Tijuana!" She replies
  396. 8:37 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "S-sounds authentic." Eve nods.
  397. 8:37 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya sits with a smile, petting Potato.
  398. 8:38 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val stands up and bows "I'm Valentine Utagawa, your new classmate, please take take of me." She finishes with finger guns and a cute wink.
  399. 8:38 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: (( "As you can see, Valentine is...behind on her studys." ))
  400. 8:38 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: "...I-I meant, take care of me." She says with her face in her hands.
  401. 8:38 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: She sits back down, little purple swirls hovering over her head.
  402. 8:39 PM - A Miracleri: "At least I didn't screw up /my/ intro..."
  403. 8:40 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val's face is a bright red.
  404. 8:41 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: "S-shud up..."
  405. 8:41 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The students collectively give a short giggle at Val's nerdity.
  406. 8:43 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Settle down, settle down class. Alright, I hope you all enjoyed your break, but now it's time to get back into the swing of things!"
  407. 8:43 PM - A Miracleri: "Finally, something normal..."
  408. 8:45 PM - Sarah Salem: " 'Normal'? This sounds difficult..." Sarah mutters.
  409. 8:45 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val doodles while the teacher talks.
  410. 8:46 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya listens, snuggling Potato the entire time :3
  411. 8:46 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Before we start, just so you're aware, there is a chess tournament happening after school today. The chess club is putting it together to celebrate the return to school and honor the head of the club, who is unfortunately still missing. If you've got any information about her whereabouts, please don't hesitate to report them. Now, as for the lesson..."
  412. 8:48 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The teacher begins with her lesson, and you're all immediately bored.
  413. 8:48 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Classes end not soon enough later, and you're all free for the day.
  414. 8:49 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Placing Potato upon her shoulder, Sato joins the others.
  415. 8:49 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ko and Suzu wander over too. K: "H-hello..."
  416. 8:49 PM - A Miracleri: Eri stretches, "Heya Ko; you missed the dance!"
  417. 8:50 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: K: "O-oh, no, we didn't miss it..."
  418. 8:50 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: S: "Eri, Tami! Those were some /sweet/ dance moves."
  419. 8:50 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I-impressive indeed."
  420. 8:50 PM - A Miracleri: "Wait, you were there? Or..."
  421. 8:51 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Suzu nods. "Ko and I were there alright. We just danced off to the side."
  422. 8:52 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Man, sounds like everyone had fun! I almost regret skipping out!"
  423. 8:52 PM - Val is not a nerd>:L(????)?*:·??: Val wakes up from her long and comfortable nap.
  424. 8:53 PM - A Miracleri: "Well, uhm, yeah! We had to beat Val and her date, after all."
  425. 8:55 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: K: "It was alright, until t-that girl showed up."
  426. 8:55 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Suzu grins and puts an arm around Ko's shoulder, bringing her close in a platonic manner. The motion causes Ko's boobs to sway slightly, because I'm contractually obliged to describe boobs and their motions on a regular basis.
  427. 8:56 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: S: "We're never in any danger with these girls around, Ko. You should know that by now."
  428. 8:56 PM - A Miracleri: "Yeah, that kinda sucked. I remember that I got hit pretty hard but after that..." Eri puzzles, "I can't really remember much."
  429. 8:56 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "...Until who showed up?"
  430. 8:56 PM - A Miracleri: "Santa, of course."
  431. 8:56 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya looks at Eri, horribly confused.
  432. 8:57 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally nods vigoriously. "She had fakey-fake reindeer and everything!"
  433. 8:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "A false prophet." Sarah volunteers.
  434. 8:58 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "W-well th-that's all fine now!" Eve waves her hand dismissively, "S-she's docile now."
  435. 8:58 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "What happened!" She asks, even more confused.
  436. 8:58 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "She's nice now, I think?"
  437. 8:58 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Wait, she, Santa's a she?"
  438. 8:59 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: With a slow, increasingly loud cartoonish whistling, four nerdly heads cautiously poke their way through your perfect conversation circle.
  439. 8:59 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: M: "Hello girlth-" Ki: "HI GUYS!"
  440. 9:00 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve jumps back in surprise, "'s just y-you guys."
  441. 9:00 PM - A Miracleri: A: "Heya new recruits!" Ayano punches Eri and Eve. "Haha, fancy meeting you here!"
  442. 9:00 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Oh hey guys!" Satoya says with a smile, feeling happy to be involved with school stuff.
  443. 9:00 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: So: "How'd the MIKU's MILF turn out, Eve?"
