
Xi's Hidden Talent

Mar 23rd, 2014
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  1. [19:47] <~Deedles> After saving Usagi from Takeshi's mansion Sanru and Huan split up from the rest of the group to escort her to safety on Mt Baoban. Meanwhile Chiyoko and Reisuki remained in Jinlong to help the White Peony. As such the quartet of Jian, Shen, Xi and Yoshihiro took the boat and began their journey towards the White Tiger Forest.
  2. [19:50] <Earthflame> Jian takes the duties of sailing, now that Rei is no longer with them. On the outward journey, he looks back to Jinlong often, and even after it's out of sight he stares at the horizon...
  3. [19:53] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi can be found in the galley cooking up a storm, nothing quite like a good meal after a successful mission, they hadn't eaten since leaving the Crimson Steel this morning.
  4. [19:55] <Shen> Shen was at the front of the boat doing his best to study and improve his water manipulation ability along the way.
  5. [20:05] <~Deedles> The journey was calm, just a few white clouds on the sky as the sun gently shone down on them.
  6. [20:08] <Earthflame> Jian mostly stays silent... But at one point, he calls out when he sees Xi passing by. "Xi?"
  7. [20:12] * Feldi ( has joined #Mei-lifa2
  8. [20:13] <Feldi> Xi turns to look, eyebrow raised. "Jian?"
  9. [20:14] <Earthflame> "...Could I talk to you, for a minute?"
  10. [20:16] <Feldi> Xi shrugs a shoulder. "If it wouldn't distract you from sailing."
  11. [20:18] <Earthflame> He chuckles. "There's not much to do. The river is calm. I'm just... Working over some thoughts."
  12. [20:22] <Feldi> "Thoughts?" Xi places a hand on her hip and gains a mischievous smile. "About a certain girl?"
  13. [20:22] <Earthflame> A blush tints his cheek and he sighs as he nods. "Of course... Rei."
  14. [20:25] <Feldi> Xi moves closer with a laugh. "Worrying again already or is this something else?"
  15. [20:26] <Earthflame> "I always worry. But I'm not just worring about her safety." He shakes his head. "...It's confusing."
  16. [20:31] <Feldi> "Feeling things you've never felt before?" Xi's smile doesn't waver.
  17. [20:31] <Earthflame> "Maybe. I'm... I don't know."
  18. [20:34] <Feldi> "Well, tell Sister Xi what you do," Xi nudges his side with her forearm.
  19. [20:36] <Earthflame> "I care about her. I feel calm when I'm with her, and... Off, when we're apart. I want her to be happy and safe. I want to see her smile. I want to hurt the people who have hurt her..."
  20. [20:45] <Feldi> "It sounds to me as if you really like her. Perhaps even taking on a shade of love~"
  21. [20:49] <Earthflame> He blushes again. "...I don't know. I... I feel calm and safe around her. But is it just... Respite?" He sighs. "...I still feel strange about the corruption in my blood. I have trouble sleeping, except when she's there... Am I just wishing to have more of that same comfort?"
  22. [20:50] <Feldi> "What kind of comfort are we talking about here?" Xi asks plainly.
  23. [20:51] <Earthflame> "Nothing untoward!-" He starts, before catching himself and steadying his breath. "...Feeling at home in my own skin. Feeling her there, warm and soft... It helps her, too. She has her own burdens to bear."
  24. [20:57] <Feldi> Xi nods, tapping her cheek in thought. "Well, do you think sharing a bed with anyone else would help?"
  25. [20:58] <Earthflame> "Nobody I've met yet... But perhaps."
  26. [21:12] <Feldi> "Oh?" Xi grins, "I wonder if I should tell Rei about that~"
  27. [21:13] <Earthflame> "I've already told her... I think."
  28. [21:15] <Feldi> "What did she say?"
  29. [21:16] <Earthflame> "That she felt similarly... But we don't know if we can call it 'Love'."
  30. [21:18] <Feldi> Xi nods slowly. "So, not to sound like I don't understand," Xi places her hands on her hips and leans in, "but it sounds like you two have already got this sorted out."
  31. [21:19] <Earthflame> He blinks. "...Huh?"
  32. [21:28] <Feldi> Xi leans back and waves a hand dismissively, "if you don't know if you can call it love, don't call it love. Just enjoy it and figure it out afterwards."
  33. [21:28] <Earthflame> He pauses. "...Is it that easy?"
  34. [21:30] <Feldi> Xi shrugs, "I'm a virgin who has never had a real relationship. I just know a lot about relationships in general. It could be that easy."
