
Daily Run Guide Duo - August 28th, 2024

Aug 28th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Daily Run Guide Duo - August 28th, 2024
  3. Thanks to @TyrantBadjoe for making this!
  4. !!!Once you pick Main/Alt path, STICK TO IT, they are not interchangeable!!!
  6. Wave 1
  8. - Double Team
  9. - Poké Ball
  10. Reward: 5x Great Ball
  12. Wave 2
  13. - Poké Ball
  14. Reward: Rare Candy Zubat
  16. Wave 3
  17. - Pre-Switch Drowzee to Zubat
  18. - Aerial Ace R & Fly R
  19. - Aerial Ace R
  20. - Drowzee | Psybeam > Confusion
  21. - Aerial Ace & Attract x2
  22. - Poké Ball
  23. - Let Zubat Evolve
  24. - Skip Sand Attack
  25. Reward: 5x Great Ball
  27. Wave 4
  28. - Pre-Switch to Drowzee
  29. - Swift
  30. - Poké Ball
  31. - Do Not Keep
  32. Reward: 5x Ultra Ball
  34. Wave 5
  35. - Poison Gas
  36. - Low Kick
  37. - Swift
  38. - Send in Golbat
  39. - Poison Fang
  40. - Skip Confusion
  41. - Attract
  42. - Fly
  43. - Poison Fang
  44. - Fly
  45. - Poison Fang x2
  46. - Skip Counter
  47. - Fly
  48. - Poison Fang x2
  49. - Golbat | Air Cutter > Quick Guard
  50. - Mareanie | Pin Missile > Wide Guard
  51. Reward: Potion Golbat
  53. Wave 6
  54. - Ultra Ball
  55. - Wiglett > Drowzee
  56. - Wormadam | Rock Blast > Tackle
  57. Reward: 5x Poké Ball
  59. Wave 7
  60. - Fly
  61. - Poké Ball
  62. - Do Not Keep
  63. Reward: Super Potion Golbat
  65. Wave 8
  66. - Poké Ball
  67. - Do Not Keep
  68. - Sandygast | Bulldoze > Sand Tomb
  69. - Wiglett | Headbutt > Slam
  70. Reward: 5x Poké Ball
  72. Wave 9
  73. - Air Cutter & Aerial Ace L
  74. - Air Cutter & Double Team
  75. - Attract & Double Team
  76. - Poké Ball
  77. - Do Not Keep
  78. Reward: Nugget
  80. Wave 10
  81. - Fly
  82. - Poké Ball
  83. - Quaxwell > Wiglett
  85. Wave 11
  87. - Attract
  88. - Air Cutter x2
  89. - Poké Ball
  90. - Do Not Keep
  91. - Skip Harden
  92. Reward: 5x Poké Ball
  94. Wave 12
  95. - Poké Ball
  96. - Do Not Keep
  97. - Heracross | Brick Break > Low Kick
  98. - Transfer All | Heracross > Golbat
  99. Reward: 5x Poké Ball
  101. Wave 13
  102. - Poké Ball
  103. - Do Not Keep
  104. Reward: Memory Mushroom Quaxwell | Wing Attack > Air Slash
  106. Wave 14
  107. - Poison Fang R & Brick Break R
  108. - Attract L & Brick Break R
  109. - Golbat | Bite > Attract
  110. - Skip Toxic Spikes
  111. - Poké Ball
  112. - Kingdra > Wormadam
  113. - Sandygast | Hypnosis > Absorb
  114. Reward: Potion Golbat
  116. Wave 15
  117. - Fly x2
  118. - Skip Focus Energy
  119. - Fly
  120. - Bite
  121. Reward: Super Potion Golbat
  123. Wave 16
  124. - Pre-Switch to Kingdra
  125. - Dragon Breath
  126. - Smokescreen
  127. - Poké Ball
  128. - Gyarados > Heracross
  129. Reward: Potion Golbat
  131. Wave 17
  132. - Pre-Switch Sandygast to Quaxwell
  133. - Dragon Breath R & Aqua Cutter R
  134. - Dragon Breath R & Water Pulse R x3
  135. - Poké Ball
  136. - Do Not Keep
  137. Reward: Potion Kingdra
  139. Wave 18
  140. - Pre-Switch to Golbat
  141. - Great Ball
  142. - Do Not Keep
  143. - Let Quaxwell Evolve
  144. - Quaquaval | Aqua Step > Aqua Cutter
