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a guest
Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. alsa-utils
  2. ctags
  3. dialog
  4. dmenu
  5. dunst
  6. git
  7. gnome-keyring
  8. google-chrome
  9. grub
  10. gtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-git
  11. htop
  12. i3blocks
  13. i3-gaps
  14. i3lock
  15. imagemagick
  16. jdk-openjdk
  17. libnotify
  18. mpc
  19. mpd
  20. mpv
  21. neofetch
  22. neovim
  23. networkmanager
  24. noto-fonts
  25. noto-fonts-emoji
  26. pavucontrol
  27. pulsemixer
  28. python
  29. ranger
  30. rtorrent
  31. runelite-git
  32. sxiv
  33. tmux
  34. tree
  35. ttf-dejavu
  36. ttf-emojione
  37. ttf-inconsolata
  38. ttf-liberation
  39. ttf-linux-libertine
  40. ttf-symbola
  41. unclutter-xfixes-git
  42. unrar
  43. unzip
  44. urlscan
  45. vim
  46. wget
  47. xclip
  48. xcompmgr
  49. xdotool
  50. xorg-server
  51. xorg-xdpyinfo
  52. xorg-xinit
  53. xorg-xwininfo
  54. xurls
  55. xwallpaper
  56. yay
  57. youtube-dl
  58. zathura
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