  444. 9:01 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "O-oh! F-fantastic! R-right Ally?"
  445. 9:01 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "You mean the fuzzy bunny suit? It's SOOOO FUZZY!"
  446. 9:01 PM - A Miracleri: A: "...Even I still think we should change the name of those... BUT NO MATTER!"
  447. 9:02 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Kamei nods his long, lanky neck in agreement with Ayano.
  448. 9:02 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato giggles at the termonology "I-It is a very cute MILF, that's for sure!"
  449. 9:02 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Hehe, th-thanks again for all the help Ayano, I-I can't wait to pay you back by helping out with P.A.S.S."
  450. 9:03 PM - A Miracleri: A: "SO Yeeaaaaaaaaaah.... funny you mention that!"
  451. 9:04 PM - A Miracleri: Ayano: "Since you and Eri don't seem all that great at science..." Eri: "Hey!" A: "I think I figured out something you guys can do!"
  452. 9:05 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "O-oh. W-what's that?" Eve rubs her head in embarrasment.
  453. 9:05 PM - A Miracleri: Ayano: "YOU GUYS CAN BE AN INVESTIGATION SQUAD!"
  457. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Valentine~~
  459. 9:05 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val texts Santa "Aye grill, at skool thenking bout choo, how iz teh howse?"
  460. 9:06 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "I'm just trying to get over the terrifying demon rabbits that are in your house. Your brother said they used to be cats."
  461. 9:07 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "We dun tlk bout tat, they w@ alwyz bunezy"
  462. 9:08 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Um, ok. They're still scary. I don't think Rudoomph likes them."
  463. 9:15 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Lolz, hell gut used 2 et"
  464. 9:15 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "I'll try and keep him from... freezing everything over."
  465. 9:16 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Mack meh a slurpiei an brng et 2 skool"
  466. 9:21 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Um, I don't think I can do that. It's only like, snow. It has no flavor. It is snow flavor."
  467. 9:21 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Thun ad sum stirwburriez"
  468. 9:24 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Your house is too big. I don't know where your kitchen is."
  469. 9:24 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "I get lost trying to leave this room you gave me."
  470. 9:24 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "assk th butlur"
  471. 9:35 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "...can't you just ask him to make it himself?"
  472. 9:36 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Nu dey wun hav th san-san tuch"
  473. 9:36 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "San-san?"
  474. 9:36 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "dats choo"
  475. 9:36 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Me? But I'm Santa-san."
  476. 9:36 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "...oh."
  477. 9:37 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "...fine. It's not like I like the name or anything, but I guess I should pay you back somehow."
  478. 9:39 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "San~san, brng meh a bentooooo"
  479. 9:40 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "Well, which is it? A slurpee or bento?"
  480. 9:40 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Booooth heh"
  481. 9:41 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: "...I guess I'll be there soon."
  483. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Valentine~~
  487. 9:07 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I-investigation?"
  488. 9:07 PM - A Miracleri: Ayano: "Since I'm in charge of the awesome robot suits and the other tech, I figured I could pass on my position of Investigation Squad leader to you! I understand that our previous methods haven't always been so successful... So we hand those over to you!"
  489. 9:08 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "T-that sounds v-very exciting!"
  490. 9:08 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "What're we investigating?"
  491. 9:08 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: So: "We investigate, well, anything supernatural or paranormal!"
  492. 9:08 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah stares blankly at everyone involved. "What exactly are we discussing?"
  493. 9:08 PM - A Miracleri: A: "Everything! Like, mysteries, quests, the works!"
  494. 9:09 PM - A Miracleri: A: "I'm sure you heard, but there's one mystery that we've been looking into for a while, but we don't have any leads on them; the case of the missing Chess Queen!"
  495. 9:09 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve nods gravely, "T-that is quite a puzzle..."
  496. 9:09 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "Do I have to play chess? I'm not good at silly board games like that!"
  497. 9:10 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "S-so you want us to look into it?"
  498. 9:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Do we know her? I heard the teacher mention it at the beginning of class."
  499. 9:10 PM - A Miracleri: A: "We've got a journal of hers, that had some clues, but we haven't been able to figure anything else out."
  500. 9:11 PM - A Miracleri: Ayano mutters, "...everyone even dressed in drag and snuck into the bar and everything..."
  501. 9:11 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ki: "WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT. I STILL FIND ORANGE POWDER ON ME IN PLACES."
  502. 9:12 PM - A Miracleri: Ay: "Hehe, sorry!"
