Guest User


a guest
Dec 13th, 2017
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  1. <templateSet group="user">
  2. <template name="debug" value="echo &quot;&lt;pre&gt;&quot;;&#10;\Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump($input$);&#10;echo &quot;&lt;/pre&gt;&quot;;&#10;exit();" description="Debug with Doctrine" toReformat="false" toShortenFQNames="true">
  3. <variable name="input" expression="" defaultValue="" alwaysStopAt="true" />
  4. <context>
  5. <option name="PHP" value="true" />
  6. </context>
  7. </template>
  8. <template name="debugconfig" value=" 'phpsettings' =&gt; [&#10; 'display_errors' =&gt; 1&#10; ],&#10; 'front' =&gt; [&#10; 'throwExceptions' =&gt; true,&#10; ],&#10; 'template' =&gt; [&#10; 'forceCompile' =&gt; true,&#10; ],&#10; 'httpcache' =&gt; [&#10; 'enabled' =&gt; false,&#10; 'debug' =&gt; true,&#10; ],&#10; 'cache' =&gt; [&#10; 'backend' =&gt; 'Black-Hole'&#10; ],&#10; 'model' =&gt; [&#10; 'cacheProvider' =&gt; 'Array'&#10; ]," description="Debug shopware config" toReformat="false" toShortenFQNames="true">
  9. <context>
  10. <option name="PHP" value="true" />
  11. </context>
  12. </template>
  13. <template name="templateconfig" value="&#9;,'front' =&gt; [&#10; 'showException' =&gt; true&#10; ],&#10;&#10; 'phpsettings' =&gt; [&#10; 'display_errors' =&gt; 1&#10; ],&#10;&#10; 'template' =&gt; [&#10; 'forceCompile' =&gt; true&#10; ],&#10; 'snippet' =&gt; [&#10; 'readFromDb' =&gt; true,&#10; 'writeToDb' =&gt; true,&#10; 'readFromIni' =&gt; false,&#10; 'writeToIni' =&gt; false,&#10; 'showSnippetPlaceholder' =&gt; false,&#10; ]," description="creates the debug config for template training" toReformat="false" toShortenFQNames="true">
  14. <context>
  15. <option name="PHP" value="true" />
  16. </context>
  17. </template>
  18. <template name="template-rumble" value="@-webkit-keyframes rumble {&#10; 0% { .transform(rotate(0deg)); }&#10; 25% { .transform(translate(2px, 0px) rotate(-3deg)); }&#10; 50% { .transform(translate(0px, -2px) rotate(0deg)); }&#10; 75% { .transform(translate(-2px, 0px) rotate(3deg)); }&#10; 100% { .transform(translate(0px, 2px) rotate(0deg)); }&#10;}&#10; &#10;.rumble {&#10; .animation(rumble .0625s infinite linear);&#10;}" description="Add the template advanced rumble css" toReformat="false" toShortenFQNames="true">
  19. <context>
  20. <option name="CSS" value="true" />
  21. </context>
  22. </template>
  23. <template name="template-scroll" value="@-webkit-keyframes rumble {&#10; 0% { .transform(rotate(0deg)); }&#10; 25% { .transform(translate(2px, 0px) rotate(-3deg)); }&#10; 50% { .transform(translate(0px, -2px) rotate(0deg)); }&#10; 75% { .transform(translate(-2px, 0px) rotate(3deg)); }&#10; 100% { .transform(translate(0px, 2px) rotate(0deg)); }&#10;}&#10;&#10;.rumble {&#10; .animation(rumble .0625s infinite linear);&#10;}" description="Add template advanced scroll nav css" toReformat="false" toShortenFQNames="true">
  24. <context>
  25. <option name="CSS" value="true" />
  26. </context>
  27. </template>
  28. </templateSet>
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