  145. - Mareanie | Liquidation > Peck
  146. - Skip Water Pulse
  147. - Skip Aqua Tail
  148. Reward: Super Potion Quaquaval
  150. Wave 19
  151. - Fly
  152. - Poké Ball
  153. - Do Not Keep
  154. - Skip Haze
  155. - Sandygast | Giga Drain > Mega Drain
  156. Reward: Memory Mushroom Gyarados | Ice Fang > Rain Dance
  158. Wave 20
  159. - RELOAD YOUR GAME (F5)
  160. - Switch to Kingdra
  161. - Bubble Beam
  162. - Dragon Breath x3
  163. - Send in Gyarados
  164. - Crunch x2
  165. - Send in Quaquaval
  166. - Wing Attack x5
  167. - Skip Mega Kick
  168. - Aqua Step x2
  169. ==================================================[Path Split Part 1 Starts Here]==================================================
  170. Wave 21 (Main Path) | Wave 21 (Alt. Path)
  172. - Low Sweep | - Low Sweep
  173. - Switch to Mareanie | - Switch to Mareanie
  174. - Recover x4 | - Recover x4
  175. - Poké Ball | - Poké Ball
  176. - Do Not Keep | - Do Not Keep
  177. - Let Mareanie Evolve | - Let Mareanie Evolve
  178. - Toxapex | Baneful Bunker > Pin Missile | - Toxapex | Baneful Bunker > Pin Missile
  179. Reward: Ability Charm | Reward: Super Potion Toxapex
  181. Wave 22 (Main Path) | Wave 22 (Alt. Path)
  182. - Pre-Switch to Quaquaval | - Pre-Switch to Quaquaval
  183. - Poké Ball | - Poké Ball
  184. - Do Not Keep | - Do Not Keep
  185. Reward: Potion Toxapex | Reward: 5x Great Ball
  187. Wave 23 (Main Path) | Wave 23 (Alt. Path)
  188. - Low Sweep | - Low Sweep
  189. - Poké Ball | - Poké Ball
  190. - Do Not Keep | - Do Not Keep
  191. - Gyarados | Dragon Dance > Bite | - Gyarados | Dragon Dance > Bite
  192. - Quaquaval | Acrobatics > Wing Attack | - Quaquaval | Acrobatics > Wing Attack
  193. - Skip Iron Defense | - Skip Iron Defense
  194. - Transfer Leppa Berry | Quaquaval > Toxapex | - Transfer Leppa Berry | Quaquaval > Toxapex
  195. Reward: Potion Toxapex | Reward: Potion Quaquaval
  196. ==================================================[Path Split Part 1 Ends Here]====================================================
  197. Wave 24
  198. - Pre-Switch to Sandygast
  199. - Hypnosis
  200. - Great Ball
  201. - Do Not Keep
  202. Reward: Nugget
  204. Wave 25
  205. - Hypnosis L & Ice Fang R
  206. - Let Sandygast Evolve
  207. - Toxapex | Acid Spray > Bite
  208. - Giga Drain R & Waterfall R
  209. - Astonish R & Dragon Dance
  210. - Astonish & Crunch
  211. - Skip Hydro Pump
  212. - Astonish & Crunch
  213. - Bulldoze & Waterfall
  214. - Kingdra | Dragon Pulse > Dragon Breath
  215. Reward: 5x Poké Ball
  217. Wave 26
  218. - Pre-Switch to Kingdra
  219. - Bubble Beam x2
  220. - Great Ball
  221. - Do Not Keep
  222. - Skip Liquidation
  223. Reward: 5x Ultra Ball
  224. ==================================================[Path Split Part 2 Starts Here]==================================================
  225. Wave 27 (Main Path) | Wave 27 (Alt. Path)
  226. - Poké Ball | - Poké Ball
  227. - Do Not Keep | - Do Not Keep
  228. - Skip Venoshock | - Skip Venoshock
  229. Reward: Lure | Reward: 5x Poke Ball
  230. ==================================================[Path Split Part 2 Ends Here]====================================================
