

Oct 11th, 2016
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  1. "Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the free market, and accept that the accumulation of exploitative private capital and contractual slavery are the only means to world peace, and taxes are literally Hitler!"
  2. At this moment, a proud, Leninist dialectical materialist comrade who had page-by-page annotated the collected works of Marx and Engels, and tattooed the Theses on Feuerbach to his inner eyelids, held up a copy of Human Action and exclaimed: "Does man act and think of his own volition?"
  3. The arrogant professor grinned (voluntarily) and conservatively mumbled "of course, you statist Islamic Obammunist Nazi. All thoughts are causa sui. If the poor have no bread, let them eat cake."
  4. "Wrong. Our values, desires, and preferences are inculcated in us by ideological state apparatuses, the bourgeois controlled superstructural sphere which infuses our defining social practices and the belief in our self-conscious agency through interpellation. They are but products of social reality and the reproduction of the modes of production by the superstructure, further engendering the base in reciprocal, dialectical fashion."
  5. The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of 'Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom'. He stormed out of the room crying those unregulated, market chosen tears (his property of course). There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Hans Hermann Hoppe, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a bourgeois capitalist interested in somehow being against the free movement of peoples and for monarchy at the same time despite his libertarian stance. He wished so much that he could reconcile with Habermas, but the market had selected against it!
  6. The students applauded and all linked hand in hand singing 'The Internationale', marching to emancipate the workers from their enslavement, overturning the private ownership of the means of production and accepting the end of class society. An eagle named 'The Proletariat' flew into the room and perched atop the three volumes of 'Das Kapital' and shed a single tear on the stack. 'What Is To Be Done?' was read several times and the spectre of communism itself showed up and demonstrated how the history of all hitherto existing society was the history of class struggle.
  7. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day (by his own choice). He died of dehydration rather than (voluntarily) drinking fluoridated water and his 'books' were disregarded for all eternity.
  8. Oh, that student's name? Maybe you've heard of him: Louis Althusser.
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