
Why Nazism is Not Racist

Aug 25th, 2017
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  3. Why Nazism Is NOT Racist:
  5. The enemies of National Socialism did everything to create and link us to a picture of ignorant and prejudiced. They established policies of “racial hatred” in our own nations and the lie that we are “odious” as an excuse to shut us up. By using this pretext, we were persecuted, imprisoned and crucified by the system, and was never given the right to reply.
  6. What the enemies of National Socialism want is for the general public to not know the truth about our ideas and understand our worldview. In fact, our opponents are terrified that people understand the truth about National Socialism and that we stand for high values. His great fear is that the people rebel against the power of money, against the government and against a decaying system.
  8. Race and Natural Laws:
  10. “Think that the fundamental basis of its existence must be to their ancestors.” Walter Darré, La Política Racial Nacionalsocialista
  12. To National Socialism, the races are manifestation of the work of millennia of natural evolution and creation of human diversity. Race is the way in which nature is manifest in us. Destroy and amalgamate races - any race - would destroy all the work of Nature. It should preserve and cultivate our own strain, the legacy of our ancestors, our history and culture. By preserving the blood, we grow, collaborate and evolve with nature.
  14. We do not want and do not believe we have the right to destroy, exterminate, or impair any other race. National Socialism follows the concept of personal honor and respect for others people. We want our people as well as everyone else to create a mutual respect and be proud of their own culture, their traditions, and history.
  16. Blood and Soil:
  17. There is no denying the existence of the various races that make up the human species. When we study history, we observed that different cultures are reflective of different races. The argument that races do not exist very often is a myth currently promoted by governments and systems that profit from the creation of multicultural societies.
  19. National Socialism believes in the principle of Blood and Soil. Blood is the cultural heritage that we owe to our ancestors and how the ethnic community.
  21. When people share the same origin, creation and traditions, when they have some common ground, a land that their ancestors fought and cultivated for the future, have values and a similar conception of the world, they think and react in a similar way. If the emancipated individualist sentiment is for a sense of community; people tend to care to each other, and are not isolated individuals but members of the same people. This creates a sense of identity and bonding. This feeling is undeniable human and natural. When it exists, people work together, for the collaboration with each other to create the civilization.
  23. The Modern World is based on the materialist and capitalist world. It has nothing to do with the idea of community or cultural preservation; it is governed by a consumerist and individualistic anticulture. There is no attempt to maintain or grow the natural groups. The moral of modern societies is the pursuit of personal happiness, which would meet only with the accumulation of capital and material goods. There is no supreme value or spirituality as in National Socialism.
  25. As we are born into a certain environment and are created in a given culture we rarely think about the origin and reason for the existence of communities, societies and nations from which they came (which goes beyond history) and what really unites us all. The Community is the natural and historical consequence of the formation of any people who, over time, through marriage between persons will naturally develop a culture, a set of principles, a way of seeing the world, reaction to certain things, consequently a common history, which creates an identity and a bond. This identity and bond is natural, which has always existed in all tribes and communities of all cultures since the existence of man. This relationship creates a duty and a concern with people with whom we live, there is the goal of working for the common good of you care about.
  27. The main point of this question is to try to understand the essence of the multicultural society. Obviously no community (see that there is talk of society) is multicultural since the beginning, then what is the reason for the clustering of people from different cultures, races and principles living in the same space? What unites them? Is it a culture or unique identity? What would be the affinity between these millions of people? The answer is simple: money. The only thing that holds it all together is the system of production-labor-consumption. These are societies in which the essence is materialism and personal gain. There is no bond or mutual concern. As immigrants are people who leave their homeland to go to another to do well, earn money and spend more (“a better life”, as sociologists would say). Can you imagine an Indian out of his tribe and abandoning his people to go to another? Only modern societies try to replace that sense of community values such as the eternal search for personal profit, that money is more important than the people. The only reason for the existence of a multicultural society is trade and money, only this. Therefore, anyone, even where it is anti-capitalist, attacking “racism” would be a natural reaction to defend their space and culture. They would defend any multiracial society, and multiracialism itself, while advocating a society with no essence, history, culture or human bond, but only a system that makes use of the product for his people as purely capitalist interests.
  29. There is no reason for the existence of multiculturalism, only the capitalists profit from materialistic and individualistic societies. Exploitation only happens in multicultural societies, not in organic Communities where there is a mutual concern among people. It is perfectly natural that each race has their nation and territory, and that they can live according to their laws, cultures and values.
