
nullification 5

Feb 10th, 2019
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  1. [04:06] Kuso Hitoshi says, "So I heard your out burst, I think you are the next best person to talk with."
  2. [04:07] Veronica the Wayfarer asks, "Hm? why so?"
  3. [04:07] Veronica the Wayfarer says, "Most folk would shift their head in the opposite direction to a "filthy occultist""
  4. [04:07] Kuso Hitoshi says, "I myself have been having trouble with the occult whispers and I seek to control them."
  5. [04:07] Veronica the Wayfarer says, "I see."
  6. [04:08] Veronica the Wayfarer says, "So you're like me."
  7. [04:08] Kuso Hitoshi says, "I know what your going through, I want some insight from you as wel--yes I'm like you."
  8. [04:10] Veronica would seat herself back in a relaxed fashion.
  10. "So then, tell me. do your whispers tempt you like mine do?"
  11. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [04:16] Kuso nodded pulling back his sleeve to show his cuts along his arms, followed by a deep sigh.
  16. "They do all the time..., even against my own body"
  17. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. [04:17] Veronica would shift towards kuso, looking straight into his eyes.
  22. "First you need to learn anchoring."
  23. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [04:20] Veronica would take kuso's hand and speak to him with a gentle voice.
  28. "As you know, the occult is fueled by pure negative emotions. Rage, Angeer, hate, Sorrow, all the like."
  30. She'd raise a finger and place it on his forhead.
  32. "to combat this, you must have an anchor in your mind to hold onto. Something that can serve as a lifeline to your sanity no matter how much pain you're put through."
  33. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [04:23] Kuso turned toward her nod pulling his mask off, a small sigh could be heard as his ear perked.
  38. "I was told one must accept despair in it's purest form. Once you have done that the whispers with grant you more of the power you seek, but the moment you fall into despair it will be harder to pull yourself out."
  40. Kuso takes a pause.
  42. "This is new information to me, I was told occult was fueled by pride and desire. The moment that you take those two traits away from it then and only then would be on path to control...., unless the person was wrong"
  44. Kuso became conflicted with the statements for a moment thinking heavily on both of them.
  46. "Anger, rage, loneliness..."
  47. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [04:25] Veronica would look out into the water.
  52. "They're not entirely wrong. Pride and desire can very well fall into those same aspects of emotion. The occult is fueld by many aspects and those can be deemed a part of the many that define it's very being."
  53. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [04:31] Kuso hazel hues drifted off into the distance still thinking about what's to come for him. He wasn't sure of he could even control it anymore another drawn out sigh left the man soon after his ears folded down and the whisper came in.
  58. You never leave... was all he heard in his head.
  60. Kuso then closed his eyes almost as he was trying to forget what he just heard. He would struggle to speak to the woman for a short while as he battle the thoughts in his mind.
  62. "I-I w-was" Kuso then takes a deep break trying again.
  64. "I need to...accepted despair and once I did I should be able to feel it....but there is a chance I will lose myself. What do you think and do you wish to achieve the same goal?"
  66. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  67. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. [04:41] Veronica would sit back on the bench, coming to terms with your despair is certainly a difficult task to accomplish. She'd barely even managed to crawl out of the whole she fell in with the help of Ume.
  71. "When I was in that pit, it was dark, cold, I didn't think I could ever come back. Going to the very darkness of your being and returning to tell the tale will be no easy feat. But you would do well to properly arm yourself with the tools to come back from that place."
  73. She'd raise her head a bit. at his question
  75. "It's a leap of faith. I almost lost myself back there had it not been for a desperate attempt to latch onto one last been of sanity in my life."
  76. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [04:42] Veronica the Wayfarer says, "But accepting despair isn't necessarily a bad thing."
  80. [04:43] Veronica the Wayfarer says, "It's more a means of coming to terms with what happened, accepting the things that have happened and using it as a stepping stone "
  81. [04:43] Veronica the Wayfarer says, "Easier said than done though"
  83. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: hello there, I hope my words made sense last night.
  84. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: you fell asleep so sounrly I didn't want to bother you.
  86. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: I'm sorry about that, I was hoping to hear a bit more adn I was looking ot go in depth with some information I have.
  88. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Seeing as we are both in the same boat I want to see what conclusion we end up with.
  90. Hana whispers something.
  92. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: Indeed. Based from our conversation last night, it's dawned on me that there are different methods of overcoming the madness.
  94. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Only a few shared with me by a holy mage.
  96. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: They believe the more numb you become to the feeling after accepting despair, then and only then will you have control.
  97. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: an interesting thought. Numbing yourself to pain and suffering isn't a bad tactic to combat extreme duress
  98. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: That's the only problem that I'm having now, with said information given to me I've yet to truely test out this tactic.
  99. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: It is good in theory, but you'd do well not to lose yourself by sealing all sense of feeling. You may find yourself becoming something else when you return
  100. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: How have things been for you?
  102. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: good so far, Training the younger folk mostly.
  104. Hana whispers something.
  106. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: and you? Any progress on mastering the occult?
  108. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Not yet, I was jsut about to ask you the same thing.
  110. Hana whispers something.
  112. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: I've been struggling a bit I'll admit. Trying to find an equilibrium
  114. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: What's been giving you issues?
  116. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: Mostly my past. I was actually thinking about paying a visit to Gehenna sometime soon.
  118. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: I feel that I may get closer to accepting my fears if I can find a shaman to reveal my runic symbol.
  120. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: That sounds some what interesting.
  122. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: there is some issues however. First is the fact that most if not all the shamans have been purged in the massacre a few years back. So that leaves me having to find either a druid or one of their successors.
  124. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: Next is the risk of the Dawn patrols skittering around the path to and from Huang and Tecotchitlan
  126. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Once you find them how will that process work?
  128. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: They peer into your soul. Sort of like a means to find the embodiment of who you are.
  130. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Once that process is complete, what will you do then?
  132. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: We have different ideas of tmastering occult.
  134. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: I wanted to allow despair to fill my mind during combot and for a awakening or me masting the occult.
  136. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: I want to find a way to overcarm the darkness through sheer force of will. I want the power, but I don't want it to influence who I am or what I believe in.
  138. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: Easier said than done though
  140. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: As for the runic symbol, I feel like having an understanding of my soul's affinity will help me take a step closer to reaching that goal.
  142. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: although nothing is certain.
  144. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Your way sounds a bit more reassuring.
  146. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: Reassuring sure, but it's mostly a theory at the moment. One that I plan on testing as soon as I can.
  148. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Allow me to tavel with you.
  150. Veronica would give the kitsune a smile.
  151. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
  153. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: of course.
  155. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: I'm glad
  157. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: I have to make a few preparations though. I don't plan on being turned into an undead puppet anytime soon.
  159. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Yeah I understand that.
  161. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: From what I heard, the Gehennan's have resummoned a wraith in their city. That likely means a shaman is still alive somewhere. I'm just going to have to hope we can find them without stirring up too much trouble.
  163. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: The only problem we have left is the presence of demons within their territory. I'm not certain if the same laws apply to them as the rest of the tribesmen. But we'd best be on our guard.
  165. Li has exited Huangzhou.
  167. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: I understand lets get bac in one piece.
  169. Li has exited Huangzhou.
  171. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: indeed. let's make preparations and leave when we're both ready hm?
  173. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: I'm ready whenever you are, so jsut let me know.
  175. Veronica the Wayfarer whispers: understood
  177. Veronica would slowly get up from her seat, offering a light bow to Kuso.
  179. "I'll be sure to contact you."
  181. From there she'd make her way into the market stalls to get any needed equipment
  182. (Veronica the Wayfarer)
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