  503. 9:11 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Hmm... Should we maybe check out the chess tournament? Maybe a rival did it to her!"
  504. 9:12 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve salutes Ayano, "L-leave it to us boss!"
  505. 9:12 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "Sooo... you want them to become a group of underpaid freelance investigators."
  506. 9:13 PM - A Miracleri: Ay: "Correction. A group of underpaid freelance investigators with OP powers!"
  507. 9:14 PM - A Miracleri: Ay: "They'll be paid in good Karma, magical and scientific progress, and SHEER AWESOMENESS!"
  508. 9:14 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve giggles at Ayano's statement, "S-so can we see the journal?"
  509. 9:15 PM - A Miracleri: Ayano digs in her bag, and pulls out the notebook. She salutes Captain Plant in her bag.
  510. 9:15 PM - A Miracleri: Ay: "Here you go Nazi Commander Eve!"
  511. 9:16 PM - A Miracleri: Eri: "Nazi Commander...?"
  512. 9:16 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I-I'm really not a N-nazi y-you know..."
  513. 9:16 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve takes the notebook and looks through it.
  514. 9:16 PM - A Miracleri: Eri looks to Eve and back to Ayano, "Yeah, not really making a connection."
  515. 9:17 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "...Why are we calling her a nazi?"
  516. 9:17 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I-it was a prank by Ramona and S-sarah."
  517. 9:18 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah covers her mouth, eyes suggesting a smile.
  518. 9:19 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "...Seems like something I'd do back when I was an ass."
  519. 9:19 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Flipping through the notebook reveals detailed sketches and notes on various youma and their familiars, which I will avoid describing for the sake of a throwaway paragraph. Needless to say, she seemed scientifically interested in youma, and recorded and described their various powers and abilities and nightmares. Its final entry is a description of a seemingly difficult spider youma with an unnervingly human face, that did not reside in a nightmare.
  520. 9:22 PM - A Miracleri: Ayano: "On top of that, I hacked into her phone, and there were some texts indicating that she might have gone... what's the term... 'youma'? We tried to look into it over the past while, but nothing else has ever shown up since..." Ayano looks dissapointed.
  521. 9:23 PM - A Miracleri: "The trail's cold, but you guys are like, super important and stuff, so I figured that if anyone can do it, it's you guys!"
  522. 9:23 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Hmm..."
  523. 9:23 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally salutes. "Leave it to me, sir ma'am sir! Bunnygelion Unit 1 ready to roll out!"
  524. 9:23 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "So... We have to find the youma, what then? Kill it? I mean, I dont really know how to handle this..."
  525. 9:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "Well, it is a youma. Generally we kill them."
  526. 9:24 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve nods, "I-I don't think you can change b-back, Sato."
  527. 9:25 PM - A Miracleri: Eri: "That sounds... dangerous."
  528. 9:25 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "So... We have to find this girl, and kill her basically?"
  529. 9:25 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Y-yes."
  530. 9:25 PM - Sarah Salem: "If a girl becomes a youma, they are still a youma."
  531. 9:26 PM - A Miracleri: Ay: "... That doesn't sound so nice, but she's like, a monster now...!" Ayano sounds unsure.
  532. 9:26 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve sighs sadly, "W-we can do it, Ayano."
  533. 9:27 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "W-well there is a way to capture Youma...b-but curing them isn't possible."
  534. 9:27 PM - A Miracleri: Eri sighs, "It wouldn't be the first time we've done this..."
  535. 9:27 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato lets a sigh out and shakes her head "Right... I guess I'm on board, it's just... Doesn't this sort of thing only happen if the magical girl had no one to care about any more? It's just... Really sad."
  536. 9:28 PM - A Miracleri: Ay: "I guess... hmm. I'll have to look into that."
  537. 9:28 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah's face is calm. "Are we really going to worry about where it came from? We have had youma /released/ from us, and we still hunt them."
  538. 9:28 PM - A Miracleri: Eri: "That's a little different."
  539. 9:28 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "They're released from us, they aren't actually us!"
  540. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "If I became a youma, would you hesitate to get rid of me?"
  541. 9:29 PM - A Miracleri: Eri gives a pained expression, but says nothing.
  542. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "It would be doing her a service. I wouldn't want to be a youma."
  543. 9:30 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato frowns, hugging Sarah "Well then I won't let mew become a youma! I won't let any of mew become youmas!"
