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Jul 12th, 2020
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  1. She clears her throat, letting her eyes close for a moment. She awaits questions in a near silent crowd- Most would likely be horrified, but Tanya merely stands, waiting, steadfast and severe, until Cassiopeia speaks. Her amber gaze turns upon her, and she nods, both in agreement to her first statement, and then again as she finishes her question.
  3. "It is not something so easy, to simply state that I intend to increase the numbers of the Vigilant and be done with it. In a perfect world, we would have men and women signing up because it is right. Because they see Osrona as I do; A jewel in this world to be cherished and respected and taken care of." Then, her lips curl downwards into a small, halfway there frown. "Unfortunately, that is not the case. The easiest option, of course, would be to sanction more funding towards them. But that, as well, only goes so far. A thousand staves and swords will end up only as that.. A thousand weapons sitting on racks, gathering rust and muck. To tell the truth to you, my friend, I've a few ideas to bolster numbers, but I'm not entirely certain our populace will be entirely receptive."
  5. She clears her throat, one fist moving from behind her back to her lips, and then she inhales, slowly. Exhales, slowly.
  7. "...Perhaps changing the system to be more like the Knights of old would suffice. Positions of potential power, rank and title. Perhaps it will be enough to encourage higher wages to the Vigilant Watch. Or, perhaps through vigorous attempts and more 'ruthless' recruitment methods, we can fill the gap. The truth is simple; There needs to be a better motivation to join the establishment. By working alongside the Church, I hope to find that motivation. Be it coin, be it glory, or be it zealotry."
  9. She nods, slightly, towards Walter. Her eyes close, just for a moment, and she hums, quietly. "Stagnation has taken not just Osrona, but all of Esshar. Indeed, while the nations of this land have been toiling and biding their time, do they not see that the threat just outside their walls grow ever more bold and aggressive...? The Bridge to our west is no longer ours, 'lest anyone has feigned to notice." (Tanya Volkov)
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