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Jan 5th, 2021
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  1. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
  3. WARNING: coremods are present:
  4. SpongeCoremod (spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.3.0 (1).jar)
  5. PixelmoneyCoreMod (PixelMoney-1.12.2-3.0.5.jar)
  6. Do not report to Forge! (If you haven't disabled the FoamFix coremod, try disabling it in the config! Note that this bit of text will still appear.) (foamfix-0.10.11-1.12.2 (1).jar)
  7. CTMCorePlugin (CTM.jar)
  8. Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge
  10. // I let you down. Sorry :(
  12. Time: 1/3/21 6:28 PM
  13. Description: Exception in server tick loop
  15. java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
  16. at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.sendRecipeBook(
  17. at net.minecraft.stats.RecipeBookServer.func_194081_a(
  18. at net.minecraft.stats.RecipeBookServer.func_193835_a(
  19. at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_192021_a(
  20. at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_193102_a(
  21. at net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementRewards.func_192113_a(
  22. at net.minecraft.advancements.PlayerAdvancements.func_192750_a(
  23. at net.minecraft.advancements.ICriterionTrigger$Listener.func_192159_a(SourceFile:31)
  24. at net.minecraft.advancements.critereon.InventoryChangeTrigger$Listeners.func_192486_a(SourceFile:158)
  25. at net.minecraft.advancements.critereon.InventoryChangeTrigger.func_192208_a(SourceFile:69)
  26. at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_71111_a(
  27. at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.bridge$detectAndSendChanges(
  28. at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.func_75142_b(
  29. at net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer.bridge$cleanupDirty(
  30. at org.spongepowered.common.scheduler.SpongeScheduler.tickSyncScheduler(
  31. at org.spongepowered.mod.SpongeMod.onTick(
  32. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_37_SpongeMod_onTick_ServerTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
  33. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
  34. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.forgeBridge$post(
  35. at
  36. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreServerTick(
  37. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
  38. at
  39. at
  42. A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
  43. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. -- Head --
  46. Thread: Server thread
  47. Stacktrace:
  48. at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.sendRecipeBook(
  49. at net.minecraft.stats.RecipeBookServer.func_194081_a(
  50. at net.minecraft.stats.RecipeBookServer.func_193835_a(
  51. at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_192021_a(
  52. at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_193102_a(
  53. at net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementRewards.func_192113_a(
  54. at net.minecraft.advancements.PlayerAdvancements.func_192750_a(