  544. 9:31 PM - Sarah Salem: shifts back a little bit from Satoya's embrace, patting her back awkwardly. "I don't feel any of us are in danger, I am just making an example."
  545. 9:32 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "I know, but still, I dont wanna think about that sorta thing!"
  546. 9:32 PM - A Miracleri: Ay: "Well, I leave this up to you! If you didn't see it, Risako Hatoyama's her name!"
  547. 9:32 PM - A Miracleri: Ayano waves and scampers off, to the PASS club room.
  548. 9:32 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The nerds follow behind Ayano quickly, reducing the number of NPCs I need to think about by half.
  549. 9:32 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: K: "S-so..." Ko stammers.
  550. 9:33 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: K: "T-that chess captain, she's a magical girl? A-and she turned into..."
  551. 9:33 PM - Sarah Salem: " /Was/ a magical girl." Sarah corrects.
  552. 9:33 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: S: "That can happen...?"
  553. 9:33 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Y-yeah it looks like it Ko."
  554. 9:34 PM - A Miracleri: Eri: "...Yeah, that can happen."
  555. 9:34 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "W-well, we are fighting for the chance to make a wish. The risks are p-pretty high."
  556. 9:35 PM - A Miracleri: "Sato's right though, as long as you have someone you're for, I think that chance is negligible..."
  557. 9:35 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "I don't think I'd do it, I already have everything I could wish for right here!" Ally hugs Eve.
  558. 9:36 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve blushes and hugs Ally back, "I-I'm st-starting to think I do too."
  559. 9:37 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "You girls have been fighting for a while..."
  560. 9:37 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "So, who is the closest to having a wish now?"
  561. 9:38 PM - A Miracleri: Eri points to Satoya.
  562. 9:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Satoya, I believe. We gave her our seeds, but I believe hers has been taken care of now."
  563. 9:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Courtesy of Eve and Eri."
  564. 9:38 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: K: "W-what are you going to wish for?"
  565. 9:38 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Y-yeah Sato, what do you plan to wish for now?"
  566. 9:39 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "...It's something, purrsonal. Now that I have Hiroe, I might just have to get us a purroper family."
  567. 9:39 PM - A Miracleri: "!!!"
  568. 9:41 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val rasies her hand "I can be your mommy."
  569. 9:39 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "What's wrong with everyone in Eevee's house?"
  570. 9:40 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "You guys are the best furriends we've ever had, fantastic sisters even! But... We grew up orphans, all we've wanted our entire life is parents."
  571. 9:40 PM - A Miracleri: "Just... be careful with that, alright?"
  572. 9:40 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "Eevee and I will be your mom and dad! See, watch!"
  573. 9:41 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally runs out of the classroom, and closes the door. She opens it again and walks in, strutting like she's in a business suit and carrying her bag like a briefcase. "Honey, I'm home!"
  574. 9:41 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya raises a hand to her mouth, cutely holding in her giggles
  575. 9:42 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve giggles and claps her hands together, "W-welcome home dear."
  576. 9:42 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val turns to Ally with a fake tear in her eye "Honesy, I burned the dinner."
  577. 9:43 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally struts in, sets her bag on a desk and pretends to take off a hat, kissing Eve on the cheek. "Now now Vally, you can't be my wife too! I don't think that's allowed."
  578. 9:43 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve nods, "T-that's definately illegal."
  579. 9:44 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "....but can't we just have polygamy this oooonce?" She says with puppy dog eyes.
  580. 9:44 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: A voice that sounds suspiciously like Eve's comes from somewhere nearby, "Welcome home! What would you like first, dinner, a bath or... me?"
  581. 9:45 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally seems unable to tell the difference, and walks up to Eve. "I always want you, silly! That's why we're married~"
  582. 9:45 PM - A Miracleri: Eri snickers to herself. "I'm getting good at this..."
  583. 9:45 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "H-hey!"
  584. 9:46 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve shakes her head blushing deeply, "I-I didn't s-say that."
  585. 9:46 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val's nose bleeds a bit.
  586. 9:46 PM - A Miracleri: "Oh shush Eve, that was totally you."
  587. 9:46 PM - A Miracleri: "Who else could it be?"
  588. 9:46 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato lets out a sigh, hugging the Eve and Ally. "Shush, you guys mean well and all that, and I love mew! But, family is a sensitive subject for us... I guess we'll see how the wish works out."
  589. 9:47 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "And yeah... No one can do impressions that good!"
  590. 9:47 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "S-sure they can! R-right? W-with magic."
  591. 9:47 PM - A Miracleri: "Who has magic like that?"
