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Sugary Sweet Suguri, a Juliana/Kieran fap fic by Sugupocalypse

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Feb 1st, 2024
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  1. "Whew... Who knew going trick-or-battlin' could be so fun," Suguri says, leaning against the wall outside my mother's house and looking into his little basket full of sweet treats. The autumn sunset covers the dark colours of his hair and outfit in a soft orange glow. "Paldea sure is a nice place to live... Guess you miss out on a lot of stuff when you're livin' in the middle of nowhere or cooped up in a dorm..."
  3. I flash him a grin. "I just wanted to show you something fun to do that's new for you, like you did with me in Kitakami."
  5. "Thank you for givin' me a good time, Aoi," he says, clutching the Love Ball of the Applin, now an Appletun, I traded him close to his chest. He smiles and for a split second I catch another glimpse of the sweet, earnest, star-struck boy I fell in love with the instant I saw him. If only I'd found the courage to act sooner.
  6. "Felt a bit bad about beatin' those kids in battle, though," he continues, tapping his thigh with a fist. "They're gonna get obsessed with us and seek revenge, I'm sure! Aw, man..."
  8. "Not everyone is as competitive as my favourite battle partner," I say, pointing straight at him. "And they did seem very happy with sharing their sweets with us, after all."
  10. Suguri raises his gaze towards the darkening sunset and fixes his bangs in front of his forehead. "Let's take a pic before it gets dark! Come closer!"
  11. He takes out the old phone I gave him as a gift and holds it in a selfie angle, while adjusting the fake Poochyena ears on his head. I just need an excuse to buy him a new phone. I can't stand him being out of my reach for long any more.
  12. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him closer to me instead, adjusting my Mismagius hat and raising my index and middle fingers in a victory sign. He flashes the camera a wide, toothy grin and flexes his fingers in a clawing gesture, accentuated by the black nail polish and all the rings he's wearing.
  14. "Super adorable..."
  15. Suguri looks at the photo, golden eyes shining in excitement. I can share that feeling; we're finally free to make as many memories and take as many pictures together as we want. I'll make sure of that!
  17. "That you are!"
  19. "N-no, I'm not adorable," he says, his cheeks blushing. "S-stop that..."
  21. "You walked right into that one. You're adorable and you can do nothing but accept that!"
  22. He falls silent, a faint hint of a smile on his lips, as his gaze lingers on the ground covered in red fallen leaves. I inhale deeply, letting the fresh air fill my lungs. The sunset has turned completely brown.
  23. "Wanna come to my room, Sugu-kun? So you can check if my basket has some treats you like?"
  25. "S-sure..." His voice trembles slightly. "You... you don't have to give me your treats though..."
  27. "There's more than enough for both of us, baby boy," I say, as I take Suguri's hand and lead him to my mother's house, locking the door behind us.
  29. "I'm n-not a baby," he says, as his hold on my hand tightens.
  31. "You're my baby boy!"
  32. Before Suguri can reply, the last piece of a wonderful idea falls into place in my mind.
  33. "Hold it for me for a second, will you?"
  34. I motion to hand him my basket and the second he lets go of my hand to take it, I pick him up in my arms and run upstairs.
  36. "Wha... What are you doin'...?"
  37. He clings onto me for support and I'm hit with a sudden, pleasant warmth that spreads to my entire body.
  38. "Aoi! Please... please watch your step!"
  40. "Don't mind me and watch your head instead!"
  41. Almost completely out of breath, I run past the last step and enter my bedroom, kicking the door shut behind myself. I place Suguri on my bed and the mattress dips slightly under his weight as he falls in a lying position, one basket in each hand.
  43. "Aw, man... Why do you always gotta be the strong one..."
  44. I don't get to take a proper look at Suguri's smooth, pale stomach left bare by his striped shirt hiking up, before he grips onto the bed covers and sits up. Trying not to cover his invitingly flushed cheeks in kisses is an effort greater than carrying him in my arms.