  55. at net.minecraft.advancements.ICriterionTrigger$Listener.func_192159_a(SourceFile:31)
  56. at net.minecraft.advancements.critereon.InventoryChangeTrigger$Listeners.func_192486_a(SourceFile:158)
  57. at net.minecraft.advancements.critereon.InventoryChangeTrigger.func_192208_a(SourceFile:69)
  58. at net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.func_71111_a(
  59. at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.bridge$detectAndSendChanges(
  60. at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.func_75142_b(
  61. at net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer.bridge$cleanupDirty(
  62. at org.spongepowered.common.scheduler.SpongeScheduler.tickSyncScheduler(
  63. at org.spongepowered.mod.SpongeMod.onTick(
  64. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_37_SpongeMod_onTick_ServerTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
  65. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
  66. at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.forgeBridge$post(
  68. -- Sponge PhaseTracker --
  69. Details:
  70. Phase Stack: [Empty stack]
  71. Stacktrace:
  72. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.handler$zjg000$onCrashReport(
  73. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71230_b(
  74. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71230_b(
  75. at
  76. at
  78. -- System Details --
  79. Details:
  80. Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  81. Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 4.19-ovh-xxxx-std-ipv6-64
  82. Java Version: 1.8.0_212, Oracle Corporation
  83. Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  84. Memory: 3009033096 bytes (2869 MB) / 8305770496 bytes (7921 MB) up to 8589934592 bytes (8192 MB)
  85. JVM Flags: 8 total; -Xms4G -Xmx9G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=50 -XX:G1ReservePercent=15 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch
  86. IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 12, tallocated: 94
  87. FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge 55 mods loaded, 55 mods active
  88. States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  90. Mods:
  92. | State | ID | Version | Source | Signature |
  93. |:------ |:----------------- |:----------------- |:--------------------------------------------- |:--------- |
  94. | LCHIJA | minecraft | 1.12.2 | minecraft.jar | None |
  95. | LCHIJA | mcp | 9.42 | minecraft.jar | None |
  96. | LCHIJA | FML | | forge.jar | None |
  97. | LCHIJA | forge | | forge.jar | None |
  98. | LCHIJA | spongeapi | 7.3-7127e0882 | spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.3.0 (1).jar | None |
  99. | LCHIJA | sponge | 1.12.2-7.3.0 | spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.3.0 (1).jar | None |
  100. | LCHIJA | spongeforge | 1.12.2-2838-7.3.0 | spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.3.0 (1).jar | None |
  101. | LCHIJA | foamfixcore | 7.7.4 | minecraft.jar | None |
  102. | LCHIJA | biomesoplenty | | BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2- | None |