  592. 9:49 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I-I d-don't know..."
  593. 9:49 PM - A Miracleri: Eri shrugs, "The world'll never know..."
  594. 9:49 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve rubs her head in embarrasment, "A-anyways S-sato!"
  595. 9:50 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Y-you guys can stay as long as you n-need."
  596. 9:50 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "B-but be careful with y-your wish o-okay?"
  597. 9:50 PM - RUN C.A.T.: She nods with a smile, purring and nuzzling against her "Yeah yeah! Mew're the best, I'd be a kitty popsicle without mew!"
  598. 9:50 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "San~san is coming to bring me lunch!" Val exclaims.
  599. 9:50 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The door opens, and in walks... Santa-san! She's wearing her usual santa outfit, but there is a distinct lack of tentacles sprouting from her back.
  600. 9:51 PM - A Miracleri: "Oh, hey, Santa's here."
  601. 9:51 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve steps to the side away from Satoya and waves to Santa, "O-o-oh S-santa...d-do you g-go here?"
  602. 9:52 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "Ho ho ho!... I don't do that very well..."
  603. 9:52 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "Uh, no. I just parked Rudoomph on the roof so I could bring Val a bento box and a slurpee."
  604. 9:52 PM - RUN C.A.T.: She raises an eyebrow "Santa? What?"
  605. 9:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, it's her again."
  606. 9:52 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val runs up to Santa.
  607. 9:52 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "SAN~SAN!"
  608. 9:52 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val glomps her.
  609. 9:52 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "It's the lea- AH!"
  610. 9:52 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya stares on, confused.
  611. 9:53 PM - A Miracleri: "She had a run-in with Cthulu, but I kinda did too, so it's not uncommon."
  612. 9:53 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Su: "Well this is new."
  613. 9:54 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Santa sits up as best she can under Val's enormous booty. "Uh, h-hi there."
  614. 9:54 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Oh hia there."
  615. 9:54 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "I'm... still not used to having... friends..." she mumbles the last word.
  616. 9:55 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: K: "H-hello! Oh my, um, aren't you cold in that...?"
  617. 9:55 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "W-well maybe you'd like to s-start bonding with us today? W-we have a m-mission we need help with."
  618. 9:56 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "Mission? I uh, think I'll... pass."
  619. 9:56 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val pats Santas head.
  620. 9:56 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val then takes and opens the bento like a Christmas present.
  621. 9:56 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: The bento is shaped like bunnies.
  622. 9:56 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: With santa hats.
  623. 9:56 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val has a heart attack from cuteness.
  624. 9:57 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Oh? W-well okay. I-if you change your mind l-let us know."
  625. 9:57 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "I'd rather avoid anything too magical and scary and..."
  626. 9:58 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "It's okay San-san, I'll protect you!"
  627. 10:00 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Santa shies away from your fistly hair disturbing.
  628. 10:01 PM - A Miracleri: "Oooh, ouch. That noogie was far out." Eri removes her Performance Analyzers.
  629. 10:01 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "Um, please get off of me now."
  630. 10:02 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: K: "Y-yes, I um, oh my, don't think th-that's very appropriate to be doing on school grounds, Valentine..."
  631. 10:03 PM - A Miracleri: "Yeah, you should probably get up before the rumor mill starts picking up..."
  632. 10:03 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "...Or before a jerk takes a picture to put on the internet," Satoya says, mostly to herself.
  633. 10:03 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Su: "I can see the headlines now: 'Rabid Rabbit Straddles Santa to Death!'"
  634. 10:06 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "So... um..."
  635. 10:06 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val stands up and offers a hand to Santa.
  636. 10:08 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Santa takes it and stands with your help.
  637. 10:08 PM - A Miracleri: "So... guys. I guess this is kind of a long shot, but I think I've got an idea of where we should start looking."
  638. 10:08 PM - A Miracleri: "I kind of have a bad feeling about this chess tournament."
  639. 10:08 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "For that chess captain... youma?"
  640. 10:09 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Y-you think she'll come?"
  641. 10:09 PM - A Miracleri: "... Yeah. We should stake it out. If I had to guess... if the youma is actually kind of... her... she might be drawn to it."
  642. 10:09 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "Should I come? I can totally beat her up with my superpowered bunny ranger suit!"
  643. 10:10 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I-I don't know. M-maybe you should sit this one out Ally."
  644. 10:11 PM - A Miracleri: "If she... it's, been around for a while, it must be kinda strong by now..."