  46. "If you don't want me to carry you... then put some meat on your bones," I say between heavy breaths, putting my costume hat away in the closet. "Or don't. Tiny Sugu-kun is too perfect to pass up!"
  48. He squirms, as his blush grows deeper. "Speakin' of," he says, as he holds his basket in front of himself and bows his head, "please take some of my sweets, Aoi..."
  50. Soda Pop and Lemonade candies, liquorice wheels, Sweet Honey throat drops and especially Melty Choco chocolates are very tempting, but the sweetest treat on the planet is already in front of me.
  51. "Thank you, Sugu-kun, but I'm not hungry. Take some of mine instead!"
  53. "Um..."
  54. Suguri's delicate, uncertain fingers tip my basket towards himself and rummage through the sweets, before finding a single lollipop in a purple wrapper. "An apple-flavoured lollipop... I didn't get one, can I have it? Just this one?"
  56. I sit next to him on the bed. "Take all you want, baby boy. No need to ask."
  58. He smiles as he unwraps the lollipop and pops it into his mouth. "Thank you," he says, his breath whistling through the plastic stick.
  60. I feel like I did during the festival in Kitakami, when he bought candy apples for both of us, with his pocket money none the less, and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I can't stop looking at him now either as I put the two baskets away on the floor and scoot closer to him, patting my thighs.
  61. "Sit on my lap, will you?"
  63. Looking at me straight in the eyes, Suguri moves to face me directly, his legs on either side of my hips and his weight all on my thighs. He grins, bright eyes half-lidded and pouty lips glistening from the lollipop, as I wonder if I've successfully managed to position myself as the centre of his universe just like he did with mine.
  64. He takes the lollipop out of his mouth and a thin strand of saliva breaks as he faces away from me.
  65. "S-sharin' is carin'," he says, holding the lollipop in front of me.
  67. How very bold. "If you wanted something resembling a kiss, you could've just asked, Sugu-kun."
  68. I take hold of Suguri's delicate wrist and close my lips around his offering. The candy tastes suspiciously like him and another surge of warmth hits me.
  70. "W-wowzers... Didn't expect you to actually do that..."
  71. A drop of sweat runs down his temple and I don't lick it away only because my mouth is already occupied. I reach up to ruffle his soft hair, bringing him closer, and he trembles, wide-eyed.
  73. "Open that pretty mouth for me..."
  74. Suguri complies and takes the lollipop back in his mouth. My purple sweater that was supposed to look like a Mismagius costume is getting a bit too warm.
  75. Wouldn't his mouth feel great all over me?
  76. I fan my face as sweat rolls down my stomach. I feel like my head is going to explode.
  78. "Mmm... Aoi..."
  79. He shifts his weight in my lap and grips the bed covers again, apparently only one more compliment away from falling on top of me. Pretty fingers tipped in black wrap around the lollipop stick. I want to kiss them one by one.
  80. Suguri's other hand shakily travels down from the little collar adorning his neck to hold up the attached leash in front of my face.
  81. "Make me... yours..."
  83. What am I doing? He's just a kid. I'm just a kid.
  84. I'm supposed to protect his innocence, yet I know he's the only one who can provide me solace from the burning pit in my stomach. I'm afraid simply kissing him won't quell my hunger any more.
  85. I want to shower him in positive attention. I want to be the only one to witness his most intimate side. I want to make him melt in my arms as I repeat that he deserves my love as many times as necessary. I want him to scream my name and come undone beneath me. I want...
  87. "W-wai-wai-wait...! Aw man, not now..."
  88. He buries his hands between his thighs, long hair falling on his flushed face as he hangs his head.
  89. It's cute that he thinks he should hide that from me. Being kids won't prevent us from having desires, and as the older of the two, it's my responsibility to make sure such desires are explored safely...
  91. "Hey, look at me, Sugu-kun," I say, placing a hand to his jaw to let my gaze meet his again. "I'll take good care of you. I'll make you mine. You're already mine..."
