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Jul 11th, 2019
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  1. ### qjs ###
  2. PROGRESS Richards
  3. RESULT Richards 1003
  4. PROGRESS DeltaBlue
  5. RESULT DeltaBlue 945
  6. PROGRESS Encrypt
  7. PROGRESS Decrypt
  8. RESULT Crypto 748
  9. PROGRESS RayTrace
  10. RESULT RayTrace 1390
  11. PROGRESS Earley
  12. PROGRESS Boyer
  13. RESULT EarleyBoyer 1967
  14. PROGRESS RegExp
  15. RESULT RegExp 355
  16. PROGRESS Splay
  17. RESULT Splay 2163
  18. PROGRESS NavierStokes
  19. RESULT NavierStokes 2112
  20. SCORE 1154
  22. ### nodejs 10.16 ###
  23. PROGRESS Richards
  24. RESULT Richards 22018
  25. PROGRESS DeltaBlue
  26. RESULT DeltaBlue 42673
  27. PROGRESS Encrypt
  28. PROGRESS Decrypt
  29. RESULT Crypto 23943
  30. PROGRESS RayTrace
  31. RESULT RayTrace 55425
  32. PROGRESS Earley
  33. PROGRESS Boyer
  34. RESULT EarleyBoyer 36331
  35. PROGRESS RegExp
  36. RESULT RegExp 5491
  37. PROGRESS Splay
  38. RESULT Splay 17151
  39. PROGRESS NavierStokes
  40. RESULT NavierStokes 23081
  41. SCORE 23668
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