
Bigger boobies.

Nov 12th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was back in the bedroom, running on the treadmill [Which I found things to pick up as soon as I have credits so they actually have their gym]. He was working up quite the sweat and was breathing pretty hard at this point as he brought the towel that was draped over the edge of the arm up and wiped his face off.
  2. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo.))
  3. Tsaaq: Bliss came from the bathroom and put her hands on her hips. "Ugh." She sighed with a pout. "I can't find any loose jeans for around the house." She complained. Her eyes going to Eli, she was gonna ask him shit but got distracted by THAT BODY.
  4. Covet: Hearing Bliss, he looked over at her seeing her without pants on he missed his step and tripped on the treadmill, catching himself as he went to hit the off button. "Woah.. That was almost tragic. What did you ask My Love?" He asked her righting himself on his feet and rubbing the now sore spots from catching himself on the machine.
  5. Tsaaq: She turned and gasped. She ran over to him and put her hand on the machine. "Are you alright?" She ased hurriedly. "I was just looking for pants to put on. Would you be offended if I put on some?" She asked.
  6. Tsaaq: ((*Put on some of yours****))
  7. Covet: "Yeah, I'm good. I just got distracted by you over there." He told her with a smile as he stepped off the treadmill, then looked her over again, "You're going to be swimming in them, but I think that's adorable." Eli told her, then tilted his head, "Do I need to take some of your pants with me to Mom and Dad's tomorrow and wash them? Cause I will."
  8. Tsaaq: She blushed and covered her behind. "Oh, I couldn't make you clean my clothes. Only if you didn't mind. If it would be more trouble than it's worth then absolutely not." She answered.
  9. Covet: "I don't mind at all. I'd be happy to in fact." Eli told her then moved to his dresser to find a pair of comfy bottoms that had a drawstring on them so they'd stay up on her. Finding a pair he handed them over to her and smiled, "Here, try these ones, you might have to roll up the bottoms so you don't trip on them though."
  10. Tsaaq: Bliss took his PJ pants and slid them over her hips before tying where the string was. "Or I can spend the extent of my evening on the bed so I don't have to move around?" She playfully went to jump onto the bed.
  11. Covet: "I don't know about that, If I join you, I see there being a lot more moving around than you might think." Eli told her with a smirk as Bliss bounced onto the bed. "I stand by my adorable comment though."
  12. Tsaaq: "As long as you're laying with me, I'll be okay. Plus... As long as I don't have to stand and walk around." She went to sit up and crawled over to him. "I'm not trying to be adorable." She pushed her glasses up her face.
  13. Covet: "Fair enough." He told her watching her crawl over as she pushed her glasses up on her face, "What are you trying to be then? I was going to ask you, have I been ruining your diet. With making brownies and other sorts of treats?"
  14. Tsaaq: She tilted her head. "Why? Do I look larger than I'm supposed to be?" Bliss asked before looking down at her body, running her hands along her stomach.
  15. Covet: "No, not at all. That's not what I was assuming or anything. This is more me just feeling guilty if I had ruined your diet. You mentioned the other day that your jeans were a little snug, and it's kind of been gnawing at the back of my mind, because we're supposed to be dieting together, and I've been encouraging the slacking." He told her as he kicked off his shoes so he could join her in the bed.
  16. Tsaaq: Bliss was still self-conciously frowning. "My breasts feel larger. Along with my hips and rear end. But I was suspecting my birth control as the culprit." She explained. "I liked the spaghetti-o's and brownies. It was sweet. And I still go for my run in the mornings."
  17. Covet: Eli looked her over, and then saw her frown. His hand went up to caress her face, "Hey, no need to frown, I honestly hadn't noticed much of a difference, but you did mention a couple weeks ago about your breasts being tender from your most recent shot, so that makes perfect sense." He told her before covering her face in kisses while his hand move to her waist, pulling her closer. "Please ignore my silly guilty comments, You look just as stunning as ever. I promise."
  18. Tsaaq: She smiled at him and slung her arms around him and began kissing him all over his face. "It's okay. You know how I get about my body... I'm just a little silly too." Bliss shrugged. "But at least my bosoms look nicer?"
  19. Covet: "Hmm, I might need to double check this, just to be sure." Eli said with a cheeky grin, looking down, as he slid his hands up underneath her shirt, as if his hands were going to be able to see the difference.
  20. Tsaaq: Bliss gasped and looked down at him. "Do they feel fuller?" She asked him as she slid closer to Eli. "I think they're a little fuller."
  21. Covet: Eli gave them a couple of soft squeezes, and quirked his eyebrows a little, as he bit his lip, "I think you're correct. They fill my hand more than I think they used to. But that's just because of the birth control, right?" He asked her, with a smile as he leaned up to press his lips to hers again, giving the boobies a gentle squeeze.
  22. Tsaaq: She giggled as her body jumped a moment. "Yes! And it tickles." She began to laugh wildly. "I'm glad you're enjoying the changes in my body. As you so often do." Bliss shook her head. "You're getting so strong." She whispered, running her hands along the length of his arms.
  23. Covet: "Perhaps you're just blooming late into your womanly form, and I into my manly one?" He said wiggling his eyebrows at her seductively. "Besides, it's not like it could be anything else causing such things. We've covered those bases" Eli told her as he grabbed onto her and rolled over, pulling her up close to himself, in a tight secure embrace."
  24. Tsaaq: "I like that answer." She snickered. She squeaked and rolled with him and stared at him. "Is this when we make love?" Bliss asked him playfully, wiggling about and winking at him.
  25. Covet: "It's either that, or this is when I ravage you senselessly until we both can't move anymore." Eli told her as he watched her wiggle, his body responding immediately, as he pulled her down for another kiss, getting all handsy and sexual with her.
  26. Tsaaq: She gasped slightly and started to grin at him. "Ooo I think tonight I'd enjoy the latter. We can make sweet gentle love another night. I want something that'll make me nice and warm."
  27. Covet: "As my lady commands, I do obey." He told her, holding onto her as he rolled again, so he was on top of her, between her legs to get their party above the sheets started, being agressive and forceful, but not in a scary way.
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