  92. Suguri's jaw drops and he takes the almost completely eaten lollipop out of his mouth. I take advantage of the distraction to hook a finger under his collar and gently pull him towards me, placing a kiss on his neck mole. I let him fall on top of me on my bed and tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, offering him a smile.
  94. "A-Aoi, i-it's ticklish..."
  95. Suguri's long bangs brush against my face as he's closer to me than ever. He pants slightly, eyes heady and half-lidded. His jacket has fallen off from his shoulder, and... is he rubbing up against me...?
  96. Something about him being so openly vulnerable with me makes me burn up even harder.
  98. "I know," I say, letting my hand wander beneath his shirt to touch his smooth skin, "that's why I want to kiss your pretty neck... I want to kiss you everywhere, really."
  99. I push him slightly to shift on top of him and he makes a startled sound as his back hits the mattress again.
  100. "Mine... Yeah, sounds great to me. Sugu-kun is mine..."
  102. He bucks his hips against me, seemingly by instinct, as what remains of the lollipop crunches between his teeth.
  103. "Please, don't tell anyone, not a single soul..."
  104. He removes his head band with the fake ears and runs his fingers through his tousled, messy hair. I still think he looks the cutest with his hair down, just like when I first met him.
  105. "Especially not my sister..."
  107. I bury my head in the crook of Suguri's neck, grazing the skin around his mole with my teeth. He shudders, gripping my sweater right above my chest.
  108. "Shh, it's okay, Sugu-kun," I whisper against his neck. "This is our little secret. Nobody else has the right to know what happens between girlfriend and boyfriend."
  109. I dip my head and kiss him just a little below his mole. His skin is so soft and tastes so sweet I can't help but kiss it hard, hard enough to make him moan and wrap his arms around me to pull me closer. Seduced, I flick my tongue against that very same spot.
  111. "More... F-feels good... A-aaah-Aoi..."
  112. He rubs up against me once more. There's no way he doesn't know what he's doing. I move my head lower and place small kisses on his chest, eliciting a flurry of playful gasps. Spurred by his lovely reaction, I take one of his tiny, dark nipples in my mouth and he lets out a delicious cry of pleasure.
  114. "So sensitive," I say, cupping one of Suguri's soft, flushed cheeks in my hand. He gives me a look I can only interpret as pleading.
  115. "Now that I think about it," I continue, touching the little red mark I left on his neck, "Seille-san is just as cute and interesting as her baby brother... She must have someone who wants her like I want you, who's to say she isn't doing something like this with someone right about no-"
  117. "Waaah! I wanna hear none of that stuff!"
  118. He covers his reddened face with his hands, only letting his eyes peek out from between his fingers. "Don't wanna know! Don't wanna think!"
  119. He gasps, almost teary-eyed. "I-I just wanna think of you, an' kiss you, an'... t-touch you..."
  121. This boy is going to be the end of me. I brush his hair away from his face, tip my head to the side and place my lips upon his. He opens his sugary-sweet mouth, letting my tongue in and gently caressing it with his own.
  122. I need that kind of caress all over my body. I move away and the kiss breaks, leaving a thick trail of saliva connecting my lips to his, but he pulls me close and reconnects the kiss to place a small, clumsy bite on my lip and gently suck my tongue.
  123. It's too much. It's not enough. I want more.
  125. "Mmm... Aoi... Mine," he moans between licks. The warmth is getting overwhelming. Suguri's rosy tongue hangs out of his mouth slightly as he breaks the kiss to take deep breaths. All that sugar must've made his saliva extra thick...
  127. "Hey, Sugu-kun," I say, as I can barely contain my panting myself, "how would the cutest, coolest boy on the planet go on about touching me...?"
  129. He bites his lip. "I wanna make you feel good... I'd touch you... however you want me to..."
  130. He shudders when I get closer to him again to place a kiss on his warm cheek.
  132. "Maybe you can start from here?"
