Guest User


a guest
Apr 21st, 2017
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text 5.55 KB | None | 0 0
  1. settings:
  2. ranks:
  3. default:
  4. name: '&5Youtube Rank'
  5. subs: 10
  6. views: 20
  7. videos: 2
  8. averageviews: 5
  9. specialvideos: 0
  10. promote:
  11. - Give {Player} DIAMOND
  12. demote:
  13. - Give {Player} IRON_INGOT
  14. rankupdater:
  15. promoter:
  16. enabled: true
  17. msg: '&7Du bist nun {Rank}'
  18. demoter:
  19. enabled: false
  20. msg: '&VDein Rang{Rank}wurde entfernt.'
  21. preloader:
  22. enabled: true
  23. blockedmessage: "&7Plugin läd gerade die Stats-- versuche es in\xa7e10 Seconds\
  24. \ erneut"
  25. specialvideo:
  26. title: None
  27. description: None
  28. mysql:
  29. enabled: false
  30. host: localhost
  31. port: '3306'
  32. username: USERNAME
  33. password: PASSWORD
  34. database: YOURDATABASE
  35. verifytag: 'yt:'
  36. design:
  37. promotegui:
  38. disable: false
  39. title: Youtuber Rank
  40. rows: 3
  41. firstrankslot: 11
  42. requirementbutton:
  43. title: '&9Anforderungen für den &8{Rank}'
  44. id: '340'
  45. req:
  46. lore:
  47. - '&7Anforderungen für den {Rank}&7:'
  48. - '&7- Du brauchst &e{Subs}+ &7Abonnenten'
  49. - '&7- Du brauchst &e{Videos}+ &7Videos'
  50. - '&7- Du brauchst &e{Views} &7Aufrufe'
  51. - '&e{Avg_Views} &7or more average Views!'
  52. specialvideo:
  53. lore:
  54. - '&7For this Rank you also need &e{Specialvideos} &7Specialvideos'
  55. - '&7that contain either'
  56. - '&e{Title} &7 in the title or'
  57. - '&e{Desc} &7in the description!'
  58. acceptbutton:
  59. title: '&a&lContinue'
  60. slot: 16
  61. id: '77'
  62. lore:
  63. - '&7You will receive the highest rank for your requirements'
  64. panel:
  65. title: List of all Youtubers
  66. lore:
  67. - '&bClick to view Profile'
  68. - '&e'
  69. - '&7Rank: {Rank}'
  70. - '&7Subscriber Count: &e{Subs}'
  71. - '&7Video Count: &e{Videos}'
  72. - '&7View Count: &e{Views}'
  73. button:
  74. blockedusers:
  75. title: '&cView Blocked Users'
  76. materialid: '331'
  77. slot: 53
  78. blockedchannels:
  79. title: '&cView Blocked Channels'
  80. materialid: '331'
  81. slot: 54
  82. blockedchannelview:
  83. title: Blocked Channels
  84. button:
  85. blank:
  86. title: '&6Block Channels with &e/Block <Url>'
  87. blockeduserview:
  88. title: Blocked Users
  89. button:
  90. blank:
  91. title: '&6Block Users with &e/Block <Username>'
  92. all:
  93. lore:
  94. - '&bClick to unblock'
  95. - '&e'
  96. - '&eUUID:'
  97. - '&7{UUID}'
  98. global:
  99. btn:
  100. back:
  101. texture: '160:14'
  102. title: '&a&lBack'
  103. username: '&e{Player}'
  104. url:
  105. - '&7Open the chat and click on the url:'
  106. - '&e{Url}'
  107. profile:
  108. title: Profile of the Channel &e{Name}
  109. button:
  110. info:
  111. title: '&a&lChannel Information'
  112. texture: '339'
  113. lore:
  114. - '&7Subscribers: &e{Subs}'
  115. - '&7Total Views: &e{Views}'
  116. - '&7Video Amount: &e{Videos}'
  117. video:
  118. onlyShowForAdmins: false
  119. title: '&aVideos'
  120. texture: '160:11'
  121. lore: '&7Click to view the last &e{Amount}&7 videos'
  122. pasteurl:
  123. title: '&aPaste Channel Url'
  124. texture: '77'
  125. lore: '&7Click to paste the Channel Url in the Chat'
  126. unblock_channel:
  127. title: '&aUnblock Channel Url'
  128. texture: '133'
  129. block:
  130. channel:
  131. working:
  132. title: '&cBlock Channel Url'
  133. texture: '331'
  134. notworking:
  135. title: '&8Block Channel Url'
  136. texture: '160'
  137. lore:
  138. - '&7You need to &cdemote &7this player'
  139. - '&7before you can block the channel'
  140. head:
  141. title: '&a&l{Player}'
  142. lore: '&7Rank: &e{Rank}'
  143. demote:
  144. title: '&cDemote User'
  145. texture: '331'
  146. demoteandblock:
  147. title: '&cDemote & Block User'
  148. texture: '331'
  149. videowindow:
  150. maxvideos: 50
  151. title: Videos from &e{Channel}
  152. lore: '&eClick to paste the url in the chat'
  153. showDescriptions: true
  154. messages:
  155. unblock:
  156. channel: '&7Successfully unblocked the channel &e{Channel}'
  157. user: '&7Successfully unblocked the user &e{User}'
  158. block:
  159. channel: '&7Successfully blocked the channel &e{Channel}'
  160. demote:
  161. user: '&7Successfully demoted the user &e{User}'
  162. demoteandblock:
  163. user: '&7Successfully demoted and blocked the user &e{User}'
  164. stage:
  165. geturl:
  166. chat: '&7Write your Youtube Channel Url in the &eChat'
  167. actionbar: '&7Type your Youtube Channel Url in the &eChat'
  168. verify:
  169. chat: '&7Add &e{Tag}&7 to your Channel description to verify'
  170. actionbar: '&7Add &e{Tag} &7to your Channel description'
  171. finished:
  172. chat: '&7Well done, you now have the {Rank}'
  173. actionbar: '&aSuccess!'
  174. cancel:
  175. user: '&7You &cclosed &7the Setup'
  176. timeout: '&7Your &eSetup&7 got &cclosed&7 because you took too long'
  177. subs: '&7You dont have enough &eSubscribers'
  178. videos: '&c7Du hast nicht genug &eVideos'
  179. views: '&7Du hast nicht genug &eViews'
  180. specialvideos: '&7Du hast nicht genug &eSpecial Videos'
  181. averageviews: '&7Du hast nicht genug &eaverage Views'
  182. invalidlink: '&7Diese YouTube URL ist ungültig versuche es später erneut'
  183. blockedlink: '&7Dieser YouTube Channel ist &cblocked'
  184. blockeduser: '&7Du hast nicht genug &cpermissions'
  185. alreadyusedlink: '&7Dieser Account wurde schon mit einem andern Channel verbunden'
  186. chat: '&7Du bist im &eSetup Mode&7, schreibe &ecancel &7zum Verlassen'
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