  35. [21:30] <Earthflame> Jian laughs at that. "That puts it in perspective."
  36. [21:32] <Feldi> "Yeah..." Xi trails off for a second before shaking her head and pointing a finger in Jian's face. "I think that if it makes you happy and Rei happy you should keep whatever you have going. That is what makes sense to me."
  37. [21:33] <Earthflame> He smiles at that. "...Thank you, Rei. That helps, a lot."
  38. [21:34] <Earthflame> *Xi
  39. [21:36] <Feldi> Xi crosses her arms. "Keeping you boys in line is what I'm here for." Xi smiles, "if you need anymore advice, just ask and I'll be happy to help!"
  40. [21:37] <Earthflame> He nods. And then pauses again. "...What if... I do love her. But... She doesn't love me?"
  41. [21:38] <Feldi> "I...all the stories say that you should pine for her tragically..."
  42. [21:40] <Earthflame> He pauses. "...I'm not sure I'd like that."
  43. [21:42] <Feldi> "No..." Xi ponders for a moment. "I suppose you'd try and find someone else." She makes it sound slightly distasteful.
  44. [21:43] <Earthflame> "I... I don't want to." He stares into the distance, as if confused by the concept.
  45. [21:45] <Feldi> "Well, people do marry again after their wives and husbands die. Not that Rei or you would die obviously..."
  46. [21:45] <Earthflame> "She isn't going to die." He speaks with an odd certainty.
  47. [21:50] <Feldi> "Of course. But it is the same idea, right? It would just take time to re-mend your heart and find someone wonderful to sweep you off your feet...perhaps a woman widowed who can understand your pain in whom you would find a kindred spirit to bear your souls too-" Xi's eyes twinkle with romantic sparkles.
  48. [21:50] <Earthflame> ...Jian stares at her. "...Are you trying to write a novel?"
  49. [21:52] <Feldi> Xi plays with a strand of her hair. "Not a novel!...just a few scratchings here and there really..."
  50. [21:53] <Earthflame> "...About me and Rei?" He sounds incredulous.
  51. [21:54] <Feldi> "I-inspired at most," Xi looks away out to the river bank.
  52. [21:55] <Earthflame> He pauses. "...Um. Could I... Read them some time?"
  53. [21:56] <Feldi> Xi's gaze flickers to Jian and then away. "You want to read them? Really?"
  54. [21:56] <Earthflame> "...I've never really read much about romance, or..." he waves a hand vaguely. "...Your perspective on it, from the stories, might be... useful?"
  55. [21:57] <Feldi> "You'll have to tell me what you think if you do," Xi says turning to face him, obviously still a bit embarrassed.
  56. [21:58] <Earthflame> "Uh, of course."
  57. [21:58] <Feldi> "And you have to promise to tell no one else."
  58. [21:59] <Earthflame> "...Sure." He pauses. "What kind of stories are these?"
  59. [22:00] <Feldi> "Romance...mostly."
  60. [22:00] <Earthflame> "Mostly?"
  61. [22:01] <Feldi> Xi's blush advances a shade. "M-mostly."
  62. [22:02] <Earthflame> "Well... I'm not doing much while I'm sailing."
  63. [22:03] <Feldi> "I'll go get you one of the best then!" Xi smiles and runs off.
  64. [22:06] <Feldi> Xi returns shortly and hands over a scroll with a large grin.
  65. [22:07] <Earthflame> Jian takes it with a nod, opening it and slowly beginning to read in between glances at the river... A few hours later, there is a rather severe bump as Jian apparently fails to notice that the river, at this point, bends.
  66. [22:10] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi peeks his head out from the galley as the entire boat lurches. "Oi, who's rocking the boat?"
  67. [22:11] <Feldi> Near the front of the boat, Xi recovers her footing after taking a small spill, rubbing at her back.
  68. [22:15] <Shen> "What's going on?" Shen called, after almost plumetting off the edge of the boat. "Is Yoshi steering?"
  69. [22:16] <Earthflame> Jian, blushing bright red, fumbles to keep a hold of the scroll as he grinds the wheel, calling out "Uh, sorry! I got distracted, we're okay..."
  70. [22:17] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi narrows his eyes at Shen. "Says the guy who can't see..."
  71. [22:20] <Shen> "That's why I keep my blind ass away from the wheel!" he said as he resat himself at the front of the boat.
  72. [22:20] <Feldi> Xi moves cautiously over to the helm.
  73. [22:21] <Feldi> "Do you think the boat was damaged?" She asks.
  74. [22:21] <Earthflame> "No, no, we should be fine... Someone should check, but it wasn't bad."