  133. I remove my sweater in front of Suguri's incredulous eyes and rub a hand on my stomach to dry my sweat.
  134. I'm going to push the limits of how flustered he can get.
  135. "We're so close already, Sugu-kun," I say, moving one cup of my bra out of the way to reveal a breast. "It's fine, you can touch these!~"
  137. "A-A-Aoi's... b-b-b... b-beautiful..."
  138. Suguri buries his face in his hands again, but this time I take hold of his wrists and pin them to the bed. He has no choice but to stare back at me with lust budding in those fascinating eyes of his. My chest against his, I can feel his heart beating like crazy. I've never felt like this before I met him, and I've never felt it so bad before now.
  139. "Pretty... Pretty, pretty, pretty," he says, mesmerised, as I let his wrist slip out of my grasp to allow him to touch me.
  141. "You're pretty," I say, savouring the feeling of Suguri's gentle fingers grazing the curve of my breast. He looks positively entranced, wide eyes fixed on mine and finger tips slightly digging in my skin, as I remove my bra entirely to free my breasts.
  142. Lying down on the bed next to him, I place an arm around his shoulders to draw him closer and whisper to his ear.
  143. "Go ahead, Sugu-kun. Kiss them. Suck them."
  145. Gaze fixed on my chest, Suguri moves to hover over me and tips his head to the side, messy hair falling over one eye. He smirks, a drop of sweat gracing his flushed cheek, and dips down on my chest. He inhales deeply, as if I didn't smell like sweat and nothing else, then licks his lips and kisses my other, previously untouched, breast. So painfully slowly he may in fact be doing it on purpose. Before I can urge him to move a bit faster, he squeezes my right breast and descends upon the other one, taking its nipple in his mouth. Shooting me an upward glance that makes my heart skip a beat, he puffs his cheeks up and sucks my nipple, hard. This is more like it!
  147. "Aha... You're a good boy," I say, voice rough from excitement, fingers entangling in Suguri's hair to pet his head. He keeps sucking, eyes fluttered shut and fingers holding my breast in front of his face.
  148. I feel a knot tightening in my stomach. It's still not enough. He bucks his hips against mine and I'm reminded I also need some friction. Without taking my hand off Suguri's head, I sneakily unzip my pants with my other hand. He pauses his sucking to look over his shoulder. He must've heard that.
  150. "Hey, Sugu-kun..."
  151. For a second I can only hear the sound of his breathing, as he flashes me a conspiratorial, almost manic grin I can only react to with one of my own. I pull my pants down a bit, panties sticking to me as a reminder of how much I need some sort of release. He glances to the side, obviously trying not to stare too much.
  152. "Bet you can make me feel real good if you touch me here. Wanna try?"
  154. "Nyehehe... Of course," he giggles.
  155. He runs a hand along my abdomen and squeezes my waist, what looks like a spark of determination shining in his golden eyes. What a tease.
  156. He smiles soothingly as his hand slides in my panties, the unknown feeling of another's fingers making me shiver.
  157. "It's hot... an' slippery," he says, face flushed.
  159. "Is that a bad thing?"
  160. Please don't say it's a bad thing. I buck my hips by instinct to seek more, more of this.
  162. "Nope!"
  163. The very same gleeful smile I failed to protect for months on end yet I couldn't get enough of graces Suguri's mouth. Singularly focused on me, he rubs his fingers against my wet flesh, biting his lip. I'm not going to last long at all.
  164. "Am I doin' well...?"
  166. I nod repeatedly, panting. He's just touching me but it's enough to send shocks to my entire body.
  167. "You're doing great... just a little higher, ple-"
  169. He obliges and touches my most sensitive spot directly, eliciting a groan I can barely repress.
  170. "Wowzers," he says, leaning over me to press a kiss to my mouth without pausing his motions. I take advantage of the closeness to lick a faintly salty drop of sweat off his neck. I buck against his hand once more.