  645. 10:12 PM - A Miracleri: Eri mutters to herself, "There's gotta be a better way..."
  646. 10:12 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Y-yeah. B-besides, I-I think you should only use that suit when neccesary."
  647. 10:13 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "But it's so fuzzy!"
  648. 10:13 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Didn't mew guys mention its for defense only?"
  649. 10:14 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "I got a super big spear now, thanks by the way Eri!"
  650. 10:14 PM - A Miracleri: Eri nods, "No problem, I couldn't hide it under Tami's bed forever anyways..."
  651. 10:15 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "Yeah, if one of the ten animals in my house decided to drag it out to play with it, my parents would flip."
  652. 10:15 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "W-well I suppose with the spear s-she can fight now. B-but I'd rather s-she isn't put in danger w-without reason."
  653. 10:15 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Yeah, I wouldn't want my 'dad' to be injured!" Sato says with a giggle and a wink.
  654. 10:15 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally laughs, patting Satoya's head. "That's mah girl!"
  655. 10:15 PM - A Miracleri: Eri turns to Tami. "There's only 2! Unless... hey!" Eri pouts.
  656. 10:16 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "There's Yoki, that fox, the rabbit, and the cat. Four."
  657. 10:16 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "Unless you snuck /more/ in without me knowing?"
  658. 10:16 PM - A Miracleri: Eri hmmphs, "I like animals."
  659. 10:16 PM - A Miracleri: "Also, technically one of them isn't an animal, but you haven't figured it out yet."
  660. 10:17 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "You mean the zombie kitten? Or the magical fox?"
  661. 10:17 PM - A Miracleri: "... I was talking about the magical fox. The zombie kitten just so happens to be reanimated."
  662. 10:18 PM - A Miracleri: "I must have told you already, nobody else seems to notice anything weird about it..."
  663. 10:19 PM - A Miracleri: "It just has that air around it. I myself kinda forget half the time."
  664. 10:19 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "It's still ridiculous."
  665. 10:19 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "You guys got a lot of animals in your house? We got a bunch of girls!"
  666. 10:20 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "We're gonna need more money for groceries..."
  667. 10:20 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve sighs, "I-indeed."
  668. 10:20 PM - A Miracleri: "So we own a zoo, and Eve owns..."
  669. 10:20 PM - A Miracleri: Eri snickers to herself.
  670. 10:20 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Suzu snickers with Eri, extending a fist. "Nnnice."
  671. 10:21 PM - A Miracleri: Fist bump is slowly initiated, but stops half way.
  672. 10:21 PM - A Miracleri: "You're not gonna trick me again, right?"
  673. 10:21 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Su: "I swear on my honor!"
  674. 10:22 PM - A Miracleri: Eri illusions a fist to finish the fistbump.
  675. 10:22 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Suzu frowns. "That's not the same."
  676. 10:22 PM - A Miracleri: "You can never outrun light." Eri sticks her tongue out.
  677. 10:22 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Suzu looks down, depressed. "Now I need to sqeeze my stress relief cushions." She trudges back over to Ko, then begins squeezing the boobies.
  678. 10:22 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ko still cringes away from it slightly, but she isn't shouting about it at least.
  679. 10:22 PM - A Miracleri: Eri sighs, "Really?"
  680. 10:22 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato giggles. "I've got a theoretically endless horde of undead animals! I think I'm the winner of the 'who has the most pets' competition!"
  681. 10:23 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val sticks her tounge out at Sato.
  682. 10:23 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "I bet I have more pets than you."
  683. 10:23 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "...Did you hear what I just said?"
  684. 10:23 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "/Infinite/! I make em! It's my power for crying out loud!"
  685. 10:24 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "I have infinite pets too silly."
  686. 10:24 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "Infinite pets?"
  687. 10:25 PM - A Miracleri: "Oh no, don't..."
  688. 10:27 PM - A Miracleri: Eri looks as if she's going to hop on the desk.
  689. 10:27 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Satoya raises an eyebrow, confused.
  690. 10:28 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "T-the last thing w-we need are m-more bunnies."
  691. 10:28 PM - A Miracleri: "... I still have nightmares about that hat."
  692. 10:28 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "What hat?"
  693. 10:28 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "Now now, there's nothing to be nervous about. We've made major strides since then. /Major/ strides."
  694. 10:28 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "/What/ hat?"
  695. 10:29 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "I have a hat that makes unlimited bunnies"
  696. 10:29 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "...I don't believe mew"
  697. 10:29 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val takes out the hat.