  75. [22:21] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi raises a curious brow toward Jian. "Maybe reading and sailing wasn't the best idea, hm?" he crosses his arms over his chest.
  76. [22:22] <Earthflame> He tries to keep one hand on the wheel, trying to roll the scroll up in one hand... And accidentally letting it flop open agin.
  77. [22:23] <Feldi> "Ah!" Xi rushes over to the fallen scroll.
  78. [22:23] <Shen> Shen approached the others, unable to regain his focus. "Reading?"
  79. [22:27] <Earthflame> "It's nothing! Really!"
  80. [22:27] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro's curiosity gets the better of him, taking a few quick steps forward so he can scoop up the scroll in question. "What is this anyway?" he asks while his eyes scan over the first few lines...
  81. [22:29] <Shen> "Must of been a pretty interesting nothing!" he muses back.
  82. [22:29] <Shen> have*
  83. [22:30] <Feldi> "Yoshi, don't read that!" Xi shouts, trying to snatch back the scroll but failing as Yoshi moves about the ship.
  84. [22:32] <Earthflame> Jian's eyes are wide, his cheeks bright pink and his expression one of horror... He shoots a despairing glance towards Xi.
  85. [22:32] <Shen> "Yoshi, read it!" Shen called out immediately after.
  86. [22:33] <Feldi> "At least don't read it out loud!" Xi begs.
  87. [22:33] <Zero_Atma> "Why not?" Yoshi inquires, that is until he gets further down the page. "Oh...ohhhhhhh...ohh."
  88. [22:34] <Feldi> Xi's face starts to go bright red. "Just give it back!"
  89. [22:35] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi grins as he rolls it up, looing as though he was going to tuck it away for later. "But I haven't finished reading yet, and it's so vivid!"
  90. [22:35] <Shen> "What does it say? Whats vivid? Godamn it!"
  91. [22:39] <Earthflame> ...There's another bump as Jian's inattentiveness causes them to nudge against the bank, and he turns his attention back to sailing as he calls "Yoshi, please-!"
  92. [22:39] <Feldi> "Vivid?!" Xi pauses for a moment. "Wait, vivid's good." Xi looks at Jian. "It was good then? Wait-give it back! I haven't given you permission to read that!"
  93. [22:40] <Zero_Atma> "It's a little late for that!" Yoshi points out, holding the scroll just above her head.
  94. [22:41] <Shen> Shen stumbled as the boat nudged the bank. "What the hells going on?" his head darted between the voices.
  95. [22:41] <Feldi> Xi jumps trying to grab the scroll. "G-give it back!"
  96. [22:44] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi could have dragged his teasing out a little longer, though at this rate they were likely to put a hole in the boat. "Oh, alright..." he mutters, handing it over.
  97. [22:45] <Feldi> Xi clutches the scroll to her chest, protectively.
  98. [22:46] <Earthflame> Jian mumbles. "...It was good. But I hadn't finished it. They'd met on the bridge during the moonless night, but he hadn't spoken yet..."
  99. [22:48] <Feldi> Xi glances between Yoshi and Jian and quickly steps over to Jian, handing the scroll over. "Just finish it and tell me what you think then." She says quickly before rushing below deck.
  100. [22:49] <Zero_Atma> "Ohh, so you wrote it yourself?" Yoshi inquires, that broad smile only leaving his face when Xi scurries below deck. "I'll take that as a yes." he then wanders to the side of the boat to make sure there was no significant damage to the hull.
  101. [22:50] <Shen> "...Hello? Oh, hi Shen. What's going on? No idea. Like usual then. Yep!" he grumbles as he shuffles off back to the front of the boat.
  102. [22:52] <Earthflame> Jian blushes again, carefully finding his way down to the point he'd finished. "It's just a story that Xi wrote, Shen."
  103. [22:54] <Zero_Atma> "It's a story alright!" Yoshi agrees, though he didn't give away the context of the mysterious writing in question.
  104. [23:10] <Shen> "I think I'm starting to get the idea that I realy don't want to know." he conceded with a hum.
  105. [23:12] <Earthflame> "...It really is quite good. But ask Xi if you want to read it... Uh. Somehow?" He contemplates as he tries to escape the conversation and turn back to the scroll.
  106. [23:12] <Shen> "Maybe she could perform a dramatic reading." he offered.
  107. [23:13] <Zero_Atma> "I don't think that would be a good idea." Yoshi chimes in. "Besides, I don't think you'd enjoy that nearly as much as we would."
  108. [23:18] <Earthflame> "Let's Not..." Jian murmurs as he approaches the end, enraptured by the story...
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