  103. | LCHIJA | chisel | MC1.12.2- | Chisel-MC1.12.2- | None |
  104. | LCHIJA | containerfix | 1.0 | ContainerFix+MC1.12.2+v1.0.jar | None |
  105. | LCHIJA | customnpcs | 1.12 | CustomNPCs_1.12.2-(05Jul20).jar | None |
  106. | LCHIJA | pixelmon | 8.1.2 | Pixelmon-1.12.2-8.1.2-universal.jar | None |
  107. | LCHIJA | foamfix | 0.10.11-1.12.2 | foamfix-0.10.11-1.12.2 (1).jar | None |
  108. | LCHIJA | waila | 1.8.26 | Hwyla-1.8.26-B41_1.12.2.jar | None |
  109. | LCHIJA | ironchest | 1.12.2- | ironchest-1.12.2- | None |
  110. | LCHIJA | harvestcraft | 1.12.2zb | Pam_39_s_HarvestCraft_1_12_2zf.jar | None |
  111. | LCHIJA | pixelextras | 2.5.7 | PixelExtras-1.12.2-2.5.7-universal (1).jar | None |
  112. | LCHIJA | placebo | 1.6.0 | Placebo-1.12.2-1.6.0.jar | None |
  113. | LCHIJA | variedcommodities | 1.12.2 | Variedcommodities_ParfeonBuild.jar | None |
  116. Plugins:
  118. | State | ID | Version | Source | Signature |
  119. |:------ |:---------------------- |:------------------- |:-------------------------------------------------- |:--------- |
  120. | LCHIJA | catclearlag | 0.9.0 | CatClearLag-0.9.3.jar | None |
  121. | LCHIJA | donation | 1.0.2 | chestcommandssponge-1.0.2.jar | None |
  122. | LCHIJA | dupefixer | 1.3 | DupeFixer-1.3.0-S7.1-RELEASE.jar | None |
  123. | LCHIJA | dupes_fixer | | DupesFixer-1.0-SNAPSHOT (7).jar | None |
  124. | LCHIJA | pixelmoneconomybridge | 2.0.7 | EcoBridge-1.12.2-2.0.7.jar | None |
  125. | LCHIJA | economylite | 2.15.1 | EconomyLite-7.1.0-2.15.1.jar | None |
  126. | LCHIJA | griefdefender | 1.5.5-DEV | griefdefender-1.5.5-DEV.jar | None |
  127. | LCHIJA | impactor | 3.0.0 | Impactor-Sponge-7.1.5-3.0.0 (1).jar | None |
  128. | LCHIJA | gts | 6.0.10 | GTS-Sponge-6.0.10.jar | None |
  129. | LCHIJA | holograms | 3.2.0 | holograms-3.2.0.jar | None |
  130. | LCHIJA | placeholderapi | 4.4 | PlaceholderAPI-4.4.jar | None |
  131. | LCHIJA | gwm_library | 2.5 | GWMLibrary 2.5.jar | None |
  132. | LCHIJA | gwm_crates | 4.3 | GWMCrates 4.3.jar | None |
  133. | LCHIJA | localeapi | 1.0 | LocaleAPI-1.0.0-S7.1-RELEASE.jar | None |
  134. | LCHIJA | luckperms | 5.2.67 | LuckPerms-Sponge-5.2.67.jar | None |
  135. | LCHIJA | nucleus | 2.2.7 | Nucleus-2.2.7-MC1.12.2-SpongeAPI7.3-plugin.jar | None |
  136. | LCHIJA | mcclans | 1.6 | MCClans-1.6-LOCAL (1).jar | None |
  137. | LCHIJA | nucleus-api | 1.3.7-S7.0 | MCClans-1.6-LOCAL (1).jar | None |
  138. | LCHIJA | mmcreboot | 2.3.2 | MMCReboot-2.3.2-API-7.jar | None |
  139. | LCHIJA | nanochat | 1.5 | NanoChat.jar | None |
  140. | LCHIJA | notile | 1.2 | notile-1.0 (2).jar | None |
  141. | LCHIJA | nucleuskitcooldownsync | 1.0.0-S7.2 | NucleusKitCooldownSync-1.0.jar | None |
  142. | LCHIJA | pistonfix | 1.0.0-S7.2 | PistonFix-1_0 (1).jar | None |
  143. | LCHIJA | pixelautomessages | 1.0.3 | PixelAutoMessages-1.0.3-b15.jar | None |
  144. | LCHIJA | chatpixel | 1.5 | PixelChat-1.5.jar | None |
  145. | LCHIJA | pixelhunt | 1.1.3 | PixelHunt-1.1.3-MC1.12.2-S7.2.0.jar | None |
  146. | LCHIJA | pixelmonbroadcasts | 0.4.2 | PixelmonBroadcasts-1.12.2-0.4.2.jar | None |
  147. | LCHIJA | pixelmoney | 3.0.5 | PixelMoney-1.12.2-3.0.5.jar | None |