  698. 10:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "A hat of infinite rabbits. How useful." she remarks dryly.
  699. 10:29 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "No don't-!"
  700. 10:29 PM - A Miracleri: Eri stands on the desk.
  701. 10:29 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Tami joins Eri in a flash.
  702. 10:30 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val digs deep within the hat and pulls out a white rabbit.
  703. 10:30 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Okay, that's like, the easiest magic trick in the book!"
  704. 10:31 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "A-and all we need t-to see."
  705. 10:31 PM - A Miracleri: Eri just watches in anticipation.
  706. 10:31 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "I could dump them everywhere, but I'm new at this school!"
  707. 10:31 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "Bun-ny! Bun-ny!"
  708. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: "I think almost all of us have a way to pull a rabbit out of a hat."
  709. 10:31 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: Val hands the bunny to Ally.
  710. 10:31 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "YISSSSSS"
  711. 10:31 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "What will you name him?"
  712. 10:32 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "O-oh nooo."
  713. 10:32 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Al: "I shall name youuuuu, Count Sanzabar Slazzybum Troyad."
  714. 10:33 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Perfect" She says with a pat on Ally's head.
  715. 10:34 PM - A Miracleri: Eri, sensing that the danger is seemingly over, lowers herself down and off the desk.
  716. 10:35 PM - A Miracleri: She extends a hand to help Tami down as well.
  717. 10:35 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Tami takes it, descending quickly while covering her skirt from unnecessary flapping.
  718. 10:35 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah looks up at the two, raising an eyebrow at the shenanigans.
  719. 10:35 PM - A Miracleri: "You don't know Sarah."
  720. 10:35 PM - A Miracleri: "/You don't know/."
  721. 10:36 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ko shivers, recalling the time she was literally buried under rabbits.
  722. 10:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "It's just a hat, Eri."
  723. 10:36 PM - A Miracleri: "You just don't get it."
  724. 10:37 PM - A Miracleri: "It's... the most evil relic in existance."
  725. 10:37 PM - A Miracleri: "It can mean the end of the world."
  726. 10:37 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "A... magic, bunny hat."
  727. 10:37 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Su: "It is a hat of vast power."
  728. 10:38 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve nods, "T-terrifyingly powerful."
  729. 10:37 PM - Sarah Salem: "I still do not see why it would be dangerous."
  730. 10:38 PM - A Miracleri: "Maybe one day you'll understand Sarah."
  731. 10:40 PM - Sarah Salem: shakes her head in disbelief. "You're all ridiculous."
  732. 10:41 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Santa shakes her head. "If they're all saying it, maybe you should take their word on it."
  733. 10:42 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'll believe it when I see it. I cannot imagine what /bunnies/ in a hat could do."
  734. 10:42 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve clenches her fist to her heart, "T-to much of a good thing c-can be anyones d-downfall."
  735. 10:42 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Eve, I would agree, but there is no such thing as too many bunnies. Just ask Ally."
  736. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah's stump rotates upward slightly, then moves back, her existing arm moving to brush her hair out of her eyes instead.
  737. 10:44 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: K: "Do you, um, need a hair brush, Sarah?"
  738. 10:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'm fine, thanks."
  739. 10:46 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "S-so w-we should probably head to the tournament, right? W-when's it starting?"
  740. 10:48 PM - A Miracleri: "Uhm... I guess it's soon."
  741. 10:48 PM - A Miracleri: "It's some point later today, at least."
  742. 10:49 PM - Sarah Salem: "Did the teacher even say?"
  743. 10:49 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Tami nods, checking her phone. "There's some time left, anway. It's on the school's website."
  744. 10:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "The what?"
  745. 10:50 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Oh man, can I show Sarah the internet later?"
  746. 10:50 PM - A Miracleri: "A websi-... it's like, mail, that you can access anywhere, at any time."
  747. 10:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "Couldn't you just bring the letter with you?"
  748. 10:51 PM - A Miracleri: "Technically she did, Sarah. Along with like, everyone else's mail at the same time."
  749. 10:52 PM - A Miracleri: "On her, 'witchcraft motion image box', or whatever you'd call it."
  750. 10:51 PM - A Miracleri: "And Sato, if you go to one of /those/ kinds of sites, you won't have to worry about /me/ tearing you a new one."
  751. 10:52 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Tami nods, showing the phone's screen to Sarah.
  752. 10:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "That sounds heavy."
  753. 10:52 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "It can also update in real-time, and you can see it with just this, from anywhere in the world."
