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a guest
Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. winner-player:
  2. - "&a&f&l&m--------------------------------------"
  3. - ''
  4. - ''
  5. - '%center%&eWinner &7- &7%player%'
  6. - ''
  7. - ''
  8. - '&r%center%&e&l1st Killer &7- &b%firstTopPlayer% &7- &b%firstTopKills%'
  9. - '&r%center%&6&l2st Killer &7- &b%secondTopPlayer% &7- &b%secondTopKills%'
  10. - '&r%center%&c&l3st Killer &7- &b%thirdTopPlayer% &7- &b%thirdTopKills%'
  11. - ''
  12. - ''
  13. - "&a&f&l&m--------------------------------------"
  14. no-winner-player:
  15. - "&a&f&l&m--------------------------------------"
  16. - ''
  17. - ''
  18. - '%center%&eWinner &7- &7None'
  19. - ''
  20. - ''
  21. - '&r%center%&e&l1st Killer &7- &b%firstTopPlayer% &7- &b%firstTopKills%'
  22. - '&r%center%&6&l2st Killer &7- &b%secondTopPlayer% &7- &b%secondTopKills%'
  23. - '&r%center%&c&l3st Killer &7- &b%thirdTopPlayer% &7- &b%thirdTopKills%'
  24. - ''
  25. - ''
  26. - "&a&f&l&m--------------------------------------"
  27. youNotThereInArena: '&cYou not there in arena!'
  28. no-games-queue: '&cNo games in queue!'
  29. player-killed-by-none:
  30. - '&7%player% &ewas killed by &7void'
  31. player-killed-by-player:
  32. - '&7%player% &ewas killed by &7%killer%'
  33. action-bar: '&eThere are &c%remaing% &eplayers remaing!'
  34. arena-messages:
  35. you-not-there-in-arena: '&eYou not there in the arena!'
  36. full-game-start: '&eThe game is full starting in &b10 &eseconds'
  37. game-stop: '&cGame stopped!'
  38. you-already-joined: '&eYou already joined in arena'
  39. full-game: '&cArena full'
  40. ingame: '&eGame already started'
  41. pregame: '&eGame already started'
  42. ending: '&eArena are ending!'
  43. arenaEvents:
  44. refillEvent: '&aRefill'
  45. refillEventTitle: '&eAll the chests have been filled.'
  46. timeEvents:
  47. refillEvent: 180
  48. no-permissions-command: '&cYou not have permissions!'
  49. arena-not-exist: '&eArena not exist in the list games'
  50. you-left-arena: '&cYou left in the arena'
  51. titles:
  52. winnerPlayer: '&6&lVICTORY!'
  53. winnerPlayerSpectator: '&c&lGAME END!'
  54. joinGame: '&e&lSKYWARS'
  55. playerDead: '&c&lYOU DIED!'
  56. nextEvent: '&f'
  57. countdownLobbyStart: '&c%seconds%'
  58. subtitles:
  59. winnerPlayer: '&7You were the last man stand!'
  60. winnerPlayerSpectator: '&7You weren''t victorious this time'
  61. joinGame: '&aGood luck!'
  62. playerDead: '&7You are now a spectator!'
  63. nextEvent: '&e%eventTitle%'
  64. countdownLobbyStart: '&ePrepare to fight!'
  65. spectatorsAutoTeleportDistanceTP: 10
  66. playerTeleport: '&aYou teleported to &b%player%'
  67. spectatorsInventoryOptions: '&eSpectator Options'
  68. spectatorsInventoryOptionsRows: 4
  69. spectatorsItems:
  70. noFlySpeed:
  71. name: '&aNo Speed'
  72. item: 301,1,0
  73. slot: 11
  74. lore:
  75. - '&eRemove your speed!'
