

Apr 17th, 2015
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  1. Hi there
  2. My name is FoodLovingPanda and I will reviewing you.
  4. In my most honest opinion i suggest you clear your plot and start over anew. The way this plot is going it wont get you anywhere. I'll give you some tips as what you need to achieve in order to rank to blaze.
  8. In your terrain you need to show that you can make it dynamic, interesting in both shape and palette. Choose blocks that will complement each other. Make sure you have something in your terrain that will catch eye of the person that looks at it. That can be an overhang, a waterfall, cliffs. Something that is different than the rest of your terrain.
  10. In your terrain you should incorporate scenery as well. If you are using the flowers and the grass that is in the game do not just spam bonemeal on the floor but rather place it by hand. Instead of covering all of your available space with grass, leave some space open. When placing flowers try and make them grow in small groups instead of them being spread out all over the place and randomly placed. Something that is also nice to think of is that you place flowers of similar colors with another one that will stand out a bit.
  12. Mushrooms can be a nice addition to your scenery, but if you are not making a plot that does not seem like there is a lot of moist and shade on it do not place them just to have them. If you want some try putting them if you have a forest or a cave on your plot.
  16. Now organics are quite a large sections but if you are making trees you will have to make the tree trunk smooth and curved so that it does not look like a square. Add branches to your tree and try to make the leaves follow the shape of branches to a point (it means that if some branches are longer the leaves that belong to that branches should stick up from the rest of the treetop. Also a good thing to keep in mind when making treetops is that you want it to look clear, almost as if you can see through it. So that means you should always have some air blocks in it to achieve that feeling. Also keep in mind that it is not too small in regard to the tree trunk. The last thing on your tree to pay attention to is the roots. It is really nice to see some roots near the base of the tree, but do not make them overly big. Remember that it grows down for the most part and not sideways (that is only a small portion).
  18. Should you decide to make flowers keep in mind that you will have to make petals look like petals and not just a circle around the central part. Also dont make them flat, make sure they bend and curve through the space. Same thing applies to leaves on the stem.
  20. If you are making humanoid/animalistic organics you will have to pay special attention to proportions of the build. You always have to think of how large the limbs and the head have to be towards the torso. Also you have to think of the anatomy and how muscles are expressed in regard to how the organics is positioned. The more attention you give to all these parts the better the organic will look.
  22. Something that applies to all organics is that you have to smooth it out so that you dont have sharp edges and 90° corner. Somewhat of an exception to this is exception are vehicles. They can have both sharp edges and such angles. And when making vehicles you need to keep in mind the layout and you need to make them look reliable. For example if you are making ships make sure that the bottom of the ship has some width and that it is not v shaped. Also make sure have all the elements to the vehicle. (put all the details on them).
  26. So when making structure there are two main elements that you have to keep in mind when building. When thinking of depth try thinking of layers within the building. There are some tricks that help add to the feeling of depth as well such as using glass panes instead of glass blocks. Adding stairs as well instead of blocks in some areas. Another one is to make the roof overhang the walls. Making the structure not have a square base can also help with adding depth as you are not working with one large flat area from the beginning but rather you have a bend in the wall.
  28. Now regrading detail it is not about placing some random slabs and stairs on the structure just so that you have something on the walls. It is about making your house stand out and to make it interesting for the viewer. Use the detail on the house so that it does not negate the depth but rather makes it look like it enhances it (has a stronger impact on depth). Something that i often advise is to avoid checkerboard pattern while detailing. Also don't focus your detailing only on the walls. Add some detail to the roof as well. Another thing to keep in mind is that you don't make the detailing repetitive. Instead of using the same thing over and over again try and come up with something that is similar and try and add that to your detailing, but you shouldn't go overboard and make the build look to busy because that will be too much to grasp when someone looks at your build which is something you do not want to happen. These two are the main things that i look at when reviewing structure
  30. Some other elements to your structure are shape of it and the interior. It is always more interesting and in the end better to make a structure that is not a complete square. Try and make the shape interesting by incorporating areas that are round or triangular or even make it more interesting by connecting several square shapes randomly and make it irregular shape in the end (these are just examples, you can do whatever you want)
  32. Now you do not have to have interior as it is not something that i review but if you do want to do it remember that you must think outside the box. Use the items to represent something they are not (for example a pillar quartz in an item frame can be used as a toilet paper). Also try and fill up your interior so that it does not look so vast and empty. Add carpets, plants, furniture... etc.
  34. Have fun building
  35. -FoodLovingPanda
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