  231. Wave 28
  232. - Dragon Pulse
  233. - Smokescreen x3
  234. - Switch to Toxapex
  235. - Recover
  236. - Poke Ball
  237. - Do Not Keep
  238. Reward: Super Lure
  239. ==================================================[Path Split Part 3 Starts Here]==================================================
  240. Wave 29 (Main Path) | Wave 29 (Alt. Path)
  241. - Pre-Switch Toxapex to Palossand | - Pre-Switch Toxapex to Palossand
  242. - Pre-Switch Gyarados to Kingdra | - Pre-Switch Gyarados to Kingdra
  243. - Bulldoze & Switch to Gyarados | - Bulldoze & Switch to Gyarados
  244. - Giga Drain R & Crunch R | - Giga Drain R & Crunch R
  245. - Palossand | Shadow Ball > Astonish | - Palossand | Shadow Ball > Astonish
  246. - Skip Hurricane | - Skip Hurricane
  247. - Switch to Toxapex & Waterfall | - Switch to Toxapex & Waterfall
  248. - Baneful Bunker & Waterfall x2 | - Baneful Bunker & Waterfall x2
  249. - Baneful Bunker & Dragon Dance | - Baneful Bunker & Dragon Dance
  250. - Baneful Bunker & Switch to Golbat | - Baneful Bunker & Switch to Golbat
  251. - Poké Ball | - Great Ball
  252. - Do Not Keep | - Do Not Keep
  253. Reward: Lure | Reward: Lure
  254. ==================================================[Path Split Part 3 Ends Here]====================================================
  255. Wave 30
  256. - RELOAD YOUR GAME (F5)
  257. - Switch to Quaquaval
  258. - Acrobatics x2
  259. - Switch to Toxapex
  260. - Recover
  261. - Baneful Bunker
  262. - Recover
  263. - Switch to Gyarados
  264. - Switch to Palossand
  265. - Hypnosis
  266. - Giga Drain x2
  267. - Switch to Toxapex
  268. - Switch to Gyarados
  269. - Dragon Dance
  270. - Waterfall x2
  271. - Send in Palossand
  272. - Giga Drain x2
  273. - Toxapex | Poison Jab > Acid Spray
  274. - Giga Drain x2
  275. - Send in Quaquaval
  276. - Aqua Step
  277. - Skip Feather Dance
  278. ==================================================[Path Split Part 4 Starts Here]==================================================
  279. Wave 31 (Main Path) | Wave 31 (Alt. Path)
  281. - Pre-Switch Golbat to Gyarados | - Great Ball
  282. - Low Sweep L & Waterfall L | - Do Not Keep
  283. - Aqua Step & Dragon Dance | Reward: 5x Great Ball
  284. - Poke Ball |
  285. - Do Not Keep |
  286. - Kingdra | Hydro Pump > Agility |
  287. - Skip Thrash |
  288. Reward: 5x Poke Ball |
  290. Wave 32 (Main Path) | Wave 32 (Alt. Path)
  291. - Low Sweep L & Crunch R x2 | - Acrobatics L & Bite R
  292. - Switch to Golbat & Switch to Palossand | - Skip Hydro Pump
  293. - Great Ball | - Water Pulse & Bite
  294. - Do Not Keep | - Switch to Gyarados & Bite
  295. Reward: 5x Great Ball | - Ultra Ball
  296. | - Do Not Keep
  297. | - Skip Thrash
  298. | - Let Golbat Evolve
  299. | - Golbat | Cross Poison > Poison Fang
  300. | Reward: Super Lure
  302. Wave 33 (Main Path) | Wave 33 (Alt. Path)
  303. - Pre-Switch Golbat to Gyarados | - Pre-Switch Gyarados to Palossand
  304. - Pre-switch Palossand to Kingdra | - Hypnosis R & Fly L
  305. - Waterfall L & Bubble Beam R | - Bulldoze
  306. - Dragon Dance & Bubble Beam L | - Giga Drain L & Fly L