  31. Therefore, the current societies are multicultural, and all multicultural societies are fundamentally individualistic, materialistic and decadent.
  33. The multiracial idea promoted by degenerate sociologists, social engineers and by most Western governments is the idea that countries and nations exist for the sole purpose that individuals must live in search of money for their individual self- realization. It's time we faced the National Socialist conception it is not an abstract idea, but a natural human feeling and a reality.
  35. Facing Reality:
  37. The truth is that racial conflicts do not occur when there is the existence of ethnic Communities, wars and cultural clashes occur only in multiracial societies. It is the instinct of self-preservation that creates hatred and discord, but thanks to multiculturalism that puts different people in the same states, which defends the interests of one another while attacking.
  39. The harsh reality is that multicultural societies do not work. While there are groups of people with values, religions and culture in one location, I.E. a way of seeing the world, they react to certain things in a different way. There will be hatred, discrimination, prejudice and war. It is in the nature of human beings to identify with his neighbor. The bonds formed by the origin, creation and tradition are a reflection of the power of the blood and form our worldview. Different people and cultures have different views. Ideally, each ethnic group has its territory and nation to live according to their laws, their customs and culture farming.
  41. The word “racism” can have many different connotations. Some use it as hatred of one race to another, others that it is self-preservation and worship of ethnicity and culture. The point is that National Socialism is a doctrine of love, pride and honor. If there are legitimate multiculturalists, we are. We believe that all races should cultivate their own culture and that the mixture of these creates conflict and destroy them. We do not want the annihilation or inferiority of any race, but the preservation and evolution of human diversity and their differences.
  43. Millions of Eastern European Gentiles volunteered to fight against the Judeo- Bolsheviks and their Red Army in the East. 50,000 White Russians fought with the 6th Army at Stalingrad alone and they all fought to the end in that desperate battle. Hundreds of thousands more Western and Central Europeans volunteered to help to fight in the Waffen SS alongside their Eastern Brethren against Judeo-Bolshevism on the Eastern front. They fought so fiercely even in the face of overwhelming odds. Kosher Stalin was begging his fellow Jews to open up a second front in the West. Only a tiny percent of the Waffen SS were German Nationals. The mass majority were Europeans from every free Nation in Europe. Even some English fought in the ranks.
  45. Hitler had accomplished for the first time in known history what no other Man had ever done before. He had united European Nations and peoples to fight together as one against the Jewish monster in the East and the whole of global Jewry as well. Europeans had decided they wanted to be free and were fighting by the millions to be free from Jewry. Beyond that, even Indians, Blacks, Japanese, and Tibetan Gentile warriors fought in the Axis ranks as honored Gentile Brothers-in- Arms. It is a little known fact that Hitler and the Dali Lama were allies and thousands of dead Tibetans in German uniforms were pulled from the rubble of Berlin where they died fighting with thousands of other free Gentiles warriors.
  47. In the memoirs of a Black soldier who served as a combat solider in Hitler’s Army. He stated the Black and White soldiers shared the same barracks, ate at the same mess tables, had equal rights and respects, and were friends. While Blacks serving in the American Army where treated as inferiors and not even allowed to eat at the same table as Whites. National Socialism as Hitler stated is based on racial respect.
  49. The famed Indian Nationalist Leader Subhas Chandra Bose met personally with both Hitler and Himmler and also spoke to large meetings of Axis leaders in Europe and was received by them as a hero. Bose went to the thousands of Indian POWs in German custody who where captured as part of the British Army in North Africa who had refused to break their oath of service to England. After speaking with them en mass and telling then the truth, thousands of Indians volunteered to fight for National Socialism and became National Socialists as Bose himself was in essence, and were treated as equals by the Germans.
  51. Bose even wanted to model important aspects of National Socialist Germany for the new Indian Nation he hoped to create. Today all across India there are thousands of murals devoted to Bose who is a celebrated hero; many murals depicted the iconic meeting of Bose with Hitler both shaking the other hand.
  53. The Jews have lied about Hitler and projected their vulgar racism onto him falsely.
  55. Hitler’s OWN statements on the subject of actual racialism: “I promise you I am quite free from all racial hatred. It is, in my case, undesirable that one race should mix with other races. Except for a few gratuitous successes, which I am prepared to admit, systematic crossbreeding has never produced good results. Its desire to remain racially pure is proof of the vitality and good health of a race. Pride in one’s own race – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.”
