
wind spear last order

Mar 16th, 2020
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  1. Accelerator clenched his teeth and slammed his hand against the wet asphalt.
  2. A great sound of destruction rang out.
  3. The tremendous power blasted the asphalt to pieces and the fragments flew in every
  4. direction, causing Kihara to move back slightly.
  5. This gave Accelerator an opening of less than a second.
  6. Accelerator used his hand to grasp the wind using that limited time.
  7. A blast of wind surged up as he controlled its vectors.
  8. “Tch!!”
  9. Accelerator heard Kihara click his tongue. The spear of violent wind shot straight by
  10. Kihara and straight at Last Order who was being held by a man in black.
  11. The wind speed was 120 m/s.
  12. That wind burst was enough to lift a car or rip a roof off a house. He tore the girl’s small
  13. body from the thick arm of the man in black and launched her from the ground. Last
  14. Order flew over several buildings that were over ten meters tall and disappeared into the
  15. background.
  17. - Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 12, Chapter 5 Part 1
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