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Dec 2nd, 2017
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  1. [21:58] <PaulS_laptop> and this chat is mostly for staff members who are badly in need of a break
  2. [21:58] <Lamhfhada> This is where we gather and chat to blow of stam and de-stress.
  3. [21:58] <PaulS_laptop> a break or entertainment
  4. [21:58] <Lamhfhada> Damn, beat me to it.
  5. [21:58] <PaulS_laptop> like when some dipshit finds the site
  6. [21:58] <NoZe> So, I'm kind of an intruder
  7. [21:58] <PaulS_laptop> yes
  8. [21:58] <Soulless> What, NoZe isn't one of us? That's ok
  9. [21:58] <PaulS_laptop> don't bother leaving, though
  10. [21:59] <Beam> there really isn't a "kind-of" here
  11. [21:59] <Soulless> Calm down it's not like an of the higher up can see
  12. [21:59] <PaulS_laptop> they know where you are
  13. [21:59] <Soulless> They're too busy doing their own thing
  14. [21:59] <PaulS_laptop> hey Bright!
  15. [21:59] * Soulless patpat NoZe
  16. [21:59] <NoZe> And... you're going to do something about me?
  17. [21:59] <Soulless> Oh, you won't notice it.
  18. [22:00] <PaulS_laptop> nor will you remember it
  19. [22:00] <Lamhfhada> Who knows whats going to happen.
  20. [22:00] <Soulless> In the future you may feel like something vital is missing, but rest assured it's nothing to worry about.
  21. [22:00] <Lamhfhada> The higher ups never tell us nottin.
  22. [22:00] <NoZe> And what is going to happen to the people of /x/?
  23. [22:00] <PaulS_laptop> most of them are plants
  24. [22:00] <Beam> pfft
  25. [22:00] <Beam> who cares what happens to them
  26. [22:00] <Beam> not even the rest of 4chan really cares for them
  27. [22:01] <Soulless> They're free fodder, really
  28. [22:01] <PaulS_laptop> the ones who aren't? well, we always need D class
  29. [22:01] * madfigs ( has joined #site19
  30. [22:01] <Soulless> Many would probably LOVE a chance at helping us with our experiments
  31. [22:01] <NoZe> Hey, if this is real, can you tell me something about your work? I'll like to make a comic with the concept. In fact, I'm writing it.
  32. [22:01] <PaulS_laptop> Furthering humanity
  33. [22:01] <PaulS_laptop> We further the goals of Humanity
  34. [22:01] <Beam> Oh no we cannot
  35. [22:02] <Soulless> Ah, about our work... Well, beyond what PaulS_laptop said
  36. [22:02] <Beam> secrets are lives you know
  37. [22:02] <Soulless> It's somewhat classified
  38. [22:02] * Pemander ( has left #site19
  39. [22:02] <NoZe> I see...
  40. [22:02] <Beam> which is why you're may have to be taken
  41. [22:02] <Beam> *yors
  42. [22:02] <PaulS_laptop> we can tell him. It's not like his comic'll see the light of day anyway
  43. [22:02] <Beam> *YOURS
  44. [22:02] <Soulless> Hrm...
  45. [22:02] <Soulless> Well, not too much ok PaulS_laptop
  46. [22:02] <NoZe> :D
  47. [22:03] <Soulless> We don't need the 5's getting on us for goofing off again
  48. [22:03] <PaulS_laptop> Yeah, I don't feel like having to scrub out that thing's tanks again
  49. [22:03] <Beam> We COULD send him off to see 001
  50. [22:03] <Lamhfhada> Fucking 5s
  51. [22:03] <Beam> though he'd need to "read" the file first
  52. [22:03] <Soulless> Hahahahaha, no Beam
  53. [22:03] <Beam> ;)
  54. [22:03] <Soulless> Unless you want to be the next recipeint for 747?
