

Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. Iffdahsil (CR 26/MR 10)
  2. Shoggoth mythic vampire
  3. CE Huge undead (aquatic, augmented ooze, mythic)
  4. Init +21
  5. Senses: all-around vision, darkvision 120ft, low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 60ft, Perception +40
  7. ==Defense==
  9. AC 53, touch 19, flat-footed 42 (+11 Dex, +34 natural, -2 size)
  10. hp 556 (23d8+453); fast healing 10
  11. Fort +20, Ref +20, Will +18
  12. Defensive Abilities: channel resistance +16
  13. DR 10/โ€”; SR 40
  14. Immune: blindness, charm effects, cold, deafness, ooze traits, sonic, undead traits
  15. Resist: acid 20, electricity 20, fire 20
  17. ==Offense==
  19. Speed 80ft, climb 30ft, swim 50ft, sand glide
  20. Melee: 4 slams +36 (3d6+30/19-20/x3 plus energy drain and grab)
  21. Space: 15 ft, reach 30ft
  22. Special Attacks: blood drain, blood omen (Fort DC 32), children of the night (wraiths or mohrgs), constrict (3d6+30), create mythic spawn, create spawn, dominate, energy drain (2 levels), maddening cacophony (Will DC 32), engulf (4d6+22 bludgeoning plus 8d6 acid and blood drain, AC 44, hp 55), mythic power 10/day, negative energy focus, scabrous claws, surge +1d12, trample (4d8+30, Ref DC 41)
  24. ==Statistics==
  26. Str 51, Dex 33, Con โ€”, Int 10, Wis 29, Cha 32
  27. BAB +17, CMB +39 (+43 grapple), CMD 60 (canโ€™t be tripped)
  28. Feats: Ability Focus (maddening cacophony), Alertness(B), Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes(B), Dodge(B M), Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (natural)(M), Improved Initiative(B), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes(B), Power Attack(M), Powerful Maneuvers, Skill Focus (Stealth)(M), Staggering Critical, Toughness(B M), Weapon Focus (natural)
  29. Skills: Climb +28, Perception +40, Stealth +40, Swim +28
  30. Languages: Aklo
  31. SQ: amphibious, change shape (dire bat or wolf, Beast Shape II), flight, gaseous form, mastermind, mist shapes, overcome weakness (sunlight, garlic, mirrors and holy symbols, invitation, running water), shadowless, spider climb, telekinesis
  32. Mythic Abilities: Sand Glide, Powerful Blows (slam), Smother, Pounce, Always a Chance, Impossible Speed, Sunder Storm, Tear Apart, Improved Critical Master (all critical threats confirm), Perfect Strike, Titanโ€™s Rage
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