

Dec 14th, 2019
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  1. The BASEMENT was where she did most of her work. A nondescript building in a non-descript location somewhere in central - bordering Downtown. Layers upon layers of rooms within rooms, behind doors with an exit that leads to one of the Subway tunnels, she was well below ground while the buzz of electricity and static danced around her. Neon lights danced with code that lined the many monitors which surrounded her as she sat on her Throne, one foot propped up on the desk, sneaker resting against the edge, the other curled up into atop the seat, near her crotch. Headphones on, eyes focused she was honed in on the lines of binary that flickered every so often, glitches so readily apparent to her from the cybernetic eye while her mind filtered what was seen. Beside her, a simple alarm clock sat tick-tocking with every minute that passed as delicate fingers tapped over the keyboard at a furious pace. "Almost.. almost.." Her teeth bit down into her bottom lip while she concentrated on the task at hand. A relatively simple transaction for a Gang who'd required FETISH to infiltrated a large corporation, get behind their firewalls and to hack into the system in order to override safety procedures and security protocols. While it was good - she was better and had done it many a time for others - a costly endeavor for those that required it, but lucrative for her. Nearing midnight, she had only so much time, however, before being caught on the other end - so she had wired herself to the system using implants and various cybernetics that The Creator had defined as important to debilitate and literally fry the Companies surveillance and along with her other objectives. Staring from the inside out, she literally walked her brain through the wiring, the code and into the belly of the beast whereupon which she ciphered then breached the mainstay and server itself. "BINGO.." A tap to her left ear. "You're in. Twenty minutes. That's the most I can give you as agreed." She glanced toward another screen. "Funds wired to this account number. 7853055 Transit 449. Unicode 002. Swift code TH2Z." Within seconds a large deposit was made - exactly what they had agreed upon as FETISH leaned back then spun around in her chair, unhooking herself from the connection. The security system set to restore and reboot in twenty minutes. Her job done, she leaned her head back as she spun, dark raven strands falling over her shoulder while she brought her fingers together in a steeple and smiled. "All work and no play makes a girl no fun. Time to party." And with that, the Persona FETISH was done and Koori Aisu, the woman, emerged. It wasn't long before she closed up shop, set the alarm and shut everything down before eventually slipping out into the tunnel. She moved along the abandoned tracks to make her way to the surface where her loft apartment awaited, a confident strut, hands in pockets of her jacket, leggings adorning her legs as sneakers caressed the sidewalk. The night was just beginning. The fun, about to start. Or so she hoped.
  3. The night air was invigorating - a slight chill but tepid as she moved with purpose. Weaving along with the crowds that lined the street, the area never slept. It thrived. Crime was rampant and yet the economy was doing fantastic - everything and everyone had a purpose and in pure synchronicity, somehow it just worked. Though with recent events including the Power Outage, she thought it might have swayed the balance. However, there was no evidence of such yet but time would tell. Potential build-up of gang warfare and more criminal activities were always good for FETISH. It was when she made her most Money - though in truth she had enough put away she didn't have to work. Living off the interest of her investments alone, she could, at any point walk away from this life - had she the choice. But, despite how much she loved her work and what she did, how she thrived from the rush of adrenalin every time she beat a system - she was, in many ways forced to do what she did. The Creator held a tenuous grasp over her. At any point, he could shut her down. Knock out her systems and it was this that held the woman hostage. One day, she'd find a way to break that link and destroy The Creator but until then, until she could figure out how to do that and survive, she was stuck. Born of an experiment, Koori was a mutt. Human DNA mixed with that of a Mutant - her initial essence, created in a tube was part of a secret initiative put on by the Group The Creator ran, Heaven. She wasn't alone - she had siblings, most she'd never met. Her "gift" of Ice had warranted her the nickname, Frost. Though as time progressed the Creator became more inventive, more greedy and used several of his born creations to mix them further with a series of operations and experimentations that left Koori even more of a mutt. Not as much as some - she was still at least 75% enhanced human with 25% of her replaced by cybernetics. Though to the given eye, nothing remotely stood out to say otherwise. She rarely used her born gift - it was a curse in truth. Keeping others at bay, her ability to touch others without harming them had led to much isolation but had also fostered a need in her to learn, be better, smarter and learn she did. Her developed brain was highly photo-genetic and with a high IQ and the enhancements of the Creator she'd become FETISH - something The Creator had relished with significant greed. He used her. Toyed with her. Manipulated her and while she longed to break free - she knew, deep down HE was always watching. Always connected regardless of where she went. They'd had no contact for a year after she'd escaped the Facility and come to the Island she knew - as much as she'd run, as much as he'd let her go - he had done so on purpose. And at any point could the Group could snatch her up, or literally shut her down. It was a fake peace that had settled around her while she'd tried to live an ordinary life on the outside. It was these thoughts that accompanied her as she reached the doorway to her building. A quick glance over her shoulder, her eye scanned the area before she ventured within. A gentle sigh parting lips. Time for a shower, a change of clothes and a night out on the town and perhaps even a few drinks might serve her well.
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