
Lone Wolf

May 7th, 2018
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  1. The sun set over Everfree forest, the end of the day signalling nocturnal predators to begin their hunts. The magic that flowed through the forest produced as many oddities in the plant life as it did in the wild life; manticores, cockatrices, chimera to name a few but among them were the timberwolves.
  3. An amalgamation of branches, stones, leaves and dirt the timberwolves tread the line between crime against nature and force of nature, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light telling of their magical heritage. Quietly, a pack of timberwolves stalked through the forest, their prey in their sights, a manticore. The leader of the pack was a large alpha, his legs a thick limb of wood from shoulder to paw with an even thicker layer of bark studded with stones shingled on his limbs down his back and sides, adorning the crest of his head and tapering out at his tail. His body a hardened log of Schinopsis with leaves and vines interweaving and forming a sort of drape over his back.
  5. The alpha’s leaf like ears flexed and it let out a low growl, his timberwolf subordinates heeding his warning and coming to a halt behind their leader, including the runt. The alpha moved, circling around the manticore, using the foliage as cover while the rest of his pack hung their jaws open and spewed green smoke, the heavy fog creeping across the floor of the forest and from the underbrush. The runt was having trouble, lining up with his pack mates he breathed heavy with only a gout of smoke to show for it. The little Timberwolves wicker frame shuddered with stress, his leafy underside expanding with each attempt at spewing his noxious breath.
  7. The manticores ears flexed, then wheezing noise catching it's attention. The beast turned and was met with smoke billowing out from just beyond the treeline. The Manticore’s scorpion tail roses overhead, poised and ready to strike, his claws where bared and he opened her mouth to roar when, suddenly, a howl came from behind. The alpha stood tall on a pile of rocks his howl a signal to the rest of his pack to attack.
  9. The manticore turned to defend himself only to realize too late that he was surrounded by glowing green eyes. Timberwolves seem to form from the trees themselves, encircling the beast and keeping the noxious mist flowing from their open maws; except the runt. On the outside of the predators circle was the runt of the pack, his legs not so much branches as they were sticks with trig for claws. His body was a sturdy log but dirt and mulch stuck to it instead of the majestic leaves and vines and he simply couldn't produce the amount of noxious fumes similar to his brothers.
  11. Runt tried his best to join in, ducking and weaving through the circle of wolves and charging headlong towards the manticore. Splinter teeth bared and letting out a series of frantic yips he took the lead on the hunt and paid quickly for breaking rank. The manticores scorpion tail breathed and drooled a viscous substance before striking down with a force equally as great as its speed, spearing Runt right at the base of its neck and blasting through the thin limb. In a single strike the runts body was obliterated, scattering his wooden form about and leaving just one less Timberwolf to deal with.
  13. While the hunt began in earnest Runt’s bits and pieces shivered and squirmed, the sturdy log core acting as a rallying point for the various sticks and splinters. The magic that bound these wolves worked fervently with the inferior specimen, putting him back together. Runt’s form was reconstructed and his eyes glowed with life, shakily it rose to its feet and looked around for its pack mates only to find the clearing devoid of his pack mates with the mostly eaten carcass of the manticore remaining.
  15. Runt whimpered, inspecting the remains for anything to eat for himself only to be just as disappointed as his stomach. The hunt alone was hungry work but coupled with his recent reanimation, the timberwolf was starved and jilted that his brothers didn't leave him anything to sustain himself and though a timberwolf couldn't be killed, that didn't mean they couldn't die. A howl in the distance caught Runt’s attention, his pack had found the scent of more prey, another quarry he would only get bits and piece from. Runt whimpered and turned from the distant cacophony of howling, his brothers were clearly only interested in large prey and if Runt wanted to eat he would have to search for smaller game.
  18. The sun had fallen out of sight at Sweet Apple Acres by the time Applejack got her haul of apples back to her cart. Working by twilight Applejack was exhausted and covered in sweat and dirt, the promise of a hearty meal and a relaxing bath being her reward when she got home. With a straining grunt Applejack lifted the haul of apples onto her cart before looking at the other crated bushels still waiting to be loaded.
  20. “Next year...I'll be hiring help,” Applejack muttered.
  22. The farm mare stretched her tired muscles out before walking to the next crate when a howl froze her in her tracks. Applejack whipped around and scanned the tree line carefully, looking for the green glow of their eyes; as soon as she saw where they were coming from she could escape. Much to the farm pony’s surprise a single pair of glowing green eyes appeared in the darkness, instead of the six or so she expected; and her surprise would turn to laughter when the timberwolf revealed himself.