  148. | LCHIJA | playtimecounter | 1.2 | PlayTimeCounter-1.2.jar | None |
  149. | LCHIJA | protocolcontrol | 0.0.2 | protocolcontrol-0.0.2 (2).jar | None |
  150. | LCHIJA | secondhandfix | 0.0.0 | second-hand-fix-1.0-SNAPSHOT (2).jar | None |
  151. | LCHIJA | spark | 1.4.3 | spark (2).jar | None |
  152. | LCHIJA | tabmanager | 2.1.3-S7.0-MC1.12.2 | TabManager-2.1.3-S7.0-MC1.12.2.jar | None |
  153. | LCHIJA | tournaments | 2.6.2 | Tournaments-1.12.2-2.6.2.jar | None |
  154. | LCHIJA | worldedit | 6.1.10-SNAPSHOT | worldedit-sponge-api7.1.0-6.1.10-SNAPSHOT-dist.jar | None |
  156. Loaded coremods (and transformers):
  157. SpongeCoremod (spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.3.0 (1).jar)
  158. org.spongepowered.common.launch.transformer.SpongeSuperclassTransformer
  159. PixelmoneyCoreMod (PixelMoney-1.12.2-3.0.5.jar)
  161. Do not report to Forge! (If you haven't disabled the FoamFix coremod, try disabling it in the config! Note that this bit of text will still appear.) (foamfix-0.10.11-1.12.2 (1).jar)
  162. pl.asie.foamfix.coremod.FoamFixTransformer
  163. CTMCorePlugin (CTM.jar)
  164. team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer
  165. Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
  166. Player Count: 100 / 100; [EntityPlayerMP['FireFoc2'/150289, l='world', x=3406.92, y=64.00, z=-1155.06], EntityPlayerMP['YaKair'/1106300, l='world', x=2311.53, y=168.12, z=3600.20], EntityPlayerMP['mish_ka'/1122647, l='DIM1', x=-522.38, y=69.38, z=-1277.58], EntityPlayerMP['Clashgun3D'/1274009, l='world', x=-1879.17, y=92.89, z=-1727.40], EntityPlayerMP['_FoFosKa_'/1312423, l='world', x=-2737.04, y=64.50, z=-4357.74], EntityPlayerMP['ChItAcHoCk_456'/1477840, l='BUILd', x=6.90, y=106.00, z=6.32], EntityPlayerMP['jogernet'/1512962, l='world', x=-2797.02, y=74.06, z=-6624.78], EntityPlayerMP['MrTaburetka'/1522161, l='world', x=-6281.77, y=63.00, z=5574.44], EntityPlayerMP['Dragon_VR'/1525048, l='world', x=2139.58, y=82.00, z=-534.33], EntityPlayerMP['expos1te'/1534559, l='world', x=-1169.45, y=78.25, z=-5394.73], EntityPlayerMP['alexa_vavilonov'/1553696, l='world', x=-6770.30, y=66.00, z=1908.62], EntityPlayerMP['genok223'/1603669, l='world', x=-4604.21, y=78.00, z=2642.27], EntityPlayerMP['romanvi2'/1647156, l='world', x=-3662.33, y=11.00, z=2018.60], EntityPlayerMP['vladikshadow'/1669492, l='DIM-1', x=657.92, y=38.00, z=151.04], EntityPlayerMP['Neyds'/1671595, l='world', x=-6834.85, y=70.00, z=-1984.14], EntityPlayerMP['radeon1321'/1674721, l='world', x=2314.93, y=167.00, z=3498.30], EntityPlayerMP['Volk_Lesa'/1738899, l='world', x=1577.08, y=61.20, z=4215.88], EntityPlayerMP['Amannidli'/1740867, l='ultra', x=1005.77, y=125.00, z=1821.49], EntityPlayerMP['RICKS'/1768556, l='world', x=-1876.30, y=51.00, z=3209.73], EntityPlayerMP['123mishacs'/1788325, l='world', x=-3454.42, y=138.00, z=-7022.04], EntityPlayerMP['grok43553'/1796630, l='ultra', x=1634.20, y=59.00, z=1499.74], EntityPlayerMP['DragonANDGR00000'/1801927, l='world', x=3317.32, y=71.00, z=6162.47], EntityPlayerMP['MrNoobikKupik'/1807269, l='world', x=5623.70, y=130.88, z=-1011.53], EntityPlayerMP['pro00000001'/1820354, l='world', x=3214.68, y=77.00, z=6544.44], EntityPlayerMP['DimorliT'/1830897, l='world', x=-4599.95, y=78.00, z=2644.70], EntityPlayerMP['iliya0808'/1832206, l='world', x=-4326.55, y=63.00, z=-1690.92], EntityPlayerMP['zagainovnikita'/1558580, l='world', x=4035.94, y=92.66, z=163.52], EntityPlayerMP['Samurai_7995'/1367429, l='world', x=5614.63, y=129.00, z=-1000.44], EntityPlayerMP['DoubleY'/1861216, l='world', x=-6373.02, y=71.00, z=-2525.10], EntityPlayerMP['BOOST_ME'/1883400, l='world', x=3663.92, y=82.00, z=-3696.61], EntityPlayerMP['Cuxarik227'/1975391, l='world', x=-5036.08, y=72.00, z=-2111.08], EntityPlayerMP['MelyCore'/2010542, l='world', x=2256.00, y=80.00, z=-3406.85], EntityPlayerMP['SoClose'/2041101, l='world', x=5263.77, y=75.00, z=-3293.60], EntityPlayerMP['Saveliy123456'/1611798, l='world', x=-6258.42, y=78.00, z=5536.22], EntityPlayerMP['Memasterr'/1999142, l='ultra', x=832.47, y=207.00, z=2240.59], EntityPlayerMP['Shirman228'/2069679, l='ultra', x=1812.54, y=90.99, z=1309.48], EntityPlayerMP['_Weron123_'/2074912, l='world', x=5579.89, y=72.50, z=2053.15], EntityPlayerMP['сан5566'/2081866, l='ultra', x=1108.23, y=180.00, z=1612.70], EntityPlayerMP['Joker973'/2083954, l='world', x=7048.30, y=53.00, z=-4225.71], EntityPlayerMP['dima021007'/1479918, l='world', x=-2776.15, y=75.65, z=-6619.53], EntityPlayerMP['interdefo4ka'/2110522, l='world', x=-4414.59, y=69.00, z=2105.76], EntityPlayerMP['pikaaachu'/2123049, l='world', x=-4407.89, y=65.00, z=2105.19], EntityPlayerMP['gargarot'/2125146, l='world', x=6359.00, y=64.00, z=826.49], EntityPlayerMP['zenik'/2126035, l='world', x=6365.12, y=67.00, z=853.99], EntityPlayerMP['BroProYTlol'/1756622, l='world', x=-4115.11, y=80.00, z=2904.60], EntityPlayerMP['daniildon2'/2162560, l='world', x=3097.18, y=72.00, z=-3822.90], EntityPlayerMP['funee_monkee'/2180259, l='world', x=-3342.79, y=99.00, z=1519.67], EntityPlayerMP['m_entolKa'/2190822, l='world', x=2740.87, y=63.00, z=-5204.00], EntityPlayerMP['SetBrotop4ik'/2197493, l='world', x=7040.17, y=52.00, z=-4212.17], EntityPlayerMP['frosya_kayyo'/2199615, l='world', x=5385.93, y=67.88, z=3583.49], EntityPlayerMP['Mihasik'/2201622, l='world', x=4200.30, y=64.00, z=6156.20], EntityPlayerMP['ARTEM326'/2204863, l='world', x=5811.48, y=58.00, z=2741.77], EntityPlayerMP['7Stormy7'/2207603, l='ultra', x=-878.92, y=63.00, z=-402.80], EntityPlayerMP['Scar_war'/2209685, l='world', x=6503.44, y=66.02, z=-3458.21], EntityPlayerMP['GELO_PAK'/2213219, l='world', x=-5040.27, y=74.09, z=-2118.68], EntityPlayerMP['333МИЧАЭЛЬ333'/237829, l='world', x=6947.16, y=129.00, z=-4074.59], EntityPlayerMP['__buble__'/2218616, l='world', x=2341.03, y=169.00, z=3569.43], EntityPlayerMP['Rovactop1gg'/2219126, l='world', x=7426.59, y=84.00, z=-979.38], EntityPlayerMP['Maks519'/2224497, l='world', x=3189.66, y=59.00, z=6737.82], EntityPlayerMP['elegistr'/2224672, l='world', x=5613.64, y=129.00, z=-998.05], EntityPlayerMP['MrBlazer'/2226172, l='world', x=-6531.92, y=29.00, z=2569.06], EntityPlayerMP['blackhumer'/2227615, l='world', x=-2778.78, y=73.00, z=-6581.47], EntityPlayerMP['hotdog12300'/2228