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Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. documentclass{article}
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  7. draw[domain=0:720,smooth,variable=t]
  8. plot ({1.5*sin(t)},0.8*t/360,{1.5*cos(t)});
  9. draw[->] (0,0,0) --( 2,0,0) node[above]{y};
  10. draw[->] (0,0,0) --( 0,2,0) node[right]{z};
  11. draw[->] (0,0,0) --( 0,0,2,) node[above]{x};
  12. end{tikzpicture}
  13. hspace{3em}
  14. begin{tikzpicture}
  16. draw[domain=0:20,smooth,variable=t,samples=200]
  17. plot ({t r:3*exp(-0.1*t)});
  18. draw[->] (0,0,0) --( 4,0) node[above]{x};
  19. draw[->] (0,0,0) --( 0,4) node[right]{y};
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  39. radians
  40. pnodes(0,0){O}( 4.524; 0.5){M}
  41. uput{6pt}[u](M){,,M}
  42. rput(O){localbasis}uput{3pt}[dr](O){$ O $}uput[d](1,0){{$ vv*{e}{!!x }$}}uput{2pt}[dl](0,0.9){{$ vv*{e}{!!y} $}}
  43. psplot[polarplot, arrows=*-, linecolor=VioletRed, linewidth=1.2pt, dotsize=2.5pt]{0}{25}{5*EXP(-x/5)}
  44. uput[d](5,0){$ mathrm M(t = 0) $}
  45. rput{0.5}(M){localbasis}
  46. pcline{-o}(O)(M)naput {$ r $}
  47. psarc[linewidth 0.5pt]{->}{2.2}{0}{0.5}uput[r](2.2; 0.3){ $ θ $}
  48. pnode(5.7; 0.5){I}rput[I](I){$vv*{e}{!!r}$}
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  69. psset{linewidth=1.5pt}
  70. parametricplotThreeD(0, 20){% radiant % 18.86
  71. 2.5 * cos(t) | 2.5 * sin(t) | t/5}
  72. psset{border=1.5pt}
  73. parametricplotThreeD(0.1, 4){% radiant %
  74. 2.5 * cos(t) | 2.5 * sin(t) | t/5}
  75. parametricplotThreeD(5.240, 8.38){% radiant %
  76. 2.5 * cos(t) | 2.5 * sin(t) | t/5}
  77. parametricplotThreeD(11.52, 14.66){% radiant %
  78. 2.5 * cos(t) | 2.5 * sin(t) | t/5}
  79. parametricplotThreeD(17.80, 20.5){% radiant %
  80. 2.5 * cos(t) | 2.5 * sin(t) | t/5}
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  82. pstThreeDLine(0,0,2)(0,0,2.4)
  83. pstThreeDLine(0,0,3.3)(0,0,5.0)
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  85. uput[u](1.7,1.6){ $ M $}uput[-120](0,0){$ O $}
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  98. declare function = {
  99. logx(a,b,r) = a*exp(-b*r)*cos(deg(r));
  100. logy(a,b,r) = a*exp(-b*r)*sin(deg(r));
  101. },
  102. point/.style={draw,thick,circle,inner sep=1pt,label={#1}},
  103. plot/.style={blue,smooth,samples=100}
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  105. % Spiral parameters
  106. defa{5}
  107. defb{.2}
  108. % Axes
  109. draw[->] (-4.5,0) -- (6,0) coordinate[label={below:$x$}] (A);
  110. draw[->] (0,-3) -- (0,5) node[left] {$y$};
  111. % Spiral
  112. draw[plot] plot[domain=0:25] ({logx(a,b,x)},{logy(a,b,x)});
  113. % Points M, O and M(t=0)
  114. coordinate[label={below right:$O$}] (B) at (0,0);
  115. node[point={above:$M$}] (C) at ({logx(a,b,.7)},{logy(a,b,.7)}) {};
  116. node[below] at ({logx(a,b,0)},{logy(a,b,0)}) {$M(t=0)$};
  117. % Angle
  118. draw pic[->,draw,"$varphi$",angle radius=1.5cm] {angle};
  119. % Unit vectors
  120. draw[->] (B) -- ($(B)!1.3!(C)$) node[below right] {$bm{e}_r$};
  121. draw[->] (C) -- ($(C)!-1.5cm!90:(B)$) node[above right] {$bm{e}_theta$};
  122. draw[->] (B) -- +(1,0) node[below] {$bm{e}_x$};
  123. draw[->] (B) -- +(0,1) node[left] {$bm{e}_y$};
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  131. % Origin and axes
  132. coordinate[label={above left:$O$}] (O) at (0,0,0);
  133. draw[->] (O) -- (2,0,0) node[above left] {$x$};
  134. draw[->] (O) -- (0,2,0) node[above] {$y$};
  135. draw[->] (O) -- (0,0,4) node[right] {$z$};
  136. % Plot
  137. draw[plot] plot[domain=0:16] ({cos(deg(x))},{sin(deg(x))},{.25*x});
  138. % Arrow to M
  139. draw[->] (O) -- ({cos(deg(8))},{sin(deg(8))},2) node[right] {$M$};
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  143. % pdflatex
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  149. begin{document}
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  151. pgfmathdeclarefunction{F}{3}{pgfmathparse{#1* exp(#2*#3)}}
  152. begin{axis}
  153. [
  154. smooth, grid=both,minor tick num=1,
  155. xlabel=$x$,ylabel=$y$,
  156. tick align=inside,
  157. samples=1000,
  158. samples y=0,
  159. ]
  161. addplot [solid, thick, data cs=polarrad, domain=0:10*pi] {F(5,-0.1,x)};
  162. end{axis}
  163. end{tikzpicture}
  164. ~
  165. begin{tikzpicture}
  166. pgfmathdeclarefunction{F}{3}{pgfmathparse{#1* exp(#2*#3)}}
  167. begin{axis}
  168. [smooth, grid=both,minor tick num=1,
  169. xlabel=$x$,ylabel=$y$,zlabel=$z$,
  170. samples=1000,
  171. samples y=0,
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  174. addplot3+
  175. [solid, thick, black,
  176. mark=none,
  177. thick,
  178. domain=0:10*pi,
  179. ]
  180. ({F(5,-0.1,x)*cos(deg(x))},{F(5,-0.1,x)*sin(deg(x))},{F(5,-0.1,x)});
  181. end{axis}
  182. end{tikzpicture}
  183. end{document}
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