  57. Hitler wanted each Gentile Race to preserve their own unique genetic line and culture and work to become the best people they could be in the Cosmos. That is real care for the healthy order of life, where the Jew wants to destroy it.
  59. Waffen-SS General Leon Degrelle stated: “German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a search for excellence, a noble ideal. National Socialist racialism was not against the other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all other races did the same for themselves...National Socialist racialism was loyal to the German race and totally respected all other races.”
  61. WHY NAZISM IS NOT RACIST by David Myatt - Original Article:
  63. National-Socialist Germany:
  64. The government and officials of National-Socialist Germany strove hard to uphold and live by the ethics of National-Socialism, as did every genuine National-Socialist, even after the defeat of NS Germany in what has become known as the First Zionist War.
  66. Thus, in NS Germany, groups such as Muslims and Buddhists were accorded full respect, and allowed to practise their religion freely. In the pre-war years, NS Germany helped organize a pan-Islamic world congress in Berlin. Berlin itself was home to thriving Muslim and Buddhist communities, of many races, and the Berlin Mosque held regular prayers even during the war years, attended by Arabs, Indians, Turks, Afghans and people of many other races. Indeed, the Berlin Mosque was one of the few buildings to survive the lethal, indiscriminate, bombing and bombardment, and although damaged, it was clearly recognizable as a Mosque amid the surrounding rubble.
  68. NS Germany was home to exiles from many races, including respected individuals such as Subhas Chandra Bose, leader of the Indian National Army, and Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Both received significant financial support from the German government and both enthusiastically collaborated with Hitler.
  70. There was also, of course, the alliance with Japan, and while the Allies - and particularly the Americans - were revvelling in and spreading derogatory anti- Japanese propaganda (many American GI’s thought “the Japs” were not human) the Germans were extolling their virtues and regarded them as “comrades-in-arms”. While the Germans honoured Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto with one of their highest decorations for gallantry, a Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, American GI’s ruthlessly exterminated Japanese soldiers, it being common practice for them to “take no prisoners” and execute any Japanese soldier who surrendered. Incidentally, two other Japanese warriors were also honoured by Germany by being awarded the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves.
  72. There was also, of course, the links between NS Germany, the SS, and various Muslim and Arab organizations, even before the First Zionist War. For instance, the Egyptian Greenshirt organization revered both Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, while Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (which lives on to this day in organizations like Hamas), made several complimentary remarks about Hitler. There was also a pro-National-Socialist coup attempt in Iraq, led by Rashid Ali.
  74. Thus, while the British in Egypt and Palestine were treating the Arabs as conquered subjects, the Germans were treating them as equals, as comrades, and respecting their culture, and even to this day in places like Egypt many Arabs fondly recall their meetings with these “nazis”. In fact, Egypt was to become something of a haven for National-Socialists after the War, with hundreds of former SS and German officers helping the post-War anti-British government of Gamal Abdal Nasser, who was associated with the Muslim Brotherhood and a relative of the Egyptian publisher who published an Arabic version of Mein Kampf.
  76. These SS and German officers included Major General Otto Ernst Remer, Joachim Däumling, former Gestapo chief in Düsseldorf, and SS Officer Bernhard Bender, who allegedly also converted to Islam.
  78. Most revealing of all, perhaps, are the friendly links between NS Germany, the SS, and various Jewish organizations. SS Officer Adolf Eichmann was known to have travelled to Palestine in the years before the war where he met Jewish settlers, Jewish leaders, and German agents. His relations with these Jews were always very cordial and friendly.
  80. Of particular interest is the attempt, in 1941 (52yf) by the Jewish group Irgun Zevai Leumi (known to the British in Palestine as the Stern gang) to collaborate with Hitler and Germany:
  82. “On condition that the German government recognizes the national aspirations of the ‘Movement for the Freedom of Israel’ (Lehi), the National Military Organization (NMO) proposes to participate in the war on the side of Germany...” [Document number E234151-8 at Yad Vachem in Jerusalem].
  84. The German NS government, however, refused to recognize such Jewish “national aspirations” since it conflicted with the policy of their ally Mohammed Amin al- Husseini who was opposed to the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine. Thus, the attempted Jewish collaboration failed.