  754. 10:52 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "Did you know, Sarah, that pictures take a peice of your soul every time your in one?"
  755. 10:53 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah stares at the screen, still confused, making a point to ignore Valentine.
  756. 10:53 PM - A Miracleri: "That's a lie Sarah, don't believe her."
  757. 10:53 PM - The Val (????)?*:·??: "No it's true, how else could they be so life like?"
  758. 10:54 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is this like a miniature 'tee-vee'?" she says slowly, forming partial air quotes.
  759. 10:54 PM - A Miracleri: "Yes, basically."
  760. 10:54 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "Shall w-we get going then? Where's it being held?"
  761. 10:54 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: T: "Uhh... looks like, the gym, again. They set up most tournaments and events there."
  762. 10:54 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve grabs Vals hand and drags her out of the room, "T-to the gym!"
  763. 10:54 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Ally follows along, donning her imaginary hat like the good husband she is.
  764. 10:55 PM - RUN C.A.T.: Sato follows, having no reason not to.
  765. 10:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "But how does it light up, without being tied to wall?" Sarah follows behind them, still pondering the mysteries of the phone.
  766. 10:56 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Batteries!" She answers simply
  767. 10:56 PM - A Miracleri: "It's got it's own power source, like me!"
  768. 10:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "And 'batteries' are? Are they small walls?"
  769. 10:58 PM - A Miracleri: "Uhm, it's like, a rectangle, made of power."
  770. 10:58 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Nyope! Little power sources, they let you run things unplugged."
  771. 10:59 PM - A Miracleri: "But they run out of power eventually."
  772. 10:59 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Why... Eve has some spare ones in some strange cucumber shaped thingy in her room if you need them! I found em looking for spares for the TV remote!" She says, blissfully unaware.
  773. 11:00 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "I-i-it's m-my b-back massager."
  774. 11:00 PM - A Miracleri: Eri blinks.
  775. 11:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "The wall is the power source, I thought."
  776. 11:02 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Su: "There are more than one ways to power something."
  777. 11:02 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Su: "For example, Ko's Koko puffs power /me/ up!"
  778. 11:02 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Suzu squeezes Ko once again, with Ko appearing only partially uncomfortable.
  779. 11:02 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: (( incredible ))
  780. 11:03 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: (( I'm glad her sexual harrasment is becoming less uncomfortable for ko ))
  781. 11:03 PM - A Miracleri: Eri facepalms.
  782. 11:03 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Suzu stops abusing Ko and looks at Sarah, putting her hand to her chin in thought. "Hmm... you don't look like a very good power source, though."
  783. 11:04 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: "S-suzu, t-that's rude."
  784. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hopefully you won't try to use me as one."
  785. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: "This 'battery' is starting to sound like you're all lying to me."
  786. 11:04 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Nah, the future's just weird."
  787. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: "This is the present."
  788. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah straigtens her mouth into a stern line.
  789. 11:05 PM - A Miracleri: "I'd say that this is the future. The other day, I saw a commercial for a flying vehicle."
  790. 11:06 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Sa: "Who needs flying vehicles when you have flying reindeer?"
  791. 11:06 PM - A Miracleri: "Most people don't have magical pets."
  792. 11:06 PM - A Miracleri: "Let alone ones that fly."
  793. 11:06 PM - A Miracleri: "I'm surprised half the time that girls who can fly aren't shot down by the defense systems..."
  794. 11:07 PM - RUN C.A.T.: "Do they have to get FAA registered? I mean, I dont know much about flying, but there's a lot of paperwork behind that!"
  795. 11:07 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Your converation as you continued through the halls, finally arriving at the gym.
  796. 11:07 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: Santa nods, "Well, I should probably go, before someone finds Rudoomph on the roof. Uh, good luck, I guess?"
  797. 11:08 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: Eve waves to Sants, "T-thanks!"
  798. 11:08 PM - A Miracleri: Eri waves goodbye as well.
  799. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: ((If you take out the parentheses in Eve's name, it's just "Eve Is hi"))
  800. 11:08 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: I think we can cut it here, because I've been having a series of sleepless nights.
  801. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: ((What kind of clovers are you making, Frigs?))
  802. 11:09 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: and I'm tired
  803. 11:09 PM - Eve Is(early)hi: (( c; ))
  804. 11:10 PM - Make a Contract, Check it Twice: logging~
  805. 11:10 PM - A Miracleri: ((next session'll be a busy one anyways, if I can guess what's gonna happen, so that's fine))
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