  171. "I wanna keep doin' this with you forever," he continues, a hint of his more determined nature showing in his heady gaze. "With Aoi only... I kept wonderin' what it'd feel like to touch you, over an' over again..."
  173. "What a lovely... obsessed... little... pervert," I say through ragged breaths. If he rubs me the right way once more, it'll be over for me already. "That's what's been going through my head... since the first time we met. I should've just... dragged you along with me... and had my way with you."
  174. One more stroke of Suguri's fingers. I feel myself only getting wetter.
  175. "You'd have liked that... am I right, Sugu-kun?"
  177. "W-wowzers, totally," he says, his long hair brushing against my face and partially obscuring his eyes. "I-I'm yours for you to do with as you please, Aoi. Always have been!~"
  178. A boy after my own heart. How could I be so foolish not to realise his feelings for me immediately?
  179. "Everythin' I did," he continues, smiling through irregular breaths, "all the lengths I went to... it was all because I loved you since the beginnin'..."
  181. That's it. He rubs my sweet spot again and I see stars. Bucking my hips wildly and panting, I cover my mouth to suppress my grunts, all while he stares at me, wide-eyed and attentive. I take deep breaths, one hand on my chest and the other on my eyes, as I come down from this wonderful little high.
  182. "It's okay..." I clear my throat. "It's okay, Sugu-kun, you can stop... you went above and beyond for me..."
  184. "Really?"
  185. Suguri moves his hand away from me and brings it to his face. A thin trail of fluid between his middle and ring finger breaks.
  186. "Is that all?"
  187. His eyes narrow unreadably, as he runs his tongue along his fingers and laps my fluid up without breaking eye contact with me.
  188. I clutch the bed covers uncomfortably. Suguri is mine. Mine, mine, mine. Only mine. Mine only. Aoi's property-
  189. "'Cause I can do more. I can do better."
  191. "Aha... Ahaha, how eager, Sugu-kun... Give me a second, then..."
  192. I did particularly want his mouth on me, after all. I get off my bed to quickly remove my shoes and pants. Sitting on the bed buck-naked in front of Suguri and his fascinated stare, I lean close to his face and brush his lips with a finger.
  193. "Can you... use your mouth this time?"
  195. Suguri places a feather-light kiss on my finger, giggling. Falling to his knees in front of me, he dives head-first between my thighs and devours me like the hungriest person in the world.
  196. My back hits the bed this time and I can't help but squeeze his head between my thighs as he takes my sweet spot in his mouth and sucks on it.
  197. I feel as if he were sucking on all my most sensitive spots at once, his clumsy but eager motions sending shocks of pleasure to my entire body.
  198. He sends me another upward glance that makes me shiver, before slowly sliding his tongue inside me.
  199. Searching for more contact, I push him harder against me with a hand on his head and he leans into the touch, a smile in his eyes. His tongue slides out and he's back to eating me like ice cream.
  200. Can he feel how all my blood is rushing to the same spot? Can he feel just how good he's making me feel?
  202. "Uuugh..."
  203. I cover my mouth. Letting him hear that groan would be too embarrassing.
  204. I buck my hips again as Suguri's tongue flicks against me and I can't suppress another groan, nor handle all this pleasure any more.
  205. Brain overwhelmed. Pleasure too much. Flesh over-sensitive.
  206. "A-aaaah... slower, slower, slower..."
  207. Panting uncontrollably, I pet Suguri's head, trying not to push him away too hard.
  209. He moves away from me, entire ropes of drool and fluid splitting between his mouth and me.
  210. Wide-eyed, he raises the corners of his mouth, giggling like the cute little boy he is, and tips his head to the side. Has he gone a little bit crazy with lust like I have?
  211. "W-was I good... enough...?"
  213. So cute, so sweet. And so mine. I pull him into a kiss, his shaky arms wrapping around my bare shoulders. His mouth smells like me and tastes like me as he pulls away from me slightly, panting, to stick his tongue out and show me just how much he's swallowed.