  86. Conclusion: To quote Waffen-SS General Leon Degrelle:
  88. “German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re- discovering their culture. It was a search for excellence, a noble ideal. National Socialist racialism was not against the other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all other races did the same for themselves. That was demonstrated when the Waffen SS enlarged its ranks to include 60,000 Islamic SS. The Waffen SS respected their way of life, their customs, and their religious beliefs. Each Islamic SS battalion had an imam, each company had a mullah. It was our common wish that their qualities found their highest expression. This was our racialism. I was present when each of my Islamic comrades received a personal gift from Hitler during the new year. It was a pendant with a small Koran. Hitler was honoring them with this small symbolic gift. He was honoring them with what was the most important aspect of their lives and their history. National Socialist racialism was loyal to the German race and totally respected all other races.” Leon Degrelle - Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS (Lecture given in 1982). Reprinted in The Journal of Historical Review, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 441-468.
  90. I myself have saught to understand the purpose of our lives, as human beings, and so studied, first-hand in a practical way, most of the major religions of the world - Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam - as well as philosophy from Aristotle to Heidegger, literature from Homer to Mishima, and science from its earliest beginnings. I have spent long hours, day after day, often week after week and sometimes month after month, talking with Muslim scholars, Buddhist and Taoist Masters, Christian priests and theologians, Hindu ascetics, and a multitude of ordinary people of different faiths, cultures, and races. My very life, my very experiences among the different cultures, the different faiths, of the world, reveals the truth of National-Socialism: its desire for harmony, honour, and order.
  92. My own life, my experiences, my National-Socialist writings, expose the propaganda lies of those opposed to National-Socialism: those social engineers who have saught, and who do seek, through the usury of a world-wide consumer-capitalism, to exploit this planet and its peoples and so destroy diversity and difference and everything that is noble and evolutionary.
  94. A true, a genuine, National-Socialist does not go around “hating” people of other races just as National-Socialists are not disrespectful of the customs, the religion, the way of life, of people of other races.
  96. As I have said and written many times, we National-Socialists respect other cultures, and people of other races, because we uphold honour. Honour means being civilized; it means having manners: being polite; restrained in public and so on. Honour means treating people with courtesy and respect, regardless of their race and culture. We National-Socialists express the view that a person should be proud of their own culture and heritage, respectful of their ancestors and their ancestral way of life, and accept that other peoples have a right to be proud of their own culture and heritage as well. The ideal is a working toward mutual understanding and respect. What we must remember is that whenever we hear or see the words racism and racist we are hearing and seeing Zionist social engineering at work. Our duty, as Aryans, is to uphold and strive to live by our own Aryan values of personal honour and loyalty to our folk.
  101. Race: natural identity of each individual, determined by genetic makeup (blood) which indirectly forges ones way of life (culture).
  103. Racism: word employed indiscriminately to constrain any expression contrary to the playbook that would abolish the sense of racial identity by encouraging mongrelization. Differs negative racial perspective (the unjustified hatred against the different), the positive racial perspective, which is nothing more than the natural instinct of preservation and love for the genetic inheritance from ancestors. It should be remembered that the conflict is born of cultural promiscuity, the intrusion of a people in another, wherever it occurs; this is a historical fact. Therefore, the best measure to combat racial hatred is precisely to assert racial differences and promote policy of sound proud of each group in its natural territory.
  105. Racism is a word most famously coined by the Jew Communist Trotsky. This for the reason of advancing the Jew World Order by vilifying all Gentile races who wish to exist and not be annihilated as a diverse people into a global Jewish Order of villainy and terror. Where Jewish Communism dominates racial extermination programs in the form of racial mixing is promoted. Never for the Jews but by Jews for the Gentiles. Under the JewSSR and in the current West with Jewish Kosherial Marxism. Xianity also pushes this as well.
  107. Its also a nod to the fact the Jew projects what it is on to its enemies. The only race on earth who views racial difference as a licence to murder, enslave and terrorize is the Jew race which dehumanizes the entire Gentile world. And uses this to exploit, murder and harm all non-Jewish peoples. In the never ending Jewish race war upon humanity. Then sits back and pretends its the victim to create a sympathy ploy to get close to sink its fangs in the hosts neck.
  109. Racialism: stage of intellectual maturity in which, for the sake of independence from the playbook of “desirable” opinions, acknowledging the differences between humans and their classification into races. Accepting this view of the world - that is even intuitive, but for artificial reasons have been tainted - is the key to liberation from the shackles of political correctness condition. Knowledge and respect to the races is one of the stages in the evolution of the individual.
  111. 666BLACKSUN.COM
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