
MRVerse Chapter 4(Part 1)

Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. ----------------
  3. (Sept 1599)
  4. "" = Jalen
  5. [] = Colt
  6. {} = Raven
  7. = Qrow
  8. ' ' = Inigo
  9. ++ = Soleil
  10. It's been a year again as we left Jalen and Colt...they walk inside the Remmant Arena for the Official Rank S that which allows the winner to participate in the Major 4..4 Rank S Tourneys in which the champions of each region compete in for supreme dominance..
  12. But this won't be a easy deal...Sora will have to compete against several powerful monsters...Including the Branwen twins and their monsters...Riku(Dragon/Dragon) and Corvus(Tiger/Monol) for Raven and Qrow respectfully..The Howard siblings, Inigo and his older sister, Soleil, with their monsters...Liquel(Hare/Prince) for Inigo..and Lamsweet the Mocchi for Soleil. The last 3 were monsters that neither Jalen nor Colt cared about so they didn't remembered them.
  14. They walk inside the dugout and head to their spot as they were the last ones and look around to see everyone is there...Inigo is casting Jalen and Sora a baleful glare along with Liquel doing the same. Jalen didn't know why until he sees Soleil behind him and making a gesture of sucking his dick and pointing at him. He soon look away and blushes hard as Colt sees it and smirks(edited)
  15. [Someone have a fangirl...~] She smirks and crosses her arms as Jalen glares at her. "Shut up! It's not my fault that she liked me..." [No...] Colt rolls her eyes and leans in..[I'm sure that she couldn't resist your devilish charms...]
  17. "(Actually we met on craigslist under casual encounters...she wanted an anonymous breeding and left her door unlocked for whoever to come in..I was very horny that night and made my way to her house and...Well, I'm shocked she's not preggers...)"
  19. 'JALEN, YOU SCOUNDREL!! I HAVE NO CLUE HOW, BUT YOU SHALL PAY FOR SULLYING MY FAMILY'S GOOD NAME!!!" He shakes his fist at him while Jalen raise an eyebrow in confusion..
  20. "Dude...the fuck are you talking about?"
  24. Over on the other side while Inigo tries to rile Jalen up...Qrow sits on the bench and drinks his water with Corvus sitting down next to him while Raven leans against the wall with her eyes closed with Riku besides her laying down...Raven had been doing a lot of studying on Jalen as a rival and so far, is STILL unimpressed by him...on the outside...
  26. ON THE INSIDE, she's totally obsessed with him, she have been stalking him from afar over the past 2 years since she seen him in that one tourney...she was the one who made sure that whenever Jalen wanted his tacos well done as she held that restaurant up for him, waving her katana around threatening..She was the one who dropped boxes of ramen noodles for him to eat on his porch..Everything she did was for him..and now..she will fight him.
  28. {I've been waiting for this...Finally, I shall crush you Jalen...}(edited)
  29. The bracket loads up and the matches are as follow...
  30. Sora vs Liquel
  31. Corvus vs Aqualine(CP/Jell)
  33. Lamsweet vs Prometheus(Henger/Dragon)
  34. Riku vs Loveless(Durahan/Durahan)
  35. Both of the hares get up on the arena floor before the packed arena as Inigo clearly have his fans...but so does Jalen over the years of winning many tournies..Inigo glare at Jalen who glares back while Liquel does some jabs to scare Sora who just stretches his arms out..ready for battle
  36. 'Are you ready to pay back in defeat, bastard?'
  37. "I'm ready to make sure that you will lose here, buddy.."
  39. The bell rings as Liquel runs in and throw out a lightning fast Straight which Sora dodges just barely by moving his head to the side, he had to block a incoming Kung-Fu fist tho with his hand...both of them locked together after Sora counters back with a Smash...Liquel however reverse the grip as he turn around and throw Sora over his shoulders with a Collar Flip.
  40. Sora lands on his feet and barely dodges with a side jump after Liquel lands with a Kung-Fu Kick, leaving a noticeable crater on the ground..however, he had no time to dodge the incoming Spin Kick and is sent to a rock..
  41. 'HA! TAKE THAT!' Inigo fistpumps while Jalen looks non-concerned...
  42. "Sora, stop playing around.."
  43. Sora get off of the rock and smirks as he glares at Liquel...and disappears??
  44. Soon, a sickening crunch is heard as Liquel seems to be bend over on Sora's fist...his white fur cracking with electricity from the Kung-Fu Blow...Inigo looks shocked as does everyone else while Jalen smirks and place two fingers on his forehead..
  46. "Allow Sora to show you the power of....perfection..."
  48. {Nice...}
  49. Raven licks her lips in excitement as she gets wet down there...she knows that this tourney is gonna be a fun one..
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