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Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. Error: release acs-export-cronjob failed: CronJob.batch "acs-export-cronjob" is invalid: [spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.spec.containers: Required value, spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.spec.restartPolicy: Unsupported value: "Always": supported values: "OnFailure", "Never"]
  3. NAME: acs-export-cronjob
  4. REVISION: 1
  5. RELEASED: Wed Oct 17 14:12:02 2018
  6. CHART: generic-job-0.1.0
  8. applicationName: users
  9. command: publishAllForRealm
  10. image: <censored>
  11. jobAppArgs: ""
  12. jobVmArgs: ""
  13. jobgroup: acs-export-jobs
  14. name: acs-export-cronjob
  15. schedule: 0 * * * *
  18. applicationName: users
  19. command: publishAllForRealm
  20. image: <censored>
  21. jobAppArgs: ""
  22. jobVmArgs: ""
  23. jobgroup: acs-export-jobs
  24. name: acs-export-cronjob
  25. resources:
  26. cpu: 100m
  27. memory: 1Gi
  28. schedule: 0 * * * *
  29. sonicNodeGroup: api
  30. springProfiles: export-job
  32. HOOKS:
  35. ---
  36. # Source: generic-job/templates/rbac.yaml
  37. apiVersion: v1
  38. kind: ServiceAccount
  39. metadata:
  40. name: acs-export-cronjob-sa
  41. ---
  42. # Source: generic-job/templates/rbac.yaml
  43. kind: Role
  44. apiVersion:
  45. metadata:
  46. name: acs-export-cronjob-manager
  47. rules:
  48. - apiGroups: ["extensions"]
  49. resources: ["deployments"]
  50. verbs: ["get"]
  51. ---
  52. # Source: generic-job/templates/rbac.yaml
  53. kind: RoleBinding
  54. apiVersion:
  55. metadata:
  56. name: acs-export-cronjob-binding
  57. subjects:
  58. - kind: ServiceAccount
  59. name: acs-export-cronjob-sa
  60. roleRef:
  61. kind: Role
  62. name: acs-export-cronjob-manager
  63. apiGroup:
  64. ---
  65. # Source: generic-job/templates/generic-job.yaml
  66. apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
  67. kind: CronJob
  68. metadata:
  69. name: acs-export-cronjob
  70. labels:
  71. app: generic-job
  72. chart: "generic-job-0.1.0"
  73. release: "acs-export-cronjob"
  74. heritage: "Tiller"
  75. spec:
  76. schedule: 0 * * * *
  77. successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 5
  78. failedJobsHistoryLimit: 5
  79. concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
  80. startingDeadlineSeconds: 120
  81. jobTemplate:
  82. spec:
  83. metadata:
  84. name: acs-export-cronjob
  85. labels:
  86. jobgroup: acs-export-jobs
  87. app: generic-job
  88. chart: "generic-job-0.1.0"
  89. release: "acs-export-cronjob"
  90. heritage: "Tiller"
  91. spec:
  92. template:
  93. metadata:
  94. labels:
  95. jobgroup: acs-export-jobs
  96. app: generic-job
  97. chart: "generic-job-0.1.0"
  98. release: "acs-export-cronjob"
  99. heritage: "Tiller"
  100. annotations:
  101. arn:aws:iam::<censored>:role/k8s-service-role
  102. spec:
  103. restartPolicy: Never #<----------this is not 'Always'!!
  104. serviceAccountName: acs-export-cronjob-sa
  105. tolerations:
  106. - key: sonic-node-group
  107. operator: Equal
  108. value: api
  109. effect: NoSchedule
  110. nodeSelector:
  111. sonic-node-group: api
  112. volumes:
  113. - name: config
  114. emptyDir: {}
  115. initContainers:
  116. - name: "get-users-vmargs-from-deployment"
  117. image: <censored>
  118. command: ["sh", "-c", "kubectl -n eu1-test get deployment users-vertxapp -o jsonpath="{..spec.containers[0].env[?('APP_SPECIFIC_VM_ARGS')].value}" > /config/users-vmargs && cat /config/users-vmargs"]
  119. volumeMounts:
  120. - mountPath: /config
  121. name: config
  122. - name: "get-users-yaml-appconfig-from-deployment"
  123. image: <censored>
  124. command: ["sh", "-c", "kubectl -n eu1-test get deployment users-vertxapp -o jsonpath="{..spec.containers[0].env[?('APP_YAML_CONFIG')].value}" > /config/users-appconfig && cat /config/users-appconfig"]
  125. volumeMounts:
  126. - mountPath: /config
  127. name: config
  128. containers: #<--------this field is not missing!
  129. - image: <censored>
  130. imagePullPolicy: Always
  131. name: "users-batch"
  132. command:
  133. - "bash"
  134. - "-c"
  135. - 'APP_SPECIFIC_VM_ARGS="$(cat /config/users-vmargs) " APP_YAML_CONFIG="$(cat /config/users-appconfig)" /vertx-app/'
  136. env:
  137. - name: FRENV
  138. value: "batch"
  139. - name: STACKNAME
  140. value: eu1-test
  141. - name: SPRING_PROFILES
  142. value: "export-job"
  143. - name: NAMESPACE
  144. valueFrom:
  145. fieldRef:
  146. fieldPath: metadata.namespace
  147. volumeMounts:
  148. - mountPath: /config
  149. name: config
  150. resources:
  151. limit:
  152. cpu: 100m
  153. memory: 1Gi
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