  76. flySpeedI:
  77. name: '&eSpeed I'
  78. item: 305,1,0
  79. slot: 12
  80. lore:
  81. - '&eSet your speed I'
  82. flySpeedII:
  83. name: '&6Speed II'
  84. item: 317,1,0
  85. slot: 13
  86. lore:
  87. - '&eSet your speed II'
  88. flySpeedIII:
  89. name: '&cSpeed III'
  90. item: 309,1,0
  91. slot: 14
  92. lore:
  93. - '&eSet your speed III'
  94. flySpeedIV:
  95. name: '&4Speed IV'
  96. item: 313,1,0
  97. slot: 15
  98. lore:
  99. - '&eSet your speed IV'
  100. autoTeleportDisable:
  101. name: '&cDisable Auto Teleport'
  102. item: 345,1,0
  103. slot: 20
  104. lore:
  105. - '&7Click to disable auto teleport'
  106. autoTeleportActivate:
  107. name: '&aActivate Auto Teleport'
  108. item: 345,1,0
  109. slot: 20
  110. lore:
  111. - '&7Click to activate auto teleport'
  112. nightVisionActivate:
  113. name: '&aActivate Night Vision'
  114. item: 381,1,0
  115. slot: 21
  116. lore:
  117. - '&7Click to activate night vision'
  118. nightVisionDisable:
  119. name: '&cDisable Night Vision'
  120. item: 368,1,0
  121. slot: 21
  122. lore:
  123. - '&7Click to disable auto teleport'
  124. hideSpectatorDisable:
  125. name: '&cHide Spectators'
  126. item: 331,1,0
  127. slot: 23
  128. lore:
  129. - '&7Click to hide spectators!'
  130. hideSpectatorActivate:
  131. name: '&aShow Spectators'
  132. item: 348,1,0
  133. slot: 23
  134. lore:
  135. - '&7Click to show other spectators!'
  136. alwaysFlyDisable:
  137. name: '&cDisable Always Flying'
  138. item: 288,1,0
  139. slot: 24
  140. lore:
  141. - '&7Click to disable always flying!'
  142. alwaysFlyActivate:
  143. name: '&aActivate Always Flying'
  144. item: 288,1,0
  145. slot: 24
  146. lore:
  147. - '&7Click to enable always flying!'
  148. playerTrackerMenu: '&ePlayer Tracker Menu'
  149. playerTrackerInfoHead:
  150. nameHead: '&7%player%'
  151. informationHead:
  152. - '&7Health: &b%health%%'
  153. - '&7Food: &b%food%%'
  154. items-game:
  155. kitItemSelector:
  156. name: '&cKit Selector &7(Right Click)'
  157. item: 261,1,0
  158. slot: 1
  159. lore:
  160. - '&eChange or select your kit'
  161. spectatorTracker:
  162. name: '&a&lTeleporter'
  163. item: 345,1,0
  164. slot: 0
  165. lore:
  166. - '&aPlayer tracker!'
  167. settingsSpectator:
  168. name: '&b&lSpectator Settings'
  169. item: 356,1,0
  170. slot: 4
  171. lore:
  172. - '&aSettings Spectator!'
  173. itemLeave:
  174. name: '&c&lReturn to Lobby'
  175. item: 355,1,0
  176. slot: 8
  177. lore:
  178. - '&cLeave item!'
  179. voteItem:
  180. name: '&6Game Settings'
  181. item: 377,1,0
  182. slot: 0
  183. lore:
  184. - '&7Game settings'
  185. itemLobby:
  186. name: '&aShop &7(Right Click)'
  187. item: 175,1,0
  188. slot: 4
  189. lore:
  190. - '&7Buy your preferences!'
  191. arenasItem:
  192. name: '&eGames &7(Right Click)'
  193. item: 145,1,0
  194. slot: 0
  195. lore:
  196. - '&7List of the game!'
  197. kit-messages:
  198. inventoryName: '&e&lKit Selector'
  199. inventoryRows: 2
  200. kitCommandProccess: pex user %user% add %permission%
  201. kitSelected: '&eYou have selected the kit &b%kit%'
  202. kitPermission: '&eYou need permissions to use this kit'
  203. kitMoney: '&cYou do not have enough money to buy this kit'
  204. kitBought: '&eYou have properly purchased the kit'
  205. kitError: '&cError occurred when try buy a kit. Try again!'
  206. kitRemoved: '&cYou removed a current kit!'
  207. cage:
  208. cage-free-name: '&a%cageName%'
  209. cage-selected-name: '&2%cageName%'
  210. cage-permission-needed-name: '&c%cageName%'
  211. cage-cost-name: '&c%cageName%'
  212. trail:
  213. trail-free-name: '&a%trailName%'
  214. trail-selected-name: '&2%trailName%'
  215. trail-permission-needed-name: '&c%trailName%'
  216. trail-cost-name: '&c%trailName%'
  217. cage-inventory:
  218. selected-cage: '&eYou selected a cage &b%cage%'
  219. permissions-cage: '&cYou need permissions for this cage &b%permission%'
  220. already-selected: '&eYou already selected this cage!'
  221. bought-cage: '&eYou bought a cage &b%cage% &ecomplete!'
  222. failed-bought-cage: '&cFailed when try bought a cage &b%cage% &ctry again!'
