
Good stuff

May 30th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was sitting behind the counter going over the summer inventory list that he was about to send off with the order for all their new promo merch coming up for the appropriate summer flicks. "That's Three thousand dollars worth of inventory to get us through three months, is that going to be enough?" He said frowning. "I feel like we're going to need more... that it's going to be a bsuy summer for us."
  2. Alexithymiaa: "Well you've got Wonder Woman, Spiderman, and Thor all coming out this Summer. So anything associated with those movies is going to fly off the shelves. Maybe you should order more specifically around those releases?" Adam suggested as he walked behind the counter, stowing away the cleaner he'd been using to wipe down the game tables.-
  3. Tsaaq: Bliss came from the bathroom after cleaning it thoroughly. "What's the conversation?" She asked as she put the bucket down by the counter and looked across at Eli.
  4. Covet: "You're right. All three of those I don't want to be missing stock for. I think I'll order just a little more to cover it." He looked over at Bliss and gave her a wave, "I'm just going over the summer promo order. Making sure we have enough merchendise. It's another big comic flick summer."
  5. Alexithymiaa: "It kind of seems like the last few Summers have been that way. Marvel has really been banking on the Summer release tactic for a while." He nodded, planting his hands down on the counter.-
  6. Tsaaq: "Ohhh." Bliss nodded her head then smiled at Eli. "Right! Captial idea." She smiled and looked over to Adam. "Well I'm looking forward to Wonder Woman. Hopefully it's going to be good." She said. "I would be a little peeved if it weren't."
  7. Covet: "I hope it's good too. I'm honestly a little dispointed on the marketing for it. You would think it would have more of a promotion being a female superhero, but it seems like warner brothers is dropping the ball. I haven't seen much of it, and it's definitely cheaper on the margin for Merch over Thor and Spiderman." Eli said with a frown.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "As disappointed as I am with the promotion, I'm not at all surprised. Especially with a lot of the political things going on right now." He sighed, glancing down at his hands. "The day they don't downplay women as strong lead characters will be a surprising one."-
  9. Tsaaq: Bliss sighed and leaned her elbow on the counter. "That's so unfortunate. They could really make a statement here and they're letting the oppurtunity pass them by!" She shook her head. "Well we can all see it together and judge ourselves. Does that sound good?" She asked.
  10. Covet: "I saw a thing floating around the internet about making it a point to go see the movie and support it for women. I had to agree with it. The more people who get out and go see it the better that's going to do for the movie over all. I don't want this to be set up for failure." He explained. "I'd like to do a review,...speaking of. How do you guys feel about a blog page on the store website? Disgussing things nerdy and up and coming for the shop?"
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I'm definitely up for going. I think it would be a great movie to support." He nodded, his eyes drifting back to Eli. "A blog page would be cool. Maybe opinions and reviews of new things? You could do a sort of staff picks with it so advise people what we like here."-
  12. Tsaaq: "Who would be in charge of that?" Bliss asked with her head tilted. "I suppose it could be a partial responsiblility for everyone who works here?" She suggested.
  13. Covet: "Over all, I would be, but I'd leave it open to anyone who wanted to put something up on the site. Reviews, Staff pics, Up and coming events both locally, in the movie world and farther as far as conventions go. I have one of the day shift guys looking into doing the coding and everything for us, to get the video posted online every month."
  14. Alexithymiaa: "I like this idea. It would keep the website fresh on a regular basis." He smiled to Eli, glancing over to Bliss. "Maybe we could even get some local writers to feature some of their work on there. Like a reoccuring fic or something where every Monday, or every Tuesday, they post the next chapter."-
  15. Tsaaq: Her eyebrows rose up her forehead as she listened to the expression of ideas between the two of them. "Oh yeah, sure I suppose. That seems pretty ambitious I'm sure we can work something like that out, right?"
  16. Covet: "If we have writers that are able to get things out that quick sure. I'd like to add that. Who knows maybe we can get writers and artists collaborating for their own comics and they can sort of be BTP sponsored?" He suggested.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pondered the information coming together in his brain, tapping his finger through the air. "What about if we published them? Like officially. I know this is kind of branching off of the blogging part of the site, but a publishing company wouldn't be THAT far off. And it would be a good business venture. You definitely have the background to get it up and running, especially with Professor Cohen."-
  18. Tsaaq: Bliss nodded her head despite looking a little dubious. "I'm sure we can do something like that. That actually sounds pretty nice." She said with a small shrug of her shoulders. "I suppose we can put out an ad for writers on craigslist or the school website to get everything started?"
  19. Covet: "I would love to get to that point. I think we could pull it off as our own mini independent publishing company. It's going to take funds, but we could feature them on their own rack even. Who knows how that would take off. It's a business venture I'm willing to take. We just need to really be on point with organizing it correctly. But with you guys here, I don't have any worries about that." He said excited about it. "It's not something that's going to be right away, but maybe by the end of the summer?"
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Well of course it's going to take lots of planning and work. That's completely to be expected. But I think it would be cool. In the meantime, maybe we can get an ad out to local artists and writers looking for people to post on our blog?"-
  21. Tsaaq: "Plenty of artists at school anyways." She said with a nod. "We should get that started whenever its convenient. Possibly after the semester is over. We'll have free time then." She smiled then went to tidy up by the couches.
  22. Covet: "Mhhm. If we can get our first three months done in advance that will give us something great to start up with in August. Anybody know any writers off the top of their heads that would be willing to collaborate on such a thing?" He asked them.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Well the semester is over after this week, so maybe we should get on that kind of fast?" He asked with a raise of his brow. He tried to consider writers, giving a little shrug. "Not really. Maybe we could go to the school paper?"-
  24. Tsaaq: Bliss shook her head. "Yeah I don't really know anyone either." She said with a small shrug. "Yes, the school newspaper is a good way to go." Bliss said before she went to go put more things away around the store. "You should probably write this down somewhere, dear." She called out.
  25. Covet: "I can think of a few artists that would probably be game to work on things, we'd have to give them a variety of material to choose from but I'm sure they'd be happy to do it." Eli said then looked around for something to write on, "Right... Thank you, My Love." He said finidhing a pad and paper so he could be writing things down. "What if we went to the lit teachers too? Script writing it the closest thing to storyboard writing."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Thats true. That's a good idea. We actually have a lot of resources available to us. I think taking advantage of social media would also be a good idea because it circulates fairly well. Especially at this school. People use it to put down people and spread rumors, why not use it for something positive for once?"-
  27. Tsaaq: "That's a swell idea." Bliss said from where she was. She jogged back to the front of the store. "Well today was very fortuitous. Everyone allowed their creative juices to flow. " She applauded. "What a great shift!"
  28. Covet: "Yeah... That's a really good point there. I like this and yes. very productive. I'd say have a good night Adam, but We're going to see you upstairs anyways. So let's get closed up so we can go upstairs and relax only a few more days left of finals, then Schools, out for the summer!" He said singing a bit, though it wasn't that great.
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Adam laughed and nodded, moving to the register to count out the drawer for closing up shit. Printing the things and getting it all together, he passed it over to Eli before clocking himself out so he could head upstairs. This was convenient for him.-
  30. Tsaaq: Bliss exhaled with a little and leaned against the counter. "Oh yes, I almost forgot. Feel free to get cozy up there. We'll be up in a bit." She said then turned to Eli. "I want to relax in the fort if I can help it. Got a big exam tomorrow." She said quietly, getting other things ready for closing.
  31. Covet: [Oh.. he'll help you relax Bliss...with a backrub.... since that's PG and not really naughty...and they have company....]
  32. Tsaaq: ((Smfh!))
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