
love2d handlers

Apr 1st, 2020
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  1. lua_debug> for k,v in pairs(love.handlers) do print(k,v) end
  2. gamepadreleased function: 0x409789c0
  3. focus function: 0x40978a40
  4. displayrotated function: 0x40978b60
  5. touchpressed function: 0x40a27f00
  6. lowmemory function: 0x40978b40
  7. quit function: 0x40978aa0
  8. textinput function: 0x40a27e40
  9. wheelmoved function: 0x40a27ee0
  10. resize function: 0x40978ae0
  11. directorydropped function: 0x40978b20
  12. touchreleased function: 0x40a27f20
  13. joystickhat function: 0x40a27fc0
  14. joystickaxis function: 0x40a27fa0
  15. joystickpressed function: 0x40a27f60
  16. threaderror function: 0x40978ac0
  17. gamepadpressed function: 0x40a27fe0
  18. visible function: 0x40978a80
  19. joystickreleased function: 0x40a27f80
  20. joystickremoved function: 0x40978a20
  21. gamepadaxis function: 0x409789e0
  22. textedited function: 0x40a27e60
  23. mousefocus function: 0x40978a60
  24. filedropped function: 0x40978b00
  25. mousepressed function: 0x40a27ea0
  26. keyreleased function: 0x40a27e20
  27. touchmoved function: 0x40a27f40
  28. mousemoved function: 0x40a27e80
  29. joystickadded function: 0x40978a00
  30. mousereleased function: 0x40a27ec0
  31. keypressed function: 0x40a27e00
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