  223. need-money-forbuy: '&eYou need more money for buy this cage'
  224. removed-current-cage: '&eYou removed your current cage.'
  225. cageCommandProccess: pex user %user% add %permission%
  226. trail-inventory:
  227. selected-trail: '&eYou selected a trail &b%trail%'
  228. permissions-trail: '&cYou need permissions for this trail &b%permission%'
  229. already-selected: '&eYou already selected this trail!'
  230. bought-trail: '&eYou bought a trail &b%trail% &ecomplete!'
  231. failed-bought-trail: '&cFailed when try bought a trail &b%trail%&c try again!'
  232. need-money-forbuy: '&eYou need more money for buy this trail'
  233. removed-current-trail: '&eYou removed your current trail.'
  234. trailCommandProccess: pex user %user% add %permission%
  235. trail-info:
  236. trail-free:
  237. - '&7Set %trailName% as your'
  238. - '&7for players look'
  239. - '&7your trail arrow'
  240. - '&r'
  241. - '&7Status: &aUNLOCKED'
  242. trail-selected:
  243. - '&7Set %trailName% as your'
  244. - '&7for players look'
  245. - '&7your trail arrow'
  246. - '&r'
  247. - '&7Status: &aUNLOCKED'
  248. - '&aSELECTED!'
  249. trail-permission:
  250. - '&7Set %cageName% as your'
  251. - '&7for players look'
  252. - '&7your trail arrow'
  253. - '&r'
  254. - '&7Status: &cLOCKED'
  255. - '&'
  256. trail-cost:
  257. - '&7Set %trailName% as your'
  258. - '&7for players look'
  259. - '&7your trail arrow'
  260. - '&r'
  261. - '&7Status: &cLOCKED'
  262. - '&bCost: &a%cost%'
  263. cage-info:
  264. cage-free:
  265. - '&7Set %cageName% as your'
  266. - '&7for players look'
  267. - '&7your awesome cage'
  268. - '&r'
  269. - '&7Status: &aUNLOCKED'
  270. cage-selected:
  271. - '&7Set %cageName% as your'
  272. - '&7for players look'
  273. - '&7your awesome cage'
  274. - '&r'
  275. - '&7Status: &aUNLOCKED'
  276. - '&aSELECTED!'
  277. cage-permission:
  278. - '&7Set %cageName% as your'
  279. - '&7for players look'
  280. - '&7your awesome cage'
  281. - '&r'
  282. - '&7Status: &cLOCKED'
  283. - '&'
  284. cage-cost:
  285. - '&7Set %cageName% as your'
  286. - '&7for players look'
  287. - '&7your awesome cage'
  288. - '&r'
  289. - '&7Status: &cLOCKED'
  290. - '&bCost: &a%cost%'
  291. game-starting: '&eSkyWars starting in &b%time%'
  292. pregame-starting: '&eYou will be thrown from your box in &b%time%'
  293. game-started-good-luck:
  294. - "&a&f&l&m--------------------------------------"
  295. - '%center%&f&lSkyWars'
  296. - ''
  297. - '%center%&f&lFight against your enemies in'
  298. - '%center%&f&leach island that exists and eliminates one'
  299. - '%center%&f&lby one try to not be your the deleted or'
  300. - '%center%&f&lyou will lose the game good luck'
  301. - ''
  302. - "&a&f&l&m--------------------------------------"
  303. - '&c&lUsing hacks is ban'
  304. cheststype:
  305. chest-normal: Normal
  306. chest-insane: Overpowered
  307. chest-basic: Basic
  308. alreadyVoteChest: '&eYou already vote for %type%'
  309. vote-chest: '&5%player% &6vote for &5%type% Chest&6! &e%votes% votes&6'
  310. vote-no-permission: '&eYou not have permission buy a rank for get permissions!'