  55. [22:03] * Tyber ( has joined #site19
  56. [22:04] <PaulS_laptop> so yeah, we further humanity. we save lives with the kind of research we do here
  57. [22:04] <PaulS_laptop> and with the things we keep from getting loose
  58. [22:04] <NoZe> Like the men in black
  59. [22:04] <PaulS_laptop> no, not really
  60. [22:05] <Beam> haha those guys
  61. [22:05] <PaulS_laptop> good movie, though
  62. [22:05] <Soulless> We keep objects and creatures that would otherwise cause unneeded chaos...
  63. [22:05] <Beam> man they'e kinda silly rally
  64. [22:05] <Soulless> I mean, humanity causes itself enough damage as it is
  65. [22:05] * MartinSage ( has joined #site19
  66. [22:05] <Soulless> We don't need to cause it any more damage
  67. [22:06] <PaulS_laptop> And because a lot of it can be used to make neat guns
  68. [22:06] <PaulS_laptop> for the people who are still alive
  69. [22:06] <Tyber> ahhh, I see what you did there
  70. [22:06] <Soulless> Hehehe
  71. [22:06] <PaulS_laptop> can't help it. It's the division motto
  72. [22:06] <NoZe> and, I bet you're spread in the whole world. Isn't it?
  73. [22:06] <Soulless> If only 682 could be neutralized so simply
  74. [22:06] <NoZe> I like Portal
  75. [22:07] <Soulless> Well, we have to be spread out in the world...
  76. [22:07] <Soulless> But Portal's setting is in one specific place
  77. [22:07] <PaulS_laptop> not too spread out, though. It's hard to get a lot of shit done without real manpower
  78. [22:07] <PaulS_laptop> which is what you are for, NoZe
  79. [22:07] <Soulless> We're nothing like Apeture science... Our test subjects have no relaxation chambers...
  80. [22:07] <PaulS_laptop> shush, you know they do
  81. [22:07] <PaulS_laptop> 231 relaxes all day every day
  82. [22:08] <Soulless> Hahaha
  83. [22:08] <PaulS_laptop> but it's not really a test subject. more a containment situation.
  84. [22:08] <Soulless> I'm kind of glad I took that amnesiac, co-workers tell me I was terrible to deal with
  85. [22:08] * Tara_Unknown ( has joined #site19
  86. [22:08] <PaulS_laptop> Despite my proposals to the contrary
  87. [22:08] <PaulS_laptop> they offered you an amnesiac?
  88. [22:08] <PaulS_laptop> lucky bastard
  89. [22:08] * Alias ( has joined #site19
  90. [22:08] <Tara_Unknown> Hi
  91. [22:08] <Soulless> After 231 yeah, I was really bad
  92. [22:08] <NoZe> curiosity, I'm interested in things like this.
  93. [22:09] <Soulless> Tara_Unknown, we have a visitor
  94. [22:09] <Tara_Unknown> Oh?
  95. [22:09] <PaulS_laptop> Yeah
  96. [22:09] <NoZe> I'm very skeptic, though
  97. [22:09] <PaulS_laptop> And why is that?
  98. [22:09] <Tyber> don't trust us?
  99. [22:10] <Soulless> Is it all that surprising we try to relax here?
  100. [22:10] <PaulS_laptop> Some of the shit we put up with
  101. [22:10] <NoZe> You should like that someone is here and that person don't believe you at all
  102. [22:11] <Soulless> It's somewhat frustrating when people don't believe at all but stay here anyways
  103. [22:11] <PaulS_laptop> we really don't care much either way, though.
  104. [22:11] <PaulS_laptop> Not our job to round people up.
  105. [22:11] <NoZe> But, your work is to have these things in secret
  106. [22:11] <Lamhfhada> Im on break.
  107. [22:11] * Terry_McGinnis is now known as Doc_Starcraft
  108. [22:12] <Lamhfhada> Nah. We do what we are told.
  109. [22:12] <PaulS_laptop> my work is making neat guns
  110. [22:12] <PaulS_laptop> not keeping secrets
  111. [22:12] <NoZe> and, how did you get in this kind of work?
  112. [22:12] <Soulless> I have to cut dead people open and report what things I find that shouldn't normally be in dead people.