232, l='world', x=-4433.59, y=59.00, z=5247.49], EntityPlayerMP['Bedoraam'/2233226, l='world', x=1156.70, y=58.00, z=7395.22], EntityPlayerMP['_kukuruza_azazaz'/2235684, l='world', x=-3823.73, y=90.85, z=2403.71], EntityPlayerMP['aghhg'/2236384, l='world', x=1892.62, y=70.00, z=2382.83], EntityPlayerMP['EiGi'/2238149, l='world', x=-2779.55, y=73.00, z=-6582.91], EntityPlayerMP['komo4ik'/2238956, l='world', x=5348.39, y=68.00, z=-1945.78], EntityPlayerMP['katl'/2241288, l='world', x=5298.46, y=64.00, z=-5884.92], EntityPlayerMP['prodrak'/2243347, l='BUILd', x=9.94, y=106.00, z=-4.70], EntityPlayerMP['sashadon'/2247128, l='world', x=1262.86, y=78.00, z=4359.75], EntityPlayerMP['LokerMine'/2253910, l='world', x=-3806.06, y=65.00, z=4225.49], EntityPlayerMP['Killow'/2256959, l='world', x=6595.53, y=84.00, z=-6418.90], EntityPlayerMP['Mazak007'/2262412, l='world', x=5562.06, y=64.00, z=1487.51], EntityPlayerMP['ananas1234'/2264178, l='world', x=7424.68, y=97.78, z=-967.49], EntityPlayerMP['kukumber999'/2266623, l='world', x=6934.75, y=76.00, z=-4037.99], EntityPlayerMP['123409'/2268145, l='world', x=-1589.79, y=114.77, z=-2246.37], EntityPlayerMP['Vir2oZ_'/2279743, l='world', x=-6837.78, y=70.00, z=-1985.06], EntityPlayerMP['Osminog_1'/2279796, l='world', x=5258.96, y=182.00, z=-1682.08], EntityPlayerMP['МАРМОК'/2179983, l='world', x=-4229.40, y=107.00, z=3025.63], EntityPlayerMP['NightLordtop1gg'/2280211, l='world', x=1340.59, y=67.00, z=1470.58], EntityPlayerMP['Lemonad223'/2281557, l='world', x=3392.52, y=69.00, z=-3772.75], EntityPlayerMP['Oleg682'/2281638, l='world', x=2155.30, y=190.00, z=7072.30], EntityPlayerMP['rasulloikov22811'/2291980, l='world', x=-6946.85, y=72.00, z=-2249.34], EntityPlayerMP['ADL_6772'/2292429, l='world', x=3433.60, y=82.02, z=-5292.80], EntityPlayerMP['Cana_c'/2292754, l='world', x=1244.52, y=79.00, z=4335.08], EntityPlayerMP['rokchan'/2293541, l='world', x=-2863.08, y=200.00, z=2002.60], EntityPlayerMP['Zabwenus'/1999013, l='world', x=3094.70, y=72.00, z=-3817.49], EntityPlayerMP['TarasNePetux'/2294813, l='world', x=-4110.60, y=85.00, z=3281.40], EntityPlayerMP['FireFox2893'/2298375, l='world', x=6077.06, y=18.00, z=-6116.30], EntityPlayerMP['kaile228'/2308288, l='world', x=-6071.32, y=78.00, z=2167.04], EntityPlayerMP['Sconar'/2312146, l='world', x=4373.01, y=69.00, z=-5463.78], EntityPlayerMP['Guppi__'/2319701, l='world', x=734.09, y=71.00, z=-605.37], EntityPlayerMP['алпв'/2324163, l='world', x=-1815.29, y=76.00, z=6232.04], EntityPlayerMP['A_n_G_e_L_'/2323658, l='world', x=6923.18, y=75.25, z=-4036.18], EntityPlayerMP['Saxa75'/2326779, l='world', x=2562.77, y=161.00, z=5879.27], EntityPlayerMP['PUPINLIME'/2328011, l='world', x=4882.01, y=66.00, z=1194.43], EntityPlayerMP['macs228095'/2327915, l='DIM-1', x=755.85, y=44.00, z=426.36], EntityPlayerMP['CoUnTuR4iK'/2328055, l='world', x=-4895.19, y=75.00, z=-1342.96], EntityPlayerMP['KOKOSIK65'/2327984, l='BUILd', x=4.50, y=106.00, z=-2.50]]
  167. Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge,sponge'
  168. Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
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