  311. lobby:
  312. displayname: '&9&lGameZone'
  313. lines:
  314. - '&7%name%'
  315. - ' '
  316. - '&eUccisioni: &f%kills%'
  317. - '&eMorti: &f%deaths%'
  318. - '&eGiocate: &f%games%'
  319. - '&eVinte: &f%wins%'
  320. - ' '
  321. - '&fCoins: &a%coins%'
  322. - ' '
  323. - '&eMc.GZEU.It'
  324. vote-selector:
  325. chest:
  326. menu-name: 'Game Options: Vote Menu'
  327. rows: 5
  328. inventory:
  329. shopCage:
  330. menu-name: 'Cage Shop: Buy and Select'
  331. rows: 6
  332. shopTrail:
  333. menu-name: 'Trail Shop: Buy and Select'
  334. rows: 6
  335. shopKit:
  336. menu-name: 'Kit Shop: Buy and Select'
  337. rows: 6
  338. shop:
  339. menu-name: 'Shop Lobby: Buy Items'
  340. rows: 4
  341. items-inventory:
  342. removecage-item:
  343. slot: 49
  344. name: '&cClear cage'
  345. item: 327,1,0
  346. lore:
  347. - '&eClear your current'
  348. - '&ecage and get normal cage'
  349. removetrail-item:
  350. slot: 49
  351. name: '&cClear Trail'
  352. item: 327,1,0
  353. lore:
  354. - '&eClear your current'
  355. - '&etrail and get normal trail'
  356. removekit-item:
  357. slot: 49
  358. name: '&cClear Kit'
  359. item: 327,1,0
  360. lore:
  361. - '&eClear your current'
  362. - '&ekit and not get a kit'
  363. back-item:
  364. slot: 45
  365. name: '&c<- Black'
  366. item: 262,1,0
  367. lore:
  368. - '&eBack to shop'
  369. chest-vote-basic-item:
  370. slot: 20
  371. name: '&aBasic Chest'
  372. item: 116,1,0
  373. lore:
  374. - '&7Game with basic chest'
  375. - '&r'
  376. - '&7Has &3%votes%'
  377. - '&eClick to vote!'
  378. chest-vote-normal-item:
  379. slot: 22
  380. name: '&6Normal Chest'
  381. item: 46,1,0
  382. lore:
  383. - '&7Game with normal chest'
  384. - '&r'
  385. - '&7Has &3%votes%'
  386. - '&eClick to vote!'
  387. chest-vote-insane-item:
  388. slot: 24
  389. name: '&cInsane Chest'
  390. item: 120,1,0
  391. lore:
  392. - '&7Game with insane chest'
  393. - '&r'
  394. - '&7Has &3%votes%'
  395. - '&eClick to vote!'
  396. waiting:
  397. displayname: '&e&lSKYWARS'
  398. lines:
  399. - '&7%date%'
  400. - ' '
  401. - '&fPlayers: &a%alivep%/%maxp%'
  402. - ' '
  403. - '&fWaiting players..'
  404. - ' '
  405. - '&fMap: &a%map%'
  406. - ' '
  407. - '&'
  408. starting:
  409. displayname: '&e&lSKYWARS'
  410. lines:
  411. - '&7%date%'
  412. - ' '
  413. - '&fPlayers: &a%alivep%/%maxp%'
  414. - ' '
  415. - '&fStarting in: &a%secondsStart%s'
  416. - ' '
  417. - '&fMap: &a%map%'
  418. - ' '
  419. - '&'
  420. pregame:
  421. displayname: '&e&lSKYWARS'
  422. lines:
  423. - '&7%date%'
  424. - ' '
  425. - '&fPlayers: &a%alivep%/%maxp%'
  426. - ' '
  427. - '&fGame start in: &a%secondsRelease%s'
  428. - ' '
  429. - '&fMap: &a%map%'
  430. - ' '
  431. - '&'
  432. playing:
  433. displayname: '&e&lSKYWARS'
  434. lines:
  435. - '&7%date%'
  436. - ' '
  437. - '&fNext Event:'
  438. - '&a%eventName% %eventTime%'
  439. - ' '
  440. - '&fPlayers left: &a%alivep%'
  441. - ' '
  442. - '&fKills: &a%kills%'
  443. - ' '
  444. - '&fMap: &a%map%'
  445. - ' '
  446. - '&'
  447. play-again-not-games-found: '&cGames not found!'
  448. player-killed-by-suffocation:
  449. - '&7%player% &ewas killed by &bsuffocation'
  450. player-killed-by-explosion:
  451. - '&7%player% &ewas killed by &bexplosion'
  452. player-killed-by-drowning:
  453. - '&7%player% &ewas killed by trying &bdrowning'
  454. player-killed-by-falling-block:
  455. - '&7%player% &ewas killed by &bfalling block'
  456. player-killed-by-lava:
  457. - '&7%player% &etry swim in &blava'
  458. player-killed-by-fire:
  459. - '&7%player% &etry to be the master of fire'
  460. player-killed-by-void:
  461. - '&7%player% &ewas killed by void'
  462. player-killed-by-fall:
  463. - '&7%player% &ewas killed by fall'
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