  214. Just how much he belongs to me.
  215. "Very. So much more than... just enough," I say, breathless. A laugh I can barely contain erupts through all my body, and I don't know why. "I can't believe... how good you are to me, Sugu-kun."
  216. I'm gonna have to work hard to match his levels in effort and determination in pleasuring me. And to get him addicted to eating me out because that's very well the best feeling I've ever had in my entire life.
  218. He faces away from me, cheeks still flushed, to wipe his chin with the back of his hand and presumably attempt to conceal his smile. I pick a stray hair sticking to his cheek away.
  219. His other hand makes its way back to between his thighs, suspiciously.
  220. Picking my panties off the floor and putting them back on, I sit on the bed in front of him.
  221. "A-Aoi..."
  222. Droopy eyes seemingly imploring me, he clings onto me, gripping my arms. So there's still some shyness left in him? How adorable.
  224. "What is it, Sugu-kun?"
  225. I take a strand of Suguri's hair and kiss it. I can never run out of ways I'm willing to explore to show how much I adore him.
  226. "I promised I'd take care of you. What would you like me to do?"
  228. His hands slide off my arms and he lifts his shirt, grinning coyly. The love bite I left on him is still faintly visible.
  229. "Anythin' you wanna do to me's fine... Please, just touch me..."
  231. I didn't think it was even possible to fall in love with him harder, but apparently I was wrong.
  232. "I'm going to make you feel good. Like the most loved person in the world. Because you are!"
  233. I touch him between his thighs, through his jeans, and he lets out a wanton moan, before slapping a hand over his mouth. Boy, is he hard.
  234. "Let me hear that voice, Sugu-kun. You must be so pent up..."
  235. I slide his jacket off his shoulders and place a kiss to his now bare arm. He stands up, grinning.
  237. "Watch me, Aoi..."
  238. Suguri tugs his shirt off, leaving his hair attractively messy.
  239. Is he finally going to offer his naked body to my sight? I tremble in anticipation.
  240. After removing his shoes, he pulls his pants down, granting me a nice view of his soft thighs and of the little mole adorning his left one, and lies down on my bed, never breaking eye contact. He sighs in pleasure when I drape my naked body over his, my breasts fully pressing on his chest, and giggles.
  242. The skin-to-skin contact warms me up in an instant and fast-tracks my heart beat again. I unclip the leash of his collar, still on his neck, and pull on it to draw him as close to me as possible.
  243. He flashes me a down right ecstatic smile when I pull his tight black boxers down and finally reveal his erection. It's just as red and flushed as its owner as he covers his cheeks with his hands and flicks his gaze up and down. Just as cute, as well.
  245. I've never wanted him more. I have to gather all my strength not to do something very stupid and just jump his bones.
  246. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling the boyish scent of his hair. He just leans his head on my chest and sucks on my nipple again, making me shiver.
  247. "Yeah, that's good... Feast on me, Sugu-kun."
  249. He lets out a satisfied little noise as I pet his hair soothingly and rub him up and down. I take him fully in my fist, taut skin sliding down and revealing dewy drops of clear fluid on his tip.
  250. "You're hot and slippery," I say, smiling.
  251. I'm going to devour him just like he devoured me.
  253. Suguri lets go of my breast and clings to my shoulders, panting.
  254. "'Cause you're doing this to me, A-Aoi..."
  256. I hug him tight and place a kiss on his lips, making him tremble. Letting go of him, I trail kisses on his sweaty, flat stomach, and he writhes under me, moaning at this point unashamedly.
  257. "Cute. Now you can only accept all the love and pleasure I'm giving you!"
  258. I take him in my mouth and he jumps. He's a bit too big to fit in my mouth, or my mouth is too small, maybe. He tastes salty, and I want more.
  259. I want to taste no one else but Suguri.
  261. He grips my shoulder harder, fingers digging in my skin, and his other hand combs through my hair, shakily pushing me against himself. I bob my head up and down, caressing him with my tongue, and he all but quakes.