  113. [22:12] <NoZe> If is not too much to ask
  114. [22:12] <Tara_Unknown> I write reports and fill out paperwork
  115. [22:12] <Soulless> Except for that one time where I was assigned 231.... Guh.
  116. [22:12] <Lamhfhada> I watch screens all day.
  117. [22:13] <Soulless> How did I get in...
  118. [22:13] <Lamhfhada> Make sure people don't go where they aren't supposed to.
  119. [22:13] <Soulless> Mostly it is through agents and whatnot, places that seem normal
  120. [22:13] <PaulS_laptop> I stayed in milk, drank my school, got eight hours of drugs and said no to sleep.
  121. [22:13] <Soulless> I think they're called fronts or whatever
  122. [22:13] <Lamhfhada> I
  123. [22:13] <Lamhfhada> I've been working in the same place for ten years.
  124. [22:13] <Soulless> I was recruited after working at a local morgue when I found some evidence of 747.
  125. [22:14] <NoZe> Oh, just like this guy in /x/
  126. [22:14] <@Dexanote> are we tricking a newbie into thinking this is real?
  127. [22:14] <@Dexanote> hello NoZe
  128. [22:14] <NoZe> Hi
  129. [22:14] <PaulS_laptop> lighten up dex
  130. [22:14] <PaulS_laptop> it's cool
  131. [22:15] <Soulless> HarHar
  132. [22:15] <Grengalis> Wait, what?
  133. [22:15] <Lamhfhada> No. I'm playing Ripley Studderson.
  134. [22:15] <Lamhfhada> Security guard.
  135. [22:15] <Lamhfhada> Master of arms of the Museum of Artificers.
  136. [22:15] <Soulless> We're not tricking anyone
  137. [22:15] <Soulless> ;3
  138. [22:15] <Tara_Unknown> I'm still filling out paperwork about the research subject that got out and was trying to get to that damned Sumerian statue
  139. [22:15] <PaulS_laptop> plus, you know that "we're not really real" bit doesn't work anyway. It only gets on C2CAM again
  140. [22:16] <Soulless> Well, trying to cover up makes people more suspicious...
  141. [22:16] <Tara_Unknown> Claiming to be a fiction website works wonders
  142. [22:16] <Soulless> Gah, this isn't what I was on break for. Let's talk about, oh, I don't know
  143. [22:16] <Soulless> Touhou
  144. [22:16] <Grengalis> Or letting people come to that conclusion themselves.
  145. [22:17] <NoZe> That is the reason that your website is in an open domain, for everyone to see, including me?
  146. [22:17] <Lamhfhada> Yeah. I don't wanna get kicked for "roleplaying"
  147. [22:17] <PaulS_laptop> Soulless, you doing anything after your shift?
  148. [22:17] * Sykformer ( has joined #site19
  149. [22:17] <PaulS_laptop> if not, wanna go grab some dinner?
  150. [22:17] <Soulless> PaulS_laptop Sounds good, though you'll have to carry me after that thing. Have you forgotten I'm a ginuea pig now?
  151. [22:17] <Tyber> 9_9
  152. [22:18] <Tyber> you two :P
  153. [22:18] <Soulless> There's no way to undo this either...
  154. [22:18] <Sykformer> grr
  155. [22:18] <Soulless> Annoying how I'm still expected to work normal shifts.
  156. [22:18] <PaulS_laptop> Nah, haven't forgotten. Lettiuce, right?
  157. [22:18] <Sykformer> fucking power outages
  158. [22:18] <Soulless> Hahaha. And some cucumber
  159. [22:18] <PaulS_laptop> See you then. <3
  160. [22:18] <Soulless> <3
  161. [22:18] <Sykformer> I will destroy everything
  162. [22:18] <Soulless> HAhaha
  163. [22:18] <NoZe> well... i think
  164. [22:19] <NoZe> goodbye
  165. [22:19] <@Dexanote> Stop the RPing
  166. <Soulless> Hahahahaha
  167. [22:19] <@Dexanote> Hello NoZe. Sorry.
  168. [22:19] <NoZe> Maybe i'll see you another day
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