  24. “Well shoot! I almost mistook you for a shrub,” Applejack joked,
  26. Runt cared snarled, crouched down and ready to run after the pony if she tried to make a run for it. Inching closer he made himself as intimidating as possible but Applejack was unphased. All at once Runt charged and once more he was dealt a shattering blow as the mare turned and bucked him in the face, splintering his face and scattering him to the ground. Applejack looked at the pieces, fully expecting them to re-assemble themselves but after a few moments of inactivity she shrugged and went back to loading up the crates if apples; occasionally peering behind her to make sure the wooden mongrel wasn't just a feint.
  28. Crates loaded, Applejack let out a relieved sigh before she felt something yank her tail. Looking back, she saw Runt, revived and already swallowing her tail. Applejack yelped and belted him in the face with her powerful hind hoof and scattered him once again before pausing and looking at his body a moment more. The cycle would repeat between Applejack and Runt, she would go back to finishing her last chore before Runt would make himself known, trying to eat her tail, her hoof or take a bite out of her haunches before getting splintered by the strong earth pony and left to reassemble. Applejack wheezed, she was already exhausted from her work on the farm, her muscles aching, burning from the addtional exertion of fending off this pest.
  30. The cart dragged behind Applejack, her body protesting every foot she moved it and it seemed as if Runt was reviving at shorter intervals. Sweat dripped off Applejack's brow as Runt came back into view.
  32. “Ya’ll are messing…” Applejack said, her voice rising to a scream “With the wrong mare!”
  34. Applejack punctuated her scream with a vicious strike but her assault didn't end there. Spotting all the scattered hunks of wood Applejack unhitched herself from her apple wagon and began frantically stomping the sticks to pieces, anger guiding her and fueling her actions. Applejack stopped and collapsed her body unable to support her outburst any further. Applejack laid on her back, inhaling deeply to catch her breath, trying her best to recover when, seemingly sudden, a warm wet tongue welcomed her legs into Runts jaws.
  36. With a start Applejack kicked, pulling her legs free and striking the timberwolf but not breaking him. Runt shook his head and growled before turning back towards Applejack, circling around her as she struggled to rise to her hooves. Runt rushed Applejack and she answered his attack with a full body strike over her own, fatigue causing her to overestimate her kick. Runt was on Applejack in the second she missed, his jaws opening and viscous, sap like drool flying everywhere. Applejacks head was immediately engulfed and she screamed in fright, struggling to pull back from the beast. Runt swallowed, the mares head entering his throat and her shoulders getting drawn in, runts throat swelled, his limber frame straining and his inner magic showing through the cracks. Runt had been waiting for food all night, and the amount of times he had to re-assemble left him ravenous, whining in pleased delight from the salty taste of the mare he lurched forward, gluttonously stuffing is gullet with the mare, her forehooves and barrels all disappearing and filling the little wolf.
  38. “Ah! Ya dang varmint!” Applejack yelped “Help! Somepony, help! Please!”
  40. The speed at which she felt herself being devoured left her little time to escape from the wolf's belly when Applejack felt herself halt. A wide set of hips halted Applejack’s descent into the wolf's gut, Runts jaws unable to stretch wide enough to fit her ample hips down his throat. Sap like drool soaked Applejacks rump and thighs as they hung outside of the timberwolves mouth. A moment of relief washed over Applejack.
  42. “Heh heh, bit off a little bit more than you could chew didn't ya?” Applejack muttered.
  44. Runt thought quickly and began frantically clawing at the wooden joint of his jaw, the slat of wood unhinging from the aggressive action while inside Applejack took a breath and pushed against her confines, intending on bursting the little Timberwolf from the inside out. The swollen tangle of wood and vines cracked and splintered, letting the noxious gases inside the timberwolf shoot out in soft jets, Applejack’s strength gaining a second wind that was short lived. Each breath the apple mare took she breathed in the gases natural to the timberwolves biology and just as her strength wound down and her head began to swim Runt had ripped his own lower jaw off and left it on the ground, a wet, slapping leafy tongue hanging in its place.
  46. Applejack had stopped struggling, her body hanging limp from his jaws. Runt craned his neck up and the drool soaked mares rear slid effortlessly into his throat, needing just a few hearty swallows to pack his lion's share of meat away in his leafy belly. Applejack nearly blacked out, her body felt weightless and suddenly she was jam packed into a tight space, in the back of her mind she had an idea what had just happened but the noxious innards of the timberwolf robbed her of any effort she could muster. The large bulge in his belly lifted Runt off the ground, the mare was nothing but food now, her contours vaguely seen beyond the leaves making up his middle. Runt panted, immensely pleased with himself as his detached jaw realigned itself and completed his form only whimpering when he realized his paws couldn't touch the ground.
  48. Runt sat in the field for hours, his belly leaves shaking as his body digested the mare. Slowly the vague contours that defined Applejack’s form faded, the leafy underbelly becoming lumpy as the mare was reduced to a reeking mulch. When Runt could finally move it was deep in the night and still his belly dragged against the ground as he left Sweet Apple Acres, back to Everfree forest and vanished into the tree line.
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