  262. I don't even know if I'm doing well but it seems to be working. My sweet baby boy, so pent up and so easy to please...
  264. "Ah, hah, Aoi, 's too much..."
  265. He huffs and pants, hanging his head to stare at me in the eyes.
  266. "H-haaaa, more, please..."
  267. How can I not comply? Still rubbing him, I suck harder, his tip hitting the back of my throat, just shy of making me choke. I pause my sucking for just a moment to place a bite on his thigh, making him squirm.
  268. "Keep going... mmnh, don't stop... don't stop, don't stop!"
  270. I raise my free hand to rub his cheek, and he leans into the touch. My jaw is sore but I'm not going to fail in repaying him for how good he's been to me.
  271. Still flushed, he draws short, heavy breaths and I feel my mouth being filled with fluid. Very strong-tasting, stinging fluid, but still... Suguri's.
  272. I take my cue to lift myself off of him as he falls back on my bed limply, his breathing slowing down and his gaze empty.
  273. Cheeks puffed up, I fish around in my pants to fetch a tissue and spit some of the fluid. I can't swallow all of it.
  274. I lean close to Suguri to stick out my tongue and show him my mouth, still a bit full of him, and before I can swallow, he pulls me in a kiss and sucks his own fluid off me.
  275. ... How utterly debauched. Now I feel my sweat rolling down my back instead. Just how full of surprises is he? I can't help but grin even while he kisses me and sucks on my tongue.
  276. He lets go of me, the giggle erupting through his tiny body quickly replaced by coughing.
  277. I can't repress my coughing either. His taste is just too strong.
  279. "Don't know what to say," he says, a hand on his chest as his breathing evens out, "except..."
  281. "'Wowzers'," I say, grinning.
  283. He giggles once more. Something that brightens my day more than the sun.
  284. "T-thank you, Aoi..." He leans his head on my shoulder, breath tickling my skin. He looks like a mess, hair even more seemingly out of control than usual. The cutest mess.
  285. I'd rather not think of how messy I look myself.
  287. "Don't thank me," I say, pulling the bed covers over both.
  288. Suguri snuggles close to me and lets out a satisfied sigh. He clings onto me as if he were afraid I'd abandon him all of a sudden.
  289. "This is all because I love you," I continue, running my fingers through his hair.
  291. "Mmm... love you too," he says, nuzzling against my neck. "So much."
  292. He looks at me with what seems like adoration -obsession?- and that's just as well because I'm obsessed with him too.
  294. "I can't wait to try even more things with you, Sugu-kun."
  295. I wrap my arms around him and face him.
  296. "Once we're both ready, I'd like to claim all your firsts. Your virginity. Does that sound good to you?"
  298. He places a hand on my chest and looks up at me, grinning. "Ain't all my 'firsts' already yours?"
  300. "Well, that's great, then!"
  301. Still embracing Suguri, I lazily extend an arm outside my bed to pick a random treat from one of the two baskets on the floor. It's a liquorice wheel.
  302. I open the wrapper and unroll part of the liquorice with my teeth, but he grabs my wrist and takes a bite off it first.
  303. I watch him, fascinated, as he chews and suddenly grimaces.
  305. "Ugh... it's bitter..."
  307. "Even if it were sweet, it still wouldn't be as sweet as you!"
  309. "Aw, man," he says, red-faced. "Stop embarrassing me...!"
  311. "Neeever," I say, ruffling his hair. "You're just too super adorable."
  313. He laughs. "T-that's not how you say that!"
  315. I press a kiss to his temple. The now-dark blue tint of the evening sky filters through the window. Not enough to mask the black of Suguri's hair and its fascinating purple highlights.
  316. We could get off the bed and take a shower or a bath together, maybe. A great occasion to dote on him more, although I would hardly be able to keep my hands off him.
  317. Playing with my hair and just letting me listen to his breathing, Suguri doesn't seem in a hurry to get up either. There's still time.
  318. The good part is only getting started.
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