  307. - Poke Ball | - Hypnosis R
  308. - Do Not Keep | - Hypnosis & Bite
  309. Reward: Sitrus Berry Golbat | - Send in Gyarados
  310. | - Hypnosis & Crunch
  311. | - Poké Ball
  312. | - Do Not Keep
  313. | Reward: Big Nugget
  315. Wave 34 (Main Path) | Wave 34 (Alt. Path)
  316. - Great Ball | - SAVE AND QUIT (NOT F5)
  317. - Do Not Keep |
  318. - Skip Hyper Beam |
  319. Reward: EXP. Charm |
  320. ==================================================[Path Split Part 4 Ends Here]====================================================
  321. Wave 35
  322. - Switch to Palossand
  323. - Hypnosis
  324. - Switch to Gyarados
  325. - Ice Fang x2
  326. - Palossand | Earth Power > Bulldoze
  327. - Skip Confuse Ray
  328. Reward: Potion Gyarados
  330. Wave 36
  331. - Pre-switch Gyarados to Golbat
  332. - Fly L & Dragon Pulse L
  333. - Dragon Pulse L
  334. - Let Golbat Evolve
  335. - Crobat | Cross Poison > Poison Fang
  336. - Bite & Smokescreen
  337. - Poké Ball
  338. - Do Not Keep
  339. Reward: 5x Great Ball
  341. Wave 37
  342. - Bite
  343. - Poké Ball
  344. - Do Not Keep
  345. - Quaquaval | Close Combat > Low Sweep
  346. - Skip Toxic
  347. Reward: Potion Gyarados
  349. Wave 38
  350. - Bite L & Dragon Pulse L
  351. - Bite & Smokescreen
  352. - Poke Ball
  353. - Do Not Keep
  354. - Skip Dragon Dance
  355. Reward: Potion Gyarados
  357. Wave 39
  358. - Pre-switch to Toxapex
  359. - Liquidation
  360. - Great Ball
  361. - Do Not Keep
  362. Reward: Super Potion Gyarados
  364. Wave 40
  365. - Liquidation x2
  366. - Skip Air Slash
  367. - Baneful Bunker
  368. - Switch to Palossand
  369. - Switch to Quaquaval
  370. - Close Combat
  371. - Skip Shore Up
  372. - Aqua Step x2
  374. Wave 41
  375. - RELOAD YOUR GAME (F5)
  376. - Water Pulse
  377. - Poké Ball
  378. - Do Not Keep
  379. Reward: Super Potion Quaquaval
  381. Wave 42
  382. - Aqua Step
  383. - Poké Ball
  384. - Do Not Keep
  385. - Skip Wave Crash
  386. Reward: Super Potion Quaquaval
  388. Wave 43
  389. - Acrobatics
  390. - Ultra Ball
  391. - Do Not Keep
  392. Reward: Memory Mushroom Crobat | Toxic > Bite
  394. Wave 44
  395. - Close Combat L & Smokescreen L
  396. - Skip Rain Dance
  397. - Great Ball
  398. - Do Not Keep
  399. Reward: Reroll > Super Exp. Charm
  401. Wave 45
  402. - Aqua Step
  403. - Skip Sandstorm
  404. - Aqua Step
  405. - Skip Leech Life
  406. - Aqua Step x2
  407. - Skip Wave Crash
  408. Reward: Hyper Potion Quaquaval
  410. Wave 46
  411. - Poke Ball
  412. - Switch to Gyarados
  413. - Crunch
  414. - Poke Ball
  415. - Do Not Keep
  416. Reward: Potion Gyarados
  418. Wave 47
  419. - Crunch
  420. - Ice Fang
  421. - Dragon Dance x2
  422. - Ultra Ball
  423. - Do Not Keep
  424. Reward: Hyper Potion Gyarados
  426. Wave 48
  427. - Switch to Palossand
  428. - Hypnosis x2
  429. - Poke Ball
  430. - Do Not Keep
  431. Reward: X Accuracy
  433. Wave 49
  434. - Poke Ball
  435. - Do Not Keep
  436. Reward: X Attack
  438. Wave 50
  439. - Pre-switch to Crobat
  440. - Fly x3
  442. END OF RUN - GG!
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