
Crock's Pirate Rp Setting

Jun 18th, 2013
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  1. Ok, lemme throw together some pirate lore 1tyme.
  3. The world is divided into four seas, The Sea of Treasures, Sea of Bounty, Sea of Coin, And the Sea of Riches!. Separating each Sea from each other is a broad band of waters that if looked at from space or something would remind one of an even cross keeping each sea from touching the other. The band is known as the "Pirate Strip" for it has no common government meaning no real military force to stop them from pillaging the ships that often most cross the strip to get into other seas. Yes that's good.
  5. The Sea of Treasures: Located in the top Left quadrant of the world, the Sea of Treasures has three major continents and like all large land-forms in this world they only contain one country per continent. Holding part of the North Pole which is situated on the largest piece of land in the world, it's known for it's pacific people who tend to get along with each other and stay out of the way of other sea's problems. They have no strong sense of bond and so do nothing to get a formal pirate control militia together making it a hotspot for pirates wishing to stay low.
  7. Northern Lands of Treasure: A small country located on the piece of the Northern Lands that extend into their Sea. As you can imagine its cold, chilly, and only hospitable on it's coast against the waters where the hardy people fish large monstrous beasts and often trade and cooperate with pirates.
  9. Land of Knights: A noble country, the largest in the Sea of Treasures as well as the country that makes the most claims to the multitude of islands that dot the sea. The nobles in this country prefer trading amongst themselves and bragging about their lineage then fighting with each other or doing anything to stop the pirate attacks that frequent their trading ships and sea-voyages.
  11. Land of Brigans: The Brigans are giant tough looking people and own a country about the size and shape of Cuba, making tons of money off shipping and resupplying the multitudes of islands in the Sea of Treasure. Despite their fierce looks they tend to beef up the defenses on their own land and any islands that have pledged themselves to them. Pirates steer clear of this region wary of the Brigan's vast war-ships.
  12. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. The Sea of Bounty: Located in the top Right quadrant of the world, The Sea of Bounty has a small tip of the Northern Lands extending into it's boundaries. Said bit of land has no formal population due to it's extreme temperatures and impossibly extreme terrain. Rumors and stories are often told throughout this sea of one of the pirate lords hollowing out the dense ice packed land and using it as a base of locations although none have seem to find any trace of truth in this. The four continents and countries in this sea are much more closer then the ones in the Sea of Treasures, each of the four kings/rulers of the countries ruling under the head of the Sea of Bounty's Emperor.
  15. Land of Kings: The most prestigious country in perhaps the world and one of the leaders of the anti-Pirate group. A rather large country that is situated in the middle of the Sea of Bounty. Monopolized by cities and military bases, it's the country that mass-produces navy ships for the Sea of Bounty's navy program who patrol the Sea and makes sure that the pirate count stays low. The Emperor of the Sea of Bounty is based in the Land of Kings within a grand palace which is unmatched by other palaces around the world. All navy ports and navy controlled islands in the Sea of Bounty reports directly to the Emperor before any other king/Leader of the other three countries.
  17. Land of Prosper: This country is at the far edge of the Sea of Bounty, pressing against the Pirate's strip across from the Sea of Coin. The country has a heavy navy presence thanks to the Land of Kings due to the always present threat of attack from pirates and enemies over the strip. They often embark on voyages to ship expenses through the strip and back into the Sea of Bounty to fund the large ground army they're in the process of training. The surrounding allies in the Strip near the Land of Prosper offer their unofficial services to the country in return for offering up some of it's soldiers to help defend against pirates and marauders.
  19. Land of Might: The farthest north of the four countries in the Sea of Bounty, it's people are on full board with the Emperor's decisions. The leader puts the people of the Land of Might through tough times, letting those who are to weak or fragile to work suffer on the slums while he encourages everyone to work in some form for the anti-pirate effort, many taking the easy route out and volunteering to join the Sea of Bounty's naval forces, while others not-so-lucky are put to work as shipwrights, or sentenced to factories to supply the various countries with things they need. This country is in charge of the largest prison within the Sea of Bounty known as Fort Cascade. The Prison is built on an half-submerged volcano rim so it's shaped in a crescent like kinda thing. The people of the island work small towns at opposite ends of the island, but most of it was built up with large buildings and massive cannons, the first of their kind to defend against pirates trying to free their allies. The entrance to the bay of the fort is always guarded by a dozen of the navy's finest war-ships also equipped with the larger-grade cannons mounted on their decks.
  21. Land of Frost: While the Land of Frost's king reports to the emperor when asked, he and his massive country of people tend to be a bit less enthusiastic about the capturing and killing of pirates. They have a large royal army to defend their land against pirates though, as well as incase the other three countries try to pull some sneaky shit. A perpetual winterwonderland and what not.
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